I'm a total stealth nut, so i definitely like this! On a sidenote, it would be cool if in the regular game, we could be able to sneak through an entire dungeon, mine, etc. without being spotted (other than fighting pre-requisite "boss" at the end of dungeon/mine). Probably make leveling a bit harder, but still be fun to do every now and then. Don't really have much in way of quest ideas. It's not really a quest per se, but it would be kinda cool (for me anyways) if near the start of the game, your character has an option to get a job as a courier, and be made to deliver so many messages to various regions. Be a nice way to unlock a crap ton of map right away, at least, as well as get to see Skyrim and meet its various inhabitants early on. Yes, I like the courier idea. Or maybe you can be a guard for some travelling merchants, and learn the lay of the land that way.