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Everything posted by VileTouch

  1. alright, finally figured out what was the problem. SOMEONE had installed QD Inventory in my data folder and "forgot" to tell me about it. (the same person that had that problem) and since there's no .esp it was not inmediately obvious. well, it IS if you've ever played without it (odd i know) so after all this time all i can say is... stay away from that mod if you play with a gamepad. (sigh!) IF you're having this problem, you have to remove these two files data\interface\craftingmenu.swf AND data\interface\inventory components\inventorylists.swf and that's it! thanks for all the answers [/thread]
  2. are you able to deal that kind of damage too with destruction spells?
  3. aah the voice of consumerism http://i.imgur.com/Zg4NUDU.png but he's right!, you should totally throw that old laptop out the window (careful you don't hit anyone passing by in the head with it) and buy a shiny, new one!... probably a tablet too!...that's only good fpr browsing facebook ...but who cares!, buy buy buy! oh and while you're at it, get yourself a decent desktop pc...even if it means it will gather dust in your room and leave the laptop for it's inteded purpose ;)
  4. yup...seen it. even with W.A.T.E.R. installed. i suppose it has to do with overlapping shaders. like Antialias+Field of fiew+Volumetric fog+the water shader it glitches. i'd suggest replacing RLO with ELFX+RCRN+ENB series (for enboost really) . it did fix that kind of glitches as well as the banding shadows here and there.
  5. It is and it's not. It is common for two different controllers to assign different buttons to the same spot on the controller. This is a hardware change the software side will work the same, but see a different button press. I don't have any Xbox one stuff. Can you go into controller settings in Windows and post what button number windows reports when you press X? will take note of the keystroke output next time i'm at the gaming computer. yes, i'm sure. the controller works as expected in every other aspect. X is the key to draw/holster a weapon, to craft and upgrade weapons and armor, make potions and unlock shouts. it's just in the case of the enchanter that the option to craft doesn't even appear on screen unless i switch to the keyboard
  6. well, actually any controller, it doesn't matter if it's Xbox or PS or Logitech, etc. the button where the X is, is the one that should be assigned ...except it's not http://i.imgur.com/rmlZTMY.jpg the XInputGetKeystroke function call is exactly the same regardless of the brand.
  7. Hi, there is definitely something wrong with this as there is no key assigned in a gamepad to craft the enchantment. (supposedly should be X or square) unplugging the controller and pressing R does work, but not otherwise. I know it's not just me because i've seen it happen at a friend's. so the question: is there any way to fix it? and a favor: please do not tell me to just use the keyboard. YES i have a keyboard obviously. NO i don't want to play skyrim with it. it would be fine, however, if i could find a way to have the R key (in the keyboard) to work while having the gamepad still plugged. other: i'm using SkyUI. thanks for stopping by :)
  8. yup... been there, done that. your saves from before 1.9 update are now completely broken. i mean they do load, but the glitches and crashes make it unplayable. and there's no way to fix that either. short of starting a new game with the updates and dlc in place
  9. for first time i would add ars metallica. it makes a hell of a difference when you can just melt stuff down. oh and get a decent house/castle/tower/hideout/whatever with sorters. vanilla ones are underwhelming and far in between. oh and get yourself a temporary container that you can load on demand... like the bag of holding or something. it will spare you a lot of grief from the burden mechanics.
  10. not sure about pise or perma, but i'd suggest to avoid deadly dragons armory. something about it crashes within a mile of any dragon encounter.
  11. sheesh, my saves usually break around lvl 10 (or by the time i reach whiterun) it might not happen right away, but something around there totally blows up every time.
  12. try merging some of those mods. some are even not needed as they're standard tweaks in wrye bash anyway.
  13. welcome to today's double standards. you mention Far Cry 4, and i respond: Saints Row 4? Fallout 3/New Vegas? hell, even the GTA franchise! so...yeah, it's ok to pick up a hooker's services on your way to picking up a drug dropoff and then smash them to a pulp with a baseball bat to take her money...but god forbid they show a nipple in the proccess! ...oh, but in australia, Rockstar had to disable the suspension shaking of the cars during the scene...because it was "inmoral" LOL! but one could say, yeah, the aussies have it bad, but citizens of the US also have to worry about overzealous, self-righteous “family values” groups who treat media as if it’s a disease to be cured, and seek to strip responsibility away from consumers and legislate babysitting. The Mass Effect “Sexbox scandal” is indicative of the kind of ignorant bullshit these pricks are capable of pulling – vilifying a game because it has a tasteful sex scene which would have barely pushed a film from PG-13 to R http://i.imgur.com/1CCvgep.jpg Oh the horror! Kids who shouldn’t even be playing this game might start to think that sex between consenting adults is natural! And one of them is blue! Interracial sex even! but not everything is lost, my friend. Rebellion, the developers of Alien vs Predator gave the australian government this gem: “we will not be releasing a sanitised or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices.” burrrrn! the game itself was horribly mediocre, but that another topic. the important thing is how game developers, more often than not tend to fold to the ridiculous demands of certain groups that usually have no idea what they're talking about. (who in their right mind can think "turning on" a console can be a sex scandal? ...that's right only them)
  14. did you hit it in the knee? xD anyway, just wanted to confirm that the fix posted above many years ago :O ....it works
  15. there's a missing reference in one of your mods. you will need to track down what it is and either download an updated version or fix it yourself come to think of it, i quit FO3 long, LONG ago for a similar reason. that my game bugged to hell and back near the end with no indication of what might have gone wrong. good luck
  16. yah, and while you're at it, might as well add a wasteland hold'em poker game too :P it would involve pretty much the same amount of work.
  17. there is only one... underwater hideout. the rest...meh. well, you could use willow companion, she comes with a nice home too, but i suspect you will be moving as soon as you can survive the trip to UWH edit: oh wait! this is skyrim! lol! well, i have a nice one there too, i think it's deus mons... it used to be one of the better ones, not sure if there's anything better now
  18. no problem from here...both are DXT5 (i'd use DXT3 on the diffuse map but that's just me) so i suppose that texture pack is just too big for your specs? try a smaller one ...poco bueno? it's still much better than vanilla.
  19. no, because not all weapons look this bad.some even have a lot of detail. like the Ranger Sequoia. edit: screenshots are up. OP updated
  20. remember the first time you visited the Tops? remember how you thought "oh, the aces theater...that should be interesting" but specially how much of a letdown the... *cough* "show" was? what would i'd like to see? well... an actual show for starters! see this is how it's supposed to look in a game: not....this >_< notice the non stop chatter of the other npcs...and the lack of humor of the act?
  21. my favorite starting house. nothing special or op about it, just a nice place to crash before i make the long painful trip to the underwater hideout. then i can move the entrance to wherever i see fit.
  22. to be fair, to send them into battle IS to kill them. you might not do it yourself, but you still have their blood in your hands
  23. oh during my very first, vanilla playthrough i never knew the pipboy had a light! you know all those pitch black places in the game?...yeah, i spent the whole time bumping my head on stuff >_< i felt soo bad after i discovered it by accident long, loong after during a second playthrough.
  24. that sounds fun lol! anyway, try this and see how it goes
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