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Everything posted by jayrichardm

  1. I know what precombinds are and what they are for, Jimmy. It's my understanding that Bethesda didn't put precombinds in settlements because they knew they would be scrapped there. Of course that doesn't include the extended borders that you get with some mods. But what you are saying makes sense, if it isn't scrapable without a scrap mod, it might be a precombined even in a settlement. Do you know if the Scrap Everything mod breaks precombinds? Since there is a lot of stuff that it doesn't scrap I'm guessing that it doesn't. There is no way that I know of to tell if something that I'm about to scrap is part of a precombined or not. I went on a scrapping binge in Lexington, over through Malden and ending at the National Guard Training Yard: every car, lamp post, guard rail and ghoul along the way. After I was done I noticed It had become much harder to get into my Headquarters at Murkwater Construction without getting a CTD. That almost never happened before. I always thought that excessive scrapping would only affect the area, the cells where the scrapping took place, not on the other side of the map. I don't understand how the game deals with and loads or not loads scrapped stuff. That is why I asked the question that I asked. I'll check out that Spring Cleaning mod. I take it that you use it because it doesn't break precombinds.
  2. I would like to do a mod search by Mod Author. If I really like a mod, I often want to see what other mods the Mod Author has uploaded and give them a look. A few will post their mod list but most don't. I haven't seen or couldn't find a way to do that. Is there a way to do a mod search by Mod Author?
  3. Thanks for responding. I use a couple of scrapping mods. I don't think the two that I use on the PC break precombinds, I know one of those I uses on the Xbox does break precombinds. But there shouldn't be any precombinds in Sanctuary. I'm still hoping somebody out there can answer my question.
  4. When I go through and do a lot of scrapping to a settlement, how does the system handle all the scrapped stuff? When I fast travel back to that location does the game have to reset the location to it's original form and then go through and remove all the things I've scrapped and remake all of the changes I've made, or is it handled in a way that isn't so CPU intensive? When I start a new game I've always gone through and scrapped the hell out of Sanctuary and really clean it up. While that was never a problem on the Xbox I'm wondering if that could be the cause of a lot of CTDs on the PC.
  5. Thanks for your suggestion. I disabled a weather mod and a greening mod, and started a new game and made a mad dash across the commonwealth. It wasn't one of those. I'm going to have to figure this out the hard way. I had the same problem on my Xbox in getting to the Nuka World Transit Center. In that case it was a scraping mod that was doing it. So far the good news is that after disabling all my mods I was able to take an existing game and get to the Nakanos. So the problem is not buried in the game data. Once I find out what mod is doing it I can take my current games and get them all past that point. And after several hours of painstaking detective work the villain turned out to be Immersive Containers. I've used that mod on the Xbox for years and it has never caused this problem there.
  6. One of my mods, I don't know which one, has blocked the way to the Nakano Residence, preventing me from traveling to Far Harbor. On the Path to the Nakano home I get the message "You can not go that way". I'm betting that this is a well known problem on the PC and that there is a way around it.
  7. I see from your "Here" picture that you pressed the word "File" and it brought up a menu with the Load Settings option on it. There is nothing to indicate that, that sub menu was hidden there. That is all I needed. Thanks a lot. CTDs forced me to abandon 3 play throughs after 50 - 100 hours of play. The CTDs kept getting more frequent as time went by. Running Elric has fixed that. I have gone back to those games and the CTD problems are gone. Apparently the creation kit uses a generic type of meshs and textures that doesn't work well with Fallout 4 and they need to be reformatted for this game.
  8. I'm having a real problem with CTDs. The mod author for F4SE recomended using Elric to process mesh files (NIF) and texture files (TGA,DDS) into a more optimized form Fallout 4 will load. Following his instructions I can't get passed the first step. Select the File->"Load Settings" menu option. -Navigate to your Elric/Settings/PCMeshes.esf file. There is no menu option "Load Settings", or if it is there I can't find it.
  9. I understand that the MCM menu for FO4 should display in the pause menu. I'm not getting that. I believe one of the requirements to get that is the FO4 script extender. I don't know for sure if I installed that right. I put everything in the Data folder. Are there any other requirements for the MCM menu?
  10. I want this speech option added for when a guard accuses me of committing a crime. You ran right in front of me when I was throwing fire balls at a Dragon and defending your city. It is your own damn fault you stupid guard. :laugh:
  11. That tells me that it can be fixed. Thanks for that. Of course without knowing how to do the fix, it doesn't help me any.
  12. Does anyone know of a fix for the dead dragon that shows up whenever you fast travel to a location? In my current game, I think it is the Dragon from Dragontooth Crater. He has been missing from my game.
  13. The original poster mentioned it in his initial post as being almost perfect. I really like that player home too. Another player home I like is Solstice Castle. As castles go it is small and homie and has a nice big gated front yard for followers to lounge around in. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2570
  14. That was it. I wasn't holding it long enough. Thank you. BTW I've been using the enchantment skill feature on your mining mod judicially, when I need a couple of really quick level ups. It appears that one skill point is equivalent to enchanting one item. I like how that works.
  15. I'm doing the Summit of Apocrypha quest and for some reason Sahrotaar will not respond to the Bend Will shout. Having reloaded a number of times I've tried every conceivable variation to the Chapter 6 portion of the quest with the same results. I've checked out everything on the web but no one mentions this problem. Is there a console command that will let me get past this part, to walk over the black goo or something?
  16. That indeed was a fun quest. After six hours I returned with almost 7000 lbs of weapons, armor and dwemer metal. I'm keeping Clockwork and Silian Manor.
  17. I don't start doing the quest lines until I get all of the preliminary stuff out of the way. I join the Companions at the start of a new game, but by the time I get around to doing quests the Companions no longer offer work and the quest option to see the Companion leaders for work has disappeared from my list of quest. That stops the Companion Quest line dead in it's tracks. I don't know if some mod is causing that or what. I wouldn't think that a mod could cause that. This has been happening to me on at least my last five play throughs. Is anyone else have that problem or knows what is causing it or knows of a way to restart the Companion Quest line?
  18. In is not clear what is important to you in your request, NPCs buying your vacant homes or having NPCs occupying those homes. I use Nether's Followers Framework for managing my army of followers. NFF allows you to set up 20 locations as follower homes. That works just fine for all of the Vanilla game homes as well. You can then move as many of your followers in as you would like. To check this out I just moved 6 of my followers into Lakeview Manor. They use the Master bed and the two children's beds. They won't use the three beds in the "Bedroom" wing I built on the west side of the house, but of course that is a Bethesda thing. Only children will use those beds.
  19. Thanks for your recommendations. I'll give them a look. I'm always looking for a good place to leave my followers. I think the original poster, Schnubbel76, gave up and set about to build his own player home with the creation kit. I've got another recommendation you two. Valkyrja Manor Player Home is a mid sized player home a bit South West of Fort Greymore along the road to Rorikstead. It is not lore friendly by any means. It is a modern home, very spacious, built with a lot of white pine, redwood and well cared for lawns. There is gobs of room for companions and comes with a couple of it's own. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11866 If you like Quests,Wolfstrom, The Follower Shindara comes with a really fun quest. If you haven't tried it, you might want too. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10094 This particular mod author makes very attractive followers with very rotten personalities, but the quest is brilliant.
  20. We have been having a lot of trouble trying to get a mod to work that allows us to finish the Companion's quest line without becoming a werewolf. It seems to me that a much easier solution is to have a potion to cure us of the disease after we are finished with the Companions. Could someone make one, please?
  21. Take your time with Nethers Follower Framework. Most Follower Mods work with settings and commands via dialogue options. But in NFF there are many general settings to be made in the MCM Menu. But after some fiddling around i don't want to miss it anymore. I got so much good info and outstanding mods from this thread. the Legacy of the Dragonborn is definitely an outstanding mod and so is NFF and Elysium Estate. The Safehouse only has room for four followers. I've had to start putting followers in all of my homes that have follower rooms. Would you believe that the Skyfall Estate is no longer big enough for my retinue of followers. I'm glad my system has the power to handle it all, and NFF manages that perfectly. I just checked out a mid sized player home called Peregrine Highwatch. I fell in love with it at first sight. It only has four follower beds but all of the other goodies and the basement has a fantastic garden and pool. You might like to give it a look. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10136?tab=description
  22. I always stop my game by doing a save first. When I restart my game sometimes the scripts that were running when I did the save restart and other times not, example the script that calculates my profits and egg, honey and milk production at the Heljarchen Farm. Why would a script stop running and is there any way I can check to see what scripts are still running?
  23. I've gotten my answer. I don't normally blast away at bunny rabbits, On this day I did. And I happened to get a destruction skill level up when I blew it over a cliff. So the game also treats bunny rabbits as valid opponents and gives skill level increases for killing them.
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