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Everything posted by DurtyNelly

  1. You have SKSE, but do you have the memory patch set up for it in the SKSE ini? Maybe ENBoost would help as well. Also, what are your specs? As cdcooley said, Morskom is really heavy, not just script-wise, but graphically as well. It's running on my Test Profile in MO with about 180 other mods, including really heavy scripting mods like Frostfall, Wet and Cold and Convenient Horses with no problems. It might just be too much for your GPU, unfortunately. Personally, I liked the house but don't plan to use it for playthroughs since I have a feeling it with immersion mods on top of an overhaul would probably be too much for almost anyone.
  2. No worries. Putting in hours of play only to have one mod break your save is no fun. Yep, that would be the one. Admittedly, it's not for everyone. There are a lot of dead trees, especially in the Reach, yes. But, I was looking for something like it to match the mood and feel for my Requiem 1.8 play-though. It makes the land look barren and harsh. I added a dark gritty ENB and it made the world look as unforgiving as Requiem is. Speaking of horses, someone mentioned Convenient Horses (another must for me), but a nice complement mod that I've been using is Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds. It's the best horse re-texture I've ever seen for Skyrim horses to date. I also really like Animallica the Lore Friendly Version. That's about it on my list. I use a few armor mods, nothing crazy. My list is mostly texture mods if you're interesting in any of that, because Requiem takes care of everything else for me. Also, you'll like Hoth. :) I used him for a bounty hunter type character and he's good fun. You might try Inigo also. He's a really fun follower with lots off interesting things to say.
  3. If you want to use mods from the Workshop, make sure you unsubscribe or an update could jack your save. I personally don't use the workshop because of that issue. If you are brand new to modding, the very best thing you can do is watch Gophers Beginners Guide to Modding videos on YouTube. The man has pretty much singlehandedly taught me to mod. I'm on my phone so can't link for you, but just type Gopher into YouTubes search bar and you'll find him. I know the Workshop doesn't really require a mod manager, because it just dumps the mod into your data file via the launcher, but a mod manager like Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organiser (what I personally use) is a MUST. So are a few other program's like LOOT and TES5edit. It is all in Gopher's videos. It will be mind boggling at first, but you will get there. Just be patient and follow the videos.
  4. I really like immersion mods, so Frostfall and iNeed are a must for me. I also used Simply Bigger Trees for awhile and loved it. I just changed over to Dark Fantasy Overhaul recently for a play through and love that more - it's not comparable with SBT. Also, I noticed you have Claralux installed. Do not use that mod. It will destroy your save. Google Claralux save game bloat and read the nightmare.
  5. Oh, you're talking about an existing game. You have to start a new game with Requiem. There's no way to install it into an existing save, Requiem won't allow it and if it did it would seriously jack stuff up. I've not played SkyRe, only ever used Requiem, but I know Gopher installed it into an existing save on his Richard Lets Play. I'm not sure what would be involved in doing so, though. Since it is an existing save, I'd suggest maybe Revenge of the Enemies or Deadly Combat. Something that would be less likely to jack your save.
  6. Now that I've looked at your Warburgs picture, I think I know what your issue is. Go into SkyUI in your MCM. Select Advanced Settings and deselect the map option. See if that does it.
  7. I never could get Warburgs to work. Have no idea about the icons. But, do you happen to be using Enhanced Camera? There is a known issue with that mod that does exactly what you're describing, being thrown way to far during death.
  8. I'd suggest Requiem if you're going for the same kind of brutality as Dark Souls.
  9. That's a butt-load of grass. It looks like maybe Dat Grass, but I can't be sure because there are so many grass mods. Just be aware that the more grass you have, the lower your fps. Floral and grass mods are known fps killers. I have a pretty beefy rig (i5 4690K, GTX 970) and have a mod that actually DECREASES grass so I can get good fps with all my other mods. Anyway, try Dat Grass and see if it's what you're looking for. I think it's only available on Steam Workshop now. The other stuff, the ENB in 2 and the galaxy in 3, I don't know. The galaxy is very nice, though. I'd like to know what that one is too. :)
  10. I use Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB. I love it. The lighting really depends on the weather. If it was a nice sunny day, nights will be a little brighter, but if it was cloudy and raining all day you'd better bring a torch, or a spotlight, because it's DARK.
  11. This is very, very cool! I usually play males, but have one female character and every intention of using this mod with her when it's released. :dance:
  12. If you want to uninstall a mod, you have to re-run the Reqtificator or it will grizzle about missing masters. Every time you add or uninstall mods, you have to rerun it. So, you have uninstalled Inconsequential NPCs and forgot to deactivate the RS Children Patch, then uninstalled RS Children to fix the issue, but didn't re-run the Reqtificator so it was looking for that missing master. ;) Also, your Requiem.esp is waaaaaay too high in your load order. It should be at the BOTTOM followed by it's patches. The only mods you should have below it are mods like Live Another Life. Do not let LOOT or BOSS sort Requiem for you. Use LOOT/BOSS to sort your other plugins and then manually sort Requiem and it's patches.
  13. Use AFT. On my vampire character Stenvar is actually one of his followers and I've never had problems with him. My character eats helpless civilians right in front of him all the time. Lol. I think AFT sets your followers morality to your own, so if you're a bit of a jerk they are too.
  14. It won't load for me either. Maybe give it an hour or so. :smile:
  15. Oh, thank you so much for letting me know. I suspected it might be SMIM, since I did take the fancy set option when installing, but couldn't be sure. I commented because this is the first time I've found anything that specifically said "flashing blue light". :laugh: Cheers!!
  16. I use Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB by Confidence Man and love it, but ENB is going to be subjective. Just test a few out and see what you like. For interiors I use ELFX and really like the smoky feel it gives places like taverns and inns. I run HD 2K textures and a few of the Amidianborn and Vivid Landscapes textures on top because I really like them. Amidianborn Book of Silence is a must. It makes the vanilla armor actually look nice. I also have a lot of little things that have been redone like the fences (Fences of Skyrim) the textures in the towns and villages (Better Town Textures) and stuff. The one thing that made my game 110% better was Simply Bigger Trees. It increases the size of all trees x1.5 so the forests have huge trees instead of baby ones. I actually get lost now, which I never did before. haha. But it does it with a simple mesh replacement. If you plan to use Floral Overhaul you might have problems. Some people have zero issues with the two and some get jittery trees. I don't know about female mods because I only have male characters, but as far as followers go you can't go wrong with Inigo. He's simply amazing. :)
  17. Oh, that would be awesome! I'm in the same predicament with my current character. He's already a vampire and likes it that way. He also hates the Dawnguard, because Better Vampires keeps sending them after him. He eats Dawnguard patrols when he runs across them, thanks to Immersive Patrols. Needless to say, sauntering up to the Dawnguard and volunteering to join them isn't really his style. I guess he could go in 'undercover', but I'd rather skip it all together.
  18. I have this issue too, but with carriages. The one in Whiterun is a major offender. When I run up the road towards it there's a blue flash. It goes away when I get closer. I thought it was my video card going crazy, but I bought a new one and same thing. I believe (and I'm fairly new at modding so I could be 100% wrong) that it's a mod, either textures or meshes, that's causing it. I just don't know which one and it's not annoying enough to go through all my mods to figure it out.
  19. I use iNeed and it does that. Just activate followers in the MCM and adjust how often you want them to eat and drink. Be aware that the default setting of 4 is really high. I had issues with my followers munching down tons of food (my character is a vampire so all the food he buys is for his human followers and he was spending tons of gold keeping them fed) when it was on 4 and had to bump it down a bit.
  20. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/23.jpg
  21. Oh. Well then don't I look like a douche. My apologies as well. Nah. :smile: It was my mistake. I need to learn to use the quote feature so there's no confusion.
  22. And you need to read my comment again. I didn't say the video made that claim. I'm well aware of what ENBoost is capable of. The person who posted it, however, explicitly stated that it was a 100% resolution for CTD issues. I was simply clarifying. I also fail to see how my previous posts and their content are at all relevant to the matter at hand. My apologies if it was unclear. I wasn't replying to your comment. I was replying to Eqcentric1's original claim. I should have quoted him.
  23. I'm new and usually just lurk, but had to chime in here on the 100% CTD fix. You need to watch that video again, mate. Nowhere does it claim that ENBoost fixes CTD 100%. It's not some kinda cure-all. From ENBoost's front page: But please don't be naive, it will not solve CTDs which happen because of scripts bugs and memory is not made from rubber, after some amount of mods installed or too high uGrid setting CTDs will come back even with this patch. I'll continue developing if it matters. By the way, this is the third time I've seen you post this exact thing and I've only been lurking a week. :whistling:
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