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Posts posted by prensa

  1. LunaxTec - Hello!


    "Basically, I'm just looking for ideas for a somewhat Lore Friendly quest mod."


    Well it's very sketchy as far as ideas go but since nothings been mentioned so far....


    I always thought it was a missed opportunity that nothing much was done with Oasis.


    It's a really neat place with a unique atmosphere & all the vanilla game really does there is the Harold quest. I like the Harold quest but it's always seemed such a shame that that's all that happens there really.


    It would be nice if there was more reason to return there, some kind of quests & such.


    I don't think even mods have done much there really.


    Just a thought.


    Another possible source of ideas, original Fallout quests & encounters.


    I don't mean exact copies just used as a spark for something in Fallout 3.


    For example one of my favourite quest mods is:


    Solar Scorcher by WillieSea




    It's a sort of sequel to Fallout 2's encounter that was itself based on Star Trek's The City on the Edge of Forever:




    Solar Scorcher by WillieSea is great fun, a simple idea well executed & with a lore friendly prize at the end of it, the Solar Scorcher which was also from previous a Fallout game:




    You can get a listing of encounters & quests from Fallout 1 & 2 at the Fallout wikia that may help to lift your block & give you some ideas, like here:


    Take particular note of the Special encounters at the bottom of this page:




    That includes the aforementioned Guardian of Forever as well as several other niffty ideas.


    I rather liked the Tin Man one :)




    Hope this helps!



  2. ajhakra - Hello!


    "So, I have created a basic model of a Kriss Vector SMG in Blender "


    A KRISS Vector? Those are strange looking submachine guns, been turning up in several recent sci fi movies because of their look. :)


    Milla's got it in the latest Resident Evil & they're in the Total Recall remake..... I'm getting side tracked. :)


    "but I don't know how to get it in the game."


    I don't use Blender myself, it does not seem to like me so I can't give you first hand advice.


    Though I know roughly what you need to do, you're going to need to export then copy & paste your new mesh parts over a vanilla weapon in order to use existing animations.


    There's a good clear guide here for doing just that:




    Skip down to section "11 Exporting the mesh" as that seems to cover what you need to do.


    Hope this helps!



  3. Dweedle - Hello!


    "I keep getting this "ordinal not found" error."


    That is normally caused by Games for Windows - LIVE.


    Either update Games for Windows - LIVE:




    Or if you don't use the annoying thing like me use the built in disabler in FOMM under Tools - Install Tweaker.


    Or try:




    "I used the thing in FOMM to disable it but when I did that my DLC did not load"


    I use the FOMM Windows Live disabler & my DLC's work fine.


    Did you install them while using Windows Live? As they will be stored in a place other than your Data folder & will need to be moved as mentioned here:




    Or that second Windows Live Disabler I linked too has a move DLC's option built in.


    Also try installing the DLC's fresh AFTER using the Fake Windos Live option in FOMM.


    "and it didn't let me install the patch."


    If you have the GOTY Fallout 3, then you don't need any of the official patches as that's already up to date (


    Hope this helps!



  4. FlamingNachos - Hello!


    Make sure you've installed FOSE properly as that command should bring up it's version number if it's working.


    A common mistake is to place the main FOSE files into the Fallout 3\Data folder instead of just into the Fallout 3 folder.


    That's the fose_loader & the selection of .dll files that all go into your:


    Fallout 3


    & NOT into the Data folder. It's the folder that has your Fallout3.exe in.


    Only the "fose" folder that contains FOSE plugins should go inside the Fallout 3\Data folder.


    After that you must start Fallout 3 either with the fose_loader.exe or with the "Launch FOSE" button in the mod manager.


    If you're using Fake Fullscreen then that also can be used to launch Fallout 3 with FOSE as it auto detects it.


    The Fallout_Fullscreen.exe also goes int the Fallout 3 folder & NOT the Fallout 3\Data folder.


    Hope this helps!



  5. Darviela - Hello!


    "independent of what I am doing the game will hang where I can still hear audio but everything is frozen."


    Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    "because I have a 690 and an i7"


    i7's are at least quad core so you will be affected by this.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    That completely fixes the freezing bug.


    Hope this helps!



  6. jermdu29 - Hello!


    "Fallout 3 crashes when opening"


    Modded Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always caused by a missing master.


    In other words you are using a plugin (.esp) without a master (.esm) that it needs to work.


    If you open your mod manager you can left click on each mod & a list of their masters will be displayed at the bottom. You MUST have those masters in your load order for that plugin to work.


    A very common mistake is to use patches without having the actual mod they were made for.


    For instance you are using:


    FO3 Wanderers Edition - FOOK Support.esp

    FWE - FOOK DLC Support.esp


    Which are patches to make FOOK work with FO3 Wanderers Edition but you don't have that mod installed. :)


    If you check them in your mod manager as I mentioned above you will see they list:


    FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm


    Amongst their masters which you don't have so instant CTD.


    Untick & remove those two.


    Also your Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp should load below the other MMM plugins. That wouldn't cause a CTD but is worth correcting.


    Hope this helps!



  7. veng - Hello!


    I'll post an updated version of a guide I wrote on Merged Patches:


    A Merged Patch is handy if you are running lots of mods that add things to NPCs & traders etc (leveled lists).


    Any mod that adds things to the leveled lists can overwrite other mod's changes.


    Basic rule of thumb is, what's loaded last in your load order will dominate.


    A merged patch is an attempt to combine the properties of several mods & allow them to work together rather then overwrite each other's changes.


    For example, with a merged patch NPCs should use weapons from all your leveled list altering weapons mods & not just the last one loaded.


    It's an automated process so it's not 100% perfect but it's normally a very good thing.


    You need FO3 Edit:




    & a mod manager like Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) Or NMM:






    (traditional "Old FOMM" will be fine if you've not got New Vegas)






    1 - Make sure all mods that you use are ticked in FOMM.


    2 - Run FO3Edit, a list of all your mods will come up, click ok and wait 'till it's ready.


    3 - Anywhere on the list of your Mods on the left, right click & select "Create Merged Patch".

    FO3 Edit will ask you to name it, I recommend you call it:


    Merged Patch


    Any name will do but it helps for clarity to keep it straight forward.


    4 - Close FO3Edit, it will ask you if you want to save the changes & list "Merged Patch". Click OK.


    5 - Open FOMM/NMM, tick Merged Patch & ensure it is at the very bottom of your load order.


    6 - Thank your Gods for ElminsterAU & FO3Edit! (That's important!)


    Remember that every time you add a new mod you will have to delete your old Merged Patch & create a new one (That's why I always call it Merged Patch, Fallout 3 never thinks anything is missing that way).


    The process only takes a few minutes & can really help make numerous mods play nice together.


    Hope this helps!



  8. rockygohard18 - Hello!


    That sounds like an animation conflict, you've got two mods replacing some of the same animation files.


    "the only mods I can think would do this are Re-animated or ironsights"


    That'll do it. :)


    "yes i have the patchs to work with WMX,FWE and EVE "


    But do you have the patch for RH_IronSights & Re-Animated?


    It's in the file section under Optional here:




    The file you want is:


    RH_IronSights - FO3RA Bridge


    Hope this helps!



  9. monarchco - Hello!


    Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    "FALLOUT.ini is default aside from ugridload brought down from 5 > 3"


    So you don't have the multi core fix applied?


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    You've got an i5 & that's either 2 or 4 cores so your Fallout could be affected by it.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    That fixes the multi core bug completely.


    Hope this helps!



  10. Apocalypse Armory was built from a large selection of existing mods that were used either because they were free to use resources or Thogun had written consent.


    The only stolen content would be something that Thogun had permisson to use but which had been, unknowingly by Thogun, stolen by the original mod "author".


    Thogun isn't the first modder to be burned in such a way.


    You can see loads of New Vegas mods with almost the same collection of weapons as Apocalypse Armory had.


    Just wanting to set the record straight on that as lots of wild claims about Thogun have been circulating.




    reaper55 - Hello!


    A smaller collection than Apocalypse Armory, but a mod that was a core part of it is:




    It's very good & what I used before Apocalypse Armory.



  11. zerksees - Hello!


    Oh that font. :)


    Anyway, UAC is "User Account Control" it's a security set up in Windows Vista & Win7.


    Basically it monitors folders in secure areas & prevents them being modified by programs unless told to allow them access.


    NMM has given you four options to work around it.


    You could turn UAC off but it is a good thing to have & best left on.


    Best solution is to just run NMM as Administrator, right click on it's icon instead of double left clicking. In the options that come up select "Run as Administrator".


    To allow it to Run as Administrator all the time (so you don't have to remember to right click each time), Right click on the NMM desktop shortcut, select Compatability & tick the "Run as Administrator" box at the bottom under "Privilege Level".


    Hope this helps!



  12. Hello!


    I don't normally have to ask questions but I've come across something I've never seen before. :smile:


    Thought I'd post this in the mod authors section as I figured it would more likely be known here if at all.


    I recently built a cell a fairly large but not, or so I thought, too large a cell.


    I've had a few issues in there, not entirely certain it's specific to this cell but it seems likely.


    I've recently noticed something in GECK that I never spotted before.


    On this cell in the Render window is a thin red border framing the inside of the Render Window.


    Very subtle & easily overlooked.


    Well I checked in the Render Window options & found:


    Show memory usage frame


    Unticking that makes the red frame go away so obviously it's that.


    The red frame seems to be a warning that the memory usage of the cell is high.


    Reducing the cell by removing chunks changed the red frame to another color & further reductions retuned to no framing as normal.


    There seems to be no documentation for this GECK function on http://geck.bethsoft.com.


    They do have the function listed by wording but no information:




    I'm curious if anyone else has seen this?


    If so, how dire is the warning?


    Is it merely a caution or an urgent "turn back!". :smile:


    How can you tell if your cell is too large or at least too memory intensive?


    Is it the quantity of items?


    I know all about room portals & occlusion to alleviate large cells but room portals have issues with havok objects & I like to use them sparingly.


    I normally cut up cells into bite size chuncks but sometimes certain builds require unbroken rooms.


    Now oddly enough, cutting the cell brutaly in two to test & that seemed to make things worse in game.


    Travelling to the outside world from the cell was fine but travelling between the two sections seemed sluggish & unstable (worth noting that cut in two the two seperate sections still had red warning frames & thus must be large).


    It was better when it was a whole, large cell that you travelled only out of & into the outside worldspace.


    I have seen mention before of there being a difference between travelling from a large cell to an established worldspace & travelling from a large cell to another large cell. The large cell to another large cell being problematic.


    I'd appreciate information on this "Show memory usage frame" feature, anyone's experience of it, information on maximum cell size. Or even just thoughts on the issues mentioned.


    Thank-You for taking the time to read this, if you did. :smile:

    If you didn't, what are you doing loitering around down here?






    ~~~~~~~~~~~Additional Discoveries~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




    EDIT: Okay, seems to have drawn a blank with people so far. :smile:


    I've been playing around since spotting this memory usage frame & have discovered a few things of interest.


    Before the Red frame comes a Green frame.


    Frequent modders will probably know about the bug that .esp added cells have with navmesh, namely that the navmesh in certain cells will be fine untill you leave it. Coming back into the cell though, the navmesh will be messed up & any NPC's or creatures will be scrambled due to the messed up navmesh.


    Now the work around for this has always been to convert a mod with new cells into an .esm.


    The odd thing with the bug has always been that it does not affect all mod added cells.


    Well I had another cell that displayed the red border I mention above & it, along with the other cell with the frame had that very same navmesh bug.


    I split this cell into two parts thus reducing each cell's memory usage & removing the warning red frame.


    Now the cell's navmesh is no longer afflicted with the navmesh bug.


    It seems, not yet confirmed, that the navmesh scramble issue in .esp's is connected to the cell triggering that Memory Usage Frame warning.





    EDIT: 4 March 2013


    Frames around the Render window are:


    Green - Grey - Red


    They seem to mean:


    No frame around the Render window is ideal, all is well.


    Green - seems to be okay but warning you to expand no further.


    Grey - is the begining of tipping over the edge in size, remove some clutter objects etc. to get back down.


    Red - DANGER, the cell is too big memory wise. Can result in freezing or CTD's in game as well as other oddities, break it up into smaller parts.


    It's not the "physical" size of the cell that trigger the warning, you can have a single room trigger the warning frames if you pack it with high detail clutter. Conversely you can have a large collection of rooms in your cell, with little clutter, not trigger the warning frames.



  13. rockygohard18 - Hello!


    Crash on start up of modded Fallout 3 is almost always due to a missing master.


    In other words you're missing an .esm that another plugin needs.


    Using a patch for a mod that you don't have is a very common cause.


    People often install every plugin they find with a download without noticing some are patches to be used only if you have the corresponding mod.


    Say you used MMM - DLC Point Loockout plugin but did not have Point Lookout installed, the game would crash on start up.


    In your mod manager you can left click on mods & a list of their masters will come up in the box below. Those masters must be in your load order for that plugin to work.


    "Is there anyway I can post my load order so you can help?"


    As SpartanVOO1 says, your mod manager can do that.


    FOMM has "Load Order" at the top & you can click on "Export" to save it somewhere. NMM should have something simillar.


    Hope this helps!



  14. boomer355 - Hello!


    Have you taken care of archive invalidation?


    Failure to do so can prevent the new textures from showing up properly.


    To fix it, either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    Hope this helps!



  15. KingOnigami - Hello!


    "Breeze is supposed to be compatible with them, but doesn't work"


    Breeze on it's own does definitely work with MMM.


    I can't comment on how it works with Project Beauty as I don't use it.


    You have to install Breeze after MMM, or reinstall it with MMM in so that it detects it & installs the MMM Raiders.


    MMM Male Raider textures end up in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Textures\MMMF3\characters\raider


    BEWARE OF GIRL Rotten Raider Skin does say on the description page:


    "NOTE: Marts Mutant Mod users: the male textures here are set for use with Breeze's male bodies and the textures in MMMF3 are not. As I use MMMF3 myself, I'm working on a Extension of this mod that will have MMMF3 friendly version textures (to work with Breeze's) come the end of the month. For people who do not know how to rework these textures to work with Marts Mutant Mod can wait for that release."


    So it looks like there is no MMM compatability for those.


    You could replace the MMM textures with copies of the matching Rotten Raider Skin's renamed to the MMM versions.


    Also your MMM/FWE plugins are not correct.


    It should be more like:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp


    The Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp replaces the MMM menu & all MMM plugins except the DLC ones (that's noted in the Readme in with the MMM/FWE FOIP plugins).


    So you can untick & remove these:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    Hope this helps!



  16. Cataklysim - Hello!


    I see you've fixed your problem. :)


    I would add that if you still have freezing & you've added those two lines, make sure you've edited the correct .ini file as there are two. There's one in the Fallout 3 folder called Fallout_default.ini.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  17. Grizz0 - Hello!


    Tranquility Lane & the Anchorage simulation pod crashing are very common problems when carrying mod added items in your inventory that have scripts attached.


    That's because all your inventory at both those points is auto removed & stored elsewhere.


    If the mod added scripted item is not properly set up for containers, you get a CTD.


    The live iguanas from MMM would cause just such a crash if in your inventory at those points.


    That was fixed by the MMM 6.2 update, so make sure you've applied that.


    If you don't have live iguanas in your inventory or you've applied the MMM 6.2 patch, look for other mod added items that have scripts attached.


    Things like night vision goggles often have scripts & have caused this issue in the past.


    Removing the item & dropping it on the floor before entering Tranquility Lane or the Anchorage simulation pod will prevent the CTD.


    Your MMM plugins should me moved around a little, It won't be causing your current trouble but is worth correcting.


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esm (that's fine where it is)


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting and Looting.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp


    Hope this helps!



  18. Nemorac - Hello!


    I know this bug, it crops up on the forum from time to time & took some time to figure out.


    Always the same effect, all the moveable clutter items pile up at the enterance of the affected location blocking passage. They almost seem drawn to you like you're a magnet. :)


    The Taft Tunnels are the most common location affected but there can be others.


    While many mods have taken the blame over time it's not actually caused by a mod.


    It's caused by FO3Edit run in FO3MasterUpdate.


    That can be a handy fix for a few issues (like the bug of mismatched head/body on NPC added by .esp's rather than by .esm's) but it can cause problems when used on other mods.


    Some plugins just don't work properly when flagged as Masters.


    In the past I was able to reproduce this with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, running FO3MasterUpdate on that file would cause the bug in the Taft Tunnels every time.


    Simple solution, change it back by using a renamed copy of FO3Edit (in the the way you did FO3MasterUpdate) only this time you call it:




    This will turn any mod that is ticked back to it's original setting.


    You can leave any mod that you think needs to be flagged as a master by unticking it before running FO3MasterRestore.


    Just make sure Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp is changed back to it's original .esp state to fix this glitch.


    Or you can just drop in a fresh copy of the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp from the original download & overwrite the changed one.


    It's worth noting that this is not an issue with Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, other .esp's flagged as .esm's can cause trouble in this way so it's best to keep an eye out for oddities when using FO3MasterUpdate.


    Hope this helps!


    EDIT: I see BlackRampage got in there before me. :)

    Happy New Year BlackRampage! :)



  19. Squeecky - Hello!


    That is odd.


    I don't normally use AP but dug it out of the archives to check.


    The only way I could break it, make it play the dialogue but no animations, was to remove that SexAmims folder.


    You've gone to Nova to start the "quest" right?


    You've not got more than one installation of Fallout 3? Some people who start off with the disc then get STEAM versions & forget to remove the old Fallout 3 folder. That can cause confusion when installing.


    What version of FOSE do you have?


    Try using just AP with your other mods turned off, just to see if something is interfering.


    Other than that, I'm out of ideas.


    Sorry I couldn't be of more help.



  20. DayzBandit - Hello!


    "My fallout 3 crashes after a few minuets of it running. I have to use task manager and kill it to get out of it."


    I notice you say you need to use task manager to get out of it, is it crashing to desktop (CTD) & then locking or is it freezing the game in it's tracks.


    If it's freezing the game rather than CTD'ing & if you are using a multi core computer then it could be the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  21. Squeecky - Hello!


    If all the dialogue options are working & only the animations are not playing, that would suggest your animations aren't placed correctly.


    Go to your:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\idleanims


    & make sure there's a folder in there called:




    That should be full of .kf files & be about 5.31 MB (5,576,884 bytes).


    If it's not there you've missed out on some meshes. Go back to the download & place them in there.


    If they are there & you are running Vista or Win7, make sure that folder & the files in it do not have little padlocks on them.


    If they do have padlocks on them, move the files/folder out onto your Desktop & then back EXACTLY where it came from. That shoulremove the padlock symbol & allow them to work properly.


    Hope this helps!



  22. Famir - Hello!


    "and the original Meshes and Textures folder were packed as .bsa instead of a normal folder."


    That's normal.


    Fallout 3's vanilla assets are packed in .bsa's. They are just Bethesda Archives.


    It's only once you start adding mods that Meshes & Texture folders get added to contain loose files.


    You're probably just used to looking at the data folder AFTER it's been modded. :)


    "When I try to uninstall I look for the setup.exe but can't find it. There is no option for uninstalling on the launcher and the system won't let me delete the Bethesda Softworks folder."


    Do you have the game on disc? If so, put that in & act as if you are going to install. I'm pretty sure there's an option to uninstall there (I've never uninstalled Fallout 3 so I can't swear to that but that is the norm).


    If not, go to Control Panel & depending on what operating system you are using either go to "Add or Remove program" or on Win7 "Programs" - "Uninstall Program".


    You'll be presented with a list of programs, just locate Fallout 3 & uninstall.


    "to find that there were NO MORE DIAGONAL MOVEMENT ANIMATIONS"


    That would seem to suggest that something is either missing or bits of an old mod are interfering with Fallout.


    When you uninstall, make sure no old mods are left behind. The uninstall often does not remove files that were not part of the original game.


    Make sure you don't still have mod .esm's & .esp's still in the data folder & that they are not ticked in your mod manager. Also make sure all their old meshes & textures are gone before reinstalling.


    Animations from old mods would be in:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male


    That should be empty if you've cleanly installed & not added mods in yet.


    Hope this helps!



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