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Everything posted by gretzky99

  1. This is not Earth...I could care less if they ever improve technology. I want it to stay the same FOREVER....
  2. I have to stop looking at it so often...it seems to slow down if that happens.
  3. I will have just as much fun with the 60 buck game...and since I am getting it for PC, all the mods I will DL for years to come...
  4. I'm a total stealth nut, so i definitely like this! On a sidenote, it would be cool if in the regular game, we could be able to sneak through an entire dungeon, mine, etc. without being spotted (other than fighting pre-requisite "boss" at the end of dungeon/mine). Probably make leveling a bit harder, but still be fun to do every now and then. Don't really have much in way of quest ideas. It's not really a quest per se, but it would be kinda cool (for me anyways) if near the start of the game, your character has an option to get a job as a courier, and be made to deliver so many messages to various regions. Be a nice way to unlock a crap ton of map right away, at least, as well as get to see Skyrim and meet its various inhabitants early on. Yes, I like the courier idea. Or maybe you can be a guard for some travelling merchants, and learn the lay of the land that way.
  5. There will be a S-load of new quest materials...with all the new things you can do in the game...quests will just branch off of them like hotcakes.
  6. I promise to be the first to DL your new world. But I am also going to be busy with the vanilla game and the BILLIONS of mods that will fill it.
  7. I want the bards to play some medieval style Beatles. Plus some Queen.
  8. That sounds interesting...storing your perk points.
  9. When I was playing Vanilla FO3, I really enjoyed the perks. A novel idea, compared to Oblivion. And then I discovered a whole bunch of mods that offered a S-load of new perks. My heart was on fire! So I will really be excited to try out the new modded perks for Skyrim. They just add an (almost) unlimitedness to the game.
  10. If you are like me, and have played Oblivion for years, you switch over to FO3, and try to add as many mods that work well together. Then you play until Triple Elevensies.
  11. Definitely, the next generation of MMM has to be made. INSTADL...
  12. I hope there are a lot of siberian huskies...makes sense in such a cold climate.
  13. I am totally just waiting patiently for Triple Elevensies. This game is going to rock so bad...
  14. I want the DLCs to be huge and long.
  15. I did not vote, since I do not mod, but I will not use mods that get rid of them, because I think they add some reality to the game.
  16. If Todd was one of us, he would also be blown out of his mind.
  17. Pins? BAH!! I am going to NAIL mine up!
  18. I will probably be messing around with FO3, maybe a little Assassin's Creed. For the last time of the next 3 years...SNIFF SNIFF.
  19. Seconds ago...57 days prior to release. Just so I could get the map.
  20. Since I am tired of way too many magical weapons, etc....I would really like just a ton of new BLAND, BORING, EVERYDAY weapons added to lists.
  21. Because they just removed a mod that made it so the player can enter a whole S-load of buildings in DC and suburbs. Please, can any modder with skill and heart please make a mod that replaces it? Pretty please? The games no longer seems the same without being able to explore virtually every building.
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