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Posts posted by prensa

  1. GrayWolf04 - Hello!


    Sorry, I'm just getting my head around scripting too, so I can't help you there. :)


    "I also want to increse the jump height as well, but I don't know how to do this. Any help would be appreciated."


    I know there's an engine issue with increasing jumps, you can end the jump landing in mid air as if on a ledge. I think some got around this with invisible ledges or some such.


    Powered Power Armor by Imp of the Perverse has increased jump, you should take a look at how it was done there:




    Hope this helps!



  2. rockygohard18 - Hello!


    "Are their any mods out there that helps FO3 from freezing? "


    Fallout 3 freezing is normally caused by the Fallout multi core bug.


    Does the game freeze mainly in small interiors?


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    That sorts it right out. :)


    Hope this helps!



  3. charwo - Hello!


    "Replacing a Yao guai texture with a Black Bear retexture"


    I think that would require a new model, Yao guai a basically bears without coats so they'd be too scrawny to believably retextured as having fur.


    "Replacing the viscous dog texture with a wolf retexture"


    That's easier to achieve with the existing models, there are several retetures on the Nexus.


    One that not only retextures the dogs but also adds them into the game to replace the vanilla dogs & has several wolf like breeds is:


    K9 Breeds - Random dog breeds for Fallout 3 by hikky71




    "Replacing the Brahmin texture with that of a normal cow."


    Again, the model has two heads so if you only want one, you'd need a new/modified model.


    There is a retexture though that changes them to have that classic cow look of Holstein cattle (Black & white):




    Hope this helps!



  4. Griffin - Hello!


    "Yup, baby has been keeping us up here, oh well!"


    Just wait 'till she starts teething. :)


    "I keep going through those replies of yours, checking your suggestions, and want to say thanks again for such great help!"


    Happy to help where I can. :)


    "Speaking of mods... I have long contemplated the "second playthrough" for fallout 3 and like many others, want to make it bigger and better, so (and hopefully with a better PC) I would like your opinions on a few big grandiose mods."


    I tried Project Beauty a while back, I liked some of the new faces very much but found some of my old favourite vanilla characters were quite changed.


    It's really a matter of personal taste, the mod itself is done very well with lots of work gone into the new look faces.


    FWE & Fook2 - I've never tried them, I've always been happy with the general mechanics of the vanilla game.


    Both are major overhauls & have their supporters. I'd say FWE seems to have the most patches available to help it work with other mods.


    Realtime Settler - Again, never tried this. I downloaded it some time ago but not got around to checking it yet.


    DARN UI - Very popular User Interface modifier. Lots of customization options to suit different tastes. I've tried it, out of curiosity, & found that while very well done it changed the "feel" of the game to much for me. Again, really a taste call.


    It does work really well with grenade hotkeys mod though, you get little images of the grenades when using the two.


    "The thing is, looking at something like FWE or FOOK2, I see SO MANY patches, and plugins for using this with that and that with this, and it is incredibly confusing. "


    FWE has a good load order guide that shows how things should be set up like FWE/EVE, FWE/MMM.


    I've used it to advise others of FWE/MMM load order many times in the past, it can be found here:




    "I am already using EVE , AA, CALIBR and CRAFT"


    Yes, Thogun's Apocalypse Armory is my weapons mod of choice too.


    Great expansion of existing weapons but with a great deal of care in their selection so that they fit in with Fallout 3's style. Many are from previous games & those that are not, feel like they are.


    CALIBR's great to help bring different weapons mods together & adds a touch of realism to weapon's ammo.


    "If you know what I mean, and have this type of set up, can you suggest a really kickass and optimal set up for me to try out?"


    As far as big gameplay changing mods go, FWE & FOOK2 are the most popular but as I say, I don't use either.


    I like mods that expand the existing feel more than massive gameplay changes. just my taste.


    You've already got Apocalypse Armory, great way to expand the weapons.


    I'd not play without Mart's Mutant Mod:




    The best creature expanding mod, adds greater variety to many of the existing creatures with new textures plus several new creatures (from previouse Fallout games).


    MMM is highly customizable (even got it's own in game menu), most new creatures can be chosen or left out, spawns can be increased a little, a lot, or left as is.


    There are many new features like robots exploding after being destroyed & Feral Ghouls getting back up after being put down (shoot 'em in the head!).


    A real classy piece of work. It will also work with FWE with the FOIP patches:




    MMM feels like a part of the game rather than a mod.


    Fallout 3's biggest flaw to my mind is the over abundance of boarded up buildings & thus lack of explorable interiors.


    Morrowind & Oblivion had tons of these & the lack of places to explore was very sad in an otherwise brilliant game.


    Fortunately there are several interior expansion mods out there, the king among these is Chucksteel's DCInteriors Project:




    Masses of buildings are explorable with this mod, ready to loot & places to hide from those MMM creatures. :)


    DCInteriors is not just extra locations either, it's a work of beauty with the interiors being of a very quality & in keeping with Fallout's retro 50's future feel.


    EDIT: Almost forgot to mention BusWorld:


    Busworld - Better English Translation by summel pintocat and Gribbleshnibit8


    Another great addition for those that like to loot & explore, this one allows access to all of those buses & train cars in Fallout 3.


    Fallout Street lights:




    Adds a great deal of atmosphere to the game, especially when combined with a weather mod (& the darker nights that usually entails).


    Speaking of weather mods:




    That's a good solid rain & snow mod.


    Or for even more varied weather including snadstorms:


    Dynamic Weather by Xepha




    Not a "big" mod but one of the most professionally executed quest mods I've come across:


    Solar Scorcher by WillieSea




    Fun little quest, great weapon to be earned & even lore friendly references to previous games (that includes classic Trek's City on the Edge of Forever!). Like I say, so well done it feels like a mini DLC.


    Oh & a mod that no Fallout 3 gamer should be without:


    Super-Duper Non Bleeding Checkout




    Okay not essential, just a shameless plug of one of my tiny fixes. :) It does fix the bleeding checkouts at the Super Duper Mart.



  5. eclipse787 - Hello!


    "I'm having trouble getting the sounds for this mod http://fallout3.nexu...s.com/mods/7986 to function everything else works right and I've spent the last few hours fidgeting with it blindly in the geck. I really love the way this mod looks and would really appreciate it if some one could fix this and upload it or walk me trough fixing it myself. "


    I took a look at that mod for you.


    A quick look in FO3Edit revealed the trouble.


    It does come with the sounds included, it's just got an incorrect path to them.


    The sounds end up in:


    Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\wpn\rifleM14\fire


    But the .esp is pointing to:


    Fallout 3\Data\sound\fx\wpn\mini-14\fire


    So you need to rename the "rifleM14" folder to "mini-14".


    & the two sound files within have the incorrect names:





    They should be called:





    Very simple to fix, you could alternatively use FO3Edit or GECK to change the paths used by the sound files to the ones they have actually been placed in by the mod maker.


    Probably easiest to just rename the files & folder to the ones I've said by hand though. :)


    Hope this helps!



  6. CBassNL - Hello!


    "Maybe a stupid question, but I can't find the answer: Does the Fallout 3 GOTY edition still need to be patched? Or is the 1.7 patch already included on the disc?"


    Not a stupid question at all, always best to make sure. :)


    The GOTY version of Fallout 3 is already the latest version & does not need to be patched.


    GOTY is version, the very latest.


    You can see Fallout 3's version by going to the main menu, selecting Settings - Display & it will be in the bottom left corner.


    Hope this helps!



  7. Griffin - Hello!


    "OK, so I tried the FO3Edit technique and I did not go according to plan. I did make a backup"


    Don't wory, that's what backups are for. :)


    No need to worry if the one you tweaked's gone south, just replace with the backup.


    "My Parent Master list, as it stood, and like I said, it had a lot of unwanted Parent Master .esm files in it; was as follows:"


    Good grief! That's a lot of masters. :)


    In FO3Edit, you clicked on the word "Remove" right? Not just Deleted the Master's name with the edit function?


    "When I checked the data file list while GECK was running, and looked at what Parent Master Files were currently active, all the files in the list shown above were still active, including the ones I had removed."


    They are ticked in the Data list in GECK? All files will show but only those ticked are in use by your mod.


    Go back to your backup & try a different method to remove the masters.


    Again, make a backup of your mod before doing this.


    Run GECK, if you are on Vista or Win7 you will need to Run as Administrator for this to work.


    Go to File - Data & left click on your mod.


    In the box that says Parent Masters click on the master you want to remove & press the Delete button.


    Repeat with the other unwanted masters.


    See how this turns out. :)


    If it's goofed up still, go back to your Backup.


    Check through your mod in FO3Edit (having Backed it up first) & make sure there are no items/references from those unwanted Masters in there.


    Be thorough, expand all details.


    Even if you just moved an item slightly while you had the unwanted plugin listed as a master it will now count as a genuine master.


    You have to remove those kind of things before removing the unwanted masters.


    You can quickly spot things unique to your mod as they will begin with the two characters lested to the left of your mods name in FO3Edit.




    [75] MyMod.esp


    All your unique records will start with 70.


    Anything from Fallout will be 00.


    check the numbers for the mods you know to be genuine master so you can ignore them as you go through your mod.


    Look out for numbers from mods you believe are not meant to be masters.


    When you find any of those, make sure it's not something you want to keep, then Remove.


    When you've cleaned you mod, go back to my instructions in my last post to try & rmove those unwanted masters with FO3Edit.


    "Next problem, as mentioned earlier, is FOMM still won't load up. So I can only boot up FO3 by using FOSE at the moment, and this means I can't manage my mods at all.

    I uninstalled it and reinstalled it about 5 times. In the past I have had troubles when turning off my computer to find FOMM wouldn't load, or took longer to load and appear. This problem always solved be quickly reinstalling it.

    This time It won't work at all. "


    This has me stumped, I've never had FOMM stop working.


    Have you tried running it straight from the folder?


    Fallout 3\fomm


    Click on the Fomm.exe


    Have you tried uninstalling FOMM before reinstalling?


    There's an uninstaller for it in it's folder here:


    Fallout 3\fomm\uninstall


    Or in the Star Menu under Fallout Mod Manager.


    You may want to back up the "mods" & "overwrites" folders in:


    Fallout 3\fomm


    In case it wipes them when you uninstall.


    Hope this helps!



  8. nugghuffa89 - Hello!


    Crash on starting up with Fallout 3 & mods is almost always due to a missing master, in other words you're using an .esp without another file that it needs.


    Make sure you're not using any of the RH_Ironsights DLC plugins unless you have the DLC they are intended for.


    For instance, don't use RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp unless you have Point Lookout or it will crash your game.


    If you're using FOMM to install your mods you can left click on the plugins listed & their Masters will be listed in at the bottom, you must have all the masters listed or else using that plugin will crash the game on start up.


    Hope this helps!



  9. Griffin - Hello!


    "So I think from this nifskope technique I can always check why textures aren't working and also how to customize their filepath directories this way. Which is awesome."


    That is correct. It's very handy to know both for fixing other mods & custom work for your mod.


    "But how would I for example be able to extract a texture from another modder's .esp?"


    Well textures won't be in a .esp or .esm. They are either loose, packaged in a custom .bsa for the mod or are vanilla textures being referenced in the vanilla .bsa's.


    Now apart from the method of texturing meshes through Nifskope that you just used (which is the traditional method), there is another way to retexture that completely skips the model's .nif.


    It's called Texture Sets, they can be found in Geck's Object Window under Miscellaneous.


    You can use existing ones or make your own.


    When you add an object in GECK & select the model you want you will see a box below the Model Filename browser labeled "Alternate Texture".


    Clicking in the box below that will allow you to select a Texture Set to use on the model.


    This is mainly useful for retexturing a model that uses the same mesh but needs a different texture.


    For example, go to Object Window - Items - Armor & type:




    Into the filter box.


    Click on OutfitJumpsuitRedRacer.


    Notice it's model is listed as the RobcoJumpsuit & if you looked at that .nif it would look like the Robco Jumpsuit.


    Click on the Edit next to that model & you'll see in that "Alternate Texture" box I mentioned that it's been set to the RedRacerJumpsuit Texture Set.


    OutfitJumpsuitTLHandyman is doing the same thing with another Texture set.


    So you have only one model, RobcoJumpsuit, being retextured by Texture Sets into 3 different outfits.


    It's a handy way to save space, it really only works for objects that are simillar & use the same UV map though.


    "In a similar vein, When I first started modding, I opened EVERYTHING in the data list, and this includes of course all master files (.esm) so when I saved my mod back in those early days, I guess this meant that by having those mods turned on, it told the GECK that those .esp master files are to be used each time I using GECK with my own plugin as active file. In some cases the mod was never even used, or viewed, but by selecting it, it now appears in the "masters" list and automatically gets selected each time I work on my mod.

    Obvious problem with this being that without those mods being available in someone's computer, I believe my mod won't work properly.

    Is it possible to 'unselect' some of them? I need the Fallout .esm, all five DLC .esm, and a few others like Apocalypse Armory etc, but others I really don't want to be included as required master .esm files in my mod."


    Yes, a common problem, multiple unused masters. :)


    The problem is exactly as you say, anyone using such a mod would need all those masters.


    The fix is very simple using FO3Edit, provided you have definitely not used any objects from these other files listed as masters. That would require rmoving those references first.


    Assuming you have nothing from those unwanted masters, BACKUP your mod BEFORE trying this, just to be safe. :)


    Open FO3Edit & wait for it to finish loading.


    Go to your mod, expand it's details by left clicking on the + next to it.


    Left Click on the top branch called "File Header".


    Details will come up in the right window, at the bottom will be listed all the Master Files your plugin has set. Obviously Fallout3.esm will be there, go through & for any that are not meant to be used right click on the empty space that lines up with the words "Master File" above the name of the Master File you want to remove. The option to "Remove" will come up, click on that.


    When you've removed all the masters that you want rid of, close FO3Edit. It will ask you to save changes to your mod, click OK. If any other mod shows up, untick it BEFORE closing FO3Edit.


    As I say, simple as long as you are not using anything from that unwanted master.


    If you have made accidental use of those mods, remember that cleaning method I mentioned before of going through your mod in FO3Edit & removing unwanted edits?


    "Also I cant change the mod file details, such as author's name, description of the plugin etc. Was this something I needed to have set in the very first moment of starting a new plugin?"


    In GECK, go to File - Data & left click on your mod.


    The "Default" in the Created by box should go from greyed out to black.


    You can now type in the authors name (yours!) & fill out the summary box underneath. Click OK when you're done.


    Now Win7 & probably Vista users may have GECK throw a fit trying to do this.


    In that case, when you start GECK, simply right click on the GECK icon & "Run as administrator". You should be allowed to edit those details as above now.


    You can also use FO3Edit & go to the File Header section mentioned above & edit the Author & Description in there.


    "EDIT - One last question - Regarding things like FX sounds, When I place then in the cell, they can more or less be heard all over the cell. Even when I optimize the cell and use room markers and portals, the sounds don't become confined to their respective quarters, so I am hearing a mix and mash of sounds, which I obviously don't want. Do you know how to isolate sounds so they are only heard when in a particular room marker / room?"


    You can modify a sound markers settings to reduce how far away it can be heard, best to change it's ID obviously & make it a new object unique to your mod as normal.


    Open up the Sound object (green flared disk), change ID, then:


    Minimum Attenuation Distance = how close you have to be to hear the sound at it's loudest.


    Maximum Attenuation Distance = how far awy you are for the sound to be at it's quietest before cutting out completely.


    There's other settings to, list of those can be found here:




    Phew. Covered a lot. :)


    "Have you played the Skyrim DLC yet?"


    Not got Skyrim yet, I always hold out for the GOTY versions of Bethesda games.


    STEAM is putting me right off too. :(


    If I buy a game, I like to physically have that game without strings attached.


    I might give in some day.



  10. TheLine - Hello!


    Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    It causes the game to freeze, so if you have a multi core, this could be the problem.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  11. rockygohard18 - Hello!


    Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always due to a missing master.


    In other words one of your mods is missing an .esm or .esp it needs to work.


    Untick the mods you added in & see what happens.


    If Fallout 3 & the DLC's run fine with your mods unticked that will pretty much confirm this.


    If that's the case left click on your mods in NMM, at the bottom should be listed that mod's Masters. Make sure you have all the Masters listed or that mod will crash your game on startup.


    For instance, many mods must have CALIBR in order to work, failure to have that would result in a crash on startup.


    Hope this helps!



  12. RyanLP - Hello!


    Did you at any time change the Fallout_default.ini that's in your Fallout folder as opposed to the Fallout.ini in your Documents/My Games?


    Try moving that out of the Fallout folder & removing the other .ini from the Documents/My Games & start Fallout 3 (it will remake the .ini from scratch then).


    See if Fallout runs fine then.


    If it still crashes on startup, & you definitely have no other mods ticked (as a missing master is the most frequent cause of startup CTD's) make sure you've completely removed DarnUI as I think without it's .ini changes it will cause Fallout 3 to crash.


    In particular ensure that it's files in Menus have been removed.


    That's about all I can think of.


    Hope this helps!



  13. Griffin - Hello!


    "I didn't say thanks in my last message, and I am sorry for that. Big thanks once again for your help."


    You are most welcome! :)


    "The "Acid Grenade" should look like a bottle with a label that says "warning - corrosive" on it. Right?"


    That's it!


    These are quite fun models, I had not come across them before.


    It's a good way to learn about texture paths too, if you make or customise models this will be used a lot.


    "(You are really good at this stuff you know, I am guessing that you work for the nexus site.. sorry to presume.. hope you don't take offense if I'm wrong)"


    I don't take offense. :)

    But I'm not a memeber of the Nexus team, just an ordinary member. :)


    "I want to add some of these weapons as static objects in my armory, but if the original submitter does not reply, how do I get permission? "


    There's a little tab, under "Unique Downloads" & next to the disc symbol for Required files that is Credits and distribution permission on all mod's pages.


    New schematic weapons - modders resource by FatmanMagister has this listed:


    Modification permission:


    You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator


    Asset use permission:


    You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me


    So you're safe to use those as long as you give credit to fatmanmagister.


    The boeing 707 destroyed pieces by harryluck Credits and distribution permission has not been updated since this feature was brought into operation so they are set to default settings & may not truely represent the modder's wishes.


    Looking through harryluck's other mods & they seem to be modder's resources with some listed explicitly as such.


    To play it 100% safe you'd need to contact harryluck by pm.


    My guess is they are intended to be used in mods with the appropriate credit given.



  14. Griffin - Hello!


    "How do I restore the default display on Nifskope to show those panes? "


    If Block List or Block Details are missing when you open Nifskope, go to View at the top of Nifskope & make sure Block List & Block Details are both ticked.


    Those two windows can also be dragged around to bolt into other locations as desired but I find it's best to leave them in the default positions.



  15. Griffin - Hello!


    "Baby is fine"


    Glad to here it! :)


    "Yet I still have a very nasty full system crash when I play and then quit the game. Up until I quit, nothing is wrong. Then opt to quit, Freeze, and no response from my system. Requiring a full computer restart."


    That is very odd. Crash on exit is a common thing for moded Fallout, as it was with Oblivion before it & Morrowind before that.


    But normally it's a minor irritation, just a warning that Fallout crashed that you click on & move on.


    Speculation is it's caused by dirty mods (mods with bad edits etc.) but I've had it happen occasionally seemingly dependent on what you were doing just before exiting.


    Is this a full Blue Screen Of Death? Or is it a warning box that says Fallout has crashed or some such that you just cannot click on?


    On Win7, for some reason, the mouse pointer often disappears after this kind of crash meaning you may appear stuck. That can be simply got around by pressing CTRL ALT Delete togehter & bringing up the Task Manager, that will restore the mouse pointer & allow you to close the Fallout crash warning box & resume normal services.


    As I say, a crash on exit of Fallout every so often is something I kind of expect but not a serious one.


    "the Level 99 Cap, Wasteland Mastery, And the UPP mods (all of them). and These do run fine, but I suspect are causing the quit/freeze. Any advice?"


    Completely remove the suspect mods including Ling's & see how it goes.


    If all is well then reinstall those Level 99 Cap, Wasteland Mastery, And the UPP mods & see what happens.


    I've used them for a long time with no trouble at all.


    I don't use Ling's so can't comment personally though I know many us it.


    "Finally, if it is really no trouble, could you try out these two mods for me please? They are resource files for modders, and the submitters do not reply to their comments anymore. I am having trouble with textures that dont display. On both of these mods. And I don't know what I am doing wrong."


    For the plane wreckage resource, it does not matter where the models/meshes go but the textures must be in your:


    Fallout 3\Data\Textures\vehicles


    You see the models/meshes have the path to the textures set in them so unless you redirect them to a new place they will look for their textures there.




    New schematic weapons - modders resource


    These model's texture paths are wrong. The way it is set now means the custom textures would have to be in a folder called "nweps" that sits outside of the main Textures folder.

    Which would work, once you create a new folder called "nweps" & placed the custom textures in it, but is considered bad form.


    Much tidier to place that inside the Textures folder.


    Also some of the models like the Chipper are using textures from the vanilla game, these paths are also missing "textures\" at the begining of their paths.


    Simple to fix though.


    First create a new folder called:




    Place the acid grenade, chipper, coilgun, Icons, laser saber, plate thrower & solar schorcher folders into that nweps folder.


    Place the nweps folder into your:


    Fallout 3\Data\Textures\


    You now need to correct the paths in the meshes.


    For example I'll use the Acid Grenade mesh.


    Open the acid_grenade mesh in Nifskope, in the Block List window expand the details of the first node by clicking on the arrow next to it.


    Under the BhkCollisionObject (Block 6) you will see Block 7, expand it's details by clicking on the arrow.


    You'll now see a Block 9 listed, expand that.


    You'll now see a Block 10, left click on it & it's info will be displayed down in the Block Details window at the bottom.


    You'll see "Textures" listed down there, expand that & you'll see where the texture paths are.


    If you click on the little purple flower symbol you can navigate to where your textures are.


    In this case though all we need to do is add textures\ to the begining of both listed textures here.


    Double clicking on the Texture path allows it to be edited.


    You just need to copy & paste:




    To the begining of the diffuse & normal map textures in the meshes.


    So the paths:








    Should become:






    There are two more blocks using textures in here, Block 12 & Block 17 expand them to locate the textures & change them by addin that textures\ in the same way as above.


    When you are done the model will now be showing the correct texture.


    A fast method for getting to the texture block is to left click on the part you want in the Render window & the Blocks will open in the Block list. The Textures are always in the BSShaderPPLightingProperty Block.


    REMEMBER to save the .nif after making the changes.


    You need to repeat this for the other models.


    Make sure to correct the texture path for each part of a model, some models only have one set of textures but others have multiple sections.


    You can see if something has the wrong path as the model in the render window will have no texture.



  16. Griffin - Hello!


    "but the last stage, using the first light as the parent activator for the other lights, that was the missing ingredient in mama's soul ketchup."


    Glad it helped!


    "On a side note, and to explain why I have not replied sooner, My wife just gave birth to our first child. A little baby girl we named Josie Simone"


    Congratulations!! :thumbsup:


    "she is a mixed ethnicity baby (the very best kind I think)"


    Certainly is, best of both worlds. :)


    "and she looks like me"


    I'll take your word for it that's a good thing. ;)


    "Life is pretty wonderful sometimes."


    It is indeed, just remember you said that when she's keeping you up at nights. :)


    Best wishes!



  17. Iameggman - Hello!


    Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


    Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


    So if you've got a multi core computer, that could be your problem.


    There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


    The one you want to change is:


    For XP:


    My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


    For Vista & Win7:


    Documents\My Games\Fallout3


    The file you want will be called:




    Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








    & insert this line under it:




    Save & close your ini.


    Hope this helps!



  18. Griffin - Hello!


    You mean a light switch that will turn on several lights all at once?


    That's easy & looks really nifty. :)


    You need to write a simple script for on/off.


    Click on the Scripts button in GECK (the little pencil near the top).


    In that click Script - New.


    Now copy the below script & paste it in:


    ScriptName yourmod'snameLightSwitchScript


    ref light


    Begin OnActivate

    if light == 0

    set light to GetLinkedRef



    if light.GetDisabled








    You can't use the normal copy/paste dialogue box so use CTRL V to paste the script in.


    Then click Script - Save.


    Now go to the Activators in the Object Window & filter:




    Double click on the ElectricalSwitch, in the box that comes up make it a new object by renaming it's ID, something like ElectricalSwitchLightOnOff.


    In the Script box, just below the Name, browse that to the "yourmod'snameLightSwitchScript" you made above & select OK.


    Now all you have to do is place the switch & lights.


    Place the lights as normal around the light fittings.


    Place that ElectricalSwitchLightOnOff you made wherever you want.


    Choose the light that's nearest the switch & double click on it (that's the actual light not the bulb or lamp etc.), tick the Persistent Reference at the bottom (so it can be used as a reference) & tick the initially Disabled (so it starts the game off).


    Now select the ElectricalSwitchLightOnOff, in it's details click on "Linked Reference" then "Select Reference in Render Window" & select the light you set as Persistent, click OK.


    Now in game that light should come on when the switch is activated & off when activated again.


    To link other lights to this same switch is easy, click on the light you want tied into this switch, tick the initially Disabled then select "Enable Parent" & "Select Reference in Render Window" & connect it to that first light you made Persistent.


    Do this for any other light to be linked into this switch.


    You can save time by selecting all the lights you want linked to the master one & press the - key to batch set their Enable Parent.


    You can also link in any light effects that need to go off with the light (like shafts or fills) by linking them in the same way.


    I think I covered it all. :)



  19. leot486 - Hello!


    "do you have to do the blender part it showed in the first one???"


    No, that first video also covers some advanced techniques as well. :)


    I was worried it might make it look more complewx than it is. :)


    The second one covers the steps with GIMP.


    With Paint.net all I do is take a texture, use the Normal map plugin which makes that purple version of your texture & save the new version of the image as whatever you named the texture but with a _n after it:


    Original texture:




    What you save your Normal map as:




    You then set your model to use it either in your model in Nifskope.


    In Nifskope the second listed texture is your Normal map.


    Hope this helps!



  20. tetradite - Hello!


    I remember someone having a simillar problem a while back with the textures in FWE.


    The problem sounded like classic archive invalidation issues (as does yours) except they had taken care of that (as have you).


    BlackRampage got to the bottom of it by finding this link:




    Seems it's easy to not unpack all the textures properly, could be the trouble you are having as the only textures acting up are your FWE ones.


    Hope this helps!



  21. BamaThunder316 - Hello!


    Archive invalidation should not cause that kind of trouble.


    It does seem likely that it's some remnant of the 10mm mod you were using that's causing the problem.


    Check your:


    Fallout 3\Data\Meshes\Weapons\1handpistol


    If there's a:




    Remove it & see if your 10mm pistol goes back to normal.


    Also check your:


    Fallout 3\Data\textures\weapons\1handpistol\


    If there's:





    Remove them.


    Also make sure there wasn't an .esp that went with the 10mm mod that is still ticked in your Data files.


    Also if you installed the 10mm mod manually & are not sure you've now removed everything, look at the files in the original download zip. That way you can see exactly what was installed so you can remove it.


    Hope this helps!



  22. leot486 - Hello!


    "but I don't really know how to make a normal map so I didn't try that. Know any guides for GIMP?"


    Very Detailed guide for creating Normal maps & where to get the plugin for GIMP here:




    Youtube video guides here:






    If that makes Normal maps seem complex, don't worry! They are really easy as most of it is automated.


    In Paint.net, with the Normal Map plugin I can click the button & convert the texture into a normal in seconds. More often then not that will work great without tweaking.


    Good luck with your model!



  23. beanspan - Hello!


    "So, if anyone can help me understand the process of Blender/Nifskoping a new projectile into the game, I'd be very grateful. Thanks."


    I've not had a lot of experience with projectiles, though I have played around with lots of other meshes.


    There's quite a lot of variety in BhkCollisionObject settings depending on what your mesh is used for (Clutter,Static,Weapon, etc.).


    Get those wrong & all sorts of odd things can happen including the new object crashing your game as soon as the new mesh loads up. :)


    The best advice I can give is to find a vanilla object simillar to what you are trying to achieve, in this case try the vanilla missile projectile, & paste your model over that in Nifskope.


    Use the "Copy Branch" on your new projectile .Nif & "Paste Branch" to place your .Nif into the Vanilla Missile .Nif then "Copy" your mesh & "Paste Over" the Missile Mesh, rename the .Nif & save.


    Remember to remove any surplus blocks (Blocks left ovr that are no longer connected to the main node.


    It's the best way to ensure all the settings are correct.


    Hope this helps!



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