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Posts posted by BunnySnatcher

  1. Banning Deus for having a dead dragon.

    I double ban him..The "Grand Sire" sets a bad example. * hides eyes*





    Bans Wasder for having a hangover.

    OT: It's kinda strange to see one of my dragons die... It's never happened to me before.

  2. Just taken on a new winter seasonal. Good luck guys n gals.

    Same, got it this morning...



    OT: I can't sleep, (what else is new... T_T) I'm a little too stressed over Christmas tomorrow... I gotta clean house (It's only 3/4 done and rather large) since the whole family is going to be there oh, and friends too... Not to mention I've been babysitting my nephew ALL DAY LONG, and while sick. (Btw doing a bit better on everything, the killer migraines are gone thank God!)


    Eh, but anyway... How's everyone's dragons doing?

  3. I like V.



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