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Everything posted by Reynard131

  1. You are having Havoc physics issues.... Set Vsync on and lock FPS at 60 fps. if you have a Gsync/Freesync, monitor or TV, that is variable refresh rate........ it needs to be locked at 60hz or below.
  2. Just do them in logical groups: Followers, landscape changes, Immersion. have them set up to correspond with when you would normally install.
  3. Until the O/P shows that they have miraculously returned somehow to the thread, it is pointless to get into the "one up" thing. If in a weeks time the Author, has not returned it is thread necromancy.... Novem99 has always been helpful. Posting on every thread (spaming) just to add to your post count is pointless, especially if you cloud the issues, or give mis-information. You cannot change the laws of physics. If the original poster is not committed enough to return, it is a pointless exercise in futility.
  4. Thanks Sounds like the GTX 1060 is not enabled, and you are running on the Integrated graphics. You need to look at NV control panel and make sure GTX 1060 GPU is enabled and listing TESV.exe as a 3D application. if that isn't done you need to add it.
  5. Follow the mod authors installation instructions to a tee. Update the Beyond Bruma.. add the hot fix's. you need to prioritize Bruma like a DLC.
  6. Review your technical specs ........Against requirements for SSE.....
  7. Realistically you will never run 1440 P on this hardware. You'll be better off to go back to your old 1080 P monitor. Six years ago the FX 4100 was an economy quad core ($100.00)that was three generations behind the same Intel technology. It's fairly safe to say changing to the 1440 P TV is something that will not work. You need to revert back to your old monitor or upgrade. Might be able to set resolution at 1080 P or lower that will work but attempting to go to a 4K resolution is an exercise in futility.
  8. Please Review Your Tech Specs with the Requirements for SSE..
  9. This is not a physical RAM issue. 8 GB is plenty He has not listed his GPU.........That is probably the issue..... He is at the limit of adding mods to a vanilla install and is suffering Memory Allocation issues that are simply solved by ENBoost, and Shesons patch- SKSE.ini. Go to STEP Wiki
  10. Have seen times where an ENB is not correctly removed, that can cause this type of issue. Go to STEP Wiki and follow their Self help...
  11. Nope, Cleanmem didn't fix it. Unfortunately. Thank you for reply. The strange thing is Bruma mod authors ignore my report. I had a lot of new-lands mods, like Falskaar, and World of Rudra, I used to have SFO and other flora overhaul mods with no such issues. Bruma seems to give not much of new flora (motherwort and a couple of mushrooms - that's all), it uses vanilla (or default) trees. Why does it make such a stress on my computer, as to kill the trees LOD (or whatever) completely? I am at a loss. a lot of these mod authors are behaving like the failing chefs on kitchen nightmares This is clearly a set-up issue..........Follow the mod authors set-up instructions, or there will be issues such as this...
  12. The reason that you do not have an issue when SLI is disabled is because you are using only one card by having the second card on a 1080 P monitor and Gsync on it is pointless overkill and that is visual tearing that you're seeing. Turn V sync to on. Because of Skyrim havoc physics you need to limit your FPS. To 60 or less. You can do that within NV Inspector. If you're going to be able to properly use that graphical set up you need to be at 1440 P and still limited by the physics requirement of the game. Sort of pointless overkill if you are at 1080 P.
  13. You are not missing anything it generates more issues, than value...
  14. Short of being a mind reader no one can know your technical specs.. that would be the logical first step.
  15. Go to STEP Wiki..........Best Self help for Skyrim....
  16. [PROXY]EnableProxyLibrary=trueInitProxyFunctions=trueProxyLibrary=d3d9sweet.dll This indicates that SweetFX was installed at one time. You should also go to STEP Wiki......... They are the best Self help resource for Skyrim. There are many things during set-up that can cause stutter.. They will show you how to set it up properly...
  17. VSYNC needs to be ON... FAST goes to adaptive refresh... Skyrim Havok physics need 60 FPS or under... go to STEP Wiki you can use NV inspector.... Or you can lock FPS in the .ini file bookmark STEP they are your best SKYRIM self help on the web.... I can help more but this should handle the issues...
  18. Read the technical requirements for SSE....
  19. Try to put ENB Boost in like STEP Wiki instructs you. Should take care of most of your issues, also need to make sure SKSE.ini is implemented and working.
  20. You want 1.2 v DDR4 kits otherwise you can shorten the life of the Memory controller. I also would stay with low profile https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233832
  21. As with any attempt to troubleshoot this you need to tell us more about the problem, and what you are experiencing. You also need to go to places where they can help you solve the problem such as STEP Wikipedia. And also Google is your friend We cannot read minds we do not know your set up..............You need to follow exactly the same steps that you would have to do over on the normal Skyrim Forum for "How To Get Help"
  22. You are just beginning to run into memory allocation issues at that level of mods, Follow step Wikipedia instructions for installation of ENB boost and SKSE.ini Shesons memory patch That should allow you to get up to 220 plug-ins or so as long as you use LOOT to sort your load order.
  23. Take your operating system Hard drive (From your old system) and Dual Boot Hardware is Hardware and it is not that complex to find the other drivers. Can I just remove the existing HDD that is shipping with the laptop (that will have Win 10 on it) and throw in my existing HDD with Win 7 on it into the new machine, and expect everything to work normally?? I mean perhaps some drivers won't work or are missing but is the methodology sound? It's just that I am paying for all the cutting edge HDD tech and if I simply transplant my old drives into the new laptop it's a waste of money.. I have two drives, a C and a D (which is where I install all my gaming stuff). The C drive is only for the OS and some other stuff. "Can I just remove the existing HDD that is shipping with the laptop (that will have Win 10 on it) and throw in my existing HDD with Win 7 on it into the new machine, and expect everything to work normally?? I mean perhaps some drivers won't work or are missing but is the methodology sound? It's just that I am paying for all the cutting edge HDD tech and if I simply transplant my old drives into the new laptop it's a waste of money.." Laptop hard drives, are laptop hard drives they are limited by platter size, and typically are lucky if they are transferring @ 55 mbs. Unless you are you using an SSD they basically all perform roughly the same generation to generation. There is nothing stopping you from loading your old operating system on the new hardware. I have taken laptop hard drives and used them in a pinch on a desktop unit. "I have two drives, a C and a D (which is where I install all my gaming stuff). The C drive is only for the OS and some other stuff." This is one physical drive, that has been partitioned into a primary boot, and a recovery partition. The reason that I am suggesting this is that you have a lot of time, into a play thru and if you want continuity this is the way to achieve it.
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