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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Crosh said:

    I am all for removing the lore breaking crap they did with "female" animations in Bethesda (aka, copy paste), but what is that?! I mean the Bow standing is amazing, but the sword, that shooting? It looks like Final Fantasy. Can you add something more feminine and less anime please? (As in don't make them look like they want to go to the toilet, I am pretty sure women do not bend their legs like that, no matter how heavy that is that they hold).
  2. Was it working correctly at all? Did it stop working correctly?

    What version of SKSE are you using

    What version of SkyUI are you using

    Is your game fully updated?

    Did you try verfiying and validating the files in Steam?


    Can you post a text document of your load order?

  3. If your finger works well enough to click delete, it certainly works well enough to click report. Sorry to be so blunt, but if it's not a big enough issue to use the report button perhaps it should not be reported.


    Do you know how many times people who make a legitimate comment have their comment hidden by negative reps by users who don't want to hear the hard truth about such things as use of copyrighted assets, misuse of other modders' assets, piracy, nudity, and other various abuses of the Nexus site rules?

  4. Mouseizure - Chat ban


    Inappropriate topic, spam/flooding, staff abuse, and circumventing the profanity filter.


    Just don't bother coming back in, and be happy you're still able to download mods and enjoy the forums. If you make a second account to circumvent the chat ban, as many unfortunate, imprudent members tend to do, will surely result in your complete ban from the Nexus family of sites.

  5. I see no evidence that even serial killers routinely kill again in prison, although I can't say I regret Christopher Scarfer's murder of one fellow inmate. I don't actively support nor am I actively against Capital Punishment.


    My main issue against is that I don't think one innocent soul should have their life taken by the state, and in doing so the state becomes as much a murderer as those righteously accused.


    If you think even one innocent life is justified collateral damage, I wonder if you'd still feel the same if it was your own innocent life.


    Coming in on a long second is the extra expense incurred: it costs the state and thus, us, a lot more to put someone to death than it does to house them for life.


    And yes, I'm speaking as a USAnian. I'll get my house in order before I start on yours.


    By the way, I'm not seeing significant evidence that capital punishment deters crime. The statistics I'm reading do not bear that out. Proof?

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