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Everything posted by TheTokenGeek
Screenshot Community Event: Win one of three prizes!
TheTokenGeek replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
I think this is a cracking idea... Really looking forward to seeing what people produce. Is there a specific tag that peoples shots should have put against them? -
Aquaman... I was not expecting to like it... But I did, a lot, and I'm not sure why
Great movie, enjoyed that far more than I thought I would. I'm currently watching Mandy
Just finished the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Beta and now back to Two Point Hospital / Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Spider-man (on PS4).
Nice one guys, really enjoyed that...
Strongly suggest using what Jim said (OBS) or even Streamlabs OBS, they both have a record function and is incredibly powerful with many options to tweak to get the right setting for your system. If you have a nVidia GPU that's (fairly) recent, then you probably have Shadowplay open to you. Just install GeForce Experience and then press Alt+Z when in game to bring up the options or Alt+F9 (off the top of my head) to record... Post a link to your channel here and I'll check it out.
Creation of a mod page IntroductionPlease note: This article/guide is likely to change and update as the site evolves over time. If you spot any omissions or things that are no longer correct, please drop me a message and I'll change things over. Thanks in advance! Your mod page is important for many reasons, users trying to locate installation instructions, check that they have the latest version, find out compatibility issues and see the change logs amongst other things. So we’ve put together this guide to help you create a page that provides the user with decent and appropriate information whilst also being aesthetically pleasing. The easiest way to begin, is to get the following items ready within a folder on your computer: The mod file(s) The Readme file in .txt format A banner image that is 1400px x 396px in size. A number of images that are 16:9 ratio that show off your mod. Links to any videos on YouTube that you want to show. A text file that has the following content: Brief summary of the mod that you are uploading Description of the mod and how it works Installation instructions FAQ section Any graphical elements that you would like to include within the description of the mod page. Once you have all of these items within the folder, setting up your mod page is going to be very simple. So let’s get started. First things firstThe first thing you are going to need to make sure of is that you are logged into the website. You cannot upload a mod anonymously on Nexus Mods. If you want your mods to be hosted but are not going to be around much to look after them, please consider getting in touch, our ‘Caretaker’ account can handle the process for you. Once you are logged in you will need to click the ‘Add A Mod’ button that can be found within the Mods section of the navigation bar. Image 1: Add a mod link This will take you to the ‘Add a mod’ section of the website. The mod upload is broken down into 8 sections, some of which are optional. We’re going to breakdown each section and show you how to get the best out of each one. Section 1: Mod DetailsThis is the what makes up 90% of how the final page will look and it is worth spending a good amount of time, checking and double checking here to avoid mistakes and misunderstanding further down the line. The page is broken into a number of sections that we will detail below: Adding a mod to the NexusChoose a Game - We have a huge selection of games on Nexus Mods that have already been created and contain mods. Begin typing the name of the game that your mod is for here and see if the game tile appears below. If it does select it: Image 2: Select a game If we don’t have it within our selection you will see the following appear: Image 3: Add a new game to Nexus Mods Enter the name of the game within the text box and click add game. All games are manually approved so it may take up to 5 working days to have this checked and activated. Type of file - Please select whether this mod is a new file or a translation of an existing one. Mod Category - Some games may contain hundreds of categories, others may only contain a couple. Please select the category that closest represents the mod that you are submitting. If you cannot see a category that you believe fits with your mod file then you can suggest one in the text box titled: Suggest a new category for your file. Please note, this will need to be approved by an administrator of the site. Mod Details - The ‘meat and potatoes’ of the mod page. This is where you are going to enter details to entice our users to download your mod. To start with, enter a mod name that gives the user an understanding as to what the mod does, good examples would be mods such as ‘Lowered Weapons’, ‘Darker Nights’ and ‘Homemaker - Expanded Settlements’. Once you have the name in place, go ahead and select the language of the mod and the current version. We would highly suggest that you use semantic versioning when you come to creating your mods. Semantic versioning uses the format: major.minor.patch. Which would give you versions such as 1.0.0 for a full major release, 1.1.0 for a minor release and 1.0.1 for a major release containing a patch. The Author name is where you enter who created the mod, if this was you then simply enter your name here. If you were part of a team, then enter their name here instead. The next section, Brief Overview, is very important as it is the description that will appear below your mod in all search results and also head up your mod page in the About this Mod section. An example of a well written overview is: “A F4SE plugin that allows you to disable the hardcoded, vision-obscuring shader effect at various workbenches so you can actually see what you're crafting. Also allows you to change the shader effect for the Power Armor station and robot workbenches to a outline-only shader instead of a full shader.” Detailed Description is where you can go to town with detail on your mod, people use this section in many different ways but we would suggest that you go down the route of: Brief summary of the mod that you are uploading Description of the mod and how it works Installation instructions FAQ section You will see a lot of people add banner images and section breaks to their detailed description. This can be done by adding images to the page via a URL. Some examples of well created Mod descriptions are: Calientes Beautiful Bodies Enhancer - CBBE- (NSFW) Extended Dialog Interface Once you have complete your mod description it’s time to move onto the classifications of your mod. Image 4: Creating a description for a mod The Classifications are a mixture of game and non-game specific options that quickly allow you to specify certain attributes to your mod. Read through each of these and check those that apply to the mod you are uploading. They are pretty self-explanatory as to what they mean, but some of the global classifications are as follows: contains content relating to anime or cartoons - The mod relates to anime, manga or anything cartoon based. Extreme violence/gore - The mod will contain blood, bones and scenes of extreme violence. contains nudity - The mod shows genitalia and/or nipples. Is a saved game - The mod is a saved game that a user can install and use themselves. contains "skimpy" outfits (bikinis, underwear, armour or clothes that show lots of skin) - The mod contains characters wearing very little (though not nude or showing genitalia/nipples). is a translation of another file - Is a mod that has been converted into another language. Adult only content - is a broad category that includes sexual content, nudity, vulgar language and extreme violence/gore. More information can be found here: http://help.nexusmods.com/article/19-adult-content-guidelines. Please know that failing to label your submitted content appropriately may result in staff administration. Once you have checked all those that are applicable to your mod you are ready to move to the next page. Section 2: MediaThis is the section where you will add images to your mod page. They will appear in the following locations: Image 5: The Mod page header image and some mod images. The Mod Page Header Image is the large banner that will appear at the top of your mod page, this should be upload to the site at a resolution of 1400x400 for the best results. Underneath you have the Your Mod Images section, which looks best when at least five images are uploaded to it. When uploading, please be aware that this area is designed for images that are 16:9 ratio and full HD (1920x1080px). The last stage on this section is the Videos section. Here you can add the URL of YouTube videos that either demonstrate or show how to use your mod. Simply add a Video Title and then the YouTube video URL. In order for the user to understand the reason that you have linked the video, you will also find an area that you can add a description. Section 3: DocumentationThis area is where you can add an optional ReadMe file in .txt (text) format. This will often contain some of the following: Configuration instructions Installation instructions Operating instructions A file manifest (list of files included) Copyright and licensing information Known bugs Troubleshooting Credits and acknowledgments Within this page you can also detail any changes that you have made to your mod within the add new changelog section. Again, we recommend using semantic versioning here. Section 4: PermissionsThis section details who can access your mod page, whether users are able to interact with you via the mod page and if so, how. The commenting and discussions part of the page will determine how users are able to interact with you on your mod page. A single comment topic and no discussion tab - A single comment topic and a discussions tab - Just a discussions tab - No comments - Within the User Permissions section you are then able to give certain give users access to edit the mod page, this will let them change anything on the page so only give access to those within your team. The following options on this page are applicable to all users and not just those that you have granted access in the previous step. They are all self explanatory, but if you have any trouble with these or don’t understand any aspect then please get in contact with one of our moderators/administration. The Distribution, credits and permissions are incredibly important and something that we take serious interest in here at Nexus Mods. We DO NOT condone any form of usage without explicit permission from the original author or those given on a mod page, with that in mind please read through each option on this page thoroughly and ensure that you check those permissions applicable to your mod. If you would like to write your own permissions and not use those that are predetermined by Nexus Mods then please put a check in this box: And enter your own permission rules in the box below: The credits section is where you can enter the names of anyone who’s work you have used. Please note that you should always credit work that isn't yours. If you have received permission to use someone else's assets in your files you should always credit them. If you don't credit assets you've used from other users you are likely to be banned. If you are adding a mod that has been created for a game published by Bethesda (Skyrim/Fallout series), the likelihood is that you will be bombarded with questions as to whether the mods will appear on bethesda.net so that it may be download on consoles. We have also seen some nefarious users uploading other peoples mods to the Bethesda.net site, so this next section Console modding can help ensure that anyone who comes across your files being used on Bethesda.net can quickly and easily identify whether it's legitimate (e.g. uploaded by you, or with your permission) or not. As mod creators it’s always nice if someone is willing to pay for your mod, with this in mind we have the feature that will allow you to accept donations from kind users. Just put a check in the option you would prefer in the Donations section. Section 5: Requirements and MirrorsThis section lets users know whether they need to have any DLC or specific mods installed in order to use your mod. The first part of the page ‘Official Mod Requirements’ allows you to put a checkmark into any of the DLCs that are required to use your mod. For example, on Fallout 4, the user may need to have Far Harbor installed in order to use your mod. Simply place a checkmark within the appropriate box and it will be represented on your mod page. The next section ‘Required mods on the Nexus’ will allow you to search for mods that are needed by your mod to function correctly. This uses predictive search, so please make sure you find the correct mods. The final section for requirements allows you to specify any Other required resources, and can be added by simply adding the name, URL and any notes indicating why it is required. We are very happy to share bandwidth with others to host mods, so if your mod is hosted elsewhere then please feel free to add a link into the Mod Mirrors section at the bottom of the page. Section 6: Manage FilesThis is where you are going to finally upload your files. The Manage Files section is where you will enter details regarding the file you are uploading and then add the file via the browser. You will need to enter a unique to your mod page ‘File Name’, it is good practice to label the file with your mod name and the version you are uploading. The file version is the version that you are uploading and you can place a checkmark in to show that this is the latest version of your mod. The File Category is where you will specify if the mod is either a main file, an update, a legacy file, an optional file or something else entirely. The next step is entering in a file description that will tell the user what this actual file is and what it does. You can then either drag your mod file in .rar, .zip, .7z, .exe or .omod format onto the upload box or browse for it yourself using the system browser via the upload button. When you have completed this, click the Save button and this will add your file to your mod page. You can now add any additional files by repeating the process. Section 7: ArticlesIf you have any articles that you would like to publish alongside your mod, then you can create this within this section. Simply add a title to the article and then add some content using the WYSIWYG editor, much the same way as when you add a description to your mod file. You can then place a checkmark in the appropriate boxes to signal as to whether the article is visible to others, or as to whether you will allow commenting on the article. As with the files for your mod, you can add multiple articles this way. Section 8: Publish ModThe final step… are you ready to publish your mod? Please make sure that you read all of the text in the section thoroughly from start to finish: What happens next?During this process, any new files have remained hidden in our database so only you can see them. Your file remains in this state until you publish. Once published your files become visible to everyone on the Nexus sites and gets added to our "new today", "new recently" and "latest files" sections. It's recommended that you take a look at your file page and ensure everything looks and reads exactly how you want it to before you publish your file. When you're ready, publish your files, you will be taken to the manage your files area where you can make further changes and track the status of your mod. Then if you are ready, click I’m ready, publish my mod.
In response to post #54659878. #54659948 is also a reply to the same post. The search should be working? Please, can you give some examples as to how it isn't and we'll look into it. Thank you for the feedback.
RE; DAWN OF THE THIRD AGE, a Dungeon Siege 2 Map
TheTokenGeek replied to garthagain's topic in Site Support
Hey there Garthagain, I'm the person responsible for making the games live on the site and am sorry that yours hasn't shown up. I have just been through the list of games and cannot see the request, if I had seen it then it would have been done by now. If you wouldn't mind giving us a second chance then please upload the mod to the site and I will ensure the game is created and activated asap. Apologies that this hasn't appeared. Regards Paul -
In response to post #50376412. #50378062, #50388222 are all replies on the same post. Thank you Ethreon, will take a look into them.
In response to post #50379497. Ah okay, so you're looking at it within the forum. This is actually on the front page, which is where it is format for... http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/13282/?
In response to post #50376412. Hey GP, do you remember what that mod for FO3 was? I fancy checking it out...
In response to post #50377567. Thought it was a great mod bud, hence my pick :D What is wrong with the images for you? Just checked them on both my PC and Macbook and they seem fine?
This week in our Staff Picks - Terrorfox1234 shows he has a heart and looks to rehome an elderly gentleman, SirSalami goes all Hitman and sneaks around Skyrim dressed in the clothes of his enemies, Svariato decides that they are going to begin sinking oils back like they are shots to grant various powers to their characters and weapons, and I go all John Woo and decide that I'm going to run through the Fallout 4 wasteland taking pot shots at the limbs of all those who offend or attack me! If you have any comments then please leave them below and if you have any of your own picks then get them to us using the handy form below. We love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1303/images/1177-1-1495247898.jpg[/img] Submitted By: Terrorfox1234 Game: Stardew Valley Mod Author: bluestarkiller Mod: A House for Linus Poor Linus. When I first played Stardew Valley I did what most people do after getting familiar with the farm and basic mechanics. I headed into town to meet all the townsfolk. Everyone in the town has a generally sunny disposition, which is why I was surprised to find Linus, living in a tent and spending all of his time alone. Through dialogue, you learn that most people aren’t very nice to Linus. He spends his time alone, even at the major festivals and town events, and apparently has had his tent destroyed before. The part that really surprised me though was that, with how giving and accepting the townsfolk are in Stardew Valley, no one was offering help or friendship to this old man in the woods. I thought that eventually, through playing the game, I’d be the one to help Linus out. Turns out the most you can do is make friends with him, but his living situation never improves and you can never do anything for him beyond giving him gifts. This mod finally lets you give Linus the ultimate gift. Four walls and a roof! No more sleeping in a tent and worrying about it getting destroyed! This mod, out of any mod, really fits the spirit of the game, in my opinion. It feels good to help Linus and give him a home in Pelican Town. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/24248-0-1494957589.png[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: RandomUnit Mod: Realistic Crippled Limbs Effects There is something incredibly satisfying watching a Super Mutant hit the deck after taking out one of his legs with a swift shotgun blast. Not only does it remove some of the air of superiority that these creatures have, but also brings a sense of immersion as weapons now seem to have a much greater impact in a fight. You see it so often in the movies when the protagonist shoots the adversary in the leg, slowing them down; or taking a shot at someone's arm, making them drop the weapon they were just about to let off. Well, this mod is the mod that lets you do all that. Be warned, you may want to stock your companions with stimpaks as the last thing you want is for them to go down and not be able to heal themselves and return to the fight. Don't worry, Dogmeat is okay as he luckily isn't a human, synth or super mutant (obviously!). There are two versions of the mod, so take a read of the description and decide which would best suit your playstyle. Would you like the cripple effect to auto-heal over time or prefer it that you have to ensure that characters have stimpaks to heal themselves. I love the premise of this mod and can't wait to see what the future holds with mods such as this. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9959-0-1495164201.jpg[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: fireundubh Mod: Master of Disguise - Immersive Disguises for Skyrim Special Edition While lurking in the shadows can be effective, sometimes the best way to be inconspicuous is to hide in plain sight. That's where Master of Disguise comes in. By wearing the appropriate gear, it's now possible to blend in seamlessly with various NPC factions. Enemy soldiers blocking your path? Not a problem. Find some of their armor and mosey on by. Shadowy assassins have you marked for death? Disguise yourself, then subvert and dismantle their organization from the inside out. Group of bandits seem like they're having a good time? Pop on some fur and join them. The choice is yours! Don't let your guard down though as your disguise may not always be effective based on your situation. Enemies of the faction you are masquerading as will likely be aggressive while wearing hostile attire. Additionally, disguises are not fool-proof. You may get spotted if you are too brazen as line-of-sight, distance, lighting, skills, as well as your equipment directly affect the success of your disguise. Fortunately, brief messages will help you to infer how suspicious the surrounding NPCs may be. Kindly, the author has provided very detailed documentation explaining every aspect of the mod, including the impressively enhanced NPC detection system that's included. Even if you're generally not a sneaky character, this mod allows for so many gameplay opportunities that I think most everyone will find some way to enjoy it. Great work. Thanks fireundubh! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/5249-8-1480634301.png[/img] Submitted By: Svariato (Fadeslayer) Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: Sable17 Mod: Smithing Oils When it comes to niche mods, I like ones that add something immersive and nifty in a way that I haven't seen before, and Sable17's Smithing Oils is definitely the best example. Sable17 describes it as an immersive way for your warrior character to discard the need to delve into enchanting and alchemy to empower your weapons in the world of Skyrim. Why would a zealous and battle-hungry warrior want to sit and mix flowers together or play with fancy magic shards, anyways? That would be totally immersion-shattering. It adds several different oils into the game of several tiers. These oils either consumed by your brave warrior or applied on your undoubtedly deadly weapon to cause various effects in a very balanced way. The oils you ingest may increase your carry weight like a vanilla potion might, or, less like a vanilla potion, heal you over time. There are some that increase your armor rating for a short while as well. The weapon oils add temporary enchantments to your weapons that wear off after a few hits. There's an oil for each element that causes that type of damage as well as magicka/stamina/health drain over time, depending on the type. There are also nifty Animus Oils that you can apply to your weapon. These oils increase your damage against a specific race or beast in Skyrim. I've only touched on a few of the oils included. There are several more with even cooler effects, not to mention a great and immersive crafting system that scales with Smithing rather than Alchemy or Enchanting. I'll leave you to discover the rest. Personally, even if I don't play a warrior character, I include it anyways because it's simply an awesome mod. Thanks, Sable17, for such a cool mod! Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!
In response to post #50318062. #50318772, #50320562, #50323522 are all replies on the same post. We're going to enter into internal testing very soon, followed by focus group testing. We want to iron out as many bugs as possible before releasing it to everyone. It will be worth the wait. I will try and get a number of videos completed showing the responsive design, interaction and the various new look screens as soon as possible. Thanks for your continued support, it's most appreciated.
In response to post #50318062. #50318772 is also a reply to the same post. We are spending a considerable amount of time making the site fully responsive and I can confirm that it looks just as incredible on a mobile device as it does a 4K screen. However, this is purely for the main NexusMods site. The redesign we are working on will not change any of the NexusMods forum. We will definitely be looking at this in the future (once the redesign is out and all bugs quashed) though.
This week we have some cracking picks for you all to take a look at. SirSalami has found an incredible dodge mod for Skyrim that not only adds an ability for you to dodge attacks, but also your enemies. I have a Star Wars based mod from nubyplay that I have had great fun checking out (frazzling enemies with lightning or sending them skyward never seems to get old), Terrorfox1234 has multicolored torches with a variety of uses, and Robbie922004 has come through again yet with a great pick and write up for 'Revenge of the Sleeves' for XCOM: Enemy Unknown. We love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/83695-15-1494074288.png[/img] Submitted By: Terrorfox1234 Game: Skyrim Mod Author: CrEaToXx Mod: Torch Varieties I’ll keep it simple this week. Torch varieties adds six new torch variants to Skyrim. Not only does each option have a unique color, but they also produce different buffs and attacks. For example the Blue Torch does Frost damage when you bash someone with it. Likewise it provides frost resistance. The Green Torch has similar attributes, related to poison. My personal favorite is the Void Torch. While it does health damage and provides damage resistance, like a couple other torches on the list, it also has the added bonus of putting anyone hit by it into slow motion. That comes in very handy when dealing with large crowds and trying to prioritize specific targets. That’s it! There is not a whole lot to say about this mod. It adds some variety to the game and makes torches useful for more than just lighting dungeons. Enjoy! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9730-1-1493880492.jpg[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: nubyplay Mod: Use the Force Skyrim Even in the wonderful world of Skyrim, there's no getting away from Star Wars. Use The Force Skyrim is a cracking mod that beautifully realises some of the force powers that we witness both the Sith and the Jedi using throughout the Star Wars movies. In order to gain these powers (spells) you need to craft holocrons at a blacksmith forge, the requirements for each holocron are neatly weighted dependant on the force power you are trying to gain and means that you can't just immediately start wiping out enemies with Force Destruction. Due to the fact that I wanted to try the mod out fully for my Staff Pick I did cheat in the requirements, but when I get a chance to do my next run through of the game I will definitely be adding this mod and trying to gain the necessary components legitimately. Running around and using your force powers instead of weapons is great fun, whether you just use Force Push to barge someone out the way and continue your quest, or send them sailing off a cliff/ledge with Force Push II it really does put a smile on your face. Force Whirlwind will send them sailing straight into the air and on a number of occasions I lost where they went and carried on my merry way. If you are feeling particularly vicious then turn your attention to the more Sith/Dark Side orientated powers and begin by frazzling your enemies with linked lightning attacks before truly wiping the floor with them with the almighty Force Destruction spell. The Mind Trick powers are great if you want to bamboozle your enemies into thinking you are somewhere else, or changing the alliegance of NPCs. Of course, if you want to take the experience to the next level, then you can combine this with Jedi Sith Light Armour by Alduin78 (uploaded by Kursan). Now you can not only use the powers, but also wear the robes! Check them out and if you like them, remember to give the authors a big thumbs up endorsement. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9486-0-1492624895.png[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: ShikyoKira Mod: The Ultimate Dodge Mod Now available for both Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition, Ultimate Dodge Mod adds new evasive options to vanilla combat. Perhaps like many of you, I've used several similar mods in the past but I'm always eager to see if any advancements are made in the art of evading. So, how does this one stack up? First and foremost, mods of this sort need to be responsive. I'm happy to report that after a brief initial setup process, this is the most responsive evasion mod I've tried, personally. I'm not sure if it's a result of the non-scripted animations that the author has implemented or some sort of other dark-magic, but dodging with this mod feels good and more importantly, always feels consistent. If you think that this sounds "OP" though, think again. By design, there are no invincibility frames and no animation canceling, forcing the player to make wise tactical decisions in combat. Additionally, dodging will drain your stamina appropriately, which is customizable in-game. Perhaps most importantly though, NPCs can now dodge too, making combat livelier than ever. A pack of dodging Forsworn can be quite intimidating, believe me. Ultimate Dodge Mod comes in two flavors based on your movement preferences, so be sure to read the description. While I prefer style 2, both styles make dodging quite intuitive by allowing you to use the sneak (or jump) key to initiate the dodge based on your movement and weapon states. In addition, you can customize your keys during installation. Currently, this mod features a rather dramatic rolling animation akin to The Witcher or DarkSouls which I quite enjoy, though the author has mentioned the possibility for alternate animations in the future. So is it really the ultimate dodge mod? Only time will tell, but I'm definitely enjoying it. Check it out and let us know what you think below. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/151/images/411-1-1384982598.png[/img] Submitted By: Robbie922004 Game: XCOM: Enemy Unknown Mod Author: Peasly Wellbott Mod: Revenge of the Sleeves Revenge of the Sleeves has been one of the most popular mods for XCOM: EU/EW since its release. Enemy Within added an awesome gene mod system, but a big frustration was that for some reason, modifying a soldier prevented them from using standard armor variants. As you might guess, the gene mod armor was all sleeveless. Since this only affected aesthetics and not stats, users became annoyed when the general consensus was that the sleeveless gene mod armor didn't look nearly as nice as the bog standard. Enter Revenge of the Sleeves. It does something simple: It lets you keep use the standard armor on modified soldiers, without losing the tactical advantage or custom class symbols. XCOM: EU is a game with no mod support, and as a result, making mods for it is extremely challenging. It requires a great deal of trial and error. Once the author figured out how to make it happen and released it, it became an instant classic. The proof? It hasn't left the hot files since the day it released. Even for a game that only gets a few dozen, maybe a hundred mods a year, that's impressive. Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!
This week they are all picks from within our Bethesda games. Terrorfox couldn't decide on just one mod, so has actually chosen 4 from the same author, all of which add additional beasties or variants of into your Skyrim game. I have chosen a mod that I think really adds a bit of variety to an otherwise annoying (but necessary) part of gaming - fast travel. SirSalami has also addressed one of his gaming pet-peeves of only being able to save a game from retiring to a bed by looking at a mod that allows far more diversity in save locations. Finally, our community member iMACobra has selected a mod that will add a bit more 'realism' to necromancy according to the lore books. We love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/9950988-1493770343.png[/img] width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/9950988-1493770418.png[/img] Submitted By: Terrorfox1234 Game: Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: opusGlass I simply could not choose just one mod this week. Well, I mean, I could have… but these are 4 mods from the same author, released at the same time. What’s more, they have the same intent: to diversify and increase the number of things that want to chew on your carcass in Skyrim. It seemed silly to mention one and leave the others out. Splendor - Dragon Variants: Skyrim Skyrim SE This mod deserves the first mention in my opinion. opusGlass has mixed and matched vanilla dragon assets to create entirely new dragons. There are 56 visual variants with this mod, all made without creating new meshes or textures. That makes this mod highly compatible with other dragon mods, with a specific recommendation to be used alongside the next mod on my short list… Diverse Dragons Collection: Skyrim Skyrim SE Unlike Splendor, this mod does use external assets. By combining resources from 13 other mod authors, DDC adds 28 new dragons to Skyrim. The other main difference between this mod and Splendor is that, while Splendor adds a multitude of variations based on the vanilla dragon designs, the dragons from DDC look entirely unique. These beasts really stand out from the crowd. Diverse Werewolves Collection Skyrim Skyrim SE This mod adds 25 werewolf and 13 werebear variations to Skyrim, and distributes them across levelled lists (11 ranks) for a total of 418 possible werebeasts. Any time a werewolf spawns it applies one of the variant skins at random. Simple as that. The only issue is that werewolf spawns are few and far between in Skyrim. Werebears are non-existant! To solve this issue, and ensure that you get a chance to see all of these new werewolf variants, opusGlass created… More Werewolves: Skyrim Skyrim SE The title says it all. This mod adds werewolf spawns across Skyrim. It places them in cages in dungeons and adds roaming packs. Optionally, you can also increase the chances of being attacked at night and during full moons. --- There you have it; four mods that will make you wish you stayed back in Whiterun and settled down. For those of you that believe “variety is the spice of life”...Skyrim just got a whole lot spicier. I hate that I just wrote that. Enjoy! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9550-0-1492974544.jpg[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: tonycubed2 Mod: Fast Travel Ambushes and Consequences Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fast travel in games. With some game worlds now sprawling on for hundreds of square miles, there is no other real option, but with this, you can loose your sense of immersion, or realism and it just feels a bit like cheating. This is where a mod such as 'Fast Travel Ambushes and Consequences' comes into play. Now you have to begin to think about where you are fast travelling to and if you have the right amount of provisions for the trip ahead. Not having enough food can give your character penalties such as carry weight reductions, reduced stamina and more. You may end up being ambushed by a range of different characters or even pick up some weird and wonderful diseases. Of course, some people might like the idea of needing to carry the appropriate amount of food but not want to pick up diseases along the way - well the good news is that each factor is customisable within the book menu, including the percentage chance of being ambushed. At the moment there is a slight glitch to how ambushes occur, in that you arrive at your fast travel destination and then get a quick glimpse of a location before being teleport there, but this isn't too much of an issue and is a limitation of the game more than a problem with the mod. Apart from that this mod actually makes Fast travel seem part of the game, rather than circumventing it. All in all a fantastic mod that adds a bit of variety to that boring (but necessary) part of a game that is Fast Travel. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23924-0-1493688435.jpg[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: JackRob Mod: Waiting Saves The Commonwealth is a harsh place so sometimes it's nice to just kick your feet up for a while. This is especially true in Survival mode where increased damage, injuries, starvation, dehydration, and fatigue add to the countless existing threats of everyday life. At this difficulty, the game becomes unforgiving and requires a ton of planning, but every step you take becomes more meaningful and ultimately more satisfying when things go well. When you do inevitably bite the bullet though, it can be a real drag as survival mode in vanilla Fallout 4 limits saving strictly to sleeping in beds. In combination with restricted fast travel, this limitation creates a lot of painful back-tracking when you die. I like the idea as it deters save-scumming, but in practice, it feels a bit too limited. Especially if you get called away from the game often. By auto-saving when you sit and wait in fairly common furniture such as chairs and sofas, this mod effectively adds many more "save spots" in the game while still limited in a manner reasonably consistent with the survival theme. Status effects remain unaffected when waiting in furniture though, so finding a bed for a proper sleep will still be necessary at times. Appropriate to the theme and intuitive, this mod adds just a touch of much-needed convenience to the otherwise rigorous survival experience. So give it a try. Take a load off and have a rest. You deserve it. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/35378-2-1367188651.jpg[/img] Submitted By: iMACobra Game: Skyrim Mod Author: mojo22 Mod: Corpse Preparation - True Necromancy The mod offers a more immersive approach on the path to become a true necromancer. Players learn a spell and are able to raise dead bodies on the go? No. Necromancy is not that easy. It takes dedication and actual learning to be able to raise a fresh corpse. Based on lore books, one has to start off raising skeletons and, even then, the aspiring necromancer requires materials to strengthen the body in order to keep it from falling apart. Further down the path, the player can resurrect zombies with diseases, wraiths that can only be killed by magic based damage and weaponry and even mummies that are embalmed and strengthened to be able to sustain more damage. Necromancers also commonly deal with the Ideal Masters, first seen in Battlespire and mentioned in the Dawnguard DLC, for powerful abilities that will aid them down the dark path. Based on the book of the same name, Corpse Preparation takes a more realistic and immersive approach on the dark path to become a real necromancer to be loathed and feared. Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!
Another week, another set of staff picks and we have a few good survival mods + a handy tweak to the controls of Skyrim. SirSalami has decided that he would like to cook his meat in front of all the patrons within a pub/tavern, I have decided I would like to cook my meat in the privacy of my own blocky home, and Robbie922004 has decided he wants to survive by being 100% accurate in battles within Morrowind - okay tenuous link there, but still, gave it my best shot. Terrorfox on the other hand has chosen a mod to allow him to use mouse, keyboard and controller at the same time. If you have any comments then please leave them below and if you have any of your own picks then get them to us using the handy form below. We love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/83437-0-1492899380.jpg[/img] Submitted By: Terrorfox1234 Game: Skyrim Mod Author: CrEaToXx Mod: Hybrid Controls This mod comes from one of my favorite authors, CrEaToXx. Generally CrEaToXx’s mods lean towards simple solutions for big quality of life improvements. Hybrid Controls is no different. Simply put, this mod allows you to use a gamepad in conjunction with keyboard and mouse, without limiting the functionality of either. I’ve always preferred playing Bethesda games with a controller, but that is only really viable when playing the vanilla game. As soon as you start adding mods that add their own controls and hotkeys, you quickly find that a gamepad simply does not have enough buttons. So, I’ve only ever played modded Bethesda games with the KB+M combo, because I never mod lightly, and always end up using pretty much every single key on my keyboard. Hybrid Controls lets me play with the comfort of a gamepad without losing all of my precious hotkeys! Simply assign a hotkey to switch between KB+M and gamepad mode. It also adds a lot more control to the gamepad itself, freeing up even more spaces on your keyboard for mod added hotkeys. All around it’s a spectacular mod that greatly improves playability. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1059/images/56-0-1493096138.jpg[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: 7 Days to Die Mod Author: Pringiz46290 Mod: Pringiz Mod Working Ovens And Faucets 7 Days to Die has been one of my go to games since I bought it in Alpha 7 back in 2014, as is the case with many early access it’s still in the alpha stage, but is improving substantially on each new release. Games like this (and Rust) draw upon our survival instinct and throw us into a very hostile world. Rust is mostly about the players, but 7DTD is all about the zombie hordes. Over the past few years, we have seen the introduction of many new blocks and items to help with the survival and immersion side of things, but in this post-apocalyptic world, they seem to have forgotten the simple things like faucets and ovens. When I installed this mod, I thought I was going to be able to use the existing, pre-fab versions of the ovens and faucets (making the game a lot easier) so was confused when they didn’t work - but in a case of RTFM, this XML edit gives you custom recipes to build yourself these items. This makes it less early game, but more mid/late game due to the components required. I am a bit of a stickler for making my base/home as functional looking as well as defensible, so these items really helped as the kitchen now functioned as it should. My meat and water can be stored in my fridge, the meat can be cooked on my oven rather than on a campfire in the middle of the lounge and I can now bottle murky water from a tap rather than the hole in the floor I had made above a little pond. Blissful. Now if only the Zombolas would stop attacking on that pesky blood moon I would live my life in post-apocalyptic harmony. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/5701-2-1480959651.png[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: Vrakyas Mod: Cooking in Taverns Imagine this. You've been long on the hunt and haven't had meat in days. Today, you've been lucky though. You check the contents of your pockets into which you've, ever-so-carefully, stuffed the remains of 2 deer, a bear, and a mammoth. Satisfied, you skip to nearby Windpeak Inn where you've decided to spend the evening enjoying the meats of your labors. You arrive as your stomach rumbles triumphantly with the anticipation of the coming feast. Taking a seat by the fire, your mouth salivates as you search for something to cook with. After ransacking searching the entire inn however, inexplicably there's not a usable pan or pot in sight. Not even a spit-roast. Crushed and desperate, you throw each piece of meat directly into the fireplace, one by one, hoping for the best... Tragic, right? Thankfully this doesn't have to happen to you however because Cooking in Taverns adds a usable cooking station to the various taverns and inns in Skyrim where they were previously lacking. While this mod is great for anyone aspiring to be the next Gourmet of Skyrim, it also pairs well with survival mods and hunter characters as well. Additionally, NPCs can also use these stations which adds to the sandboxing options for surrounding characters. A nice touch. Otherwise, this mod considerately affects as little of the world as possible in an attempt to maximize compatibility making it an easy recommendation. Bon Appétit. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1059/7018713-1493206646.jpg[/img] Submitted By: Robbie922004 Game: Morrowind Mod Author: jamespb1 Mod: Accurate Attack Accurate Attack is a mod for Morrowind aimed at Oblivion and Skyrim players. It does something simple: All attacks hit all of the time, for both players and enemies. Some people who didn't play Morrowind in its heyday are immediately turned off by the chance-to-hit combat, and although many classic Morrowind players don't think the mod is worthwhile, in my experience it's great for people who want to play Morrowind but can't get into the combat. It's more than just a cheat mod because it gives your enemies the same edge -- When they swing their weapons at you, they're going to hit. You can't dodge the attacks like you can in vanilla Morrowind. It's definitely not for everyone, but if you ever wanted to give Morrowind a shot but stopped playing because you didn't enjoy the combat, this mod just might be the one for you. It might allow you to enjoy all the other brilliant parts of Morrowind that you want to get into, by enabling you to enjoy the combat a bit more. And more people playing Morrowind is always good in my book! Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!
In response to post #49422852. Totally agree Aryell, it's fantastic work.
In response to post #49395582. #49408762 is also a reply to the same post. No need to feel like that David, we normally look for mods with a low number of downloads. Though my pick this week is a well-known author, it was brand new when I download with less than a 1000 downloads. You smarter companions mod is incredibly popular already, so you are most CERTAINLY not a failure!
We’re back and have some brilliant mods for you to take a look at. SirSalami goes back to try out a mod for Morrowind, I check out Elianoras latest Fallout 4 abode, and Terrorfox… well, he just wants some kind of freedom within his Fallout 4 world, our community pick this week adds a lot more content into Skyrim and looks like a great expansion. Remember, we love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23573-0-1492450639.jpg[/img] Submitted By: TerrorFox1234 Mod: Everyone Is Killable Game: Fallout 4 Author: Armi88 One of the best aspects of earlier Bethesda games, in my opinion, was the complete freedom of choice. This included being able to kill anyone, regardless of their importance to a quest line. You could, if you wanted, kill literally *everyone* in Morrowind. You would get notifications upon killing a quest related NPC that the quest they were tied to had failed and that was that. This mod changes all the “essential” tags on NPCs to “protected”. When an NPC is marked as “essential”, they simply can’t die. Mini-nuke directly to the face? No problem. They’ll just walk it off. Bethesda wants to make sure you don’t accidentally break a quest. How sweet of them. Bah! Away with that nonsense! When an NPC is marked as “protected” it means that, while other NPCs can’t kill them, you sure as heck can! FREEDOM! If you value freedom of choice, to the extent that you are willing to break important quests, this mod is for you. Time to fire up my “evil karma kill everyone” playthrough. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23588-11-1492508271.png[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: Elianora Mod: Sanctuary Bunker Player Home I know, I know, it’s from a well known mod author and yes, I have featured a mod by Eli before. But I had to choose it as my staff pick as I fell in love with it the moment I saw the images. If you have been on Nexus Mods for a while you will have probably download and used one of Elianoras house/abode mods before. They are all beautifully realised and truly show how much love and time has been spent on them. This is one of the first I have installed into my Fallout 4 world though and it is something special. No matter how much I tried, I could never get Sanctuary to feel special, preferring to spend my time in Red Rocket purely because I found it more aesthetically pleasing. But when I saw this appear on the site I installed it immediately and jumped straight in. The bunker is just gorgeous and the more time you spend in this humble abode the more little nuances you pick up. The shelves for Bobbleheads, the terminal and even the addition of all the useful benches. If you are in the lookout for your own space within Sanctuary, free from the hustle and bustle of the other settlers, then I recommend you check out this mod. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/100/images/44892-0-1492463080.png[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Morrowind Mod Author: Candlemaster Mod: Curses Sorry, no. This isn't a profanity mod. Rather, Curses by Candlemaster adds unidentified and cursed weapons to Morrowind using a system that will be familiar to old-school CRPG and especially roguelike fans. After installing the mod, you'll begin to find 'unidentified' items which are denoted with a question mark (?) after their name. When equipped, these high-level items will reveal their true nature, often in the form of one or several debuffs applied to the player. More concerning, when equipped these weapons become viciously bound to the character, preventing it from being unequipped. Equipping a cursed weapon isn't the end of the world though. For a nominal fee, the player can have the curse removed by visiting a healer or a shrine. As the author implies, these costs are intended to be a bit of a money sink for the rich, and are intended for high-level characters. Additionally, you may find some scrolls that can accomplish the task of removing a curse when on the go. It's not all doom and gloom, however. Rarely, these cursed items can also impart beneficial effects on the character as well, making these new weapons quite mysterious and enticing. What hidden powers does your shiny new weapon contain? You'll have to try it on to find out! As this is a very new Morrowind mod(!), the author has several ideas on how to expand it, including more weapons and extending the system to include armor and shields. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this one evolves. Keep it up, Candlemaster! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/34492-3-1365282497.jpg[/img] Submitted By: Aireal2 Game: Skyrim Mod Author: i73fi Mod: Northern Encounters I absolutely love Northern Encounters, it's made it's way into my permanent load order. It add's both places and NPC's. N.E. makes having a "Northern Explorer" fun and more than worthwhile. It add's many a story line and they are most certainly NOT handheld ones, they are also not all easy to find. You see a new person, talk to them and they give you a quest or hints to go and start a quest. Find that "new" fort, house, dungeon... explore, and find that not only is it a new place, it might lead to a new quest. New enemies! Encounters you have not done 1/2 a million times. I've had this mod on every character since 9/26/15 and I know I have not found everything, then again I am not that person that want's to find everything on one character! Combined with certain other mods.. Say Frostfall.. awesomely hard! Sea of Spirits.. even more thing's to see, enemies to encounter! To my mind it's a really spectacular mod for Role Players.. and a challenge for "completionists". Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!
We have some cracking mods again for you this week. Terrorfox1234 has gone back to his chill out game of choice and found a mod that will really appeal to those of you who have played modded Minecraft, SirSalami has a mod that now enables the use of shields to block those heavy attacks and I have found my perfect Red Rocket Settlement mod. Our community still continues to provide us with great choices, this week we have a pick for a fixed UI within FONV and a quest mod with an awesome name. Check them all out. Remember, we love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). We have had a lot of submissions that we cannot use due to the lack of description, please try and fill this out explaining why you like it and what it adds to the game. Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1303/images/1063-0-1491361150.png[/img] Submitted By: Terrorfox1234 Game: Stardew Valley Mod Author: Pathoschild Mod: Automate For you Minecraft players familiar with droppers/hoppers and the automation that they allow, this will seem a familiar concept. This mod allows you to place a chest next one of your production machines and the machine will pull raw materials from the chest to refine. When it’s done it will push the processed material back into the chest. Fill a chest with iron, leave it next to your smelter, and come back to a chest full of iron bars! You can connect multiple machines to a chest allowing you to expand your operations. You can even connect different types of machines to the same chest if you want to consolidate your operations. This seems, to me, like one of those things that should have been in the base game. Maybe not at the start, but as an unlockable ability later down the line it would have made sense. In any case, this mod should greatly improve your time management in Stardew Valley (no more daily collection/restocking routine!) and allow you to focus on other aspects of the game. You’ll have a fully functional auto-farm in no time! Down with JojaMart! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23381-5-1491893209.png[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: javawalk Mod: Red Rocket Companions Home Red Rocket has always been my favourite settlement within the Fallout 4 world, I began my first settlment there by building stairs onto the roof and placing my humble abode up there. Then I tried experimenting with making the forecourt a market place and the garage my home/workplace, next up was a refugee camp at the front and the roof of the garage holding all my defence mechanisms. It just felt like my Fallout 4 home. So when I saw this mod, I jumped at the chance to try it out. Wow... to be honest with you all, it truly blew me away in terms of it's finish and attention to detail. Yes, I know there are quite a few required mods that you need to have and just as many optional ones (I recommend you get them all), but it just goes to show how well this has been pieced together, taking incredible mods in their own right and combining them all with their own to make a Red Rocket settlement that I can finally leave as is and get on with the crux of the story. Like I mentioned earlier, the affinity between the mod author and the characters can be seen through how much attention has been focused on each and every characters abodes, they are like fine tailored suits that show off each and every companions personalities. I spent the first hour just looking around at how everything has been laid out for each individual. Truly incredible stuff from a very talented mod author. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/952/images/2356-6-1491345583.jpg[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Witcher 3 Mod Author: ScoutBr0 Mod: Shields ScoutBr0 has already made quite a few contributions to the Witcher 3 modding scene but this time, he and a small team of collaborators have really outdone themselves with the newly released "Shields" mod. Don't let the simple title fool you however, as it represents quite a large addition to the game. Featuring both unique and existing designs that reflect the various in-game factions the shields that have been added (40 and counting!) are not simply cosmetic, but functional as well. "Shields" adds a new layer to The Witcher 3's combat mechanics by providing resistance to heavy attacks and the ability to block arrows without using a skill slot. Just make sure to watch your back-side. Customization is possible directly via the game's main menu allowing you to adjust stamina requirements and more. Additionally, shields can be visible on horse back or when climbing ladders too, when paired with Better Torches. As if this weren't already enough, the mod contains numerous other pieces of apparel including some very cool hoods, cloaks, and armor sets as well. Given Geralt's combat proficiency and the Blood and Wine expansion's more 'traditional' medieval setting, these numerous additions fit right in with the game. From both an artistic and mechanical standpoint, this mod is an easy one to recommend. Great work! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/130/images/63091-0-1491713510.jpg[/img] Submitted By: darthbdaman Game: Fallout New Vegas Mod Author: Ladez Mod: Better Pickup Prompt An absolutely amazing quality of life improvement. The prompt that appears when the player hovers over an item to pick it up has been expanded with additional information, that dramatically improves the looting experience. When looking at a stack of multiple items, the total value and weight of all the items is displayed, instead of the values for one unit. If picking up the item(s) would cause the player to exceed their weight limit, a small icon is displayed, and the weights text color changes to warn them. Some smaller changes regarding text wrapping and the number of decimals are also changed, making the prompts easier to read, and providing the player with the information they actually need. Items with very small weight values will actually have those values displayed, instead of reading as 0. This alone makes the mod worth installing. An excellent mod that is compatible with all major UI mods. There is absolutely no reason not to use it. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/36764-2-1370122584.jpg[/img] Submitted By: yourenotsupposedtobeinhere Game: Skyrim Mod Author: Merte Mod: The Cheese of Ages The Cheese of Ages is a terrific quest mod by Merte that in my opinion is underrated. It has a very fun and creative story-line. The characters in the mod are overflowing with personality. Of all the quest mods for Skyrim, I would say that The Cheese of Ages is my favorite. It's story, characters and miscellaneous items has inspired me in my endeavors and the mod author is also very nice, which is a huge plus. To anyone looking for a fun quest of any character build, The Cheese of Ages is definitely worth a go. Don't forget to endorse it! Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!
In response to post #49045012. #49171482 is also a reply to the same post. You are more than welcome and I totally agree with your sentiment. I always preferred Dogmeat to other companions, but just found him a bit 'meh' in vanilla. Your mod gave him a new lease of well-deserved life and I enjoy using him in the game again, so it's me saying "Thank you" to you.
Welcome to this week's staff picks, today we bring you a number of different companions, another way of organising your settlements, a mod that allows you to finally buy items that you can see within a shop and some awesome community picks that will extend your game time. Check them out and let us know what you think. Remember, we love to hear the communities picks so keep them coming by using this handy form. Please fill out the form completely and ensure that you add some details about the mod and why you have chosen it (similar to how our community members have below). Just remember that other mods on the site may do roughly the same thing, so keep your eyes peeled and understand that these are just personal picks. That said, hopefully, you'll find something you may not have seen before. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23008-1-1490446896.png[/img] Submitted By: Terrorfox1234 Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: timtimman Mod: Fault-Tec Favourites System I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention. This mod allows you to save specific items in their own list for quick access later on. This is especially handy if you own all the DLC and have added craftable settlement item mods on top. If there are specific items you know you work with a lot, this mod can expedite the process of digging through workshop menus to get to the right items. During my brief testing, I had no issues. The controls to target an item are a bit odd, requiring that you grab the item you want to save, quickly cancel, and jump. Once you get used to it, it’s not so bad, but it might be nice if there was a simpler way to bring up the favourites menu options on a selected item. In any case, aside from that one minor complaint, the mod does what it claims to do. To be clear, I personally find the whole settlement building thing to completely detract from what I look for in a Fallout experience. I have Minecraft for building. Fallout is about exploration and setting, to me. Any mod that helps me cut down on the amount of time I spend in the workshop menu is good in my book. While I’ve turned to Transfer Settlements and Sim Settlements for most of my settlement needs, this mod will certainly come in useful for those times when I want to adjust things by hand. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23139-0-1490829510.png[/img] Submitted By: BlindJudge Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: Zazuban Mod: Dogmeat - A True Companion When I first started looking at this mod it wasn't in the hot files, but such is its popularity that since I chose the mod it has now taken pride of place within those most fabled of mods. Anyway, I digress. Dogmeat has always been my favourite of the companions, I had a German Shepherd and having Dogmeat alongside me in the wasteland is pretty cool, he doesn't get shirty or miserable at me, he doesn't bark orders or requests at me and he just works tirelessly to protect my scrawny ass from all manner of the Fallout world baddies - without a single iota of care for his own personal safety. With the help of this mod, Dogmeat is now more badass than ever - with nearly twice the health and a big damage boost he can now tear a Mudcrab apart. My favourite part is the fact his speed has been boost to be more akin to a real life dog. Watching him sprint up to that pesky raider always leaves a smile on my face. If you enjoy playing with a companion, then I recommend giving this mod a try. width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/9113-5-1490432079.jpg[/img] Submitted By: SirSalami Game: Skyrim Special Edition Mod Author: ErianDragonborn Mod: Immersive Merchants - Buy what is on display. Really Here's a mod that does exactly what it says on the tin. By simply highlighting and interacting with any item in a shop, you can now purchase it at fair market value rather than defaulting to stealing the item. You still have the option of stealing it though, by simply sneaking before interacting with the item, in case you're feeling grabby. Convenient, intuitive, and immersive? You betcha. Thankfully as it's a script based mod, it probably has very few critical compatibility issues so it's likely to compliment most load-orders. So, if you're like me and wondered why you could never simply purchase the sweet rolls on the counter or a sword directly from the display rack in vanilla, give this one a try! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/23273-2-1491366295.png[/img] Submitted By: HeavyEavy Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: LlamaRCA Mod: Heather Casdin - A Unique Companion Experience by llamaRCA Heather is a brilliant companion! Her Enhanced Sneak mode of combat is nothing short of fantastic! I run a high sneak/sniper build and she never breaks cover and won't engage until your hit or stand up. Her quests are terrific and will take you across the Commonwealth. Her perks have to be worked for and are worth the effort. For the "lone wanderer" in survival, she's a real must have! IMHO the llama had done it again!! width=600,height=353https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/21469-0-1490244025.png[/img] Submitted By: DjinnKiller Game: Fallout 4 Mod Author: Thuggysmurf Mod: Outcasts and Remnants - Quest Mod Plus As a "mod" this goes far beyond what in my mind a mod is. This is a complete DLC with a storyline, quests, assets and voice actors. The design of the of the interiors, the awesome humour and attention to detail is staggering. Never mind the technical proficiency of the creators. Not to divulge any spoilers but the use of the mem pods to create little adventures in themselves, and what happens at the end of the main quest is proof that these guys have technical capabilities, creativeness and a great love for the game. If you read the terminals you get added content, both in the FO-universe, but also tie-ins to current events in RL, and cultural references to movies and other. Several hours worth of high-quality gaming and they don't even want donations. That, combined with the helpfulness, always answering questions in a friendly way, and documentation on the mod page (FAQ, known issues etc) make this a professional package. This one is even better (IMHO) than their Fusion City release... if such a thing is possible. Every week, we feature a few mods that have caught our staff's attention, as well as some that were submitted by you, the Nexus Mods community. If there is a mod you'd like to see on this list, then please check out this quick and handy form. If you haven't already, feel free to follow us on our social media channels where we'll keep you up to date with the latest site news, articles and much more. Thanks, and have fun modding!