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Posts posted by prensa

  1. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    Like a1stickleback says, what AI packages do these NPC's have?


    If you copied & pasted from another NPC you may have left packages on them that make them travel to another location.


    Check under "AI Packages" in their NPC window that there are no special packages.


    If you're wanting them to wander around there, a default sandbox should work fine.


    Also, are you sure they are still alive?


    It may be that they are getting killed, the Washington Monument is a real war zone & not much would survive long there. Those armed Brotherhood of Steel often get slaughtered.


    If all that fails, use FO3Edit to get their RefID (or grab them in game by clicking on them) then go into the game & when they disappear open the console (by pressing the key under Esc) & type:




    Add their RefID to the end of that so it's something like:


    player.moveto 000282d4


    So you will be moved to where they are ending up.


    Could be that they are being scared off & running away.


    Hope this helps!



  2. ranoth - Hello!


    I can't answer everything but I'll have a go at some.


    "Quick question on the dual pack I am getting. Is it just the base game of Fallout 3 or does it have all the DLC?"


    I can't swear to it but from what I could find ion a Google search & if it's the same Double pack, no DLC's as they are not the GOTY versions.


    "1. Can I run Fallout and all the mod managers needed for it on the same computer as my Oblivion setup with out any problems?"


    Yes. I have OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) installed for my Oblivion game & "Old" FOMM (Fallout 3 Mod Manager) installed for Fallout 3. Both of those programs run independently of each other & thus have no affect on each other.


    Now NMM can be used for both games, since I don't use NMM I can't advise on that though.


    Information on that can be found here:




    "2. What are the "core" mods and programs needed to mod Fallout 3?

    * I can not use NMM as my rig is not on-line. "


    As I say, I don't use NMM but I'm pretty sure you don't have to be on line to use it. Certainly you don't have to be online to use either "Old" or "New" FOMM from which NMM is derived.


    As to core mods, that really depends on you. My main "big" choices would be:



    DCInteriors Project




    Fixes one of the biggest things lacking in Fallout 3, not enugh explorable interiors. DCInteriors Project sorts that out & in great style. Tons of new building interiors to explore & loot each lovingly brought to life & all in keeping with Fallout 3's "feel".


    Marts Mutant Mod - RC 62




    Greatly expands the enemies & creatures you encounter adding new ones & variety to existing ones. MMM can also be set to change AI behaviour, spawn quantities, & many other things. Most features are customisable so you can tailor this to your own tastes.


    A weather mod will liven up the game no end. After Oblivion, I really missed rain in Fallout 3. :)


    Either Enhanced Weather:




    Or for a greater range of weather patterns, Dynamic Weather by Xepha:




    Fallout Street Lights, brings the lamp posts & other lights to life providing atmosphere at night:




    A good weapons mod would be a good idea too, something to expand the range. Sadly the very best of those is no longer on the Nexus.


    I also swear by the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch:




    It's along the same lines as it's Oblivion counterpart & fixes a huge amount of things that were left out by the official patches.


    There many, many more mods that are quite fantastic. Too many to list. :)


    FO3Edit by ElminsterAU:




    Is an incredibly handy tool for tweaking mods, a bit daunting at first but really easy to use once you poke around. It can be used to change settings in mods to your liking, making merged patches to aid compatability, make small "mods" of your own before you get more in depthe with GECK.


    " so any advice you guys and gals could give me would be great."


    Take note of two of the most common things that affect new users:


    (1) Number one is seemingly random freezes that lock the game completely, this is almost always the Multi core freezing bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    (2) The second one is Archive invalidation, as a user of Oblivion you're probably aware of this.


    Fallout 3, just like Oblivion before it, will ignore any newly added textures sitting in the Data files. You must take care of archive invalidation to ensure it takes note of them or you end up with strange chameleon like mod items. :)


    Simple solution to that is to download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM, click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    I have that in a notepad for cutting & pasting in as it crops up so often. :)


    Hope this helps!



  3. genxeagle - Hello!


    "Hey guys, i'm having issues with a specific fire arm and its firing. When I fire the Shansei C-96, or when an NPC fires it, a missing texture block pops up. (Chinese Pistol vanilla)"


    If you mean a big exclamation mark, that's a missing mesh .nif file.


    That sounds like a missing casing mesh, that would come flying out the side of the pistol.


    Make sure you've got all meshes installed properly from anything making changes to your weapons.


    If you can use FO3Edit, you could track down what mods are making changes to the Chinese pistol. Run FO3Edit & paste:




    Into the "FormID" box & press return.


    That will bring up the Chinese pistol & all mods changing it in the window on the right.


    Fallout3.esm will be the first column, look for additional columns to see anything else making changes.


    If there is anything, check the "Shell Casing Model". If that's been changed from vanilla, check the new model path given & make sure you've got a file in your Fallout 3 Data folder in the same path.


    Should at least help you track down the mod causing the issue.


    I don't use FOOK2 so I can't help you much there, I do know there are patches to help it work with MMM:




    By the way, I noticed your MMM plugins need a slight adjustment. They should be:


    Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp


    You don't need the other MMM plugins you've got when using the MMM menu plugin:


    Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

    Mart's Mutant Mod - Dynamic Player Scaling.esp


    You set these in the MMM menu in game.


    Using the increased spawn plugin as well as the MMM menu in particular can result in too many spawns thus causing CTD's.


    "This all started happening after I ran a master update to try to reduce the CTD's I was experiencing."


    While master update can fix certain issues, like .esp's that add NPC's having mismatched color heads & bodies, some mods do not take kindly to it.


    Some things are meant to register as .esp's & if ticked .esm will override things they should not. So it's worth using sparingly. :)


    Hope this helps!



  4. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    "FO3 master update thing to prevent crashing in my game from a mod I made, however I cannot edit the eps anymore in the GECK. How do I revert a Master file back into a Plugin? "


    Yes, GECK will only allow you to edit .esp's.


    You can either use FO3Edit to reverse the changes to all the plugins in a similar fashion to how you master updated.


    Just rename FO3Edit.exe to:




    So you end up with a FO3MasterRestore.exe.


    Run it & it will change back any file that it previously changed in your load order & is currently ticked.


    You can also use FO3Edit normally & find the individual mod you want to change back to an .esp, expand it's details by clicking on the +, left click on "File Header", in the details that come up on the right click on "ESM" opposite "Record Flags" & select "Edit".


    In the box that pops up, untick ESM.


    Hope this helps!



  5. Uncle Roe - Hello!


    As the others have mentioned, select the item in the render window & click on the "Run Havok Sim" icon at the top of GECK (it's the bouncing red ball).


    The item selected will act as though gravity has been applied. Also a good way to see flame effects & mist at work. It's also handy for spilling plates etc. in realistic patterns.


    Positioning skeletons & bodys in precise poses is very tricky to master.


    Pressing F4 will display the grabbable joint sections to allow you to position them more finely.


    With the havok sim still on, press & hold Ctrl Alt (left ones) & drag the part you want to fine tune on the skeleton/body around.


    Once done, remember to turn off "Run Havok Sim".


    It can be easier to leave havok sim off, place the stiff body roughly where you want (like a chair) & then turn on havok sim & let it dorp in place. If your're lucky it will mold to form.


    It takes some practice. :)


    Hope this helps!



  6. repzaj1234 - Hello!


    "NPCs teleport even if a wall is there, they just pass through it after a few seconds of walking at the object. How can I stop this? "


    You normally see this behaviour if the room has not been navmeshed or if the wall causing the trouble was added & the navmesh was not updated.


    Navmeshes tell NPC's where they can walk.


    Is the room where this is happening made by you? If so, check your navmesh.


    More information on navmeshes here:




    Hope this helps!



  7. DrPepper715 - Hello!


    Sounds like you need an .egm file, they are used to place hats correctly.


    If it's just a re-textured combat helmet, you can use the combat helmet's .egm file.


    Extract the combat helmet .egm file from the Fallout 3 meshes .bsa, rename it to whatever your helmet is called & place it in the same folder as your helmet mesh.


    So you end up with something like:








    You already mentioned the other step of Update FaceGen in the GECK but make sure you save your mod after doing that or nothing will change. :)


    Hope this helps!



  8. asdfth12 - Hello!


    "Grah, I knew I was missing a step."


    Glad that sorted it. :) The multi core bug catches a lot of people out.


    "Anyway. anyone help me on the WMK/FWE FOIP patch?"


    I don't use FWE or WMK but FWE has an FAQ site with detailed load order here:




    As to merged patches, you tend to make one with all files you are running ticked. Unless a mod specifically warns against it.






    akkalat85 - Hello!


    "Do not use the unofficial fo3 patch. It's 3 years old. "


    I keep seeing people saying this.


    The last Official Fallout 3 patch was 27 July 2009.


    The Unofficial patch has work logged in it's version history at 11 August 2009 & the current file was uploaded on the 12 August 2009.


    So it's very much up to date with official patches.


    Ignoring the date comparisons, I can say that I've used the Unofficial patches for years (literally) with no trouble at all other than the documented bug in the UF3P's Broken Steel plugin. A fix for that bug is here:




    So there's absolutely no reason not to use the UF3P as regards it's age.


    It's best loaded high in the load order after the official .esm's & before mods, that way the worst that can happen is mods may overwrite some of the UF3P's changes.


    The UF3P has no rival when it comes to the scope & sheer number of fixes it includes, all documented in an extensive version history.


    People are, of course, free to choose whichever or both to use.


    It's just wrong to say anything replaces what the UF3P does or that it's out of date. :)



  9. Skanagar - Hello!


    If you have two mods making changes to the same weapon, one could very well be overriding another.


    If your Assault rifle mod has an .esp & is not just replacment textures, try loading it's .esp below FWE's plugins. Whatever mod loads last will win.


    "i noticed that the texture of the world model will be replaced. so i can see the new texture when i drop the weapon on the ground, but not when equipped. any ideas?"


    Sounds like something is changing the Assault Rifles 1st person textures.


    Many weapons have a special 1stperson texture set so that an HQ texture gets used on the weapon when you're holding it. It then switches to a lower res texture when dropped to save on performance.


    The vanilla Assault Rifle uses a 1st person texture by default, so it could just have not been set in the Assault rifle mod.


    If it does have an .esp, you could check it in FO3Edit.


    Hope this helps!



  10. asdfth12 - Hello!


    Random freezing is almost always the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    You mention yours is a "Tricore processor" so this could be affected.


    "I'm always crashing in the Springvale Sewers"


    That also points to the multi core bug as it often manifests in tight locations.


    I read your "Threaded AI is set to 1 in all of the ini's " but have you also done the second line to the fix?




    Because that's probably the most important one.


    You also want to make sure you've changed the correct .ini, the one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  11. TheChaplain - Hello!


    Weapons using Rogue Hallow's vertical grip should have the settings:


    Animation Type:


    Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)


    Grip Animation:




    You obviously need to have placed the new vertical grip animations properly in your Fallout 3 folder. They come in the correct folder structure so follow that as a guide.


    It's been a little while since I installed mine so let me know if you have any trouble & I'll double check I didn't miss a setting. :)


    Hope this helps!



  12. vollach - Hello!


    I'll be curious to know if that clears your BSOD problem. Mine certainly (fingers crossed :) ) seems gone.


    After the 12.10 CCC update I got 4 - 5 BSOD's in Fallout in a couple of days. Since disabling that AMD HDMI thing I've had none & it's been a few weeks now.


    I've been unable to find anyone else with this trouble in any web search.


    Hope it helps your situation too. :)



  13. vollach - Hello!


    As regards your BSOD's I had a few recently on Fallout 3, having never had any before, & tracked it down to my creative sound card's driver.


    Only I hadn't changed that but I had updated my Catalyst Control Center to 12.10 & that came with some HDMI sound thingy. Anyway turned out that it was that clashing with the creative sound driver. I had to go down to the little speaker symbol on the taskbar & select Playback Devices & disable that AMD HDMI & just leave my creative as the Default device.


    Also disabled it in the Device Manager just to be sure.


    No more BSOD's.


    Worth checking, especially if your BSOD trouble started after updating to CCC 12.10 & you have a creative card.


    Also, I was only able to diagnose the true cause of the BSOD with this VERY handy tool:




    I ran WhoCrashed after the BSOD's & it analyzes the reports & gives you suggestions as to what the true cause may be. Helped me realise it was a clash with my sound drivers.


    "In the meantime I am trying to convert some mods to work on my JTAGed XBOX 360"


    You may not realise but Console modding is not allowed here:




    So you may want to avoid discussing that. :)


    "I am currently looking into converting an ESM file to ESP, can figure out how to do it or if it's even possible."


    That is done to edit a masterfile in GECK as only an .esp can be edited in GECK.


    You can load the .esm in FO3Edit & in the .esm you want to change under "File Header" untick the .esm flag. You can change the file extension to .esp by hand but it's not needed as that flag will tell GECK it's an .esp regardless of extension.


    That's only recommended for editing the file in GECK as .esm's are intended to be .esm's & almost certainly won't work as intended in game if changed to .esp's. So remember to convert back again in FO3Edit after making changes in GECK.


    EDIT: I see Valahul beat me to it. :)


    Hope this helps!



  14. smodtactical - Hello!


    Don't download the UF3P with the mod manager, it's an installer .exe & cannot be installed with NMM straight from download.


    Download it manually, either by clicking on the "Download manually" or directly on the file name " Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Installer Version".


    You should then have the option to choose which site to download from, try a different one & see if that helps.


    There is also a Mediafire mirror, it's the funny little triangle symbol second from the end next to the little head & shoulders Activity symbol.


    It can be installed without using the .exe, I wrote a guide here:




    Hope this helps!



  15. Inazuma22 - Hello!


    Not sure what you're trying to do.


    "Is there anyway to get a static item to have a script? "


    Yes, Activators can be static items & use scripts.


    The actual model would need to be a static, most clutter items can easily be turned into statics with Nifskope.


    If you need an item to turn into a static at some point but be clutter at others you can create two identical items, with one actually a static, & switch between the two via script.


    That's how things like the shotgun trap work, the set trap is a static that once disarmed places a real shotgun into your inventory & changes the trap model.


    Hope this helps!



  16. smodtactical - Hello!


    "Fallout 3 nexus's links to the unofficial 1.2 patch do not work (http://fallout3.nexu...s.com/mods/3808) that includes the mod manager and manual links."


    Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is working fine, I just checked.


    Perhaps the Nexus was having some trouble when you last tried?


    "Does that mod have all the fixes of the unofficial patch?"


    No, nothing has anywhere near the fixes that the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch has.


    Just browse it's massive Version History. :)


    Fallout Remastered covers other things & contains stuff that are not specifically fixes like the Invisible Walls Remover, the UF3P has settings, meshes & textures fixes & sticks largely to fixing rather than changing.


    So Remastered is not an instead of option to the UF3P.


    Of course there's nothing stopping you from using either or both as you choose. :)



  17. smjn - Hello!


    AddSpellNS is a FOSE (Fallout Script Extender) function, the vanilla GECK will not recognise it hence the error message.


    If you are using FOSE commands in a script or editing an existing script with FOSE commands you have to open the FOSE version of GECK.


    From the Bethsoft page:


    " How to use FOSE with the GECK


    Scripts written with FOSE's new functions must be created via the GECK after it's been loaded through fose_loader.exe. To use FOSE with the GECK:


    1 Extract fose_loader.exe and the necessary dll files to your Fallout directory.

    2 Open a command prompt window and navigate to that directory.

    3 Type this into the command prompt:


    fose_loader.exe -editor


    A more convenient method is to automate this command through a shortcut:


    1 Create a shortcut to fose_loader.exe.

    2 Right-click on the shortcut and open the properties window.

    3 Add "-editor" to the Target field. "


    More info on GECK/FOSE here:




    I use the second shortcut method as it's a lot more convenient.


    The FOSE version of GECK works just the same (it works like the game, it's the normal GECK with FOSE just running with it) only you can use the FOSE commands.


    Hope this helps!



  18. LunaxTec - Hello!


    This is often called the "Brown panty bug". :)


    It happens when vanilla textures are applied to the Type 3 mesh, it's almost always caused by not taking care of archive invalidation.


    Failure to take care of archive invalidation will prevent the new textures from showing up properly. I know you said you've taken care of it but take note of my "toggled off & then back on again" comment below.


    To fix it, either download & activate:


    ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




    Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


    For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


    Tools - Archive Invalidation


    NMM has a built in Archive Invalidation too.




    Note FOMM/NMM's version often needs to be toggled off & then back on again when you add in a new mod.


    If you still have messed up textures after that, make sure the:




    ...that you choose from TYPE3_BODY_V3dot5-4280 (either CALI, BASE, BERRY, etc) is in your:


    Fallout 3 - Data - Meshes - Characters - _male


    Make sure all the Textures .dds files from TYPE3_V2_TEXTURE_pack-4280 - TYPE3 V2 TEXTURE;












    Have ended up in your:


    Fallout 3 - Data - Textures - Characters - Female


    If you selected anything from the Options&Customization - STYLES for V2 TEXTURESTYLES then it MUST be renamed to upperbodyfemale.






    Changes to:




    If it's left with the extra bit on the end it will be ignored by the game.


    If your female character & normal NPC's are fine but Raider females have the "Brown Panty" look then it's because you've not sorted out the female Raider textures. They use a seperate one to other females.


    You can either use Type 3 standard female textures or use these ones which are more like the orginal grubby look:




    Those textures will go in your:


    Fallout 3 - Data - Textures - characters - raiderfemale


    If it's not all but just some of your Raider Females & you use MMM, you need a Type 3 Raider Patch for MMM's added female raiders. The link for Female Raiders above has those too.


    Hope this helps!



  19. Evmeister - Hello!


    You definitely need navmesh for NPC's to walk on the new areas.


    Did you click on Finalize once you finished your navmesh?


    It won't be recognised until it's been finalized, it's the red tick icon on the navmesh bar.


    Also make sure the new section of navmesh you add is connected to the lead up to the stairs & not an unconnected island.


    In Geck you can test the walkability of a navmesh by selecting the "Test navmesh" icon. You then right click on a navmesh triangle at one start point (somewhere before your stairs) & right click on the another as the finish (say at the top of your stairs).


    A green line will be drawn between the two points if it's possible for NPC's to traverse it. Make sure you save before using this test feature as it can be a little temperamental.


    Bear in mind that NPC's can't use super thin navmesh paths.


    Hope this helps!



  20. godmodzactive999 - Hello!


    "hello peoples of internets I seem to be experiencing slow down micro stutter's in fallout 3 point lookout but nowhere else in the game."


    Additionally to BlackRampage's suggestion to check for Point Lookout affecting mods, it may just be Point Lookout's particular characteristics causing your trouble.


    Point Lookout is probably the part of Fallout 3 that pushes your computer the most, it's mainly the abundance of trees that does it.


    A particularly high anti-aliasing setting, that may be fine in the DC wastes, will have a much higher performance hit in Point Lookout because of the trees.


    If you know you're going to be spending time there, you may want to turn down the AA (if you're using it).


    "I am using the stutter remover"


    I use that, excellent program.


    I found I needed to adjust the FPS cap setting in that for smooth play in Point Lookout. What worked fine for the DC wastes was too high in Point Lookout.


    I actually left it at the lower FPS setting because the return to the DC wastes was smoother with the lower FPS setting & with no loss to gameplay.


    The setting to tweak in Stutter Remover is in it's .ini in:


    Fallout 3\Data\fose\plugins


    The file is:




    Open that & try a lower setting for:


    MaximumFPS =


    I use MaximumFPS = 45


    Make sure you've got this setting set to 1 & not 0 or else the FPS cap will be ignored:


    bManageFPS = 1


    If that does not help you can always set the Stutter Remover .ini back to what it was before.


    Hope this helps!



  21. Griffin - Hello!


    " Cancel that - I was using COC to test and this was why the music didn't activate. Leaving and reentering the cell triggers the music. Silly me."


    Glad you got it working. :)


    Custom music can really add a unique feel.


    "Created my own unique faction, made sure all enemies were members of that faction, then added traps, checked that the trap, each one, was owned by that faction. Yet, my raiders (these guys being the traps' owners) always seem to set their traps off. Bear traps, trip wire and pressure plates especially are the worst."


    Yes, I've seen this too. I'm not absolutely certain but as far as I can tell only landmines seem to pay attention to the ownership setting.


    Other traps do not seem to be "smart".


    I'm guessing it would be possible to attach a script to check who triggered the trap & do a sort of forced ownership but I've not tried that out in practice.



  22. ginnyfizz - Hello!


    "When I right click on an existing race there is simply no option to copy/duplicate."


    Where are you right clicking?


    Because with the Races you have to double left click on one first in the Object Window - Race, a window will come up with all the Races in it, you can right click on those & select Duplicate.


    Only thing I can think of. :)


    Hope this helps!



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