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Everything posted by gretzky99

  1. I would like to know the exact address on my computer. I know it is steam something or other.
  2. I love taking rivers and streams also. Just got to watch out for the falls.
  3. You have me beat in playtime...I only have played 17 hours. But then again, I have only had the game for 32 hours...
  4. I finally got it in the mail this afternoon. This game is pretty wicked. So many things to do...places to go...I am not even doing the main quest yet. Nor did I take the quest to get the golden claw yet. I wandered around and then decided to head southwest to Riften. This game ROCKS!!!
  5. I know how you feel. It is a holiday today in the United States, so I probably won't get it delivered today. And tommorrow...I don't even know if UPS delivers on saturdays. And they don't deliver on Sundays. Maybe I will get it on Monday?
  6. You are not the only one...It is only 8:52 here in Arizona...
  7. Shame on you! You need to hold that game with gloves!!!
  8. You would think this is the most excruciating time. But I am putting it out of my mind somewhat. Tomorrow, I am meeting a bunch of friends to go work out at the Y for a few hours. Then, we are going to go eat a healthy lunch over at somebody's apt. No...McDonalds is not healthy! It will be late afternoon by the time I get home. Just check the Nexus forums, and go to bed early...and TA DAH! The magical Triple Elevensies is here! All praise the Holy Nine! 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
  9. Me, I am just going to be a BADASS.
  10. The island of Vvardenfell has been destroyed by a new eruption of Red Mountain.
  11. Sewage worker...could also be moonlighting for the DB.
  12. Yes, MMM was great. It added so much needed variety to the game.
  13. I'd rather have a bard sing about the glorious adventures of the last Dovahkiin. There will be bards singing...I saw it in one of the ILLEGAL videos.
  14. I am really interested in discovering new Daedric Realms. Maybe in one or more of the expansions.
  15. I chose the 1000 to 2000, but it is probably more over the years.
  16. I would like to see a BOOK READER, who reads to the uneducated masses in the town square.
  17. I would rather just see a mod that adds 200 new perks you could choose from. As they say, THE MORE, THE MERRIER.
  18. I would love to see a modder make a mod that creates new jobs or things you can craft. Winemaking is the only thing I can think of at the moment. Anybody else have any ideas?
  19. I am such an ES fanatic...nothing will drag me away, for many years. Of course, I play PC, so the modding community is going to make it ENDLESS for me!
  20. Go to Youtube, search for Skyrim, Search Option "Upload Date". Good idea...thanks!
  21. Go to Youtube, search for Skyrim, Search Option "Upload Date". Good idea...thanks!
  22. Please...let's get some videos up and running of gameplay!
  23. So if it was already released in the Netherlands...does that mean on xbox 360? You would think that would also be the case and people would be describing their gameplay....
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