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Everything posted by ZippyDSMlee
Thats just the pure mesh data is it not? Or is it animations and everything? I am getting better with 3dmax at least ><
I haz some exp, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20037/? But its mostly just dcking around with weapons type stuff, textures some modeling (learning some 3Dmax currently)
I am cleaning this up a bit http://zippydsmlee.deviantart.com/art/Zippylabs-The-Centaur-372153321 While learning how to use 3Dmax some, I am really missing blenders ability to join many verities(even if its sloppy half the time) join verities and lines, extrude(extrude lines into polygons/faces move them extrude again, ect) and cut and past. Anyone know of any free plugins that make any of this easier? I have alot of small polygon/faces out of alinement once I get things resized and placed, I have figured out if I want to keep animation I need to import the weapon from a nif file and merge it or something with my finished file minus the weapon of coarse. I am starting to think all I need is the parts that are animated but it can not be that easy can it?
Make enchantment global?
ZippyDSMlee replied to ZippyDSMlee's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I'd like a slower cripple setup with extra reduction in carry weight, and some negative enchantments on when the head is crippled. I think it would only need to be placed on either those within a cell radius or so or just targets tho if its just targets it would be funny to have allies not doing the effect as well , I do not think the AI needs it globally since there is not a simple flag to toggle other than the cripple speed mut which I do not really want to change but I can but I would rather tackle it another way. -
Thats too fast. :tongue: 40 each should do. See the answer to your post at Forums.Bethsoft.com. Okay so the general speed mut is a global thing in game settings, but should you not be able to script it? I'd like to pile on effects, if left/right mobility is 0 then apply speed mut of 20 or 40 I wounder if that would stack....mmm adding enchantments to a script is not too hard. I guess if I want to make morphine a temp limb cure for emergencies then damage limb 5 points every second....I wonder if you can script a simple event use this, start timer, when 200s is up limps get hit with max damage. Mmmmmm....
I should be able to make an enchantment global that effects all actors not just the player but I am unsure how to.
Decided to post here since it looks like it has more traffic than FO3, also it would be nice if the game series forums had a general discussion section for all the games in a series.... --- This gave me the thought starter of stuff I would like to see. ------------ http://vault-tec-inc.blogspot.com/2015/02/fallout-4-wishlist.html ========================== Stats and attributes must not be watered down or handicapped, at the very least leave the hard code in so it can be put back in… Hit location hit location hit location based on a few factors and weapon range, hitting legs and head can tends to stagger or trip a target the more armor or specific perks they have the harder it is, I’d say you will need a dual critical system, one for effect (stagger, knock back, knock out/sleep, trip,ect) one for critical damage plus effect. One thing I noticed in the beth games is after a certain point having critical effect and damage on the same roll and having it easy to generate can make you so over powered it’s not funny if you halve the critical rate for effect and halve it again damage plus effect should take a bit longer to get to the same god of lulz point you do in other beth games even with the mod/upgrade system. Multi ammo types with an ammo type quick menu like you have for weapons. Alot of equipment out of the box, would be nice if they did randomly generated equipment via equipment stat lists then have 3 sliders in the menu based on general quality, high quality rarity and loot drop rate, this way you have mid to high quality with low drop rate like most TES/FO titles or for me I want high drop rate with rare higher quality stuff popping up. Throwing, hand to hand and most of the other discarded skills returned to us at least in the hard code so it can be easily implemented in user mods… Drugs that act like drugs from FO 1-2 with worse side effects and not handicaped BS that makes them useless…… Grenade quick button and a way to implement a quick kick button would be nice. Upgrade/Mod system in game, all equipment should be moldable and all mods should be moldable as so you can try give X equipment X mod, tho there should be a compatibility system like certain mods that enhance vision stats would have low compatibility with armor, non-head accessories and gun’s, but if you have high skill and luck a 1 to 20 in 100 at successful modification would become 50-70 in 100. Same for trying to convert nonsensical melee/armor mods to a gun or range weapon mod. Removing and combing mods are more tricky and have a high fail rate which destroys the mod and or attached equipment, if successful there’s a 50% chance to degrade the weapon. Fast travel and vehicles should be left up as an option(I did enjoy Rage so it’s not that offensive to me) but it would be nice if it could randomly generate encounters better than other beth games, maybe break a cell into quadrants and use some sort of time/travel scale to place the PC into them based on starting and ending points. Luck and a skill/perk could play a role in encounters too just to mess with you ala FO1-2 ^^ Encounters need to be randomly generated far outside of sight, basically have a 2 tier system, when you get in an area the cells around you that are out of max sight randomly load pre encounter data, only when you get closer do the pre-loaded encounter cell the encounter will initialize and the models and stuff appear. Encounter data is loosely kept and re rolled as needed to keep good encounter rate flow. Random locations kind of like FO 1-2, basically story locations are loosely in the area you are told they are in, however other locations have greater variance in their location. It should not be too hard to place entrances around as a whole unit that’s easily placeable on terrain tho some terrain will have to be smoothed out or given unique data in order for stuff to be easily swapped in. This could be expanded to moveable enemy encampments and terrain features. Tho I bet this would almost double dev time for map building >< Survival mode with harsh food, addiction, disease, environment(heat/cold/rad,ect) settings, might offer 3 or 4 levels of this or give each a slider so people can easily customize the game to taste. Limb damage, treatment and negative effects should be on its own slider. This way the default “normal” game will be the normal lulz fest so most can enjoy dicking around in a sand box while others can adjust the sliders and make a semi balanced game out of it rather than a mindless lulz fest like Skyrim…. Overhauled vasts mode that is more like FO1-2, this would require a reworked AP system, probably degrade AP in real time in combat mode on movement and action, AP effects damage and accuracy, the more you have the better you do. PS: I do not care about story, graphics or engine I want a 50+ hour game to act like one not a mindless lulz fest…. Think MMO with options to easily make or earn an over powered character.
Only reason I asked as I been looking for lyrics for the song for years, I did find one a day ago tho. So now I know if I can not find one either have it translated or translated it myself word by word, I make iffy English lyrics you can sing out of the translation so I am not worried about it being perfect if it gets me to a general feeling in a word or sentence I can hammer it out to match the general flow of the song..
Thank you!
What is the best export option in 3Dmax to export so I can import into blender without losing textures??
Yes and no, before I start attacking it word by word I'd like to just dump the whole thing into the translator and have it translate it as a whole not word by word..
An odd question I know but I been trying to find something to translate Japanese Romaji to English, there are a few songs I want to do music vids for.
Mod idea Unique Spell Based on Play style The base idea is counting skills used each skill has 5 or 10 different enchantments every 10 or 20 skill points. Also maybe try and track hit points, magic points, stamina, kills, pickpokets, lockpicks, ect,ect Now the real trouble is to compile the enchantment/spell list and mix and match all the enchantments to create premade spells/items then choose them via a script, maybe have it so a message pops up every 5 or 10 levels so you can choose to run the script that figures out the top 5 based on minimum skill/stat numbers, the new spell/enchantment replaces the old, tacking would be a bit much. Say you are a Mage who has 50 in destruction, swords, light armor, ect you can get a spell or enchantment that doles out magic damage from melee weapons, gives bonus to defense, ect If a two-handed heavy armor using warrior you’d get stagger, damage, anti stagger and large defense bonuses. The possibilities are endless but my thinking on this broke my mind….. LOL
Trying to help Lamaius to install realvision since NMM is borking it for some reason, give me a bit to write out a coherent thread. Let me make this as simple as possible Make new folder call it temp Open RealVision ENB 262c-30936-262c.7z Take the RealVision_ENB_files folder out of both 00 - Main files and 00 - Option A FULL Place them in the temp folder and let them copy over anything they find. ------------------------------------------------------ Pick a folder from one of these and place the texture folder into the temp folder and let them copy over anything they find., I like warmer 01 - Realistic Sun normal by prod80 01 - Realistic Sun warmer by prod80 01 - Sun for ENB by ewi65 ----------------------------------- Pick a RealVision_ENB_files folder from one of these and place the folder into the temp folder and let them copy over anything they find., I like fantasy for the high saturation 02 - Fantasy Effects 02 - Letterbox Effect 02 - Sunsprite Shader --------------------------------------- Take the RealVision_ENB_files folder out of and put it in the temp file and let them copy over anything they find. 03 - Depth of Field - Default ========================================= Now you can take the folders in the temp folder which should be contain RealVision_ENB_files and textures folders. You can place these in the data folder in the skyrim folder and let it copy over stuff.. Then run the RV_launcher.exe ,click Install (I suggest 1024 or less for Vram ) do not forge to set ini thats all I got right now will update if I can.
Thinking of making a grenade for warrior types, making a lobber projectile is easy enough but is there anyway to have a projectile change based on a skill level?
Modder Noob Asking for assistance ^_^;; (Slow NPCs)
ZippyDSMlee replied to deathcrest's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
people still use boss? I been away for a few months whats better than boss? LOL -
Really, REALLY, weird problem involving mana
ZippyDSMlee replied to bombboy1252's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sounds like one of the mods dose not like another one, try and figure out which mod changes mana stuff the install them one at a time from a save point beyond the start cave and see if it works or not. Keep installing the mods untill they are all there or you find the one that is doing it, you might first try using boss to sort the load order. -
Modder Noob Asking for assistance ^_^;; (Slow NPCs)
ZippyDSMlee replied to deathcrest's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Did you install them in the right order and have you tried using boss to sort the load order? -
I want to make a 3 tiered charge spell like soul cairn shout but dunno where to look to get ideas as to how it’s done.
Okay back to working on this I have over 50 files, trying to dumb down the install process. Dose this sound that complicated? ----------- First install EAB-MAINFILE-SKYRIM.esm for Skyrim without Dawnguard or EAB-MAINFILE-SKYRIMandDAWNGUARD.esm if you have Dawnguard. The place ZAB and or EAB files in any load order below the MAINFILE, if you want to adjust the magic damage or magic radius on enhanced arrows/bolts have 1-1.ZAB-MAINFILE-BOLT-MAGICRADIUS-MAGICDAMAGE-DAWNGUARD-.esp above/before the 1-2.ZAB-MAGICRADIUS file that should be above/before the 1-3.ZAB-MAGICDAMAGE file. Remember to install only one of the 3 tiers of any file.
The degradation of attributes through randomly generated equipment Sorry about the title…I just had too >< Attributes, degradation and randomly generated equipment for the TES/FO engine. Have attribute stats available to use even if the game does not use it.I like stats and would like to see them back. Tho would it be viable if all it did was raise/lower specific skills? Tho that aside making them raise/lower movement speed, jump height ,swim speed ,flight speed ,hold breath ,ect thus being able to control such things in a more simplistic fashion would be nice, in other words it does not have to be implemented in the game but at the very least left to be modified engine wise. All you really need is lists that can modify things the owner/actor of the list can do, that and make movement speed, jump height ,swim speed ,flight speed ,hold breath and such easily modifiable though base code and not extra scripting. Have equipment degradation available to use in mod even if the game does not use it. It can be a pain but all in all I liked it forced you not to constantly rely on one thing so it needs to be an option moders can use without heavy scripting. Have randomly generated equipment/enchantments.It might be a pain at first but just make a lvl list of skill/stat number or percentage range that can be controlled via 0-100% chance modifier or other things, then when its drag and dropped into the weapon where you can control its chance modifier. Say you want to make a lvl 50 list that you want to enchant equipment with as its spawned when you get into the area. You take enchantments or spells and place them into a container say fire set at 15% chance, ice set at 10% chance and lighting set at 5% chance, then place the container on a weapon and set its chance value to say 5%. So 5% of the time when this piece of equipment is spawned you get a randomly made item with random numbers in a random range of values. I forget if it’s a list or container but you get the gist. ------ On a side note can you easily do random/% rolls on hit for enchantments? Like if its 10% of the time it will do the enchantment? Also would like to post this in the FO or FO:NV forum and get their reaction but I guess that’s a no no, we might could use a general single Bethesda engine thread....
I've looked at the MCM before and meh I fail to hard to implement it, can’t even implement the FOMOD/NMM installer stuff. I want to try keep as simple as possible without scripts as I hear at a certain point and time too many script can drag the game down. Still would not hurt to look at a few tutorials, know of any good ones for MCM or NMM installer?
Thoe are definitely options. Thank you for the input! Oh this is nightmare contrived from the recesses of my mindless brains it’s going to be fun to install it regardless LOL Tho having the tier folders ready to go will help. I was giving it some thought last night, and it seems we’ve kind came to the same conclusion. Tho mine starts with a masterfied esp file(its morning I didn’t see if you suggested one or not…coffees not kicked in yet) Call it bolt-mainfile-magic-damage-and-radius- It has the explosions that link to the new enchantments Since the explosions can change their radius values but not the link to the new enchantment if you put a file with different enchantment damages lower than the radius file in the load order you wind up with the new enchantment damage since it’s the same name and forum ID. You still have 6 damage tiers (3 for steel bolts,3 for dwarven bolts) and 8 radius tiers(4 for steel bolts,4 for dwarven bolts). This way you get 16 files.