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About tekmage

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    United States
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    Grim Dawn, Diablo Immortal, Diablo 2 Resurrected, Last Epoch, Undecember
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    Elder Scrolls : Skyrim

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  1. Version 2004 seems to work fine so far. No oddities and Cortana is still thankfully disabled.
  2. Tides of Numenara has become my new favorite and almost rivaling how much I enjoyed Baldur's Gate II.
  3. The design of it reminds me of one of those steam boxes that ibuypower put out a few years back. I'm guessing you are excited for the exclusives on it? Your PC seems quite capable of running whatever you want it and likely a big portion of it will come to PC.
  4. With so many edits and mods, the sensible suggestion would be to figure out when you started getting these grid lines over everything. Is there a screenshot you can share that shows this issue?
  5. You really need to provide more information for anyone to assist you in figuring out what could be causing your issues. What are the mods in your mod order? What hardware are you running? How about some screenshots on what this issue looks like? What mods did you uninstall/disable while in a playthrough of the game. All these will help us help you.
  6. Max native res of the laptop is 1080p, so I'm guess you are implying that 2k is the minimal acceptable decent resolution. What are you going on about?
  7. Does anyone with a laptop really game on it using the battery? I would think that common sense would dictate that you plug it into the wall when playing a game or doing anything that requires some power. Something like THIS will run Skyrim at good resolution and performance and it runs under $650 USD.
  8. I am a bit confused on why they would leave out the default mod launcher and force users to change .ini files for mods.
  9. HOW TO INSTALL MODS Create Mods folder in XCom2/XComGame and place desired mods into folder. War of the Chosen mods would be put under Xcom2/Xcom2-WarOfTheChosen/XcomGame/ Create a shortcut for ModLauncherWPF.exe from the Xcom2\Binaries\Win64\launcher Copy XCom2.exe in XCOM 2/Binaries/Win64 and rename copied file to XComGame.exe Launch the game with ModLauncherWPF.exe shortcut, select the mods you want to play with and hit “PLAY” The mods on Steam are updated to latest and mirrored on http://catalogue.smods.ru/game/xcom-2/ for those on not playing the Steam version. Nothing wrong with the Nexus mod versions,but not really updated and can cause problems with the Community Highlander which is pretty essential for a majority of the great mods.
  10. I really enjoy Patrick Stewart and Jeri Ryan being on the show was a nice surprise, but I don't think it is enough for me to continue watching the show. I think the writers are trying a bit too hard to bring 2020 issues into the show. The whole sunglasses and vaping thing was utterly ridiculous in the previous episode. The thing I really enjoyed about the older Star Trek shows has been its limitless optimism and willingness to believe one can solve issues through diplomacy and reason. Now, it seems Star Trek has fallen into the dark dystopia trap a lot of shows have carved out ever since the success of the Battlestar Galactica reboot. I loved that show but the darkness/real world comparisons were relevant and made sense. Not so much for Star Trek. I was really hoping this wasn't going to be a another Discovey but it is.
  11. It is really good to hear Lutris has come so far. Is it good for weaker hardware like integrated video computers?
  12. It looks promising with a mix of old and new cast. Will someone let me know if it's good or not when it comes out? I just can't support this CBS All Access thing.
  13. Nexus, Please just make a decision on the UI design. I was getting used to the new and now the old one is back. Was it pulled to be revised/fix bugs ?
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