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Everything posted by VileTouch

  1. that's what i call a tail boner xD ...anyway, try REMOVING anything in the meshes/characters folder. see if they become...flacid again. then reapply your body meshes and whatnot. except the skeletons and custom animations, check again and see how it goes.
  2. are you sure you're not confusing Skyrim with Lemmings?
  3. $7k? http://i.imgur.com/pabPPRY.gif what, are you buying at the alienware shop? with 1k-1.5k you can build a decent computer these days if you know which stones to turn
  4. it's there to show the description when you select it. the "effect" is right there in the gamedata tab
  5. that would be cannibalism. he IS Solid Snake after all
  6. if you can't find anything, there's a shack, somewhere to the west of the map with around 5 skeevers inside. they respawn so you can kill them after you get bored and come back later for another session. i find this faster than the mamooth method because the game only counts how many times are you hit. not how hard those hits are.
  7. yeah, sofia is having some issues with the latest update. and even then, Ceri is all around more... useful. (that and she doesn't talk ALL the time!) but i'd suggest you consider a third option: Inigo (or Vilja, better than all the above if you don't mind the voice...which you do.) ...and then there's Hoth. that one's a love-hate relationship really. so...pick your poison
  8. 1; Talos is a Divine. In fact, he's the only one of the 9 not at all affected by worship. 2; And this is important... WAS NOT FAIR. The use of a Thu'um is not permitted in Nord duels. It is a strictly MARTIAL competition. but that's my point. the game does not provide enough information on the customary usages in Nord duels. The Thu'um may be perfectly acceptable, as the archetypical weapon of ancient Nord heroes, and from Ulfric's account we know that the the thu'um was hardly the cause of death, as you can test yourself if you try to kill something with unrelenting force. what did kill him was Ulfric's sword piercing his heart. even Torygg himself acknowledges it was a honorable fight when you meet him in Sovngarde. higly biased towards the battle hardened Ulfric, of course but it's not his fault that the high king was a milk drinker :tongue: oh and here's a quote from...somewhere else
  9. 2 things that bother me about the empire: - If Talos is not a divine, then how come i get a blessing by praying at his shrine? - Ulfric beat Torygg in duel fair and square. everyone else's moaning about it makes NO sense! with those two alone it's evident that the legion is only grasping at straws.
  10. seriously, nexus, where's the "like" button? http://i.imgur.com/N6bG26s.png
  11. yes please! anything that improves the thieves guild would be most welcome! ...other than (even more) radiant fetch jobs. remember the first mission in oblivion's TG? a race! how fresh is that?. good times!
  12. zephyr is not an enchantment, it is a property of this unique bow, like the price or the weight, so if you were to apply it to, say a daedric bow, then EVERY daedric bow in the game would have the same effect...that applies for enemies as well of course. the same is applicable to all the other unique weapons, such as the Longhammer, the Targe of the Blooded, the Woodsman's Friend and so forth. is it possible to modify the appropriate value via script? err... yes, but why would you want to change a non unique value? do you realize the implications? specially AFTER you get bored of it. is it possible to turn it into an enchantment? the answer is a resounding NO.
  13. I did mention the PSU in a comment below the specs - and the only diskette drive I know of it having is mentioned too. Like I said, I don't have any knowledge of these things so was relying on the salesman at the computer store to give me a good build. Since I was buying my son a matching one I really wanted to know if I had done okay by him - he is in college and games online with friends. Last PC I bought him turned out to be a piece of garbage, that's why I went to a custom builder this time. (and got myself one too, because my old PC could only play Morrowind and Oblivion at half graphics, and couldn't play any games newer than Oblivion). :smile: it was a joke. i also noticed that you added a mention of the psu. good. it's a good setup. just be mindful of the SSD drive. those only last for around 500 days or so. grats!
  14. how about making felicia day from tallis? err... nevermind the armor xD
  15. did you remove the textures/models as well? did you rebuild your bashed patch?
  16. that's called combat text. (if you look for damage indicators you will be innundated by references to a minecraft mod that happens to have a skyrim visual theme) but i haven't been able to find anything so far.
  17. you can always temporarily store the things you don't want to smelt in a companion or the bag of holding perhaps? also some smelting mods won't even include what you have equiped or things that are enchanted, or marked as favorite, but the different mods all have pros and cons so i suggest you shop around and see what suits you. i've been through 3 such mods so far. right now i'm using ars metallica. not the greatest or the most feature rich but does what it's supposed to with no bs.
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