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Posts posted by Terramaris

  1. In response to post #24608569.

    Meeporized wrote:

    This is the reason I am against unofficial DLC (let us not disgrace the 20+ year mod scene by calling these mods. While they hold great quality, mods have been free modification to the game while DLC has been paid modification to the game). It has set a precedent, and that precedent will be built on and built on until the scene we love has died.

  2. In response to post #24600134. #24600279, #24600504, #24600574, #24601074, #24601659, #24601729 are all replies on the same post.

    NoDebate wrote:
    Salzber wrote: Yup The whole site is down for me.
    freedom613 wrote: Maybe Valve shut it down due to the bad press? If so: Drinks are on me!
    NoDebate wrote: I will hold you to that. Meet me in Seattle? We can go down to Bellevue after and clear up this mess. :)
    raupao wrote: I smell a DDOS attack. Or something like that.
    Ianc1 wrote: If it was a ddos attack then the whole site would be down, and not give an error
    NoDebate wrote: Yeah, I concur Ianc1. This is specific to the Skyrim Workshop. I don't want to be wildly speculative but, perhaps Valve is taking a moment to reassess?

    @No Debate
    If Valve removes this Steam Unofficial DLC nonsense, I will walk From Georgia to Seattle to buy you that drink!
  3. In response to post #24599229.

    Rovole wrote:

    The thing is, getting called out by Forbes Magazine (though I now learned the article was in the opinion section) would put tremendous pressure on Valve/Bethesda. Forbes is a well respected magazine on Business and Finance, and if they officially said "this will prove to be a disaster", it would hurt Valve and Bethesda's bottom line.
  4. In response to post #24595504. #24595544, #24595689, #24595884, #24596144, #24596219, #24598224, #24598659 are all replies on the same post.

    insaneplumber wrote:
    Arendella wrote: Are you kidding me....
    freedom613 wrote: I want to say it is a joke, but Cities: Skyline made a joke at the beginning of the month about Unofficial DLC and yesterday it came true...
    Salzber wrote: Well f*#@...piratebay hello I'm back.
    freedom613 wrote: @Salz I wouldn't talk on Nexus about digital piracy...
    windu190 wrote: Wat....
    empiric wrote: "Promissory estoppel". People keep rendering this as an issue of mod developers having a right to make money off of their work. They do, this is the weaker argument, and it's not what applies here. What this is analogous to, is you giving me a book which I need as a reference to do X other things, by the methods given in the book. Those methods are the only ways that work to make use of those X other things. I invested my time based on your presentation that the book was free--now, in effect, you are blackmailing me to not be able to do those things I've invested time into unless I now pay. That is theft of my time, as nobody's time is worthless. That's the real objection here, not whether mod authors have a right to get paid. And it is why it is far more ethical to say up-front "this is $10, take it or leave it" then to have people commit their time to you under false pretenses.
    insaneplumber wrote: Quote Source

    So, i did a little bit of calculation of the approximate sales and profit made on the first day, so people can see how much money the content creators actually get.

    These stats were made assuming everybody who subscribed to the item has paid the lowest price option available, and it does not include the price in the bundle (as it is unknown)

    Gifts of Akatosh [Corvalho]
    - $731.59 revenue, $100 personal profit

    Shadow Scale Set [sebastian]
    - $644.49 revenue, $100 personal profit

    Sange Sword [T_Vidotto]
    - $88.25 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Yasha Sword [T_Vidotto]
    - $104.00 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Butterfly Sword [T_Vidotto]
    - $55.75 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Lambda Locator [Jimo]
    - $118.09 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Purity [Laast]
    - $1055.47 revenue, $200 personal profit

    Blazing Ringsword [Fido]
    - $122.50 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Scrib Crusher [Fido]
    - $53.00 revenue, $0 personal profit

    iNeed [isoku]
    - $88.11 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Wet and Cold [isoku]
    - $229.68 revenue. $0 personal profit

    Shezrie's Bleakden Town [shezrie]
    - $344.27 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Firelink Implements [Vermilion Wlad]
    - $209.88 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Midas Magic Gold Edition [xilverbulet]
    - $615.94 revenue, $100 personal profit

    The Watcher Staff [Jeremy Klein]
    - $151.47 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Blind Raven [RadLyte]
    - $193.50 revenue, $0 personal profit

    Arissa - The Wandering Rogue [Chesko]
    - $499.93 revenue, $100 personal profit

    Castle Volkihar Rebuilt [Arthmoor]
    - $471.15 revenue, $100 personal profit

    $5777.08 Total Revenue
    $700 paid to 6 content creators
    $744.27 content creator revenue being withheld
    $1733.12 Profit for Valve
    $2599.69 profit for Bethesda

    I did the maths last night and it was a tad under $4000 and I was doing if everyone paid the max.

    The fact our numbers are so similar with over 13 hours time apart and myself going for max and you going for min, shows that Valve isn't making much money out of this.
  5. In response to post #24598054.

    WightMage wrote:

    Forbes has come out on our side.

    Cor Blimey!

    Yesterday I didn't have much hope Valve would listen but with a line from Forbes saying "The pros are technically “modders get paid, the game maker gets paid,” but past that, there are too many cons to count.

    This will prove to be a disaster, and may damage the PC the modding community irreparably if the practice spreads."
    I am speechless from excitement. I mean... if we hold our ground, we could kill Unofficial DLC before it spreads.

    Edit: Just saw that it was in the opinion section...
    Eh I will take whatever victory I can.
  6. In response to post #24595504. #24595544, #24595689, #24595884 are all replies on the same post.

    insaneplumber wrote:
    Arendella wrote: Are you kidding me....
    freedom613 wrote: I want to say it is a joke, but Cities: Skyline made a joke at the beginning of the month about Unofficial DLC and yesterday it came true...
    Salzber wrote: Well f*#@...piratebay hello I'm back.

    @Salz I wouldn't talk on Nexus about digital piracy...
  7. In response to post #24594124. #24595149 is also a reply to the same post.

    sHizZ0z wrote:
    Streptococo wrote: If you really want to hurt Valve your decission should be... stop using Valve. No more purchases in Valve, buy the games from other game supliers, buy the physical game... if it's exclusive of Steam/Valve then don't buy it. This new "pay for mods" is an extra income for them, a new market, a big one if the modding community go to them, but the way to hurt them is to stop using Steam. Play the games you already bought but in regards of the new ones, buy them anywhere else.

    Anyway, you and/or me alone won't matter, but the whole modding community doing so, then yes... things would matter.

    The Golden Potato is satire.
  8. In response to post #24592274. #24592619 is also a reply to the same post.

    xgkf wrote:
    DocCopper wrote: I'd watch it! Just to see if the modding community, in its rage, would bring about the apocalypse by summoning Cthulhu or something. I'a I'a.

    With the fire that is being thrown on the Workshop, I doubt the summoning of Cthulhu would make things any worse. We have passed the Godzilla threshold.
  9. In response to post #24584944.

    tarathx wrote:

    Speaking as someone neutral (although I did sign the petition), the modding community has been shattered (look at these posts) and the precedent for future games has already been set. Valve made about $4000 within five hours (Citation: Did the maths at midnight, adding up the subscribers * maximum mod price).

    So hopefully is out of the question, what is in the question is where do we go from here?

    I will say one thing:
    https://www.change.org/p/solve-world-hunger (90 signatures in four years)
    https://www.change.org/p/valve-remove-the-paid-content-of-the-steam-workshop (Almost 25k in 19 hours)

    Don't mess with the mods Valve, we as a community would rather starve than pay according to the numbers.

    In response to post #24581129.




    freedom613 wrote:

    Thanks a bunch, I was actually planning on having one or more of my characters being Scots. Have you got any examples of your voice on Youtube or somewhere?


    I'm definitely interested.


    Not really, I never did voice acting before (I know, red flag alert), but I do have some experience in drama in highschool.


    I can create a video in the morning if you want some samples.


    In response to post #24580689. #24580874, #24580999 are all replies on the same post.




    danburite2 wrote:
    Brigand231 wrote: PM me if you need free voice actors. Both my wife and I enjoy contributing our voices to free mods and have done so many times.
    WightMage wrote: Don't worry mate, if Youtube shows can still be created and go on without paying their voice actors, I'm sure you can find someone to help out.

    Thanks, I'm not quite there yet, but I'll bookmark your profile for when I need it. :smile:


    Feel free to bookmark me well. I am bi-accental (Edinburgh-Scottish and Southern-American), and I can hold my own (but by no means fluent yet) in Scottish Gaelic if you want a more mystical language for your character's voice. With this whole community drift, I want to help out the modders staying free the best I can. It is the least I can do after all.

  12. In response to post #24577124. #24577239, #24577359, #24577374, #24577389, #24577464 are all replies on the same post.

    phantompally76 wrote:
    WightMage wrote: Can confirm: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=430324898

    This item is no longer for sale
    This item is no longer for sale, but if you have purchased it, you will still have access to it."

    Azulyn wrote: I think it had something to do with Fore and Chesko's use of his animation assets or some such
    OWA1 wrote: I think the creator of FNIS asked him to remove it, as it uses his resources.
    Userper wrote: The hate likely got to much for the guy...
    not suprised though.
    willow123 wrote: yup

    Edit: Ty Wightmage, I wonder why he would remove it? Maybe we are getting through to the paywall modders?
  13. In response to post #24576794. #24577274, #24577549 are all replies on the same post.

    Kevlar39 wrote:
    Kevlar39 wrote: My edited post makes more sense than the original. :)
    Reaper0021 wrote: Your post still makes sense even without his original as it still talks about what I'm worried about. Keep the post AS IS.

    Bethesda is testing the waters. If this backfires, then they will quietly drop this in their next game. If it makes money, then you will see them continue to expand their reach until it backfires. So this is not to create more revenue to fund Fallout 4, but to see if this model could work on Fallout 4.

    Hence why it is imperative to kill this before it begins.

    Edit: My post no longer makes sense now that you changed what your post was stating.

    Edit 2: Well you lot seem to think my post make sense, so I decided to edit it slightly. Looked a bit odd without the edit since I was answering a statement instead of a question.
  14. In response to post #24575704. #24576384, #24576634 are all replies on the same post.

    TheSovietPenguin wrote:
    Tantalus010 wrote: I mostly agree with your post. I think this system is a horrendously bad idea for modding in general - the only ones this will benefit in the end are Valve and Bethesda, because they're profiting off of someone else's work (i.e. skimming). Mod authors who choose to use it exclusively will likely find themselves not making much money out of it (I imagine most of us won't be willing to pay for mods if we are forced to - I sure won't), and users will find themselves deprived of outstanding work if they aren't willing to pay for it. There's no question in my mind that some mods are truly worthy of being monetarily rewarded for it, but requiring that reward leaves a really bad taste in my mouth - both as a user and someone who has created a few (simple) mods.
    WightMage wrote: I'm with freedom613, and I enjoyed your post and thoughts.

    Maybe I am just a boring person, but I was quite disappointed when you didn't go deeper into the impact this had on modding culture.
  15. In response to post #24576269.

    Krazeecain wrote:

    There is a sense of entitlement because we are against our community being divided? That we do not like the precedent that is being set? I do not support abusing the authors who decided to paywall, but I do agree with a boycott. The same reasoning that allows them to sell their mods (free market) is the same reasoning we can use to boycott them.
  16. In response to post #24575764. #24575884, #24576014 are all replies on the same post.

    dinofinder wrote:
    CaedesAposis wrote: So what prevented you from using the donate button on this website previously? Hmmm?
    Explosive196 wrote: Then feel free to donate to the author. Nobody should be forced to pay for a mod.

    I must agree with Caedes. We as a community share the same amount of blame as Valve and Bethesda. If we donated more often, then the modders would not risk being ostracised by the community and would keep their mods free.
  17. I am a major advocate of Free Market Capitalism. I have read the works of Adam Smith, Nicholas Mankiw, and Keynes so with that in mind, it will be strange that I am on the side of "keep modding free". Why do I support this?


    1. Sturgeons Law: 90% of everything is crap. Combine that with people wanting money and the large modding community, you will have a grand amount of mods for sale that are just shoddy quality. If you throw in abadonware to the mix, the modding community will get a negative reputation. It is one thing for Sturgeons Law to be applied to free things, all you loose is the bandwidth, when it comes to paying for something, especially when you cannot get a refund + a lack of quality control the stakes are far higher. When you throw money in the mix, you need a higher set of standards because the face of the modding community like it or not, will be those selling their goods on the workshop.


    2. The Elder Scrolls relies on the modding community. Bethesda games are buggier than a bee farm and are about as stable as a Jenga tower on a good day, where would we be without mods like USP or a CTD prevention? Would they still be free if they could make money from it? Economics say since there is a large demand for the product, people will pay for it.


    3. Lack of competition. There are 148 mods in the New Lands Section, factoring in Sturgeon's law only 14 of the mods are of high quality, that isn't good. To explain what I mean, let me give an example: If I want a mod about going to Elsweyr I am stuck with two mods: Moonpath to Elsweyr and The Deserts of Elsweyr according to my Nexus search of the term "elsweyr", the latter hasn't been updated since 2012 so MTE has a monopoly and thus if anyone wants to go to this province of the empire, MTE can charge whatever they want knowing they have no competition. Continuing on, suppose I want to go to Morrowind: I still only have two options: Skywind or Shadows of Morrowind.


    Sure there will be competition on the easier to make mods: armour, swords, cheat mods, but with very very few exception (even out of those who are in the 10%), are they worth the $1-3 we would see them on the workshop for?


    4. There is another way to compensate modders.

    Modders have a variety of ways to get money without charging people for their product: Kickstarter, Adfly, list goes on. Why should we create a rift in the community when there are alternatives? Will it net them as much money, no, but money is not the point. Sometimes things must be done for the betterment of the community instead of personal gain: Wikipedia and Google could make millions more than they do now if they charged for their product, but instead they use alternative ways of gaining revenue without costing the user.


    There are numerous more reasons why charging for mods are bad, but most of the reasons have been said far better than I could articulate (Bootrocket's post for example).

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