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Everything posted by Jinxxed0

  1. haha, glad you made this so I wouldnt have to. I'd like to see skimpier/sexier clothing/armor as well. Not everyone in the world of dragon age would want to wear clunky armor all the time. I myself dont like heavy armor when playing games, so there has to be others that feel the same way. Hopefully there will be some coming out within the next month. I dont like those tacky mods that just show the private areas like we have now, I dont mind them, but they just look so boring, but something risqué or whatever would be great. Pretty much like that mod by J1nx found here: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=456 Its probably the best clothing mod on here so far (in the skimpy category i mean)
  2. Excellent Idea. I can see this being possible. Instead of barefist mayeb they have fist weapons (like knuckles, claws etc). Or maybe just have gauntlets that are specifically for the Monk class. All you really need are the animations, skill sets, new classes (or add the skills to rouge and warrior). It seems that a decent hand to hand and polearm fighting are always left out of games like this. With the staffs (or is it staves?) you could have staff, spears, halbreds, etc. Hopefully with different animations. Something stylish like how the shaolin monks fight. Man that would make it worth playing this game over and over, being a martial arts master. Wooo yaaaaahhh!!!
  3. Theres a lot to wonder about with this game. Instead of over thinking it though. Its probably best to assume they didnt get to finish all their thoughts. So many things with this game don't seem like complete thought/unfinished ideas. Like having gifts specific to the dog who always have 100 approval, bulky weapons, low quality textures, very few choices in armor, etc. I doubt the developers are planning special things for sequels like everyone is saying. People are saying the same for mass effect 2, but I really dont think the changes in story/events will be all too different or anything like that. I'm probably wrong though. I'll never know how people can play a game like this on a console when mods not only make things better, but they actually *fix* things.
  4. *in badly dubbed kung fu movie voice over* Buddahs name be praised.
  5. Insulting another mod like that wont get you far around here.
  6. I think too many people were trying to give him suggestions on what they think was best. People are just like that. I imagine he got PM'd a lot with ideas and stuff. And that gets really annoying with any game. Some modders just ignore, but a few just quit because its a lot easier. So as positive as the suggestions were, they were probably still invasive. It like if you're drawing a picture and random people walk up behind you and tell you what they think should be in the drawing rather than just saying if its good or not. Thats just what I assume because when I made a small companion mod I was being PM'd everyday by the same random people suggesting that I change this and that until I just stopped PM'ing them back because it got annoying. So will an ambitious mod like his, I'm certain he got way more PM's and is still getting PM'd.
  7. That seems like a pretty mod. On a side note, I wish bioware's site was a little easier to search one. Its liek they just slapped it together in a day. Anyways, I wonder if theres just a mod that opens up all the places as if nothing happened or something. My guess for the DLC being the only thing open is that when the expansion(s) come out, those will also be the only things you can access. So you can continue forward through the expansions but at the same time go back and get shale, go to the keep and return to ostagar. Thats just a random guess though. Personally I think people are reading too much into how much your choices play a big part on the sequels (same with mass effect 2). I dont see much changing beyond a few dialog changes and maybe a few cutscene differences. At its core the game's story is pretty linear
  8. When someone makes a mod and then gets a bunch of people giving suggestions on what they think the mod should be, it does get really annoying. It feels like people just want to take your idea and crap all over it. He probably should have just disabled comments or say he wasn't open to suggestions, but people would have still PM'd him because everyone thinks their ideas make other people's work better.
  9. I bhighly doubt its possible to "port" his hair, but recreating it would be. The new mod with the warden from the trailer has a similar hairstyle. Thats probably your best bet right now since 99% of the requests here are never fulfilled.
  10. Seems like more topics are being made than there are posts for this game. Hope it changes soon.
  11. Thats the way it is with Oblivion and fallout 3. Each piece of clothing and armor has to be made specifically for the body you want. Theres at least 5 or 6 stock clothing replacers for Oblivion. Right now it seems you can have any nude body and use any armor you want not matter what and your character's skin wont be distorted like in Oblivion and Fallout3 which is a good thing because modders can just make clothes and armor the shape (or various shapes) they want without having to settle for bodies thats out there or waiting for one that they like.
  12. Might be possible, could replace or add to the blood.
  13. Honestly? No, not at all. Firstly because of the way the game plays (dialog, pausing during battle, etc). Whenever a game like this comes out, people mention multiplayer but if it had multiplayer it'd be a different game completely and thats not what the developers created, they created a single player game. Even something like an online death match or whatever mode wouldn't work because of the way combat works. As for mods, I would guess people may try like they did with Oblivion and like did (or still do) with Fallout 3. But right now people can barley mod stuff for this game right now because of the toolset, so it will be a ways off. Maybe you could have one person make all the choices and have the other players sit back and watch (or they all talk about it and choose how they want to progress), then take out the pausing during battle and disable it when someone accesses the item menu and level up menu etc. Then you might have something. But theres been brillant ideas for Oblivion that sound like they'd work. The trouble is, its extremely complicated and would take a lot of time. A lot of unpaid and thankless time. So Bioware would have to add something like that if its even possible. I think they are focusing on a strong story and elements like cause and effect and have no intentions of co-op.
  14. Body replacers with bigger boobs will come soon. You should know though, replacing the body wont change the shape of the armor. All the armors have to modded in order to keep the same body shape that you have when you are naked. Like DeadYorick said, you just need to search dragonagenexus.com Theres a mod that makes a lot of the armors give females bigger boobs. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=545 This is all there is until our modders can learn the toolset better. As I understand it, its not compatile with certain programs or something and its not user friendly. So I'd say wait until about april and there will be a ton of stuff to choose from.
  15. I made a post(reply) on this subject a while back. Basically I said a work around would be to have party members summonable and they just never speak or whatever. The problem (possibly) would be their equipment. Besides that you add the ability to unsummon them, and use the mod that lets summons travel with you. Instead of magic, it could be like a whistle that lets that party member know its time to come and help out. They could probably be left out of the movies.
  16. Oh wow, I thought those were screens from dragon age. Oh well, everything clear now, but anyways, I think people are having trouble witht he toolsets and 3D mesh programs so its going to take some time before we see any decent armor/clother mods. They may look simple, but I think implementing them take a ton of effort.
  17. Isnt the full exspansion that continues the story coming out in march? I think its called The Akwakening or something and the main quest is figuring out why the dark spawn are still on the surface. Some say it takes place in a new coutry and you can either use your current character or make a new one. Maybe they're planning to let you go back to these places only they'll be dramatically different. *spoiler warning* A lot of people are saying that it will start based on how you eat the game, but the endings arent so different that they have to make completely different starts. Obviously, one of the endings is is a true ending each character's personal ending doesn't really matter except morrigan's since shes always seen walking somewhere pregnant. And Alistars of course. My guess is that either of the grey wardens dying wont change too much of the story, just a few dialogs about it. Enough rambling though, I'd like to go back do those quests in all the towns because the main quest always makes me feel rushed. Its like "omg dude hurry, the dark spawn are coming" I like Oblivion's set up better, where there was no doom if didnt bother with the main quest, which I never did. I think if this game had a better sense of being an open world we'd get better mods. Only time will tell though
  18. I've been toying around with the toolset making brand new faces for my companion and a few important NPCs. I can never manage to recreate faces though. So I thought I'd post pictures of people whose faces I'd like to use. I have the mods that allow for more skin colors and make-ups if thats important. Thanks in advance. I dont expect the hair to be anywhere near the pictures, so it doesnt matter as long as I can go back and edit the morphs for the hair I want. Steven Williams (there arent that many good pictures of him, very underrated actor) http://www.hollywoodknights.com/hk/roster/stevenwilliams.jpg Holly Robinson Peete (theres plenty of pictures of her where shes older, shes still really hot) http://www.e-imagesite.com/Files2/holly3660966.jpg Peter DeLuise (this guy is almost too likable just like his father Dom) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v338/CJSRules/Other/PeterDeluise2.jpg And for those of you that know who these people are, and the show they appeared in together, yes, I'm a bit obsessed with it. I personally plan to make Peter, Alistar, Holly to Leliana, and Steven to Duncan. Anyway, hope this isn't too big of a request. Maybe it could be be called the "21 Jump Street Resource mod" or something.
  19. I'm supprised no one has made it yet. If they have, they've made it hard to find. A lot of people seem to be giving their mods bad names and putting them in the wrong categories.
  20. I'd love to see something like this. I just hope the lore-nazis don't come in and bring it down. But some medival/fantasy looking hand cannons would be awesome.
  21. I think (personally and game wise) it'd be better as a summon of some sort. Not lore wise, (I'm not a lore-nazi), but with the way the game works. Theres I think sometime in the middle of 2010 we'll be seeing some real new companions, but for now, I think we can just summon new ones and alter the default ones (like in my game, alistar is black and has a poy tail and leliana has a hispanic look because I like diversity). Anyway, I think theres some mods for the ranger that let you summon the desire demon. And theres one that lets you turn into one I think. I didnt really look into it much. But from what i can tell you can turn yourself and your companions into almost any creature in the game. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=296 Hope this helps
  22. That looks pretty awesome. It wouldnt be a problem if people dont mind a little clipping. I've never had a problem with it myself.
  23. I finally went ahead and got the toolset installed and was hoping it'd be simple to use like the oblivion and Fo3 ones, but 5 minutes in, I knew this would be a pain. I'm not modder, but I've always been able to make a few tweaks here and there when it comes to NPCs, but I dont know where to begin. I dont want to sound lazy or anything, but I just want a step by step guide on editing for example, alistar, morrigan, sten, etc. rather than reading a bunch of tutorials on the basics of of the toolset. Mainly because I have no interest in modding beyond editing my companion's appearance. Thanks in advance. And sorry if theres tutorials clearly posted somewhere. Google doesn't seem to be on my side today.
  24. i broke up with morrigan and later on gave her the golden mirror and she fell in love with me. so i guess if you give them a plot gift (a gift that starts a movie/dialog) then they will be set on the path of loving you [again]
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