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Everything posted by JacketteFarcryer

  1. The only thing I found was this: Slave in pose conversion by Cha0s_lord http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41668/? Cheers, JF
  2. Hi there, try these links: Top 10 Mods http://www.pcgamer.com/best-civilization-v-mods/ Civilization Fanatics Center http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=395
  3. Hi there, I did some researching for you on this so hopefully there'll be some answers within the following links. Here goes - try these: What I searched for: Skyrim - how do you adjust the sunshine's shadow radius? What I got: Steam Community Guide The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim TES Skyrim: Increase your FPS/Performance efficiently. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222933354 Steam Community The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim How to get rid of these "shadow lines" https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/616198623980043964/ gaming.stackexchange.com arquade - question & answer site How can I extend the view distances further? http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/35760/how-can-i-extend-the-view-distances-further I really hope these help. Good Luck & happy Modding. Cheers, JF
  4. try this: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php?title=Voice_Acting:_A_Complete_Guide&oldid=3016 https://tesrenewal.com/forums/morroblivion/mods/2322 http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/4996-modding-workshop-my-first-stable/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2593489-changing-draugr-voices/ in particular, look at piatrmil's posted answer to rolsly's question. Hope this helps. Happy Modding, JF
  5. Hey Max, Welcome. Try these links: What I searched for: tutorial - to install the "Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition" mod (CBBE) for skyrim What I Got: Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition - CBBE http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/? How to install CBBE for skyrim - YouTube with links to:http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads... steamcommunity.comSkyrim Overhaul - Make Skyrim Look Beautiful: Mod List http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=280942247 girlplaysgame.comSkyrim: Best Female Body Mesh Mods http://www.girlplaysgame.com/2014/06/09/skyrim-best-female-body-mesh-mods/ tomshardware.comWhats the best Computer Build for Skyrim http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2282884/whats-computer-build-skyrim.html reddit.comSkyrim : The best time to pick it up again ? (No huge gaming gig required) https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2o4tkh/skyrim_the_best_time_to_pick_it_up_again_no_huge/
  6. You came to the right one then Zephylanie Zephy. WELCOME! :laugh: I'm a Far Cry 3 Gal myself, but all are welcome on here. Cheers, JF
  7. Hello Sluggsnipa, Welcome to Nexus. Try these links and see what you think: Musket Mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23903/? Project Flintlock Rifle - Sequel to Musket Mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26653/? Good Luck & Happy Modding, Cheers,JF
  8. Hey lirics, here's a link that you might find helpful: TES ALLIANCEESV: Skyrim ModdingTutorials and Guides http://tesalliance.o...skyrim-modding/ also have a look through the skyrim forums on here too as well as the tutorial vids on youtube.
  9. Hello ExpandDong420, Welcome to Nexus, I noticed you're into Skyrim. I took the liberty of doing some research for you on beginner links to help get you started with your modding, after you've perused the links above which Bess kindly gave you. When you get through those links, you might find these ones helpful to you: What I Searched For: Skyrim Modding What I Got: www.reddit.com http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/27fc6y/super_epic_guide_if_you_are_relatively_new_here/ TES ALLIANCEESV: Skyrim ModdingTutorials and Guides http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/category/33-esv-skyrim-modding/ atomwangames.tumblr.com[WIP] A Comprehensive Skyrim modding guide http://atomwangames.tumblr.com/post/62371040356/wip-a-comprehensive-skyrim-modding-guide Skyrim Modding TutorialA Beginner's Guide to Modding Skyrim https://skyrimmoddingtutorial.wordpress.com/ Really hope these links are a big help to you. Good Luck & Happy Modding. Cheers,JF
  10. Hey, Nice work! Really glad I could help. Cheers, JF
  11. Hi all, With regards to promised Pixleated shadow problem research, could the modder I said I'd do the research for this subject please PM me [ASAP]. I have the search results, but I'd like to give them to YOU first, before posting them up here for everyone else. As for the rest of you, my next lot of beach closed signs are coming, as well as latest topics I'm currently exploring for my mod, with all links and pics, [or links to pics] provided. Stay tuned....... Happy Modding... Cheers, :laugh: JF ***UPDATE*** To MooxNexus, [Hope I got the spelling right ], I've sent you a PM with the search results. Can you please look through them and let me know which if any were most helpful to you? From your opinion on the links, I'll post the best ones up here for the community. Cheers, JF
  12. Hey Guys, Try this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2497639-new-playable-skyrim-character-not-armour-model-rigging-tutorial/ the blog is called: New Playable Skyrim 'Character' (NOT Armour) Model Rigging Tutorial ? Hope this helps you both - good luck with your modding. Cheers, JF
  13. I'm starting out too. Modding is difficult. I do a LOT of research. That I think is probably the easiest place to start. Research "how to" tutorials on texturing, skinning, scripting and just about anything you can think of to do with modding. Search for the things you most want to see in your mods. Research them really well. There are a lot of free programs you can use to help you create stuff. If you can't afford photoshop then gimp is an excellent free equivalent. I have a blog here called " I want to become a modder, how about you? It has links you may find interesting/useful. If you need any help with researching specific things - feel free to PM me and I'll help if I can. BTW - Welcome! :laugh:
  14. Research Results: What I searched for: how to make in game cluster bombs What I got: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=how+to+make+in+game+cluster+bombs&safe=active&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=rvYxVaPJOcXZmgXFgYHACQ&ved=0CD4QsAQ&biw=1086&bih=634 .............. About Cluster Bombs How Do They Work: http://www.clusterbombs.org.uk/cluster-munitions/how-do-they-work/ ............. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=10&v=74K8bmfcydc ............. Cluster munition - (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_munition .......... Pixleated shadow problem research is also coming.......
  15. Hi, welcome. What areas things do you most need help with? I'm a beginning modder for Far Cry 3 myself, but reseaching tutorials and such is how I'm teaching myself to do things. So, what would you like me to research first? - skinning tutorials - mapping tutorials - modeling tutorials - creating your own in game musiic tutorials - scripting tutorials -.lip file creation tutorials - building tutorials - rendering tutorials - texturing tutorials - voice acting tutorials - animating a scene tutorials OR all or none of the above? I'm quite happy to research any or all. Just let me know what you need and we'll start from there. If you have something you'd like more info on, that isn't on the list, tell me what it is and I'll research that too. Cheers, JF
  16. How would you describe this: as an overlapping in game shadows problem? Need to know what to search for.... Also, what game are we talking about here? Cheers, JF
  17. Pillars Of Eternity is the game in question right? Can you give me more info on the problem? For instance, what type are the original files, PRIOR TO their extraction process. After files are extracted, does their format then change, before they can be saved? (eg: .wav to .mp3) You'd need a program to "see" both, & this could be the problem here. Maybe the extraction program you use either doesn't have an option to "see" those files or doesn't have that "see" option enabled yet. If as you say: you'd like to replace a player voice, but can't find correct ones due to tfiles being "scattered" with other audio tracks,, then it may be a simple matter of finding either the correct extraction process of those files OR an extraction program with the option to search for those "specific files types" & have them all extracted for you. Can you see where I'm going with this? Once I get more info, I'll be better informed to know what to look for in any future searches. With regards to changing the female character's voice - same applies, it's all relative. Hope I can further help you - Let me know. Cheers, JF
  18. Actually, I've gone back and researched this - try these searches: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Are+there+any+save+editors+for+Far+Cry+3%3F&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=VCAxVbmrEqTEmwWgv4DoAw 2nd search criteria: Hex editors compatible with Far Cry 3? Results: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Are+there+any+save+editors+for+Far+Cry+3%3F&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=VCAxVbmrEqTEmwWgv4DoAw#safe=active&q=Hex+editors+compatible+with+Far+Cry+3%3F Didn't really feel like I'd helped you before, so had to do something about it. Good luck - hope this helps. Let me know oK? Cheers, JF
  19. In my many online searches for things I came across this interesting thread and thought I'd like to share it with everyone here: Topic is: what the best gaming headphones to use. It's AVS realated as it comes directly from the AVS Forums. http://www.avsforum.com/forum/141-xbox-area/1285726-new-gaming-headset-headphone-topic-request-sticky-plz.html enjoy, Cheers, JF
  20. Ok, as promised, here are the the beach signs. Yahoooo, I'm so happy to have finally got started. After seeing my efforts on the 2nd pic - I'm really surprised I could make the waters around the fin look that way. I'm proud of what I achieved, Now i REALLY want to learn to mod - Yeeha!, man it was great fun. Pics aren't interactive or in 3d though- they are flat, But it still feels good that I managed to create them, at all, cause I'm such a NoOb!!! :sick: hahaha Hope you like them. Took me ages! What I did: They were done in photofiltre & paint, Basically how I did them was open a new file in photofiltre, coloured the background red, saved it, then opened a pic with paint and used the freeform select option to go around the shape of shark fin,.Then I closed paint. Sorry, left out a step there..After closing paint I went back to photofiltre (i still had access to the red background shot,) as I'd saved but not actually closed it. I posted the shark fin (still in memory, so no need to copy or save fin) on it's own. Next I chose the text option in photofiltre, and color of text (white in this case - from within the text chioce options, hit ok and my typed text instantly appeared where I'd wanted (& arranged) for it to go. Magic.... Lastly I used a combination of the smudge tool, spray paint tool and color options in photofiltre to create different shades of red in the waters surrounding the shark fin. When I was satisfied, I uploaded the results to http://imgur.com/a/dA88K and the rest as they say is history. what do you think? Would you like me to do another one with screenshots? Actually, I'll probably do another anyway, just to get a bit more experience at doing them -- and because it's really fun to create. Cheers, JF
  21. That's ok. - No NOob questions here, I'm just starting too mate. :blush: Don;t really know, (re: new prob) but if I get some time - I'll try search out an answer for you. Good to know that it all initially worked for you though, makes me happy to have helped someone like me on here, (You can really tell I'm a NoOb - look at my post!!! hahahahaha
  22. Hi there, I tried but didn't find much about this subject online, but did a search through these forums and found this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/577443-tutorial-adding-custom-voice-even-if-the-ck-wont/ if link is not working on your page then try searching under poster's name - SinderionsBones Hope this helps. Good luck. Cheers,
  23. www.cg-blog.com/index.php/2006/10/23/download-greeble-plugin-to-increase-details.htm this may be helpful to you [copy & paste into your browser] Cheers,
  24. Don't know if this will help, but at least worth a look: Online Tuts [Many] http://www.cgonlinetutorials.com/resources/mudbox/ Cheers,
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