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Everything posted by Pellape

  1. All known ini settings so far https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/19019-starfield-default-values-for-all-known-valid-ini-settings/
  2. Here is what I did find with google this evening. Ever known ini file setting. It is a lot of reading and I do hope you find wheat you are looking for and if you do and the game feels better, then share it with us so we also can get better control than we have right now. https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/19019-starfield-default-values-for-all-known-valid-ini-settings/
  3. i was searching the youtube for good tutorials but do we need any really? Well, maybe not but some has figured out so cool stuff and share them as well and this guy seems to know more about the game than others do and he sure is amusing to listen too. he talks in a way that makes even a dumb swede like myself to actually enjoy it and I do understand everything he is saying. Well some dialects are so damn hard to understand like Manchester or Indian english. So I listen to this guy when I take a food break and get new ideas how to make my base even better. He also build ships and they look so nice and have nice colors and perfect built. He sure finds a nice balance in his ship builds. You will of course find more stuff at his nice channel. I will hang around there a lot from now on. I wanna learn everything about this game, making my bases and ships as perfect as possible https://www.youtube.com/@CohhCarnage
  4. So what is the point of doing what we do? Just stick your head out of the window and you see crazy stuff or get a bullet in your head I am not afraid honestly as I am 60 but still I have seen a lot of weird stuff going on. I did talk to a girl at the bus station in the middle of Gothenburg today, asking her for the time as my battery went out and suddenly a guard was standing next to her. I told the guard he did a nice job protecting the girl as I am very dangerous (I am not) but honestly, anyone can do crazy stuff. It is Saturday night and no one is safe. So I have also asked myself, why on earth do we torture our self to be able to play a game the way we like to play it? Must it really be so hard to get games to work, forcing us to use the right version of stuff and hardware, software you name it and it is a bloody jungle. Fortunately I have worked as a computer technician for 23 years but that not always help at all. I cannot make wonders. My monitor turn of it self when I try to run an AMD ryzen 4600 G through DVI and why?? Not even Bing AI can help me fix it as Bing AI often have good answers and I am very impressed of it so far but still my monitor is black. I was told to try HDMI but my monitor has only VGA and DVI and I am broke. My former coworkers are not much help as I know more than they do anyway about computers. So they do not know anything really. This is not easy, I can promise you that much. Becomming a Computer Graphic pro takes forever it feels right now. I have 1.5 year left and I do not only need to learn how make fantastic graphics as I also need to learn how to make animations and movies. Our teacher is the only teacher in Gothenburg that knows it all and every damn graphic student in this town had him as a teacher and we do have a lot of fun in school no doubt and we are a big community where every graphic artist know eachothers and meet time to time and the community is growing, which also make it harder to get a job as all are so damn good but now I am so extremely tired. Why? Well to learn to do things natural in optimized ways do demand a lot of energy for the brain as it also need to make new synapses and I learned about this when I went to Biology classes last year as I now have both a technical education and also a natural one, well Biology, Chemics and Physics so how much info can my brain really take in? Where or what is the limit of the Terabyte data we can process every day? I went to bed 3 times today during the day to be able to think at all and on top of that, I forgot to load my batteries before I went out on a bus tour and we do use the telephone as a busticket here I had to sneak into the bus at the backdoor -Please pass the front door for ticket inspection!!!! Do not enter the backdoor. I was ready to get of the bloody bus if I saw the ticket inspectors or they had thrown me off anyway. They do use white caps here so all I looked for was their ugly hats I went into to 4-5 stores, aksing if anyone could assist me with my phone to get it working and not a single one was helpful. I did meet a nice girl in a shop called Pressbyron and she looked all over the place for a cable but she did not find one so she was helpful and a bit nerdy too, but sweet. I asked her why not use a cable you have behind you in that box? She asked me, do you wanna buy that cable and I said no, I cannot afford it as I am a poor student. Well I cannot break the seal or I need to buy it myself she replied. Seals? What a joke. Stuff is so bloody expensive and I have to count every damn Swedish crown or I will starve. Here is a picture of our beloved King: He do not need to starve at least... Our richest social case around here. He drives around in sportcars, get stopped and if they see it is the king, they just let him go. He can do what ever that pleases him without any consequences. Life as a king must be good, and still he complains about how hard he think it is... We do have a TV series now running in swedish TV, where we see what happens behind the close doors. It is interesting. He is extremely boring as a person honestly. The most boring swede you will ever meet What am I doing alone at home anyway? I was at my GFs apartment but I did miss the game as I wanna play it but before that, I wanna write some no sense. Well she need a break from me anyway and also relax some as she is a teacher. Why does colors and pictures and games and this emulations mean so much for us? The excitement of playing a stupid game? Adding so many programs to make it work the way we want it to work, installing so much software to just be able to mod the game. What are we doing really? We will get tired of the game one day, when we done it all, we have 35 bases all over the universe, we visited every damn space station and killed all the Crimsons all over again and again and the pop up elsewhere, within 3 days and we keep killing them until the computer breaks down or the game stops to work, and we sit here like baboons and do not know what to do next repetitive? Yes, it is repetetive. To make life easier I did make this solution so I could just enjoy the fun part of the game, not the boring stuff as how fun is to shop? I hate shopping really but I love credits, okay, we can cheat and just add an amount of F to the player, add F 100000 and we are rich... Then we can buy a starship and go by west and takje a space ride. Add A 200 and we can unlock all the nice chests ;D Well I stop now and go in game as I really need to kill some Crimsons off the spacestation. Peek at this simple Skyrim mod. It sure aided me to keep the game fun. I hate shopping. I had a similar shop emulator in Oblivion, where I was the shop manager and I loved that mod. We do have a simlar mod in Skyrim where we can add the whole inventory to the ground and everyone can buy the junk from you. That is immersive or just go and install needing mods so you starve or freeze to death. I just need to go outdoors and I freeze my butt of for real. Rants off... I need to study these scripts later as I forgot how I made them, together with the Skyrim Community https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71234 Also I have to check how I managed to recall the Dvemer horsie and also how we used Xedit to allow our companions to actually ride their horse when we gave one to them. What about horse riding in Starfield? I mean they do ride horses even in Star Trek, so why not? Is it important? Nope it is not really.... We do have spaceships. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72073 What will I summon in Starfield? Well chests, companions, tools you name it. Anything that makes life easy to live. But we do not have magic and we cannot just summon stuff in the thin air? Yes we can
  5. Jag kom precis till Kungälv, har tjuvåkt buss genom hela stand och ingen ville låna ut sin laddkabel, inte ens busschaförerna, sicka jävla as och sån är Göteborg. Ingen hjjälper nån här för alla är livrädda för ficktjuvar och annat patraskt på lördagskvällarna. Jaja, jag klom hem helskinnad och utan att åka dit i någon kontroll. Sicket äventyr. Vi skall snacka my little pony. Syrran är ju extremt cool och gört saker i verkligheten som vi bara kan drömma om med hästarna. Hon har häst strax söder om Kungälv och där ser det ut så här just nu. Snacka om att den hästen är bortskämd Hon blev avkastad för 2 år sen och är yr i skallen sen dess men innan så sköt hon oxo med composittbåge från hästryggen. Hennes videos är ju så bra. Hon är oxo en duktig rollspelare så hon o jag har ju spelar en massa olika spel tillsammans där vi har bökat runt o haft svinkul ihop. Jag måste visa ett kort på henne från rinken, precis när hon skall fyra av bågen och visst ser det coolt ut? Uj, skrev allt på svenska, det tänkte jag inte på, men men if someone wanna read it, use google translate. She really like bows and horses. So beware if you meet her, her temper makes her deadly so if you say the wrong word to that girl, you might get an arrow right between your eyes. She wont miss or she will send her dog after you. Thats the only way to live in Erksbo north side of Gothenburg... I hear gunshots every damn night during the weekends as well.... People are crazy here these days. I bet Luleå is a bit calmer right? Or do the Laps and Finlanders run around shooting as well? I bet one day somone will get hit by a bullet that do not deserve it or get in the line of fire by mistake. Vikings? Well yes and also no, it is not only the scandinavians here that cause trouble or. Last summer I saw something nasty from the bus. A whole team of AIK fans running around hunting a gaisare all over Brunnsparken and he ran for his life and I cant recall I seen anyone running so fast as he did, amazing. Damn succer holigans, al they wanna do is to cause problems and fights in town. So crazy...
  6. Jag gillar ditt namn stenskarpt. Min lillsyrra älskar min lilla ponny så hon har dem överallt. Så coolt. My own reflection about how the mouse actually works in game is that it is hard coded and controlled by the game engine, not the operation system and the reason i make this conclusion is how the mouse differ in feeling in different menus. I do know that Skyrim or was it Oblivion do have a setting that we can change, to allow the game to actually let the mouse to use the hardware instead of software and i guess you need to play around with that setting first. I am not at home, well i live in Kungälv as I am in Högsbo right now but I can test this later tonight, as i go home in an hour or so to Kungälv as i wanna play the game rather then sit here, sleeping more or less. Writing no sense at the forum... The mouse acts extremely slow in the menus and extremely fast when we try to stear that bloody ship and I bet you want to get better control over your ship. Not flip around like a nutcase in space. This did happen to Armstrong in the Gemeni project. let me try to find that video that explain what did happen that day. Well he almost died. Armstrong did play with death so many times when they tested the Apollo equipment so lets see 2 videos. I have crashed into the space station, several times until i figured out the E and R button The computer that saved Neil, is not smarter than a calculator. and it was also hard to program it. By the way, where do you come from? Swedes are not common at the forums, but no wonder, we live in a small country out in no where, and it rains, and it is wet and boring The other film is about the Lunar landing capsul and not so dramatic as the film above as he did ride with a rocket chair, otherwise he would had been dead. Neil Armstrong had nerves made of steal. he was not scared to test anything and he suceeded in all tests. Not many know about this as they do not actually care but this is how space flight really works. When he and Buzz Aldrin did land on the Moon, they had 8 seconds of rocket fuel left. Buzz almost pushed the button that would have taken the Eagle back to the Lunar orbitter but neil who was the higher officer, said NO, we will land. We do know now that this was not a simple walk. they did fall around, wearing the 130 kg heavy space suit in 0.17 gravity. What a torture they went true to actually pull this off.
  7. UV editing. What is UV anyway? We do have 5 coordinates basicly inside a 3D object, not 3. The object it self has 3 coordinates + angles. lets count: Coordinates, angles well, you get the picture, it is unrelevant anyway for making graphics. U and V is the coordinates inside a picture. x, y z is the coordinates for a 3D object and the angle. in which direction the front is pointing. That is all you need to know. Both NifSkope and Blender has cool and nice UV editors and I learned to use them when I remade some nasty UV that Bethesda made in Anvil harbor or rather, all Beth UV is nasty as they do cheat. So how do they cheat and make UV maps and their textures the way they do? Well it is not their way as it is a common way of making the stuff this way, it is global and we also learn it in school. Best tools for making UV and textures today must be Blender combined with Substance painter and substance sampler. Substance painter will bake the UV for you and you only need to paint the 3D stuff directly on the surface of your grey 3D object. You do not need to care about how the actual texture will look like in the end as Substance painter sort that out for you, It is not free and I do not know the price. i use my student license anyway. Substance Sampler can make the 3D maps, that we use in painter, so there you make them from scratch, from photos or what ever source you might have. i take a lot of photos that I use and the best tip is to take the photos when the sun is behind the clouds, well a cloudy day or they are useless in games or in 3D at all and i learned this the hard way when i started with the anvil harbor as my wooden boards where to bright to fir in game at all, bright and reddish and ugly. Light is everything when it comes to good pictures and good textures. Light, reflections, roughness, well you name it. It is all illusions anyway and has nothing to do with the reality, I guess. I work so much with these tools that I really mix up what is real and what is not real. is the elephant really pink? Yes it is, when it is covered with pink stuff. What is not real is that Dumbo can fly with his ears as that requires their ears to be at least 17 meters long and hard as rocks or steal Then they can fly as well. Time to get dressed up, going out in the rain with my 3 dogs. Damn i hate it and now when I am old as I am, I do have ache in my bloody old legs and limbs. i do suspect i will get lame within a few years and it does not matter if I walk the dogs, stretch my legs or whatever i do, they still ache as hell. See ye all laters. i do hope i did not frighten you off the forum with all these info? I do suspect the list is fairly complete now about all tools needed for modding Starfield. i might have missed something, well yes, I will later peek at my papyrus scripts that i managed to make a year ago. 1. Reselling stuff per auto from a chest 2. Moving the Dvemer horse to the player. All that is needed to to rename the variables I guess, or name the different variables in the same way as they where in Skyrim but does it matter which as it will take the same amount of time anyway. I love to optimize my work as I m a lazy bastard after all
  8. So which tools are best for editing the textures with? textureediting must be the most common modding existing, is it not? Lets make life easier than it already is then or more complicated. That is a matter of your choice for the proper tool for every different stuff we need to edit. Well, what I mean is, that there are easy tools to use and tools that are extremely hard to learn and that is a fact but still, nothing is impossible. Gimp from https://www.gimp.org/ is a free tool for manipulating pictures and I have used it since 1996 when it was version 0.96 if I recall correclty. It has plugins for the DDS format and also simple tools for making normals. The plugins are found here: https://code.google.com/archive/p/gimp-dds/ The normal map editor is found here: https://code.google.com/archive/p/gimp-normalmap/ We can make nomalmaps by hand in Blender too as I did that during the week as a school project as we where forced to make it. was it fun? Well yes and no... Useful? Well yes, extremely useful if you manage to make the right normals for the right stuff as it sure makes life easier to make them by hand, mostly, well what other way is there? Mostly the pictures has the right lightning so the bump maps are easy to make but not always. It is a way to present what is whilte and what is black in a real picture with color codes and mostly, most textures have the right light set. ----------------------------------------- Commersial editors? Now we talk about the real hot stuff, how to make the impossible possible with the Adobe suit and this is not free stuff, as it is extremely expencive, well at least for a student like myself but I do have an student account for every Adobe program ever created. Why is there so many Adobe programs and why cannot one single do it all? Adobe buys other companies solutions and they do not remake them just make them better and sell them separately to get as much dollars as possible to their company. It is not wrong, as then you only get what you pay for and nothing else. Lets say you only need photoshop? Why pay for Substance Sampler when you will not use it? Photoshop: This might be the worlds most advanced editor, now with inbuiilt AI even but it demands that you have the right hardware or it will be impossible to even install. I did try to install the Adobe Suite installer even at my old HP from 2007 and that did failed completely. You need a new CPU and a new and advanced GPU. The buttons fr shortcuts differ from gimp. They look the same but are not the same to use, so I have a pure hell trying to learn how to use it. It sux and it is so darn frustrating to get the stuff the way I want it with this bloody tool. It has DDS import/export, and even an inbuilt damn good normal map editor right now but Adobe wrote that the normal map editor will no longer no supported so they will ditch it. Why ditch such a cool editor? I bet they will make it into a separate product. Normal maps can even be made online and I used that tool as well for Oblivion and Skyrim. That is all you need honestly, ever. https://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/ ---------------------------------------------------- I make a new post as i need a short break anyway
  9. Lets debate the coolest tool of them all, a tool that more and more people ll over the world are using to make a lot of impressive stuff with. We use it in school, and yes, I should do my homework instead of typing here, but I need a break from powertools and garbage like that as I wanna make fun and useful stuff instead, useful for myself Blender. It is FREEWARE!!!! https://www.blender.org/ I will try to aid anyone here to get started with any of the tools I provide in this thread and Blender is maybe the tool that has most tutorials made in the world soon as there are so many different things we can do with it within the whole graphics area. It is a 3D editor mainly but not only as it is also a complete tool to make animations and whatever and it is free. Blender can read almost every 3D format, but it presents them as polygons and CAD has their own formats, so do not mix them up, It sure takes awhile to get used to Blender but if you ask me, nothing is impossible but I do not know if it is easy to learn or not as I am so used to 3D now and are able to make stuff while sleeping more or less. If you wanna get started, I do think you should start with some weapons tutorials, well not swords but rather shotguns and stuff like that as it is extremely easy to make them. Armor is not that easy as weapons or static objects. Youtube is filled with them. If you want me too, i could aid to find the right tutorial just for you, so you can get started and make something you will be proud over and that you later want to see in game. I love to see my own creations in game as that is so damn extremely creative. Bare in mind, We need to await the NifTools team to make a working Importer/Exporter, if there is none as I do not know which, but while we wait, you can make stuff still, save them as obj or blend files and we implement them later on when we can. So get started today.
  10. Tool number 2 must be Wrye Bash. Why when there are other tools, like Nexus and I bet OBMM and similar will get rereleased as well but why? What makes Wrye Bash so unique and how do I get it? Well right now it is in a beta state, What the bash team needs to figure out or rather implement is how to write the esp and esm format correctly, well Xedit is doing that already but I do guess the bash team wants to rely on their own observations of the esp/esm format for Starfield. If you wanna try it out, go and ask for a beta at their Discord. https://discord.gg/eBryTXG Here is also their official all games forum https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/ Wrye Basj is nost likely the oldest mod organizer still available for the netimmerse games and I am extremely impressed by the wrye team, what they have managed to make and keep it updated every year for over 19 years now. The inteface is not windows standard but no mod organizers are windows standard and what is really windows standard anyway. The interface is built up on a Python and the file handeling is done with C, so that process gets as fast as possible but if you have loads of mods added to bash installation folder, expect it to take a long time to update it every time you open Bash, so put your files elsewhere and put them back if you need to uninstall a mod. It is unwise to uninstall anything you add to the game if it will stay reliable and not crash. Wrye bash needs to have write permissions later and should be run as a computer administrator. The best is really to install your games at C:/games (my backslash to not work here) What will Wrye Bash write anyway. The Wrye Bash Patchm which is not implemented yet, which will be neeeded later to merge all objectlists into a single list, to prevent conflicts between different mods. This was a problem in Morrowind, as all mods did share the same memory adresses. We made a system in Morrowind to prevent conflicts by naming all stuff we created with out initiales and mine was pekThis and pekThat and is still pekSomething I guess. Some used numbers to get the items on top of the object list, like Neil, who used 1 but that did cause bugs and problems so do not ever name an object to start with a number, never ever. ---------------------------------------------------------- Xedit do have some benefits over the CK and that is that it will always be much faster to use. But bare in mind, it is a low level tool/editor and it might break stuff if not used correctly. If you use mods made with Xedit, do expect some bugs might occur as all we do in it, we will not be allowed to make a single misstake, CK will prevent us to make some mistakes but Xedit will not. I use Xedit nmostly if I want quick info fro a mod, backtracing ID numbers or anything else I need quick access too. I did some quickediting of some stuff as well but I do test them if i do properly. The best editor for any bethesda game ever made must be the extended CS. Take a look here: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36370 and we need sucj an editor for Starfield later. Damn, I might go and ask him if he plans to make one he did not make one for Skyrim.... ShadeMe, the author still reads and reply at that forum, so I asked, and we see what he say
  11. Starfield is more immersive than other games right now. I do feel some stuff gets repetitive, like the interacting with the merchants, but I do have tools ready to solve that really, made in Skyrim and published there so it might be easy to just reuse the papyrus scripts really. My plan is not to reinvent the wheel twice. I love these games, played them now for 19 years and I am tired of TES right now so being able to just go to space, use new and cool menus, new types of weapons and to fly a real space ship is awesome. The possibility to build your own bases and your own ships is extremely immersive as well and we will see loads of variations within ship building later on, some good, some less good but that is a matter of taste I guess, like I am not so interested in walking around in space naked but other players do like it. I guess we will later see odd space suits Just look at the arena outfit in Oblivion that Bethesda made as it is not protective at all but that is what the Romans did like, that the Gladiators did risk their own life and the Greeks ran around naked in the Olympics, covered in oil 2000 years ago. It is all about amusing the audience. But still, it must fit in the right environment. Sarah, did walk around at the moon the other day, without space suit. I tried to disable and enable her, but it did not help but after a while, she found her suit and put it on. I have seen similar issues in Oblivion as well and such bugs are a bit annoying. Other bugs I did find is many items that we cannot reach and I will make a list that I provide to the bug fix team later as I do not expect Beth to fix them really. No, I modded since 2004 and played the first game 1996, Daggerfall.
  12. I do have a clue why we only see red wires in edit mode of the bases right now and that must be that wires and pipes are not implemented in game at the current moment and so it seems with belts as well. I am so new to the game but I have not seen any options in the build menu for belts at all. I am playing both Satisfactory and factorio right now or did at least as Satisfactory is not so fun to play as i did expect as it lacks something and it is more or less a sandbox without the right immersion i expect from a game but that might change in the future. What I do know is that some stuff you build causes a lot of LAG, like building and driving a simple tractor or making a huge factory. I did notice that some areas are more laggy then others in Starfield, like the big empty station at the Moon (Luna) but i built a base next to it to get iron to start with. So back to the missing items, pipes, wires and belts. What ye think or know? Will bethesda implement such items or is it up to us trying to make some for immersion? The thing is to be able to make the connections to look good, we need the 3D objects to make connections and get adapted to the environment and i do not have a single clue about how that is actually done and maybe not even bethesda knows how it is done as have you ever seen anything like that in a Bethesda game before? It is easy to make static stuff, like the work stations, tanks and stuff like that, hair, cloth that moves naturally in animations but an object we can bend with vectors, like we do in illustrator or from earlier this autumn, bend 3D object inside Substance to follow an 3D object rather than extrude them by hand, that is amazing and makes life so much easier. These tools are so new and brilliant. It can also be so that it actually is a limit for this in the current Netimmerse Engine? So what are your thoughts, why is viable wires, pipes and belts not implemented yet? Will it really be important at all in a RPG game? Will I be able as a modder to make it? No way... We could fake it with static objects I guess, but is that worth the effort really? I have to think about it, in bed, as that is my next stop right now, take a nap.
  13. So cool. Well i knew I was not the only one thinking in these terms. i will use that mod from monday really. No reason to invent the wheel twice. aurreth. I look forward to visiting your new starsystem myself. I did read about your issues, that you need to save the game inside the ship as if we do not, there is no way to move to any other cells, but we should, but I do know that getting cell info and the acual cell name is not easy without CK, which is my own experiance from Oblivion. When i mod oblivion, and move between cells, I have a script running in the background that pronts out the cellname at the top of the window and I also forgot to delete it when i released my mods so some players gets annoyed by it They did however solve it by them selves so i do not need to edit Oblivion right now as that is not what i want to do now really as i want to get started to edit Starfield. The coolest thing with your new starsystem might be to build new bases and we also need to find a way later to exceed the limit of bases available in game as we can only build 16 max? 8 default and 16 with the right perks right? In the reality, we can have unlimited with bases and factories.... That must be more immersive, does it not?
  14. I made an issue, https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/issues/240 so we will be able to get updates at least... There is no guarantee we will get any info as maybe they do not have any answers about any timeframes at all? i know this is a very slow process and nothing that is done over night. The thing is, when it is up and running, they also need the userbase to find them, to actually find the new forum and find the new Discord server I want to hang around there to get tips and the latest news about the NIF structure so i know what I am doing at all inside the nifs when I edit them, to make things right and as optimized as possible and the only ones able to answer that is the brilliant devs at NifTools really. I do guess everyone is sleeping right now anyway, and I go back to bed now myself. Well, now we actually have access to a tool.
  15. FINALLY. Damn detective work... Why is it so hard to find right info.... I got NifSkope up and running and now i need a break to sleep as I am so extremely tired... I cannot test to open anything right now anyway.... Okay, so far so good, now I need to make an issue about the current state of NifTools forum and Discord, so I at least get updates to my email I did a posting in Wryes Discord if anyone knows how to reach the NifTools devs at all right now. Maybe we should just let them work with this without asking to much questions and interupt their work?
  16. I did find the right link now: https://github.com/fo76utils/nifskope/releases I hope
  17. NifTools are in the remaking of their homepage and nothing is working right now. I cannot find the link to their Discord and the forum is down. I did however find this at a reddit posting: https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/issues/232 I also found an issue at Github about the current state at their forum and the answer was to peek in the documentation to get the right link. :O If we peek at Niftools homepage, they do link the Discord conversations there but no one is online anyway right now. No wonder, as the time is 06:00 in New York i try to make a posting at Github, to get more information, if they will give me one that is.
  18. Me too i will take one step in a time to start with and make tests with the tools available right now. First of all, here is the link to the NifTools project https://www.niftools.org/ NifSkope where able to open the game archives immediately in Skyrim and allowed us to save a copy of the NIF outside the archive in Skyrim. I will test now to see if that works for Starfield. Well I cannot make tests by the way, darn. I am at my GF apartment and my compuyetr is in a sleeping state and I cannot access it with the remote. I have to edit these settings on monday when i get hoe again. So if I am able to put a descent list together, who here are able to stick it at the top and in which subforum should that be done? If no one here tested it already, we actually do not know how far the NifTools devs have come to implement Starfield. I will try to find the current state as Starfield is not listed in the readme yet, but Wrye did make a beta of Wrye Bash, which I am using right now as i signed up as a betatester at their Discord so maybe they do have a beta available for Starfield? I will get into their Discord and ask. https://github.com/niftools/nifskope About Wrye bash, they did informed me that it is not possible yet to implement Wrye bash patch but it works great for installing mods with and has not failed me yet to do so. I love Wryes stuff and used it for 19 years now. If I make a wild guess, it might even be so that I am among the oldest and longest Wrye mash/bash users even.
  19. There are some other stuff that do not make sense as well. Why is it so complicated to switch weapons? Lets say you are scanning the area, a process that do occure inside your helmet anyway or do we hold a hand scanner? I have not seen a hand scanner, so when we are in the scanning mode, we should be able to open the doors or switch between weapons or open containers. The whole menu system needs to be optimized. Why does the game slow down so much when we are in the menusystem at all, like when we are trying to use computers or are inside the crafting menues as my mouse slows down a lot in those interfaces. I do have a slow graphic card and i do recall we did had an option in Skyrim to control the mouse from the hardware and maybe that is what is needed here, to optimize the menues? i should look in the game settings, but I write this at my GF computer and have no access to my computer right now, well maybe from remote but that will be extremely slow to do. I will try anyway. Well my computer is in the sleeping mode right now. I will change that next week.
  20. It has always been like this, since Qarl implemented the flora gathering scripts in Morrowind, which Beth implemented in Oblivion and other cool stuff the community has made for the last 20 years and honestly, I do not mind at all. I do think it is cool that they implement stuff we want to have in game. So many bright people are involved in the process and have been involved, so why should they credit us for ideas really as we add more ideas daily? If we are able to solve stuff, it means that they allowed us to do it as it is already a part of the game engine and up to us to solve with scripts but the OBSE team do allow us to make the impossible possible as a sidenote and also the SKSE team. It is only our imagination that is the limit or rather the needs we have to make life easier. If i did not needed a function, I would never had figured it out how to make one in the first place. The need for an optimization allow us to figure out a solution. I do have my own thought about speeding up the fueling process in game. In reality, the only thing we need to script is to fill up the tanks inside the spaceship and lower the tanks at the ground at the outpost. What happens in between is not relevant as it is just an illusion anyway. My idea for refueling the easy way is just to add a button for it inside one type of ship modules and you push the button and maybe even do a hard connection with a pipe to the ship for immerse reasons as that would have been cool but honestly, right now I only need my ship to get refueled faster. To make the refueling to become more immerse, we could try to animate a connection to the ship from a pipe system, with a tube made of rubber or something similar. So every time we land the ship, the connections with the refueling system will happen per auto but maybe that should be done manually? I do not know. I love to optimize stuff as much as possible and the ship should get new fuel per auto from our own outposts at least. So at space stations, you should be able to ask the ship engineers to refuel your ship for a price, and that I have not seen so far in game, nor any ground connections to any refueling systems at all. Then we have another problem. Where have you put your fuel tanks at your ship? How will we be able to emulate this tube connection to feel realistic if our ships looks so different? Well, that needs to be tested with the CK, to see what looks good or not and if the tube do not reach the ship at all, then it will look like crap. One solution might be to just add a tube from the side of the platform, that gets visible with an animation as soon as we landed and that ends up in the middle of the platform and that way, we can at least emulate that the rubber tube connects to the ship. The height of the ships are the same for them all right?
  21. Me too. I love OBSE. Papyrus is so hard to understand.
  22. My absolute favorite space music is made by the Canadian band SAGA and I also had the benefit and privileges to smoke some cigs with the singer Michael Sadler behind the club called Trägårn the 19th oktober last year after their nice gig there. That was extremely cool but even if I am a damn good talker, Michael is better and extremely social and nice as a person and he sure loves what he is doing and has done for the last 45 years, and so is the guitar player Ian Crichton that I talked to later, mostly about his own cool music he makes, that is harder and more rougher than SAGA. Lets peak at 2 songs to start with, my favorites, that will represent what SAGA is standing for and what kind of stories they wanna tell in their spaced and symphonic progressive music. Maybe it is so you are a fan as well? I am also a musician but I show of my stuff later on and I am also willing to make music suitable for your mods, maybe but i am not as good as SAGA is, but I sure are influenced by them. My studio is basically built on free digital stuff but we can make anything with it. Just give me a hint about the style of music you want to use in your mod and I will try to make it. Lets peek at SAGA now as I do think their music would fit perfect with Starfield but keep in mind, music is extremely personal and what you like to listen to, may not be the same stuff I like. SAGA is not well known outside the fan base, as they do make unique stuff that do not appeal to the majority as it is to complex, having to much stuff and sure require a lot from you as a listener. Seeing them live is amazing but now, I only want to show their original studio stuff as they tend to speed up live, to much if you ask me but live is live and it is showbizz. Their live concerts has a huge quality so you can see the songs live as well if you like what you hear here. Lets start with their most popular song, Careful where you step. It is about the war I guess well any war. Do not step on the mines. I am not native English, so some texts I do not grasp, as I do focus at the music mainly. Th cover of this record is the coolest cover that I have ever seen on a record. As I am a graphics student, I got permission from my teacher to animate this next spring s he decide what is good stuff to add to my future portfolio as an artist that will get me a job at all within this business and it is because of all the TES modding i donre for the last 19 years that I am able to pull this off at all. I will build it up, either in Starfield, Unreal or in Houdini and make that insect to take off and we see what i can do with all the insects in the background as well. I do need better pictures of the cover to add as many details as possible. I have asked SAGAs keyboard player Jim Gilmour in FB if he can help me, so lets see if he do or not... I have not found a suitable image to use up to this point. Lets see if he responds at all. maybe he will? Sometimes he do. Song number 2 is about 2 friends that are apart from each others, so it is a dialogue between the keyboard player Jim Gilmour and the singer Michael Sadler and that is so cool. As i understand it, the character that Michael is playing is some form of an agent out at a mission, and it not goes to well. We do not get any details about what the story is about and it does not matter as it is the feeling that is cool. The song starts slowly and ends in a symphonic long part with loads of cool solos and stuff. It is so brilliant made. They made a couple of songs like this as well and they are both great singers. I think this song will fit in the cockpit of any spaceship. This song is called Don't be Late and the cover here in the video is better and almost useful for my school project. The thing is, as a Graphic Student, our job is mostly to recreate stuff or recreate ideas, visualize stuff, and i really wanna visualize this cool cover, making it come alive. Well back to the music. By the way the record is from 1980 and i found it 1982 and have been a dedicated fan ever since. The thing with SAGA is that they just make better and better records for every release that they do and the sound gets better and better and today it sounds so majestic and you cannot add more stuff than they already do as if you do, you destroy the whole mood. There is a limit of stuff you can manage to take in. It was majestic 1980 already. A cool thing with SAGA is that they are from Toronto and they do know RUSH. The former bass player in SAGA, Jim Crichton was in the same class as RUSH guitar player Alex Lifeson and they did play together around 1968 in a school band. Around 1969, Geddy and Alex became friends and they wanted to make a band, but Geddy did not had afford to buy his own bass, but Jim was nice, so he lent his equipment to Geddy Lee so he was able to play. I asked SAGA about this in Facebook and they did confirm this cool story. RUSH is part of the Rock Hall of fame now since 2013. Saga is not, not yet... Maybe they never will. I do hope you will love this space music. They are filled with cool stories as Michael Sadler is an extremely well storyteller and poet and I consider him to be best rock singer in the world and every SAGA fan will say the same, his voice is magic. He sing in the same way at this record as he did in his church as a boy singer, but today he use his voice more like any rock singer and it is so extremely dynamic. He smokes a lot and we did ask him how it is possible for him to be so good still at the age of 68 and he said: I do not have a single clue It is what it is. Maybe it is the smoking that made his voice better now, well you know, the whiskey voice as whiskey do make wonders to any voice....
  23. Lets peak at Constellation and ask our selves. Is it suitable for a museum? Well yes, but as they do want their base to be secret as it is a secret society and therefor unsuitable to become a museum. I bet that the Atlantic City will be full of doors later on, added by the community, so the chance of mods that will conflict with each others will be huge. Okey the Wrye Batch may prevent a lot of the conflicts but it cannot make wonders, not if the modder also make changes to the landscape, breaking up the pathing as that is never good but sometimes nescesary, as I had to do with the stable that I added outside the mages guild in Cyrodiil in my mod. I have never seen any other player using that area, so I took it. Well now I will see what I can do this weekend. I do wanna start to make the 4 book meshes to start with and a test texture, from the cover of the real Moby Dick book, test my style to see how rusty I am and also see if I can add it in game with Xedit. I will do it in gimp, blender and nifskope, if possible that is. Lets find out how far the NifTools has come to allow us to edit the Starfield meshes. I can always export obj files from Blender, import them to Nifskope as objects and export them as new NIF files to start with as we have to do that anyway, to clean up the meshes from stuff that gets added from Blender. We do want themeshes to stay as clean from rubbish as possible and so far, NifSkope did this nicely. All we need is simple meshes with collisions, nothing else. and good performance
  24. Another thing about the books that I found so far is that they do lack content. They have max 2 pages with a description of the book, and not the actual book. Most books are old classics and if we look at one book that I now know is public domain, well totally free to use as we pleases, is Alice in Wonderland. I do recall that I found Moby Dick, Oliver twist, Frankenstein and all those are free books. I am not sure how many books the game has but one modder wrote 250 different ones so that is almost the same amount as in Oblivion. Most modders that makes quest mods or houses or villages mostly make books as well and those should be textured cool as well i think so I will publish the new book meshes as a modder's resource as soon as they are remade. I want to be able to collect their books as well and store them at my book shelves, but only if they look good, well edited in some way without Bethesda's boring common covers. When it come to the sceneries for the books, I did had an idea to use pictures from the films, but I do think they are all copyrighted, which means I have to build sceneries, either in game, Unreal or inside Blender. It all depends om what resources are available but the 3D libraries with freebies is huge. Lets just peek at Moby Dick as I do think that cover will be easy to make. We do have ship models inside the Constellation that looks like old Whale ships and finding a sperm whale is not hard and recolor the texture white. Add them in a sea somewhere and take some photos. Voila, a new book cover I will be very careful what I add, well what pictures I add to my projects and add the sources in the description and present how they are made as they will look realistic. In Oblivion, you would see that it was screenshots from TES 2-6 but can we actually do yja in Starfield as everything looks so realistic, like real photos, therefor it will also be hard to see the differences in my future photos at the book covers. What about fan stories? We did have the TES Imperial Library which also had a section of player stories. I did plan to take those stories and implement them into my library in Oblivon, to expand the library above 260 books or whatever and COBL did also add all other TES books that was released in TES 1-3 and I did plan to also implement TES 6 books later on, the forbidden books, and also make a quest story about how they did come to Cyrodiil at all. Well shortly, the Book Burglars in my mod, an organisation that want to steal all knowledge, did in some way manage to open a portal into the future, well get to Skyrim, steal a lot of books, bring them back to Cyrodiil. My job or the job of my fictional good guys or good faction I added to my house mod is the Imperial Book Agency and their main job is to prevent these future books to actually be spread around Cyrodiil. Their job is to keep the secrets of the future from the public, not to cause any panic that the Red Mountain will explode and force the Morrowind citizens to flee to Solstein or make Cyrodiil to fall apart. Just look at the weak Emperor that we kill as the hand in Skyrim, as he is pathetic. We actually do the humanity a favor by removing his head from his boddy. Did you know that in the bow of that ship, there is a very cool epic sword I did learn about that sword from the mod the Legacy of the Dragonborn, where you get a mission to retrieve it to the museum. I love that mod, as it has inspired me to do this one. We also collect all books to the museum and that is where I wanna start. When no more books are available in 2-3 years, I wanna make a museum for the rest of the stuff. I do think it will take that time to make the book museum or library as that is what it took to make it in Oblivion. So what about the legacy of the Dragonborn? In the long interview that Tod Howard made a while back, the 3 hour interview, he did mention that some modders got hired by bethesda and i do think, if I am not misstaken that the author of the Dragonborn is one of them. Constellation are really similar looking to the museum i Cyrodiil but it lacks the functionality. The library is dead, well just static book cases, nothing else. The library inside the Mages guild has all the books in containers and that also prevent lag as that library is huge. To prevent lag in Starfield, I will limit each room between 100-250 books. Each cover will only use max 512x612 textures as that is enough as you never get closer to the books than you can see them as bright as possible anyway as we have to be realistic. It is also faster and easier to make 512 textures really. My game lags so much with my old NVDIA 750 ti card that I can hardly move but as I am a poor graphics student, I do not have afford even a second hand Asus card right now anyway. LAG is a pure hell, so we have to keep that in mind. We also need to edit the collisions at the books as I am convinced they do su-ck as they always do. The need to be perfect so the books do not eject them selves from the shelves as they will. This video I made 2020 is proof how the collisions at objects can make them to eject themself from anywhere. The collisions at many player resources are not perfect either, both in COBL and at other objects, stuff that I needed to edit but every Item I edited, i also sent to the authors so they where able to implement the new versions into their mods. I will only do that if I like the obect and like to use it myself or if it is an object that many players like to use, that is a good reason for me to actually make it useful. Lets see how bad the Bethesda weapons collisions are in Oblivion. The thing is also that the collsision at a weapon needs to cover an area, as it is when the collision meets a target, when they collide, that the game will consither it as a hit. In Oblivion, it is not meant for us to dio like this with weapons, nort in Skyrim as there we do have weapon racks but we lock the wepons inside the racks, making them solid and that is how I later did in my weapons display room in Oblivion. It tool me 6 monthes to actually fix this, until Drak the Dragon told me, (The Oblivion forums moderator) Make the weapons solid when you add them to your racks, and damn, that did work. So frustrating to solve this by myself... I did use players resources and the hooks did have 512 textures and that room lagged a lot until i found the problem and remade the textures to size 64 or 128, I do not recall which. FPS went up a lot by doing that. So FPS 11, weapons rejecting them selves from the walls as soon as you touch them. This is how I want to show of my weapons inside Starfield. The hooks here are perfect in their collisions. I do not trust players resources to 100% as i seen to many bad meshes, meshes that do look good no doubt, but lack something, mostly good collisions and the only way i know of o edit an collision and make it work when exported, is to edit it inside Nifscope by changing the coordinates by hand. i do which it will be possible later in blender. As collisions are not real 3D objects, I doubt it will be fixed ever. NifTools are cool no matter what. I am thinking about making a door inside Constellation, to the museum and add it in the basement of the Constellation HQ. If i do find a better spot, the perfect spot for a museum as it has to be close to a city as it is meant that you wanna make your library to a public place. I wanted my library in the Anvil area to be public, to allow some citizens in Anvil to visit the museum by changing their AI and also make them essential but that would not been implemented until the player had finished all the quests in Anvil. The house where so big and had so much space, that it was possible to implement this without issues. The Dragonborn museum also have visitors but they are dedicated, maybe 6 NPC that lives at the inns that visit the museum daily and more or less woreship the Dragonborn like the Adored Fan do, well almost. They never had anything bad to say about the museum as they all like to visit it and that is how I want it, making it public. Spread the knowledge, well not the forbidden books of course, books that will make more harm then good. Is it not so that you want to get amused by reading a book, not terrified and get into a panic state? Why am I writing so much, this textwall instead of playing the game? It is friday and I am at my GFs flat, and this computer is useless to use with Starfield, so I play the game 4 days a weak after school and here I either play Factorio, building cool factories in 2D or some Oblvion or do my homework as my brain is about to explode anyway. I am extremely tired but that is normal i guess. When you get so many impressions daily, both from school and now the game, well my brain cannot take much more right now. As I wrote in the beginning, these notes are also done to just clear my brain from all this thoughts. Only way to get the grasp of my style of making stuff, both qiuests and items, trying to make a dynamic HQ, is to test it, if you are bored that is but maybe you return to Cyrodiil one day for nostalgia and then you use this mod as your base. Once again, here is the Legacy of the Champion. I do repeat again, as I made almost every mesh and texture inside the interiors, I will also be able to export it all to Starfield and add it somewhere. The Hobbit home is a free resource and available in both Skyrim and Oblivion. If I cannot use a specific resource, I either made a similar one with Blender or contact the author and mostly they all gave me permissions to use their stuff as I pleased and that is what a good community do, we share our stuff between us It might be so that the textures need to be edited to actually work in the Starfield game, with the lights there as they are very bright in Oblivion. The colors of stuff in Starfield are softer and more realistic mostly. Only way to see this is to export and try the stuff in game and if it does not feel realistic, or misfit, I will do something about it. It must look perfect, anything else is out of the question.
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