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Posts posted by BunnySnatcher

  1. I like potato chip and mustard sandwiches. Yeah weird huh?

    I like to take two waffles,put mayonaise and american cheese on them and eat it like a sandwich!




    I dare you to try that with tartar sauce, pancakes, and blue cheese...





    I like,

  2. I just saw a really weird egg...it looked like one of those red mushrooms from mario but I couldnt get it...what dragon was in it?


    Grand Dragon Archmage Garrett

    must have been a rare one.now I'm curious too!



    Ok so I can't stay away...I saw the snippet in me in box Maiden Dezi about your orange egg, clicked and the others...yours too Archmage ..you two behave while I am away... ;)

    So me dear Goddess I came back just to click it for you, now that's love..la


    The purpose also if you read the fine line is to get many different people to click for specific ISP addresses are registered as clicks, and will not register again..did you know that..its your views, each time you click that counts..that help the growth..unique views check out the mothers and fathers..of the babaes..


    Also to end your curiosity..my beloved Goddess.. :wink:

    These are the rares. gold.. silver ..alt vines, alt blacks, seasonal (like my other egg, when they hatch they will have accents on wings according the season..)..and the ones that look like mushroom polka dots sorta, are Dinos, and are rares.. aye you should go to the breeding forum, the other scroll at the cave, on that forum is the breeders stables...They are Dinos, mixed, in now and then..if they are a mystery egg they will say it seems they don't belong, if in abandoned they will look like you decsribed...there are different coloured ones..OK

    Just checking in, to click on your orange Dezi, congrats onthe new one.. take care of everyone , and my wee ones too..

    See you!!!!

    They kinda look like yoshi from mario...

  3. Please, help us find the mods in this screen. I have a bad feeling the armor, possibly called "Imperial Crusader" is a Lineage rip that may have gotten pulled? I have no idea if this is true, it's just a gut possibility since I haven't been able to find it, and it looks kind of like something out of Lineage to me (please understand I've never played any Lineage games tho). And the wings? What's the story? I feel if they were out there I would have found them, by now, they are unique.


    Any thoughts, ideas, clues, would be deeply appreciated.






    Oh! I almost forgot... I would like to know were you got these images in the first place... I might be able to contact the author and ask...

  4. eeep,I just rick rolled myself.....loose that thing deus! :biggrin:

    Ok... Then how about...


    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>&rel=1">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
  5. YAY! Dragons have reached maturity! And everyone else's seems to have too! I'm going to get me a new egg!



    OK when one of the Goddesses puts some thing red all member need to read...An important message***** Grand Mother Dani brought up, and then I accented in red, has not been adhered to, the reason for this post is because some of the Sigs,especially yours Squire Wasder are way over the forum limit ..I wopuld be happy to help with that also..


    Aye sad and alas there be dragon haters in this forum, that would if given a reason to get our dragons banished, might ,and also, you might get a Sig strike from one of the moderators which

    could endanger all our dragons, here is the link, two people are mentioned, I used Ultra Snap the lets me outline a Sig and gives me instant dimensions ...aye neat program..


    We post in allot of places a moderator might see, or someone who does not;t like dragons may see Sig violation as a way to get rid of them..and then its bad for all of us..here is the page OK read Mother Dani's comment, then Crone Aeryns 3 down from that one.. enforced one in red, for that comment was ignored.. I know people don't seem to read all..RED means read!!!!!!!!


    I guess its the Crone job, and not one that gets them loved like the Maiden.. :wink: to mention horrid things like rules, but its for the safety of this thread, all our dragons and you, that you not get a Sig strike against you, its my way of protecting, enforcing rules..That our Lil Order stay above reproach in the eyes of the moderators..so all dragons be safe here..


    SO all Read!!!!!!!! ~Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn~

    those over Sig forum limits

    I'd like to extend this a little... (since I have done absolutely nothing for the order so far and I am the guy that started it all. :D )



    For those who have this problem... You may wonder if there is a way to fix it( I think you all pretty much already know though). Well, here are a few ways...

    1) Use an incubator and display a few eggs at a time in your sig.

    2) Only post a few dragons in your sig.


    -Deus Ultima-


    Aye true, good points..but some of these are because of two large wording which can easily be fixed actually one words go out to far, thus extending Sig size, and the other is words are so large the height is exceeded..So far no Dragons...need to be not shown, as long as you fit your Sig to your dragons you can display them, until it gets to a point you may then have to choose an incubator as your Sig..or do what Deus says..

    But go and read still Ok..click on link in my post above..For those two can be fixed with wording size and length, thats all..


    ~Grand Goddess Crone Aeryn~

    More addons!



    Or... You could just display your incubator as a link like I did. :confused:

    That way it won't take up as much room, and you can still keep your siggy.

    -Deus Ultima-

  6. Please, help us find the mods in this screen. I have a bad feeling the armor, possibly called "Imperial Crusader" is a Lineage rip that may have gotten pulled? I have no idea if this is true, it's just a gut possibility since I haven't been able to find it, and it looks kind of like something out of Lineage to me (please understand I've never played any Lineage games tho). And the wings? What's the story? I feel if they were out there I would have found them, by now, they are unique.


    Any thoughts, ideas, clues, would be deeply appreciated.





    Wings: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19135

    sword is from pegasus mod(I think). http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3795

    alternate version: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4923


    as for the armor no idea... But try googling "l2 mods for oblivion" or something close to it... That's how I came up with some pretty good l2 armours... But be prepared to read chinese!

  7. O thank you Goddess...as I too have clicked on all your little ones as well



    Your quite welcome ..umm I am going to start feeling utterly alone., if someone other than Dezi before she left on holiday!!Doesn't wish me a Happy Birthday, I sometimes feel invisible as it is!!! What know congrats on my silver, or my seasonal two rares..sulks and walks sadly away!! :sweat:

    What, you haven't seen Dezi's birthday topic?! (which most of us commented in) ;D


    Grats on the silver and seasonal btw!

  8. Are there any mods for a weapon plaque?

    The only thing i do anymore is collect stuff and i want more than manikins to display all my stuff





    I didn't come up with anything... Well, except this but it's not really what you're looking for :



    But it's a resource so... It's just the meshes.

    :confused: that sucks


    do you think its even possible? to make one where you put it in it like a container and ir displays perfectly not place it there like the display cases where it can take hours to get it right?

    Of course it's possible. But it might require some scripting for it to know what blades to display... It would probably have to be all the vanilla blades though. And will no doubt come as a resource.


    EDIT: oh and of course there is the clipping problem... As some blades are all differant shapes and sizes than others....

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