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Everything posted by VileTouch

  1. hmm... you mention realism and then go complaining about how mobs curbstomp you.. i wonder how many hits can you take from a broad sword in real life?
  2. how about you disable the overclocking for the game? seems crazy but it might as well give you the stability you seek. also 246 mods.... -_- i think it's time you start cleaning your data folder of irrelevant junk and merging those mods that DO matter. I doubt you know anything about scripting but if you do, you can also merge and optimize the mod added scripts as well. (but of course you MUST know what you're doing)
  3. 10 bucks say if you remove it the game will load normally. i looked into it as well and found nothing wrong, but something about it freezes the game on start up.
  4. a felicia day companion...made and voiced by felicia day and make it marriageable too! :O http://i.imgur.com/8UdYS5z.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/8EARP7I.jpg OMGOMGOMG!
  5. ever heard of console commands? player.modav carryweight ####
  6. this is the only reason i have the bag of holding installed. for every other pack mule needs i use midas luggage valuable stuff i want to keep for display or use goes to the bag, clutter, ingredients and loot for sale goes to the weird spider.
  7. realism is not fun. "I tried real life once. the graphics were great, but the gameplay sucked."
  8. see if you have the dance of death in your load order. also, about loot/boss i only use them as reference, but i organize my load order manually with wrye bash. too many problems to rely entirely on them :dry:
  9. haha just you wait. soon you will be killing dragons with 3 arrows!. it's not even funny! Download and install Deadly Dragons Mod-Expert Settings or higher(Skyrim on Legendary), and you definitely will not be killing dragons with 3 arrows. In fact, you will spend more avoiding them as much as possible as opposed to the stupidly weak Vanilla scaled dragons-which is hopelessly broken. even on legendary difficulty, with deadly dragons and dragon combat overhaul, and without exploiting the restoration loop, after lvl 50, any semblance of balance start to crumble. in fact i'm tempted to reset the smithing perks to 15 and remake all my gear.
  10. haha just you wait. soon you will be killing dragons with 3 arrows!. it's not even funny!
  11. i've been looking for a while for a mod that let the various undead creatures reanimate themselves after some time unless they have turned to ashes. any leads?
  12. ok this has probably been asked ad nauseum, but here goes nothing. i'm looking for the vanilla clothes and armors for UNP body.... WITH HDT Physics support. no, not the bouncing boobs one, i mean waving the various dresses and soft armored plates around with movement, like the animated hairs do.
  13. nonono, focus. you started GREAT with this sentence: ...but then: :sad: i was expecting you to say you were going to use it as inspiration to create your own pieces in that style. the fact that it's not lore friendly is not the problem, it's a matter of... "vibe", about picking up the flow, decoding it's soul... ok. i'll stop right there, i'm sure you got the idea
  14. old thread but good idea...somewhat. what i'd change about it is being able to clip though ONLY gates and fences that you can clearly see though but not trespass. not walls or solid doors/objects
  15. i'd be more afraid of the Wrath of the Drama Queen :facepalm:
  16. oh there's no need for a mod, you just have to obtain and drink lots of skooma all the time. otherwise any generic blonde, vaguely male looking character will fit the bill.
  17. is there a reason why tcl doesn't work on your game? regarding the title...that's what she said
  18. Open Skyrim.ini (My Documents/My Games/Skyrim) and add the following to it: [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 Afterward, in that same folder you will see a new folder called Logs. Inside that: Script. Inside Script you will (eventually) find 4 logs. Double click and they should open with notepad or any text editor. Papyrus.0.log is the most recent. At the end of it you will see the last process to happen before the crash.
  19. sneak definitely. then smithing almost immediately after. in fact it was so bad i had to switch standing stones from the thief to the lover, because it was horribly fast! now i'm undecided between the lady or the atronach.
  20. no. dragonborn (and thus the 1.9 update) breaks old saves. you can load them, yes, but it's really unplayable. you're better off starting anew.
  21. mmm.. well if you're not going to conform to at least some similarity to the game you're trying to mod, you might as well put justin bieber's songs for combat music. *hack, slash* baby baby! *thump, crash* personally i'd love to hear a remix of the age of aggression. what say you? edit: :woot: now THAT's what i'm talking about! http://youtu.be/ZvWlbS02Ka0 wait... that was just too good, so here's MOAR! http://youtu.be/Yw1sj8pOmd4?list=RDYw1sj8pOmd4
  22. you should try Achieve that! it breathes fresh air into the otherwise "same old" grind.
  23. "mages of the masculine variety" .....right. so you don't want mods but you want it fixed huh. well, i'm sure you can coerce bethesda devs into picking up a finished project (no more patches, addons or any other modification) into doing your bidding... let's hope your speechcraft" skill is high enough.
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