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Everything posted by orangedeal

  1. Urtho Ok. I just don't remember now, is there any difference with Level and Auto Calc stats activated and deactivated. But I will stick with PC Level Mult. Starwaster Now I'm confused :smile: If I fix NPC level with PC Level Mult (1-1 level for all NPC), why their stats should change? I want to make it as advised by Urtho. All leveled NPC will have 1-st level, so I will meet all NPCs in this game, regardless of the level. I hope that will work. In other words, I want to completely eliminate the leveling from this game. My goal is to make the game more or less similar to reality. E.g. all humans will have 50-120 HP. It depends on the species (children, aged, women, men etc.). Same about other NPC. It shouldn't depend from level. Leveling will work only for me and only for non-combat skills (like lock picking). Or I will lock my level via console and add perk manually.
  2. This is the most clear description that I've seen :happy: I have noticed that if we want to set e.g. lever 1, it is necessary to use PC Level Mult and set 1 min - 1 max, but not just Level 1, or we will have mismatch at leat with Health parameter. Even if we check/uncheck Auto Calc Stats. Why? :mellow: Thanks!
  3. You mean walk/run/sprint ratio or in general? If in general - speedmult for any NPC: --------- http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/f4_ck_speedmult833.gif If you want to change speedmult for yourself - console player.setav speedmult 80. Or 90%. So it will be 80-90%. I think it's better than default. Same for NPC (human, ghouls etc.). But for some fast robots (Assaultron), even 80 looks a little strange. They like hovering or else :smile: You should try. Maybe for them optimal - 90%. If you would like to change ratio, so IDK. Some people say that: --------- http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/f4_ck_playermt353.gif But either I doing something wrong, or it does not work. There is one more setting, but I don't remember (can't find it again via Google). But I decided not to change it, now will stick with just speedmult setting.
  4. I get it. So I can just set 1 level in Leveling Data for all NPC, if I want to set hard limit of NPC parameters? Is that possible to make random spawn of all these NPC's without binding to character's level? DLC01LCharBotRaiderSentry DLC01EncBotRaiderSentry01a - 1 level DLC01EncBotRaiderSentry01Template - 30 level DLC01EncBotRaiderSentry02 - 40 level DLC01EncBotRaiderSentry03 - 50 level DLC01EncBotRaiderSentry04 - 60 level Are these levels work like between 1 and 30 level, 30 and 40 level etc? If my char will be limited (let's imagine) forever with 30 level, I'll never see sentry bots under 40 lvl and higher selection? How I can avoid this? Or there is no easy/quick way? (I can live with that)
  5. Also I wold like to know, is there any difference between single Level field and two others Calc Min/Max. Are they equal? If I set Level 25 in the first field will it be the same as 25 - 25 in Calc Min/Max?
  6. I want to put the same level of the same creatures. E.g. all assaultrons will have 25 level and my char will have 20 lvl at the time of this encounter. Can it cause problems with NPC spawn? What type of Assaultron the game will give me? Or it just doesn't matter and I shouldn't worry? http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/f4_ck_lvldata213.gif
  7. http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/f4_ck_animspeed92.gif No matter what I enter - 2 or 0.5, ingame animation speed remains the same. I can see changes only in preview window. All I need is to reduce the speed of the attack animation (robots and humans). I know how to reduce walking/sprinting speed, but only not attack.
  8. Hello! I'm trying to slow down the movement even more, when PA will run out of fusion core. Is that possible without any scripts? Ideally, this thing has to stop immediately right after it. But I guess some raiders can use their PA without core (?). Because I will increase the weight of all PA up to 200 :smile: Maybe I can find this in Object Mod?
  9. I have one more question, this time about Power Armor mods. Is it OK to remove them totally without any problems in the future? http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/f4_armor_mod345.gif
  10. TrickyVein Thanks for the reply! >>>remove it from the mod collection which contains it. It just won't be selected whenever a weapon is generated Where I can find that mod collection? >>>Same goes for removing the misc mod from any leveled lists which may reference it. You mean if this gun had to be spawn in the hands of some NPC with e.g. mod_PipeGun_Receiver_Automatic1_and_ArmorPiercing mod, which removed by me, there will be no any modification on it? I can see some entries in LeveledItem about mods for Pipe gun. Very sad, that there are no normal guns, like it was in F3/NV. Only trashy with unrealistic mods :sad: Even sniper rifle should be made from this trash :smile: Much hurder to change everything then befor.
  11. Hello! I want to remove/change many fictional weapon modifications from the game. E.g. for Pipe Gun. I agree with auto mode of mod_PipeGun_Receiver_Automatic1 except lower range and damage (no logic). So I will do: Object Mod -> mod_PipeGun_Receiver_Automatic1: removing: fmax/minrange and iattackdamage: http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/geck_wpmodremove01-2367.gif Now mod_PipeGun_Receiver_Automatic1_and_ArmorPiercing - I need remove it completely. For this I need set to NONE Target Type, Loose Mod and Attach Point: http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/geck_wpmodremove02-2367.gif So it will look like this: http://distlinks.net/img/lnk/geck_wpmodremove03-2367.gif Everything is right? Looks like yes. I need some assurance that in the future I will not have problems with that, because it will be hard to add this params again into my esp file. I can't check every weapon :sad: Please write your comments. Maybe I did something wrong.
  12. I don't understand how it's done here. Where I can see how strong NPC are, if I see different Health stats at GECK and it doesn't look like their armor (DR) is taken into account. If I set 100 HP to unarmored NPC and to armored (BoS with Power armor) it will not be the same. How to set to all NPC 100 HP but their DR must be the same what I look - if Barrett wears Combat armor he must take 5 (five) 5.56mm bullets (40 damage each) before he will die, because I set DR of Combat armor at 50% (without helmet, cause Barrett does not wear a helmet). I'm confused.
  13. Is there any setting something like fDamageWeaponMult, fDamageGunWeapCondBase, fDamageGunWeapCondMult, but for armor? I would like to set it, so even at condition near 70%, it will protect me like it will be new or something like that, and only below 70% it will have about 80% of its original DR. At condition 60% will be 70-75% of original DR etc. I know about fDamageToArmorPercentage, but it's not my case.
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