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Everything posted by myrmaad

  1. I am a woman descended from a european white male and his native born american indian wife, as well as poor white irish starving trash on the other side who happened to parent sons who fault, one on the side of the confederates who died, and one on the side of the union who lived well into his 80s with his youngest brother in the house my grandmother grew up in. No. You do not get more of a say than any other citizen. I think this thread has gone far enough.
  2. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/th_31jNCTwbwpL_SX385_.jpg They have a scarey Jerry Sandusky vibe, to me. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/th_Panic_Emoticon-vlp78j-d.jpg Not even infants look good in them! http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/images.jpg Well, maybe babies!! Awwww
  3. I couldn't find his kick thread. Would you mind pointing me to it?
  4. @lordrichter: Robin, and his staff have always been part of the community and we have as much right to participate in the discussion as everyone else, offering our own unique viewpoints with all our own attendant quirks of personality. We are not "above the fray", we are living participants in it. Regardless of your opinion, it's the essence of what we love best about this community. The really cool thing you'd never know unless you've been here for a while observing, is that this site is about as open-source-participatory-and-collaborative as any I've ever seen. And that is all to Dark0ne's credit.
  5. You're never clear; and your persistent meandering lack of focus encapsulated in nattering walls of text sparkling with grandiose allusions to intelligentsia are a dead give away. I'm terrible at names.. started with an S..?
  6. ClossRay banned. Piracy of New Vegas. Using an \"unofficial mac version\" when pressed to link his Steam account privately, he left the room.
  7. matteen123 banned. admitted pirate
  8. aidanbrown3000 banned. aidanbrown3000 my skyrim isnt in steam News flash: It has to be steam or we won\'t support it. The end. Discussing cracks is not allowed here, nor is piracy. Discussing either is an instant ban.
  9. There is a circumstance where the mod is very popular, the author is very active, and the author wishes to do the patches himself (I'm thinking of a real life example here). In that case, you can make your own patch and use it, but we would prefer it's not uploaded without the author's blessing. In the case where it happened, the patcher agreed to allow the original author to upload on his own patch page. In my opinion, the original author's feelings should bear considerable weight in a case like this, even though the patcher's intent and action was not malicious.
  10. DimentionalAlice banned. Admitted piracy in chat.
  11. Thor. - Strike one for personal attack. Don't accuse people of criminal activity, even in jest. I was going to let you off with a Formal Warning this time because frankly I don't think any attention should be drawn to your unfortunate post, which I have edited, but it's elevated to a Strike because I also am not able to contact you via PM to even discuss it. So there will be no discussion. Reference report
  12. elninio1 banned. Personal attack on another member in chat, plus admitted piracy. Angry pirate is angry. Anchors aweigh.
  13. screamin4urlife banned. On the off chance that you even have a legitimate purchase, any discussion of cracking is off topic and a bannable offense. Reference post deleted. Reference post
  14. deatheater2020 banned. Stolen image plus Nudity and inappropriate adult situations in General Image share. I wouldn\'t bother appealing, if I were you.
  15. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/696470-conan-the-barbarian-ost/page__view__findpost__p__5522269
  16. claymore0013 Strike one assessed for offtopic discussion in the chat room. You might want to review the following: Console modding is not supported here Also: Terms of Service Forum Rules The Strike System Reference report
  17. Dariusy banned. by request. Dariusy shall now be known as frenchmods.
  18. Gelunis banned. Pirate, multi account abuser. Reference post
  19. Cirofost banned. Trolling a file thread Reference post
  20. CocaNuka banned. Flaming and trolling all at once on a file thread. Reference post
  21. Alt account: Keisear banned along with the IP addy.
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