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Everything posted by DrunkenGamer

  1. Will do guys. Thanks for the advice. And yeah I just saw that the motherboard is out, too. I know about the case, and I already looked at a couple. I can get that here easily, I just need to order the parts. Monitor is the same issue. Also, it's probably a better idea to get somebody to build this for me rather than try myself, right?
  2. http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=14748732 The wireless adapter is the only problem as it's out of stock (recommend a different one?), but the rest of it looks pretty solid, right? Also, on the subject of wireless adapter, how the hell does the internet work when I'm building a computer. I don't even know. This list was given to me by somebody else. Some help needed, I'm a complete noob. I'm looking to be able to at least play Skyrim, with or without high-end graphics. Anything is an improvement over this old piece of slag. Not looking for THE most amazing computer, just something that'll help me along for a while.
  3. I've been looking at this Sapphire Vapor-X 5770 1GB card for a while. Does anybody know of it/is it any good? The rest of it I thought of getting some generic stuff, but this is the card I really want. Hm?
  4. Either listens to too much Manowar or loves Norse mythology.
  5. Two fish are in a tank. One says "You man the guns, I'll drive."
  6. Actually, I didn't even think that it was made in Paint up until now. I just noticed the bleeding on the text from saving things in Paint. Sigs aren't about good or bad looking, complicated or not, it's about what you want. Just like normal art. And sure, I'll do it. Nothing specific, or can I just do what I want?
  7. Umbra with difficulty at 50% and OOO installed. Towards the end of the fight (a good 2 hours) I realized that switching to a magical weapon helped quite a bit, instead of constantly using my Fine Steel Claymore.
  8. Nyah http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/everyonehateshimp2.gif
  9. Obviously doesn't know that the figure in his sig isn't commander crazy. :rolleyes:
  10. But you forget, the PC version of Oblivion's highest graphics far exceed both the PS3 and XBOX's.
  11. Has some sort of strange attraction towards Robert Downey Jr. I'm backing away slowly now, by the way.
  12. lol Feel free to comment and offer criticism. Something I feel you guys are reluctant to give for some reason, especially regarding sigs.
  13. Well according to ingame lore, when you're at 25% Vampirism, people can't tell you're a vampire. When you reach 50%-100%, that's when people see what you really are. So maybe he's just always at 25% Vampirism? But that wouldn't explain why he still doesn't look like a vamp at the cave.
  14. I think OP is expecting 60 FPS out of this game. Hahahahaha.
  15. http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15600000/Imperial-Fleet-star-wars-15606909-1920-1200.jpg Yeah. Sheep can get outta heeyuh.
  16. I guess I can concur to that. I never really did find myself using Sigil Stones until after I was a higher level and got the better ones. But by then I was almost done with the Main Quest and tired of closing Oblivion gates anyway. But they do offer decent enchantments sometimes. And the fact that it's basically free. I get the feeling that Dragons will all be taken down almost the same way each time, just like how an Oblivion gate is closed. Shouts are something different though. But Barbarians from Diablo 2 already had a nice one.
  17. I make sigs for a hobby. I make them a lot. So I figured I'd just make one topic to showcase them all, instead of making another topic for every time I make a new one. So here they are. They are put in the order I've finished them in. Will also take requests. Batman http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig31batman-1.png Gundam Unicorn VS Banshee http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig33-1.png Hellboy http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/request-tyler1.png Keeley Hazell http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig34.png A Zealot from Starcraft 2 http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig36.png Korean singer IU http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig37-1.png Fallout 3 http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig38.png Metroid http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig39.png Terran Ghost (Current) http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll207/DrunkenLoser-012/drunken-sig41.png
  18. Honestly, this wasn't supposed to be a philosopher vs philosopher debate. It was a "humans are awful" vs "humans are good" debate. But whatever.
  19. It's because the PC has sort of fallen out of favor lately with the console boom. PC Master Race FOR LIFE.
  20. You read incorrectly, sir. I didn't say Dragon Souls would be enchanting items. I merely compared them to Sigil Stones, which were used to enchant items. The two merely serve the same purpose in the game.
  21. I don't really think that you'll receive a shout that early. It's got to be a little later in the game, you know? The very beginning is a little too quick. The game WILL begin at a prison, and if the player does see his own execution, then yes, it will be a failed one. Probably.
  22. If what I understand is correct, the game will have the hero absorbing Dragon Souls to gain new shouts and the like, just as Sigil Stones granted free enchantments for weapons. They are rewards for completing a task that give you new abilities. In that regard, Dragons are the new Oblivion Gates in Skyrim, and souls are the new sigil stones. Your thoughts?
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