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Everything posted by MostlyMuggie

  1. Did somebody say Skyrim horror mod? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-wZh4FyrWg
  2. Like the poster above me said, can you please explain what this mod would do? I don't think you are going to get any answers without further explanation...
  3. They are there, I'm pretty sure. It is just hard to spot them like it is hard to spot real constellations in the night sky. I think you can only see some of them at different times of the year. Making them super bright or connected would really be unrealistic and an eye sore, in my opinion.
  4. UESP is a much more accurate and consistent place to find out on the Lore. There are hundreds of articles with sources directly from things Bethesda released. The search bar will let you find anything you need, so it is much easier to view the information. UESP is pretty much the standard when it comes to Elder Scrolls Lore and MUCH better than the videos which seem very corny IMHO. I've been interested in the Lore for quite a while. Most of the stuff I know comes from UESP or from playing Daggerfall as a child. Back in the day, playing Daggerfall was pretty much everything you needed to know all the Lore.
  5. Oblivitard. Yep, that pretty much sums it up. :laugh:
  6. I think you mean't Oblivion... In Daggerfall it was not like this. When in the inventory of the container, you wouldn't beable to take the item if it was too heavy. This is a much better concept IMO.
  7. Be interesting to see how you explain all the pose packs then. And that one mod which changes the custom animation paths so that you can do exactly what you just said you cant do... Not to mention the NSFW mods as well :/ I actually support the idea of proper animations for different types of weapons, it is easy enough in the creation kit to change the animations a weapon uses, it's not just "all one handed weapons must use the one handed animation". I can see it being possible, however will someone put forward the time to research and animate all these different forms? that is the real question. Those mods use FNIS. It is an external program that searches through files on your computer, replaces an existing animation, then replaces it back when the new animation is finished. It could be unsafe to use a program like that since the mod can directly affect files on your machine. It can be a pain in the neck, and very buggy. If you want to take up the challenge of adding animations to the game without replacing existing ones, be my guest, but I have researched this extensively. It's impossible without FNIS.
  8. Unfortunately, it is very annoying adding new animations to the game. The only way to do it is to replace an existing animation in the game since the creation kit doesn't allow new animations. So, all the 2 handed swords would be held like a katana. I am not really experienced in animations so if anyone could shed some more light or correct me, it would be appreciated.
  9. It seems that Bethesda has neglected the water in all the Elder Scrolls Games.The water is just for looks and much of the time is pointless. I think they made it clear that the water is so pointless that you don't even need to have the ability to attack when in it because there is nothing to fight. However, I remember that the water in Daggerfall was terrifying. A lot of the dungeons were underwater and since it was so difficult for a player to swim in that game, the creatures were that much scarier. We saw giant slaughterfish, Deughs, Skeletons, and Mermaids just below the surface roaring and ready to kill you. It really wasn't anything that special though, and I'm sure I am very bias since Daggerfall was my first Elder Scrolls game, but it was certainly more action that in later games. I would hope that someone makes a quality mod adding dungeons to explore, giant slaughterfish, skeletons and more. The main reason for very little mods with sea monsters is that it is almost impossible to add your own animations to the game and you can only use existing enemies as a base. Since there isn't many sea creatures to begin with, it can be daunting.
  10. I never knew this was a problem... Guess, I just never payed any attention the the mannequins... Sounds pretty creepy. I'd just disable them if I had this persisting problem.
  11. Would be nice if this thread had a NSFW warning as I am usually browsing the Nexus Forums in a crowded area. Luckily no one was around this time...
  12. I agree with you about your points. Usually when games go F2P, they are infested by annoying people. This is the same case that went on in TF2. I played that game well before it turned into a trading frenzy, back in the early years of the game. When it went F2P, the quality of the community suffered greatly. This is why I prefer to play TFC instead in many cases. With a game with a monthly payment, I'm HOPING that the community would be more pleasant and more mature since they are required to own a credit card.
  13. Thank you for providing the link. I could see why some people would become offended, although I do not believe in censorship. If you are offended by a mod, then don't download it. There are plenty of mods that could be considered offensive to different people on the Nexus.
  14. When casting a lightning spell, all the fish in the water (including the player) would float to the top. :laugh: But joking aside, why wasn't this in the vanilla game?
  15. Could someone please post a link to the mod in question? I am curious of what the huge commotion is about.
  16. Elder Scrolls Online is not going to put an end to the single player Elder Scrolls games. Bethesda said themselves that ESO will not affect later Elder Scrolls Games.
  17. I agree. It seems like a monthly fee would be wasteful for someone like me who plays games inconsistently. One month I'd play constantly and another very sparsely. This is why I never bothered with MMOs.
  18. Are you joking? Every dungeon in Oblvion looked exactly the same. I believe hearing that one guy made every dungeon in the game. There was no freshness, it was just the same walk to the end, fight a bandit or goblin, and turn around and walk back. I disagree. Hirtel's voice acting to me seemed humorous and out of place. The characters were so stiff in Oblivion. You don't see the terror in his body language, you just see a badly animated scrunched up face shouting at you when it looks like hes talking. I totally agree with you on that however. Your insight on what would be a possible good game is spot on. I always did hate how in Elder Scrolls games your character is the most important person in the universe. All in all, these are just my opinions as I do like Skyrim more than Oblivion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I don't want to start a flame war. [/line]As for this: People in Oblivion seemed to talk about all the provinces. Cyrodiil is the center of Tamriel. In the towns more towards the borders to different provinces, you heard the NPCs talking about different things. For instance, in the city of Anvil, you heard NPCs talking about Hammerfell.
  19. I think by practical he means non revealing. The skimpy armor mods don't really look like they would offer the wearer much protection. I think we all can agree with that.
  20. It's just that why would somebody waste their time remaking a game that already exists? It would take A LOT of work and it will never be as good as the original since the Creation kit is so limited and basic. Porting content like sounds is also illegal so the creator would have to remake all of that from scratch. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Skyrim is the right medium if you want to remake the game with better graphics...
  21. Well, we can all benefit from this game even if we do not buy it. For all the Lore fans, (like myself), imagine the huge influx of Lore that will come of this game? Finally we will know what each province is like Lore-wise. We saw them in Arena, but lets be honest, they all pretty much looked the same... I don't know whether this is good or bad. My gripe is that it won't be as much of a surprise when Bethesda comes out with Elder Scrolls 6 set in an all new cool province.
  22. This is whats probably going to keep me from playing... I am not sure if I am willing to pay monthly for a game, even if it is Elder Scrolls. This however will probably give them the funds to make plenty of expansion packs for the game though. Who knows, maybe it will become free to play one day?
  23. Immersive Armors has an armor set with a kilt. That's the only thing I can think of as far as "Scottish gear". Just look at the 6th image or so. I think the creator also made a stand alone version of the armor. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733//?
  24. found it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31847//? There it is, good work!
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