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Posts posted by BunnySnatcher

  1. Why indeed you do have twins..I just noticed also..Congrats Dragon Kinden Azir


    Before I make my rounds..

    I have an annoucenement..

    I bred my Silver Airmid Valeraian, today and she was most recptive to my White,Cadair Idris Snowdon..

    Alas I did not get a silver egg,this time, but she gave me one white egg..la

    Please make sure my lil white egg gets 10 clicks from 10 different members..and lots of views..Take good care of Arimid's my precious BD Silvers first born, and my second born..To me this is a special egg..

    Go raibh maith agat ( thank you very much) all... :smile:


    I see your lastest born is cracking away Goddess Dezi.. :thumbsup:


    Ok now to my rounds, catch you all on the flip side..


    rounds done..again..

    My white hatctling just gendered female, so I have my female now..

    I deciced to put Silvers first born white egg between Ma and Da on the scroll and late Fate decide if will be a boy or girl..

    For I can't give away Silvers first born..


    My silver had a babae, my silver had a babae!!!!!

    click and watch it spin la.....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!





    Now that would be an amusing siggy... If only it were smaller...


    And clicked your egg.

    And now for something completely different...


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  2. Yeah, I agree with Deus, who appears to be stalking me! First the mod detectives thread, now this... What next??

    Nah, I just review other threads frequently... Mainly because I'm bored. T_T

  3. I've seen a mod, which use a "doubleblade" (lol, is this the right word in english?). If you know the game "Sacred", the darkelf fight with such types of weapons. Maybe you can find this mod for me, I don't know, how I shall find it, I don't know, how I shall call this wepon.


    It's something like this


    but bigger. Hope, you know what I mean.





    Daedric crescent blade: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15083

  4. Banning Dezi...for ...oh forget that. Dezi , you got a ban-free from me.


    OT > I'm under the mistletoe again :whistling:

    So is everyone else... :biggrin:


    Bans Alex fo- eh, I can't think of anything...

  5. Has anyone made a werewolf mod that DOESN'T require a script extender (other than santa werewolf)? I'd be very interested in such a mod. Think about it:


    Werewolf skin and model.

    Enhanced character attributes while in were form (IE: Agility, Acrobatics, Strength, Speed, hand to hand [to act as compensation for claws], etc.)

    Animation props for howling, posing, etc.

    "Tattered" versions of any and all Oblivion standard armor/clothing if worn while changed.



    It'd be a pretty heavy mod, but if done right, would be quite kickass. If i even knew where to begin i'd do it myself.



    ...Still lookin for someone to get me a saved game with a character in my likeness though. Hit me up.

    Nope, there are no(that I know of) werewolf mods that don't require OBSE. EDIT: Wait there are the companions though.. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14692 and another set of armour:


  6. Thanks man! I'm downloading it right now, so I'll check it out, but thanks a bunch. I really appreciate your slogging through a bunch of Foreign language for me.


    Okay, got it, but the Readme is useless. Have fun trying to translate this:














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    I'm pretty sure that isn't ANY language, let alone a translatable one. I guess I'll just plug it in and start searching for it. Anyone who has already downloaded this mod know where the armor is?

    Yeah the readme is useless... Weapon(s) and armor(s) are located in the IC market district.


    1 chest is located in front of a statue

    2 another chest in one of the gardens next to a well.

  7. Nah, all I can get (even with a translation) is an .xpi file. Unless I can get specific instructions, click by click, I'm going to have to forget about this. I'm totally useless when it comes to downloading Chinese/Japanese/anything not in English, so...


    I was just able to download it as a .rar. Try this.


    Go here, which is where they have it for download. This one says it's version 080930. The number is the highest so I'm guessing it's the most recent version.




    There are two download links. I circled them for you.




    Actually it's Chinese. I'd try igoogle to translate the Chinese to English... Though some sentences could say something about cans...


    I'm just guessing here, but from the context I would conclude that the sentences about "cans" are actually referring to archived files such as .rar. This is only a supposition though.... or maybe I'm missing the mark entirely and they are referring to the female chest? ;D

    Heh that'd be odd if they were... But some of the armors didn't work quite right in that version... Some were invisible and some showed up but had no body mesh... Dunno if it was a conflict I had or what... Or if the mod is incomplete.

  8. Actually it's Chinese. I'd try igoogle to translate the Chinese to English... Though some sentences could say something about cans or something random due to the fact that they may have misspelled a few words... But just search that topic for the link (should be in the first post) and it should lead you to several different Rar. files (I think there is a zip. format too).


    And most of the items in this pic are L2 mods so the wings kind of look like this:



  9. Okay, I'm still looking for the armor in this picture: http://i37.tinypic.com/23kq638.jpg

    I think the wings are probably part of Alexander's Wings, but they could be part of the armor too, it's kind of hard to tell. Maybe it's a Japanese mod?

    You guessed correctly! http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/showtopic-524608.html This at least has the shield and sword(s) shown in the pic. Though THAT armor is probably in the updated version of the mod. And no the wings are not alexander's wings.

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    I see your diary of jane and raise you forget it


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