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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Actually I think this is the problem, right here.


    When someone wants to get real serious about actual facts, no one can handle it and it goes right back to mud slinging and nonsensical sound bytes, pithy one-liners and shallow talking points.


    I'm armed with data and video evidence and credible bipartisan sources, myself.

    I have always prided myself on an open mind, so present away..... :whistling:

    The American Enterprise Institute is no bastion of Liberalism, on the contrary they are a business championing conservative think tank; Paul Ryan is the embodiment of Right Wing. Did you bother to watch the archived recording I linked? I did. :armscrossed:


    "For many people, the distribution of public burdens and benefits is a principal measure of social justice (see, e.g., Penner, 2004; Rawls, 2001). Of course, people disagree sharply on what is fair and, looking at the same budget, will disagree in their assessments of its fairness." -- Choosing the Nation's Fiscal Future


    Video: Alan Greenspan testifies before the Senate in support of reductions in the federal tax burden. His reasoning implies that paying off the national debt is not a good idea. This is widely perceived as greenlighting the Bush Tax Cuts. As I mentioned before, this is conveniently after George W. Bush's election. Woohoo!


    FOIA document: Life After Debt. Government document worrying over the consequences of US owing zero debt.

    Planet Money uncovers the document here. Washington Post reacts to Planet Money story here.


    Here's a question: if government is always wrong, why should I have faith in Paul Ryan's budget? A budget that pays no heed to the advice in his own symposium (maybe because he left instead of paying attention to what was said there.) **I was paying attention.**


    If those projected surpluses are no longer a threat o_O, why continue the Bush Tax cuts at all, one wonders why we still need them when the reason for their very existence is no longer valid. Oh, I have an idea.. the moneyed class both votes, and impacts policy by purchasing campaigns/candidates, the moneyed class also has access to speech :unsure: in the form of for example Fox Networks, and so wields a strong influence on public perception.



    Hey! Did I ever mention a book I read way back in the 80s called "Four Arguments For The Elimination of Television" by Jerry Mander? What a name that guy had, huh?

  2. You and I have just stumbled upon that rarified and elusive common ground that I had begun to doubt we would ever find.


    (excluding the libertarian sentiment of course! :happy: )


    :thumbsup: Kudos.


    Actually I think this is the problem, right here.


    When someone wants to get real serious about actual facts, no one can handle it and it goes right back to mud slinging and nonsensical sound bytes, pithy one-liners and shallow talking points.


    I'm armed with data and video evidence and credible bipartisan sources, myself.



    I think you are correct. We all have data, video evidence and credible bipartisan sources to back us up. Life is not that simple. Lies, lies and and damn statistics!!!!!! I think we could look at the same numbers and come to different conclusions. We all have pre-conceived notions and different life experiences to draw on. What seems blatantly obvious to me is a mystery or is certainly wrong to someone else. Who is right? No one can convince the other that they are wrong. That is why Libertarianism is the correct form of government. No one is forcing their beliefs on others. As long as you are non-violent and pursuing your own goals and beliefs then great, have at it. Again, this seems obvious to me but to others, force by the majority is required for a civil society.

  3. Actually I think this is the problem, right here.


    When someone wants to get real serious about actual facts, no one can handle it and it goes right back to mud slinging and nonsensical sound bytes, pithy one-liners and shallow talking points.


    I'm armed with data and video evidence and credible bipartisan sources, myself.

  4. Sorry I was kind of lumping you all the responses together and I get interrupted by a two year old every 6 minutes, and multi task here to boot. I wasn't precise as I often try to be that time, because frankly I only have time to shoot from the hip today. A case could be made for Obama being about the same point on the scale as Bush Senior in fact. I'm not the only one who sees the spectrum widening but just because one side is being dragged to the right does not make the historic middle less a landmark to shoot for, in my opinion.


    Yes, as HeyYou notes Obama is being dragged to the right by the tea party which is one reason HY doesn't really see much difference I suppose.


    But HeyYou there are some big differences I see between GWB and Obama, wasn't it you who noted that Bush wanted the Iraq war, in fact we had no reason to invade iraq at all except for the old neocon dream and while I do not believe 9-11 was an inside job, I sure do think it Bush was overjoyed that it fell into his lap. He must have believed it was a "godsend".

    Aside from that I do agree about Health Insurance and what do you expect? I meant to address this in my original post but the biggest problem I believe we have is the money in elections.


    On to the deficit, I can understand how you must think, Aur, having been indoctrinated with ideology regarding deficits, but the way to get out of big debt is not to allow it to mow you over, but to invest in your own future. Throughout history every other government to successfully overcome a depression has stepped up government spending, every government that has tried austerity measures has only worsened the situation.


    It's not that I don't think that the deficit is a problem but I do think there's a right way to address it. The way we're doing it is putting the cart before the horse. You can't fix things when you're flat on your back. Have you ever heard the saying 'you're only as strong as you're weakest link'?



    American Enterprise Institute "Framing the Long Term Budget Debate" hosted by Paul Ryan <- Even conservatives when rational agree that there is a difference between short term and long term deficits.


    The real bottom line here, is that both Republican and Democratic administrations have historically increased deficits, except for after the Clinton Administration, when Alan Greenspan made his trip to capital hill to plead the case that we were going to run out of debt and we should give big tax breaks (now that there was a Republican in office).


    The American consumer base is such that if a most of the middle class buys one $5 item from you, you will attain great wealth, in fact if only males between the ages of 15 and 64 bought your item one time you would net $513325215 (five hundred thirteen million three hundred twenty-five thousand two hundred fifteen); so what does that say about the Walmarts and Exxons and Johnson and Johnsons and Proctor and Gambles and McDonalds', I'll tell you what it says, they were given the gift of the American Consumer class and they do not appreciate it. (Many many purchases of $5 over and over). That is a luxury and we should tax for access to it. It has been our national treasure, and it beats the pants off every other consumer economy which is why our global corporatocracy is trying to recreate new competitive consumer markets in India and especially China. (Creating a viable middle class consumer class there is more important than here.)


    Gads there is so much more to this and I'm just necessarily scratching the surface.

  5. Well thanks Gran, but I usually feel a bit sheepish and self conscious about letting it all hang out like this, but I also feel like I have a responsibility to at least point out what I see.


    And Aurelius if he's such a socialist how on earth did we not even get to bring up a public option at all when we were considering health care legislation. The mandate is a Republican idea, Republicans originally pushed the idea on the floor and so no matter how you want to pretend and spin now, they get the honors of being the ones to have come up with it. It was introduced as an alternative to Hilarycare in the 90s if you will recall or research.


    Furthermore about this BS deficit nonsense. In my opinion the whole subject is a ruse; it's a fabricated issue to distract us from what's really happening (the wealth funneling from the middle to the top).


    Let's go there: Reagan scorned Carter's "big government" then when Reagan left office running up the largest deficit spending ever seen all the while touting "trickle down' economics that I'm here to tell you never did work. Clinton had to scrap much of his plans because of the deficits and under his two terms they were tightened up and we got back on track. This became a winning strategy for republicans by the way, they've done it every single republican term since, if you run big deficits Dems can't do the programs on their wish lists. I can quote Dick Cheney, why do you think he said "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" he was talking "politically" obviously.


    Furthermore Karl Rove said in an interview I read in a magazine years ago during 1999 that his strategy is to spend so much "that the dems have nothing to run on".


    Right now in congress they are fulfilling this strategy by fighting over adding to the defense budget by ransacking human services despite the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense repeatedly telling them they don't need more defense spending right now.




    And by the way I have watched DOD telling Congress this over and over in the last few months but the House doesn't want to hear that because it does follow the rove plan. I guarantee you, it's all strategy and for the Republicans, in my opinion, in Congress at least, it doesn't matter who gets hurt as long as they win.


    (and Run for president? No way.)


    Oh and don't get me wrong, there's a lot I don't like on the Dem side too. Obama made some really jejune mistakes like putting Liar Geithner in charge of the treasury. Down on the farm we have a saying for that: "putting the fox in charge of the Henhouse"


    But Bush was no better, his administration kissed the bankster behinds by giving them sweet credit card laws and the bankruptcy legislation that hurt our economy and helped rupture the housing bubble: http://www.newyorkfed.org/research/epr/forthcoming/1102morg.pdf


    Bush was also behind the largest government expansion since the Great Society with their Medicare Part D "donut" hole crap legislation which is one reason why health care costs have skyrocketed and why we have to do something about healthcare. I need to stop as I'm sure you're coming at me with more.

  6. No offense but that is nonsense and I don't believe that for a minute. And I think if you do believe that, you are blind to what is really happening.


    Obama is no socialist. He is a pandering Centerist-- I suppose he's thinking he can play to the middle and win a second term as Clinton did.






    (*note two different links)


    Quote: The healthcare system in America clearly needs reform, but quite possibly the worst possible choice of solutions to this problem is to hand it over to our government, which has earned an almost impeccable record for failure and tendency towards corruption.


    Oh Really? My BSmeter just went on maximum: Corruption is everywhere not just in government which of course is made of a sample of the representative population. See The Catholic Church, Enron, Halliburton, Tom Delay, Blagojevich, Abramoff, Gingrich pursuing Clinton for a tawdry affair because that's all he could get him on, while Cingrich himself was having a tawdry affair.


    Up until the postal service was hit below the belt s the postal service delivered to the US people a great bang for our buck. But in 2006 it was politically strapped into an unnecessary requirement to pay 5.5 billion dollars a year into a trust fund for future retiree pensions. All the postal service competitors have no such overhead, and in my opinion the only reason that was done was as a kickback to Fedex to UPS, and another way to cast government into a bad light.


    Similarly the best health delivery system we have is the VA hospital; While there have been some problems, for the most part it works great. And no one wants to give up their Medicare benefits if they're so bad, why not? Cuz the right is full of crap.

  7. MartiOstro banned.


    Piracy of Skyrim




    Right,so i downloaded 1.4 patch installed it,still wont work




    How did you download the 1.4 patch?




    Bet that's your problem right there


    Why didn't you use steam?


    well how can that be a problem , if it works fine one moment,and then after 5 hours won't run :x?


    ain't got steam

  8. bagoong banned.


    Advocating copyright violation.



    Reference post removed

    can someone upload the torrent of this




    Banned for advocating theft of a mod. It is appropriate to ask the author to upload a mirrored version, but it is never ok to take ownership of a mod that is not yours to upload. Suggesting someone do it is a bannable offense. -myrmaad

  9. That is implying "Obamacare" was actually a legislative accomplishment.


    There are some good things in it, but it was certainly no great win. If the SC rules against it, we may be able to finally get Medicare for All i.e the Public Option. The reason I champion this is chiefly because it would remove health insurance from employment so that we would all be truly free to buy whatever health insurance we wanted. If we couldn't afford health insurance we could get minimal standards of care at a better rate for tax payers, and those of us who now pay for coverage would be able to get the coverage we want and insurance companies would have to compete to offer stuff I want, and not compete for something my company is trying to fit to all of their employees.

  10. And you get elected based on what you say right?


    If your legislation is shot down by the majority as being worthless, it's still your legislative bill and you are still accountable for it. You can thank the democrats that many of these measures have been voted down, but lots of measures that fund the parks do pass (or in essence defund the parks).


    There's a lot more to this, but I start to resent having to do your homework for you.

    Why was that in reply to me? I was replying to cs


    I must have grabbed your post by accident.



    and FYI, I never watch MSNBC. Ever.


    From Fox News/Glenn Beck:









    Pop Quiz: Which body of US Legislative Branch controls the Purse?


    Who is in the current Majority in control of that body currently?

  11. That is NOT what I said and I do not appreciate being misconstrued.


    I was agreeing with what Granny said, that is to say that although people who have served have a different perspective and unique insight, and deserve our respect, that no-one, including them has an exclusive right to an opinion, which by implication means that the opinion of everyone here is of equal merit and is allowed to be heard. Sometimes it is the way that things are said that is the problem.


    I personally don't like the implication that I said something which I most definitely did not say.



    First of all, I'm telling you all , not just you, Ginny, and I don't want to have to say it again. As far as I'm concerned all three of you said the exact same thing. It's not going to fly with me.




    Ok let me step back.


    I made my reply to Aurelius to make the point, and I'll just clarify, no one here should be made to feel as if their opinion is less valid because they have not served in the military. Our legislators have no such qualms and we have the responsibility to vote them into office to represent our views.


    Please let me apologize for what must have felt like I was taking your head off above.

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