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Posts posted by Terramaris

  1. Right off the bat, I see one error. I doubt though that is the primary problem in the mod list, however it is a step into the right direction.


    • WATER DB.esp Active
    • WATER DB Waves.esp Active
      • Warning: Use only one WATER DB esp.

    Going through your error message, my money is on the Nox mod you are using. Try disabling that, re run boss, and tell me what happens. *Wants cheese if he wins the contest... CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!*

  2. I been having trouble with my Skyrim with my problems ranging from the Dark Brotherhood "With friends like these..." quest not starting (slept for days in every city I could in every house I could) to people asking me to follow them (like Ralof or the daughter of the guy who wants the golden claw) then just stopping for a few minutes looking into the breeze until they decide to continue.


    Anyways this will be my fifth new game and I would really hate to start over again so I deleted everything except the bare mods I want (and even then I sacrificed dual sheath redux since I couldn't get the thing to work, even with the patch thingy). So I ask of you to please check my load order listed below and help me find out if my game will last me until I am Dragonborn and saviour of the Empire/Skyrim (no idea what choice to be, on one side I love the legion... on the other they wanted to chop my head off :P ) or until I get a fatal mod error and there goes my hard work (again).


    I also read a few interesting things online that I would like your opinion on:


    Is it true that you shouldn't add mods half way into the game?

    Is it true that USKP is not worth it? (If so I can remove a good half of my big mods)


    My load order:


  3. I am playing as an enemy of the NCR who is doing Yes Man's quests to take over Vegas. The NCR hate me enough though that they shoot me on sight (something about going into their embassy with an automatic shotgun and killing their ambassador or something). However when I go to defend myself, my securitrons shoot at me. I was wondering what is their faction so I may add myself to it, or lacking that, does anyone have a mod to make them friendly?
  4. Oblivion beats skyrim any day in my opinion. As a previous poster said, skyrim removed too much and doesn't really add anything new to the table. I played oblivion, without exaggerating, on over 100 characters and I am still finding new things to do. Skyrim however is lackluster.
  5. I was recently exploring the waterfront when a mugger asked me for my money or life, I refused, and he drew his sword and got real close to me... no attacking, nothing. I shredded him with my sword bewildered and went to a guard, thinking maybe someone didn't code the mugger AI right I highlighted the guard and typed "startcombat player" on both guards, same problem. It seems all the NPCs want to try and hug me to death. I recently installed streamline but I doubt that is the problem. Has anyone encountered this problem before?


    Mod List:






    Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm

    Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

    Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm


    CM Partners.esm


    Mart's Monster Mod.esm

    Better Cities Resources.esm

    No more ELYTRA!.esp

    Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

    UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

    Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp

    Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp



    Enhanced Water v1.5 HD.esp

    Symphony of Violence.esp





    Portable Campsite.esp

    QQuix - Rock, rock, rock your ship - V3.esp

    Enhanced Economy.esp

    Risk of Bandits in Cities.esp








    M.O.E. - New Staffs, Blight and Ashstorms.esp

    M.O.E. - Playable Scythe.esp

    M.O.E. - Unlocked Palace Guard Armour.esp

    M.O.E. - Unlocked Dremora Armour and Robes.esp

    M.O.E. - Unlocked Glenroy and Captain Renault Blades Armour.esp



    Francesco's Optional Files.esp

    Alluring Wine Bottles.esp


    CoH Werewolves Mixed.esp

    CurseOfHircine - Symphony of Night.esp


    M.O.E. - The Black Sacrament - Night Mother's Ritual.esp




    thievery - EE patch.esp








    M.O.E. - Visit Valen Dreth Topic.esp




    ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts.esp

    Better Cities - House price patch.esp

    Visually Realistic Deadly Lava.esp

    Visually Realistic Lava.esp

    Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp

    Bag of Holding.esp


    M.O.E. - Bone Names and Priced Skull.esp

    M.O.E. - Lucien Lachance Rumors Fix.esp

    M.O.E. - Icons for Mythic Dawn Armour - Fix.esp

    M.O.E. - Kill Martin and Jauffre.esp

    M.O.E. - New Classes.esp

    Class Advantages.esp



    Realistic Hatred.esp

    Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp


    M.O.E. - Fatigue Loss from Running.esp


    M.O.E. - Vampire Clan Raelu.esp

    M.O.E. - Ethereal State Spell.esp

    M.O.E. - Lock Spells.esp

    M.O.E. - Mythic Dawn Powers.esp

    M.O.E. - Teleportation Magic and Icarian Flight.esp




    Midas Reduced Costs Half.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Midas Creature Ingredients.esp

    Midas PowDur2x.esp

    Midas Eldrich Power 2x.esp

    Midas Tigernolevel OBSE.esp

    Midas BeastFortify Fix OBSE.esp


    ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp

    ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp

    M.O.E. - Realistic Law Enforcement - Part One.esp

    M.O.E. - Realistic Law Enforcement - Part Two.esp


    Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed Block and 2.5x damage.esp

    DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp

    Oblivion XP.esp



    M.O.E. - Unlocked Hairstyles.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    Blood Elves.esp

    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners NPC NE.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp



    Streamline 3.0.esp


    Francesco's 7 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp


    Better battles.esp



    Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Knights.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates - Moderate Increased.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot G&GD.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions MMM+Fran.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - More Passive Wildlife.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Roads.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Quest Locations.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - No Spiders.esp

    Mart's Monster Mod - No Werewolves.esp

    Better Cities Full.esp

    Better Imperial City.esp

    Better Cities - TIE Restricted Area.esp

    Better Cities - Thievery.esp

    Better Cities Full FPS Patch.esp

    Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp

    Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp

    Better Cities .esp

    Trade and Commerce.esp

    Even Oddities.esp

    Blood Elf Power.esp (mod I made to give blood elves a different greater power)



  6. Thank you everyone for your help, I finanly got it to work with your suggestions. Incase anyone has the same problem as me this is what I did.


    1-Uninstall Oblivion

    2-Uninstall Steam

    3-Registry clean

    4-Delete the oblivion folder in my documents

    5-Reinstall Steam

    6-Reinstall Oblivion


  7. Just uninstalled/reinstalled steam then installed oblivion again, nada. However I am going to try to do delete files in my documents trick that was said. The card I am using is not the same make, I got a different brand, forgot the name though. As for if my other games work, I don't play much on here except oblivion but my Kotor 2 does work (admitedly I am having a pathfinding issue in jek-jek tar but that is another problem for another day, lol)
  8. I am using Windows 7 and steam is installed to a folder on my desktop called "Programz". I did a install of oblivion (just finished) without anything, deleted; meshes, textures, ect. Complete vanilla. Crashed right after the Bethesda softworks screen.


    I surpass the specs (before I uninstalled I could run; better cities, oblivion, and quarls at max specs with little lag) so thats not the problem. Oblivion was fine till a few days ago when my video card died. I got a new one, installed a few mods, and boom my problem. (The new video card is better then my old one so that can't be the problem) Its the oddest thing.

  9. Thanks, I will try it and see what happens. I so hope it works, as much as skyrim looks good. Oblivion has the best replay value (so many mods, so little time.) Okay here is hoping I get further then the bethesda softworks screen when it finishes installing.
  10. Okay so I installed some mods yesterday and went to play oblivion, it crashed when I click "create new game" I tried without mods (just default oblivion and SI), same problem. I uninstalled it and went to reinstall it, disc was too bad scratched. So I went to buy a disc cleaner, didn't help so I said "screw it" and bought a copy of steam since three game stores near my house stopped sellling oblivion to sell skyrim on friday.


    I installed oblivon GOTY + OBSE for Steam... crashed. I took off the OBSE for Steam loader, still crashed (no mods active except the OFFICAL dlc). I think the universe hates me that or I went into a house of mirrors and shotup the place because thats the only way I could have this much bad luck with a single game. Any idea's on how to fix it? (Besides an exorcisim).

  11. I'm sure they do exist, the universe is a big place and I doubt we are some freak occurrence, however I'm yet to see anything that convinces me they're paying us visits or that they ever have done in the past. The incredible distances involved and the fact that our system is out in the sticks makes me think it's extremely unlikely that they have or ever will pay us a visit. The idea that aliens built the Pyramids is a strange one, every single part of the process has been explained and it's amazing what you can achieve with tens of thousands of labourers. Heavy lifting machinery is a relatively new thing and huge structures were constructed all over the world without it, European cathedrals being a good example.

    Your trying to say that a massive pyramid, one of the biggest structures on the earth was built in 20 years by workers with ropes and stone?


    The qaurry was over a mile away from the building site, they would have had to cut out massive blocks of stones and drag it extremely long distances.


    You would have to move the stone from the qaurry in around 5 minutes in order to build the pyramid in 20 years, assuming you would be having workers working non stop.


    Yes, they would have had 10,000 to 20,000 labourers and all the resources of the state. Why would little green men travel many light years to build one? it doesn't make any sense.


    I was watching the History Channel and they said that the pyramids could function as a power plant (can't name the show as that would break the no religion rule I think).

  12. Clearly this place is a tyranical dictatorship lead by Adolf Dark0ne and his band of crones including such loveable characters as Mao Buddah, Lon Stalin, The Czar Dante, Saddam BBen, Kim Jong Darkewolf, Vladimir Thandal, Kaiser Vagrant0 and....Myrmaad Palin (sorry Myr...).


    Dark0ne, Best. Post. Ever. Of all time. Kudos to you.

  13. Freedom of speech does not = freedom of trolling.




    I just read the thread in question and I do have to agree the OP deserved a punishment, he was acting a bit smart with Buddah. I do agree though, people should not be banned for speaking their mind as long as they do it in a mature fashion. My two cents.

  14. I could have sworn a while back I saw a mod that put more people on the road (kind of like crowded roads in Oblivion) however I searched a bit around Nexus and I can not find it. I almost postive the mod exists so may you please look for it. Thank you for your time.
  15. I checked around the nexus, couldn't find a mod that makes the Garret Brother give rep to any faction besides freeside. I need this mod since I killed Caeser's messager (the one who told me all my crimes against the legion were forgiven) but then Mr. House told me to go meet Caeser, but I can not without dieing before I reach the boat.
  16. My request is for a mod that adds a person(s) that for a fee, will increase/decrease, your reputation with any of the factions. To keep it in lore, it would cost less money for him to persuade a poor place like freeside that you are a good person then for him to pay off the generals of the NCR to say you are good.


    A simple idea, I hope one of you modders take it into consideration. Thank you :)

  17. In my opinion, we are heading to a dystopia (if we are not already in one). Gas is running out, food prices are skyrocketing, America is going bankrupt, corporations running the goverment and federal banks, and sadly quite a bit of the population in the states could not care less as long as it does not mess with their status quo.
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