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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. And you get elected based on what you say right?


    If your legislation is shot down by the majority as being worthless, it's still your legislative bill and you are still accountable for it. You can thank the democrats that many of these measures have been voted down, but lots of measures that fund the parks do pass (or in essence defund the parks).


    There's a lot more to this, but I start to resent having to do your homework for you.

  2. Don't forget that I served in the US Air Force. I enlisted and did not retire, I did not see active warfare, but I made my pledge not knowing what the future held and would have done my duty and beyond, as I always did.


    And I'm telling you I don't appreciate the implication that anyone's views are more or less valuable than anyone else's here except by virtue of the words' own merit.

  3. “I don’t know why the government owns so much of this land.” -- Mitt Romney, during an appearance in Reno, Nevada, on February 2.


    “I want as much federal land to be turned over to the state(s) as possible.” -- Rep. Ron Paul, during an appearance in Elko, Nevada, on February 2. Mr. Paul also has called for the elimination of the Interior Department.

    We need to get [federal lands] back into the hands of the states and even to the private sector.” -- Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, during an appearance in Boise, Idaho, on Valentine's Day.
















    etc. ad nauseum.


    Read it and it eat it.

  4. Yea you posted a video that was some guy talking about a conspiracy theory. Not really that interesting to me.


    It was already explained how the parties shifted. The KKK is conservative obviously. I don't care about names like Republican or Democrat, what matters is your actual views and actions. For a small example look at Theodore Roosevelt. He would be completely unelectable as a democrat today. He supported wide corporate and social reforms that would far exceed the left today.


    Abortion isn't genocide. It doesn't have any cognitive function, how can you even consider it murder?


    Maybe I am just deluded though and all the rappers are part of a evil liberal conspiracy.


    EDIT: Sorry Aurielius, but nope.


    Ummm....Teddy was a Republican.

    That is my point.



    Your point is that the parties have switched and a former Republican couldn't now get elected as a Democrat? I think you just undermined your own argument. The issues have changed and the way the parties have presented themselves have changed but the Democrats have always been about big government and racism.

    You completely missed my point.


    My point is that the entire political spectrum has changed. He is too far to the LEFT to be elected as a democrat. Not too far to the right.


    I think he could be elected as a Republican today.


    Then your ignorance of the subject is showing. There is no way he'd be able to be elected by the Republican party today, his signature legislation was the National Parks which the Republicans are dismantling at every opportunity.

  5. Of course it makes sense.


    If it was easy it would have been done.


    This type of mod is extremely work- and talent- dense.


    You need to be able to model, and animate, and script.

  6. Everyone has the right and the responsibility to have their opinion on US participation in wars, warmongering generally, you obviously do not have to be a member of the military or have a family member in the military in order to have an opinion since Congress doesn't have to be a member of the military or have a family member in the military before sending our best and brightest to die in war.




    He meant someone who was actually voted into office not someone crowned president by a loaded supreme court.

  7. This constant rhetoric over 'them' ( the supposed rich) is laughable, it's a diversionary tactic to distract the base of Obama who want entitlements paid with other peoples money. The concept that 'we' as a nation are going to war is droll, the only 'we' are those that are fighting, the rest of you are bitching about the cost/morality of the thing; they are doing the dying not you. :facepalm:


    Oh come on.


    You and I both know all the fuss from the right is from people who predominately collect medicare and social security benefits but don't want to pay taxes "to assist those they deem 'undeserving.'"

    Before you drag out the old saw about how 'we pre-paid for those benefits", you need to understand that most people will recieve far more benefits in dollars then they ever paid in. Furthermore, in order to fix the Soc sec shortfall all we need to do is raise the payroll tax cap. The Social Security taxation system only taxes a person's “earned” income, i.e., salaries and wages, below a certain amount called the “cap”, which is currently set at $106800, -- (i.e., any income over $106800 isn't taxed).


    Take a look at this




    And it's not so much about "the rich" but the fact that those at the top get plenty of government handouts, yet they begrudge help going to the bottom where there is no bankrolled lobbying. In fact the tax system we have has indeed been a wealth redistribution but contrary to what assorted wingnuts, spin doctors, and fox mouthpieces proclaim, the funnel has been from the middle to the top. I do have proof and if given a proper thread in which to do it, I would savor elaborating on this.


    On top of that consider who gets the largest welfare handouts: The Sugar industry and the Oil industry both receive government subsidies and handouts. We have a system that sets up our legislators to have to prostitute themselves for campaign funding and it has bought us a corporate oligarchy while chewing and spitting out the middle class as so much fodder for the machine, and the corporatocracy who owns and spins the media then paints the black man in office as the bogeyman, and the frightened masses buy it.

  8. >snip<

    But let's be clear that the subject is not slavery but idealized governments, and an idealized government that enforces slavery is not one to be idealized. Libertarian governments would probably not allow foreign boots on the ground, but they certainly allow wealth to dictate policy.

    Just curious Myr, what governmental form in your estimation would not let the acquisition of wealth dictate policy? Even the Chinese go down that route so am somewhat at a loss to conjure up a current government that does not bow to that form of economic pressure.



    They're all bending to the corporatocracy of globalization, aren't they.


    Ideally a true social democracy as opposed to a Republic would be a good start.



    And the US government of the mid 20th century was a pretty good place to start.


    You wanna know what I really think? I think money ruins everything. I think people who amass an amount of money that is far more than they need, often get spoiled into thinking that they are "more special" and "more deserved" and that those people who do have worries are "less special" and "less deserved".


    Max Weber wrote extensively about a divine providence aspect of capitalism, beyond that true statement I'm really not at liberty to pursue the full extent of it here, but I think it is at the heart of this still significant pervasive influence, however in my experience, I'll just say, the Chinese should have stuck with the ideals of Confucius.



    Myr, Do you mean as in The Protestant Ethic? Why can I not get my 'puter to do what I want it to do :wallbash:


    Who else can you recommend? I would like to read more...


    More about the protestant roots of Capitalism?

    Capitalism as we know it evolved from the unprecedented rise of the merchant class in europe, those interesting and endlessly fascinating guilds we all roleplay in our tes games were integral to its evolution from humble calvanist cottage industry beginnings.


    I'm not really sure if anyone besides Max Weber has done much with it, but it's fascinating, and I'll be surprised if no one has. Certainly there is a book there.

  9. puchinbola banned.


    Filthy file troll.



    f***,if this is a drow race, you can't be called a modder.




    More samples of your work:




    puchinbola | Today, 09:43 AM

    I f*cking love scarfs.

    puchinbola | Today, 09:37 AM

    Witchblade or stripper? Lol

    puchinbola | Today, 09:33 AM

    f***,if this is a drow race, you can't be called a modder.

    puchinbola | Today, 09:33 AM

    Wel ... looks like ...

    puchinbola | 30 April 2012 - 04:59 PM

    Nice! That a f***ing war machine lol

    puchinbola | 24 April 2012 - 02:57 PM

    Gladius Hispaniensis. Those romans just copying cultures lol

    puchinbola | 24 April 2012 - 02:57 PM

    Gladius Hispaniensis. Those romans just copying cultures lol

    puchinbola | 22 April 2012 - 07:23 AM

    Please, stop the ENB thing, Skyrim needs to improve mechanically, not graphically ...

    puchinbola | 19 April 2012 - 02:10 PM

    Mods and admins should support this instead of erotic mods. Good luck dudes!

    puchinbola | 15 April 2012 - 07:46 AM

    Why is this a hot file? It isn't porn as always lol


  10. Abusive post in the forums:


    There is a way to ask for help, and this is not it:

    Topic created:

    you fools havent fixed the keybinding glitches yet

    Or am I a fool for not coming to this website often enough to find the bug fix 'cause this is pissing me the F*** off...


    Your "double bird" avatar was removed as well.

  11. There is at least one Key bind mod, because I've been using it for months.


    Calm down and tell us exactly what the issue is, and perhaps we can help.



    In the meantime you can have a strike for abusive remarks in the forum. Topic title changed.

  12. Yes we're suddenly in Wonderland where down is up and up is down. I'm gonna hitch a ride on the next free market unicorn I see out of the zero facts but hyper hyperbole zone.






    And by the way, when I'm participating in a thread I recuse myself from moderator duties.

  13. Shockzzz banned.


    Piracy of Skyrim





    my god, please don´t tell me that mods work only on a legit copy of skyrim... -.-;


    5 hours of my life, wasted!


    Shockzz where did you get the game?


    and I got it from a friend. No idea where she has it from.. probably downloaded from somewhere


    Shockzzz so you don't have a Steam registration for your skyrim?


    has left the room


    no ^^;



  14. No offense, i fail to see how any of the last few posts have anything to do with this debate....

    YAWN......Digression is the soul of this forum, get used to it..


    Noting that this also has nothing to do with the "debate" at hand:


    The Nexus debate forum is more like a conversation debating a topic; (and it's supposed to be a friendly conversation at that). There has never been a real debate here, people pay no attention to rules of logic or conduct and it might as easily be here as in your back yard over some beers. This is a conversation with a very informal debate.


    Digression is the soul of conversation.

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