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Everything posted by madcow12

  1. so I've managed to make it read the correct videocard using a custom DLL generator that was created for FNV, but now the exterior is all drab and i have no sun. the interiors work fine and i get solid 60 FPS everywhere, but the sun is missing...
  2. I personally found Somber Unchained or somber 3 pretty good. Insomnia is also a good ENB. all enbs will benefit from high settings, they just differ in taste in regards to lighting, saturation, and others
  3. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54371 Allows you to get armor perks even if you wear only 3 of the 4 pieces of the set
  4. Is there any chance of a file becoming a hot file after the seven days? From what i read of your post this is a no, but some of the files i saw made it to the hot files in two+ weeks since their first upload
  5. @BlackRoseOfThorns I just noticed in your enbinjector.ini that it has no lines for skse.exe. Is it because you don't use SKSE or is it not needed? Also if I'm getting crashes with ExpandSystemMemoryX64 set to true, where should I look to fix it?
  6. LIke is the criteria a combination of endorsements,downloads, and views, or just downloads, or just endorsements and downloads?
  7. still not reading it correctly, but the feel is pretty smooth and runs pretty well..strange strange
  8. i'll give that a try. thanks for the help BROTher
  9. I'm using enb 0.254. Right now I see Intel 4600. I fixed the enblocal.ini, and every quality option to low. it's running better than before, but crashes every hour or so. how can i fix this? or perhaps I should reinstall my graphics driver?
  10. the only landscape textures i have is Skyrim HD and I use the lite version. Along with that is WATER with the 1024 textures. I tried to keep textures as light as possible since I'm not too finicky about them. So i'm guessing it's a VRAM+cooling issue...my cooling fan is kinda busted but still works so ill try that. question tho: are fooling cans suppose to suck air? I thought they blew cold air into your laptop? mine is the reverse
  11. I've tried replacing, and so it seems insufficient VRAM is the thing. except this is very weird cuz I've got a 4gb intel graphics with a 4gb AMD card. i've got more than enough vram to deal with skyrim, or so i think. and what's worse, i'm crashing every 30 minutes. i think it might be overheating, but this doesn't happen when i play other games such as Sniper Elite2 or even Total War.
  12. @notmyhome yes I am using Somber Unchained. How can i fix the binaries? @BlackRoseOfThorns Can't find it. I can change between Max performance and max battery life, but no just SG. does changing the graphics card noted in the .ini under sd3dd device help?
  13. i tried and it seemed to strangely worsen the problem. when i placed back the unoptimized textures, they were un-purple for longer periods then when optimized. very strange. i have a intel 4600 with a switchable graphics AMD 8970M and it does that..
  14. I'm using 250 mods, of which texture mods are just SkyrimHD Lite, SMIM, Project Parallex. It's BOSS-ed clean install game runs beautifully, except after a certain time i start getting purple items or weapons or armors as if some meshes are missing. but if I go into a shop, type pcb into the console and go back, then it's ok again. what could be the cause of this? I'm also using Somber Unchained ENB..could it be straining my video card?
  15. A showcase for minor mods such as changing the hot file section to new file section perhaps? true, if it's a catchy mod people will come to it anyways, but sometimes because of the abundant number of mods, people just resort to the most famous. and brodual can't obviously cover everything out there, and the latest files is a bit too small to be noticeable.
  16. Lol compared to TK Children, the vanilla children are like adults who got shrunk to child size lol so hilarious
  17. Once you've gotten past hundreds of hours of skyrim, then your interest naturally turns to modding. Then that's where a whole new level of fun starts
  18. I still use your weapons pack. Really loved your work, hope we get a chance to see your future works! Good luck in your endeavours
  19. Do you have hialgoboost running also? i've had problems with using it with the latest ENBhost.exe also just by the screenshots i think this needs more than just high end, it almost needs end of line. try turning down everything with quality options one or two steps down or turn off DoF
  20. the body mods seem to reflect the author's idea of a IDEAL body, albeit not realistic. we can want some, but wish others, kinda like that i guess and no some people do have such bodies; they're always on tv only thats why. if reflecting reality, there would be chubby ppl, skinny ppl, all sorts, but with a limited weight slider that's kinda hard to reflect. and also, it's a game. it lets you look or see or become something that you could but is too hard/impossible in real life. satisfaction's sake it seems then
  21. perhaps you've enabled the option of different clothing according to location keywords? i recall AFT had such a function
  22. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Discworld#Thud.21_.282005.29 Found a nifty site you could use that contains all the major lines from Sir Terry's works
  23. I can't script so I generally turn to Conditions The condition you are looking for is WornApparelHasKeyword. Then set the keyword to ArmorHeavy or ArmorLight and set it to == 4 so that it only activates when player has all four pieces on. the second part will need some scripting
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