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Everything posted by Argomirr

  1. The enabling/disbling parts of the dungeon will be controlled by a quest script to make sure there's full control over the entire thing. The problem is, really, making it look somewhat better than simply having a wall pop up. The SI floor traps with a wall texture applied seem to do the job though. :P
  2. Ah, yes. Perhaps it is indeed better to incorporate it in the main quest. It's a small thing, really, and lighting the Dragonfires is already needed to become Emperor. (?) I suggest that after you become Emperor/High Chancellor and light the fires, you can order someone to get it fixed. Fire coming out of the Dragon's mouth sounds good, though I have my doubts about whether or not it would actually look good in game. Perhaps it's better to only set the altar on fire. Then there's the question: how? How should the player/Martin light the Dragonfires? Casting a spell at it? The Amulet should be involved for lore reasons. Perhaps stepping on the altar with the amulet equipped? As for the thing that sets you on fire if you step onto the altar, how about making it a blessing? Similar to what the dragon statue does in vanilla. Other ideas?
  3. Ah, my bad. :P I'm trying to figure out a way to switch between tiles without just switching them. Ideally, you'd move a wall to block it, but that isn't as easy as it sounds with these tiles. :confused: [EDIT]Hmm, using the FloorTrap object seems to be working best. And it looks a lot better than just having walls pop up. Now I'll try to edit the texture so it looks more like a wall. [EDIT]Right, applied the wall texture and it actually looks decent now. Like a wall instead of a floor.
  4. I like it, though making the maze change shape would be difficult as there has to be a way out too.
  5. Most of the time I'll only disable a part of the dungeon, making it disappear, or make parts appear, all without actually moving anything, but in certain cases I want walls to move visually - which can't be done with disabled ones, of course. But I think some clever use of collision boxes can prevent most problems. I like the falling idea, and it's not that hard to do. :) More ideas: - A black void, with steps flying upwards from the emptiness under the player to create a path. When the player steps on the first step, another one will pop up etc. Perhaps also some spell stones that show up and try to push the player off with magic? Falling would mean instant death of course. - That void can appear after the player "finishes" the dungeon. Perhaps when he walks to the center of a big room, the rest of the room could simply move away and eventually disable, leaving only the tile the player is standing on. Then, the steps appear. The mechanism that controls the random changing of the dungeon (the parts where you actually see pieces moving will be predetermined) could consist out of several sections. The player enters a section, a parts of it will appear and disappear at random until the player manages to reach the next section with some luck, or until a certain time limit is exceeded and the path to the next section is opened. This would mean that the player can get stuck in a room for some time, though not longer than a minute. Yay, claustrophobia! :P [EDIT] The SI ruin tileset would be perfect for this kind of thing. It has all kinds of doors that look like walls and other traps that would really suit the idea. We are allowed to use SI stuff, right? :happy:
  6. I'm not yet quite sure how feasible this actually is, so don't count on much. Disabling parts will work fine, but when actually moving objects through SetPos they lose collision (actually, the collision doesn't move and remains at its original location), which is troublesome. I know there are several ways to get around that, but it will be a challenge. As for the layout, I need some ideas. A large part will be that dungeon that changes shape, but what tileset to use? Ayleid, or perhaps the SI ruin set? So far, I've got this: - That dungeon - A small peaceful forest which, after a lighting strike, turns into a charred version with dead trees (would require a set of worldspaces, so unfortunately it can't be an instant switch) - A ship, in the middle of sea, in a storm. the ship will rock quite a bit and the player will be thrown all over the deck. (PushActorAway will get some nice results :P The ship mesh has to be edited to prevent it from losing collision though. I need to look up how exactly that's achieved, but I won't be able to do that myself. I have practically 0 meshing skills.) Feel free to suggest any awesomish idea that may pop into your head. ;D
  7. I'm not much good at interior/exterior design, but Vaermina's realm seems like a nice challenge. I'm thinking a dungeon that actually changes shape continuously, mostly by cleverly disabling and enabling parts of the tileset, but also at certain point having the moving walls or something before the player's eyes - and when he finally thinks he's gotten out, the realm completely changes into something much worse. It would require some innovative scripting. I love innovating scripting. :P Thoughts?
  8. Funny, I was thinking about the exact same thing not long ago. If I have some time soon, I might give it a try. It'll require OBSE though.
  9. Speaking of things do to... Anything I can do? I offered to help, but I haven't contributed anything substantial yet, or rather, anything at all. :P
  10. We understand. Real life is something that is both demanding and inevitable, and of course, important. Good luck!
  11. NavMeshes replace Oblivion's pathgrid system. They're basically triangular boxes that tell NPC where they can walk. NavMeshing is more efficient, but it's also gotten more complicated. :P I'm not much of a Fallout modder either though. GECK keeps crashing so I can't mod...
  12. Yes, unfortunately. No reply yet, by the way.
  13. Huh. Never had any problems with that, but pathgrid generation only works in exteriors so it isn't as useful as it should be. And even for exteriors you'll have to edit some bits yourself. FO3 NavMesh system is quite an improvement, really.
  14. Looks awesome, as usual. :P Am I the only one who despises pathing? o_O
  15. I doubt the creator is still around, so the best person to ask would be Mercery. After all, he wrote the guide. You'd have to register at Scrollworks though. :P
  16. Yup. Then we can start to make some real progress. :D
  17. Missing meshes, definitely. I'm no FCOM user myself, but I've heard you need to rename certain folders/BSA's. That would explain why the meshes are still missing after two installs. May want to see if the instructions say anything about that.
  18. True. :P And yes, ElricM is a good place for Morrowind mods, though I've heard Great House Fliggerty has quite a collection too.
  19. The ones on the right are indeed a bit shiny. The others look good though.
  20. Oh, there's certainly more Morrowind mods than that. You might want to give Yacoby's ES Search a try. Apparently, it has 11,000 records of Morrowind mods. (Though some are duplicates, because authors upload to multiple sites.) Still not as much as Oblivion's 19,000 records though. :P
  21. http://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/61262/5491951/0/1206540509/ELECTRONIC_MOSQUITO_SWATTER_BUG_ZAPPER.jpg Bug zapper.
  22. lol :P No problem, I don't mind helping him a bit.
  23. The riddle in Apocrypha? I solved it, though I did get it wrong the first time. :P The Nocturnal-ish furniture looks great.
  24. lol :P Sure, I can help. [EDIT]I just read that other topic. It's possible to block the message spam, though that will block all messages for a short period of time. (Unless OBSE is used, but that's really not necessary here.)
  25. The Ultimate Guide to Getting High Graphics in Morrowind would be a good place to start.
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