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Everything posted by steamteck

  1. Mind the door doesn't hit you on the way out. Totally want! You are Validated ( Well maybe a tiny bit)
  2. Massive increase in NPC interactivity and interaction with detailed schedules and lots to say. like relationship dialogue overhaul and Immersive citizens together on steroids
  3. When you follow Delphine down to her lair she states "you were a fool to come down here if you don't trust me" and she says something like "I should kill you but I'll let you leave this time" I'd like to explain to her I'm not afraid of her and, in fact she should be afraid of me. I'd also like to ask ( this I think would be much harder) why if she's so hot to be a dragonslayer like her predecessors, why the first time a dragon is seen in an age, she runs the other way Finally ( again harder) I'd like to tell her she is an idiot if she thinks the Thalmor haven't heard of me ( Thane of Whiterun and see this bounty notice) and how Alduin could not possibly be working for the Thalmor because of his attitude of complete superiority. "did you just hear him?" Most likely a pipe dream but I put it out there.
  4. As a fencer in real life, I find this timed block infuriating. I prefer the other also but just not making me go to a non combat stance after each block but give me a ready one and a quicker reaction time would do.
  5. Even if the console mods market doesn't work out, I can guarantee they will still release CK for their future works. They would be stupid not to. The modding community increases the life of their games and boosts sales of their games. Even if they're not directly involved with the modding community, they would be throwing away a lot of money by not releasing the CK. I'm not sure, but I think he means providing the CK to console users? If so...no, it just won't work. At least not without really hurting the potential of the modding scene for that game. So what I was trying to say was this: The console market is legion compared to the PC market and consoles are getting more technically adept all the time. If Beth can't make mods work on consoles, what is their motivation to continue supporting them (via things like the CK) for PC users? I'm not saying that will happen or that Beth can't solve the multiple issues surrounding mods on consoles, but their market, for all practical purposes, is consoles, not PC game sales. The next TES will have a different engine, and quite possibly be VR-based. Its in our best interest to help make mods on consoles work (so Beth continues to support the CK etc. in the future) , even if it means a bit of white-hat exploration of possible exploits (even if this topic's impetus is a false one). As of the last two years the PC gaming market exceeded the console market in total dollars so not as much as conventional wisdom says. TES specifically, I dunno. That being said consoles and mods is not a bad thing if we can just get past this and PC modding is not damaged.
  6. I don't get any crashes but my initial load times are insanely long. My Skyrim with over 200 mods is measured in seconds. All my other games boot up in seconds but FO4 often takes minutes. Its kind of frustrating,
  7. I dunno. I endorse every mod I download and actually like and use and try to Donate to most of them but Fallout 4 just hasn't held my interest like Skyrim do I ave not really been looking . When stuff from the Creation kit really gets going I'm sure something will spark my imagination. I did enjoy FO4 but after several 100 hours, it just doesn't seem to have the near infinite staying power of Skyrim which I find myself going back to.
  8. Sometimes I don't go into the queue and imediately if the queue comes up the numbers just go higher and higher and the download never starts, I'm running AOLs default spyware and firewall running windows XP. I've waited over 30 minutes and the numbers don't go down and the download never starts. I apperciate that you run this wonderful site but presently its unuseable to me.
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