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Everything posted by MostlyMuggie

  1. You can try this mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18045/?
  2. Ah, I see... The only mods I know of are mods that make them never run out.
  3. In Daggerfall you were able to change the hood position and styles of other clothes. It was easy however because it was just changing the sprite on the paper doll and didn't really affect anything ingame. Someone would need to create a whole new mesh for it to be in Skyrim. It's a good idea though. Edit with an example of some of the cloak styles you can use in Daggerfall. Man these games have come so far graphically...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLZI8rthRZ8 I have not tested out this method, but you can see if it works. Make sure the sound clip is between 1:11 and 1:28.
  5. I remember there is a mod that makes it a crime to sit in the Jarl's throne, but I don't remember the name. It was a feature bundled in the mod.
  6. Ore veins already respawn in the vanilla game. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Mining
  7. Cheat? How is doing something in the vanilla game cheating? The creators want you to save and load... I am not getting this. Also, you want someone to pay for a server just for your little mod?
  8. It was probably taken down because it is a port from some other game. Ported content is not allowed here. You have to model it yourself.
  9. The way I see the next Elder Scrolls games is like this. There is a pattern going on: Daggerfall - Real World Fantasy World Morrowind - Alien Fantasy World Oblivion - Real World Fantasy World Shivering Isles - Alien Fantasy World Skyrim - Real World Fantasy World Elder Scrolls 6 - Alien Fantasy World??? That being said, our choices seem to be Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Vallenwood, or Summerset Isles (Maybe, not much is known about Summerset) as they are all Alien. Hammerfell won't be because it seems like it would fit more into the "Real World Fantasy Word" category. Although I could see the next game taking place in Hammerfell because it is a common theme in many Elder Scrolls games. The Devs seem to really like the theme. I really hope they make Hammerfell and make it well according to Lore. Redguards have A LOT of traditions and holidays. Many of the cities are suppose to have an Arena Team. I think it will take place in Black Marsh because there is a lot going on there at that point and time. The Argonians just recently took over Morrowind. Maybe mainland Morrowind could be a Major DLC? It would be stupid since Vvardenfell would be plainly visible and inaccessible... or maybe it could be a post apocalyptic Fallout-like environment because of the Red Mountain eruption? :laugh: I'm sure I'm way off though and will be proven wrong when the time comes.
  10. Imperials - Ancient Roman Their Architecture, clothing, names, and values are very similar. They have empires. They are very much urban people. Nords - Northern barbarian/Vikings. Barbaric. They live in long houses and are adept sailors or long boats. Near the end of the Roman empire, one of the most defining moments that really brought down the empire was their inability to control their nothern Germanic territories. Great wars were fought and finally the Empire fell. Dark Elves: Japanese (during colonial times when westerners first made contact with them) Just play Morrowind. The dark elves constantly say that they are weary of foreigners, and westerners. They don't like how the imperials came in and disrupted their culture. They are hostile to dark elves that were raised with western Imperial ways instead of tradition dark elf values. Redguards - African Islamic Culture Their architecture, customs, and clothing is very similar. The land they live in is also similar. Argonians - Amazonian tribal people Argonians are extremely weird and savage to other races. They live in isolated tribes in marshes/jungles and are seldom visited from the outside world. Bretons: Probably British Also, if you look at a map of High Rock, you can see that it looks a lot like the Mediterranean. European to the north, sea in the middle, then African Desert to the south, and mountains to the east. Khajiit - I don’t know Wood Elves - Originally in Daggerfall they seemed to resemble Native Americans. The lived in the woods, hunter gatherer, used bows very often. Although with things like the Green Pact, they seem to differ very much too any real world culture. Orcs - Traditional Fantasy Orcs. I don't know.
  11. I wish Bethesda would allow Obsidian to make an Elder Scrolls game. The RPG elements offered in New Vegas was astounding compared to Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3. Things you did actually affected one another, and choices were everywhere. Not to mention that they included features that SHOULD be in a post apocalyptic survival game like hardcore mode. New Vegas really captured the essence as best they could of the Fallout genre before Bethesda made it into "Oblivion with Guns", and I'm sure a lot of Fallout 1 and 2 fans would agree to an extent. Sadly, Elder Scrolls is Bethesda's baby and I don't think they would ever trust Obsidian to make a game of it unless it was a spin off like New Vegas. And Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bethesda's games. They are very fun for what they are. There is nothing stopping me from buying Elder Scrolls 6 and perhaps Fallout 4 at full price.
  12. What hes saying makes complete sense. This feature sounds all well and dandy at first glance, but it would make the game unplayable and broken. You would need to: Disable fast travel (Unless you want to sit there for like 2 real time hours at a loading screen) Disable Waiting (Unless you want to sit there for like 12 real time hours watching the wait screen) Disable Sleeping (breaking many quests. Or again you would have to sit there for real time hours)Also: NPC schedules would all be messed up (you would have to wait hours in real time for them to get up from doing nothing like sitting in an inn for hours) What if a quest wants you to watch somebody through the night. That would be so boring. I'm sorry if I burst your bubble, but I cannot see this working well. If someone can correct me, please do.
  13. This mod makes it so that you need to be on a horse to fast travel. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28329//? I also miss the traveling system in Morrowind...
  14. I agree with you in some of your points. I can see how a lot of "causal gamers" would be like "WTF is this" if they saw a game where most of the people are 'furries', i.e. Elsweyr or Black Marsh. It breaks the stereotype of the Tolkenesque land that causal people are looking for after playing Oblivion and Skyrim. This is not to say that they won't make a game in a weird alien world. Just look at Morrowind and Shivering Isles. They were in weird worlds and peole loved them. For the other part about dumbing down, I kinda like the way they did things in Skyrim. They took out the redundant things like Athletics and Acrobatics (although I do miss the classes and a lot of the separate skills). What my fear is that they will continue that trend and the next game will lack the leveling and skills making it just like a Action Adventure game where all you do is choose how your character looks.
  15. Thank you for this post. Finally SOMEONE else agrees with me. Elder Scrolls and Bethesda games in general are going further and further away from a true RPG. Fallout NV was very good in the RPG aspect compared to Fallout 3 or Skyrim.
  16. They moved like alligators in the water in Morrowind. Why Bethesda decided to scrap the beast race unique animations is beyond me.
  17. I doubt they would do it in High Rock again. They already made a game takes place in High Rock (Daggerfall). Remember that they could make an Elder Scrolls game take place in the past, it doesn''t have to take place after the events of Skyrim. (Elder Scrolls Online takes place in 2nd Era, Skyrim takes place in 4th Era for example) I believe this is a bad idea as the game would become outdated really quick if they just kept adding on to Skyrim. Making a whole new game for each province makes a lot of $$. Bethesda is a business. Plus the games would have to take place in the same time frame as Skyrim.
  18. I'd rather have text dialogue than every NPC sounding the same and having very little emotion since the voice actors get bored after saying the same things over and over again. In a text based dialogue system, you can imagine the voices, imagine the emotions, and it makes modding quests MUCH easier.
  19. To all the people saying that the next Elder Scrolls games will be HUGE: I don't think it matters that the technology would allow them to make a world the size of Daggerfall. They probably wouldn't do it because their current formula for how they make games is so successful. Why would they change it? Notice that Skyrim and Oblivion are about the same size? The games are very similar also. Same formula why Morrowind was so successful - a smaller, more detailed world. People just don't make games like Daggerfall anymore.
  20. I would be GREATLY surprised if ESO is anywhere near the square mileage as Daggerfall. Let's say they make each of the 9 provinces are 16 square miles each (about the size of Oblivion's map). That would be 144 square miles when added all up. Daggerfall's map is over 62,394 square miles. I don't think it will even be a comparison. Plus, no one knows how big ESO will be and even if it is open world at all.
  21. This mod idea is like an entire new game. So much effort would have to be put into it. I mean, what you described is a completely new main quest and world. I don't think many modders will take the time to make this mod as it would require a team to make thousands of new models, mechanics, and quests... Good luck though...
  22. There's this mod that adds an Arena Faction. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119305443 It is on the Steam Workshop and seems to be very popular.
  23. This mod is on the Steam Workshop. It doesn't require SKSE. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116775764 There is also this mod which isn't really a shop, but more of a restaurant. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16106/?
  24. Daggerfall focussed on Bretons, Redguards, and Orcs. Daggerfall was a huge game. On the map, there was thousands of locations and towns. It makes later Elder Scrolls Games look puny. Here is an image I put together to show it. Although it is so huge, the game is mostly randomly generated and uninteresting (Still a great game though). I do not think it would be popular for them to make a game like this again for today's audience. Everything would look the same and lack in character.
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