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Everything posted by XanAlderon

  1. Hey, for various reasons I've decided I want to re-install Windows 7. I'm happy losing everything and starting again, except for my Skyrim mods, which have been painstakingly tweaked into a usable state. If I just copied my steamapps folder, as well as my save files, would Nexus Mod Manager be able to read them as normal after reinstalling skyrim and pasting them in?
  2. I have no words but I must post.
  3. I'm in Australia as well. The smoke from the fires are obscuring the sky, it's pretty crazy.
  4. Link is to a really detailed description of where the second prequel went wrong, and what Lucas could done to fix it, and make it a truly awesome movie. It's worth a watch, and another was made for the first movie if you desire to find it.
  5. Ah... one of those things in which the voice and delivery are permanently seared into my mind.
  6. I drop in to win occasionally, and then leave without ever having to witness my imminent loss. I am still winning in my own mind! Huzzah!
  7. Currently listening to the brilliant Aesop Rock / Kimya Dawson collaboration The Uncluded. For some reason it just works.
  8. Don't know how prevalent they were during the 90s, if at all - but I'm currently listening to stuff like Aesop Rock, Sage Francis, El-P, MF Doom, Despot.
  9. I like to consider myself the winner of this thread on occasion.
  10. I cannot make sense of the above users title. You could say it's... an enigma.
  11. I win* *This statement is correct at the time of writing.
  12. Why are you questioning his identity?
  13. This poll is discriminatory to people with different coloured eyes! Haha, one of mine is blue, and the other is green.
  14. Let's see... Cowboy Bebop One Piece Code Geass Baccanno! Death Note Full Metal Alchemist Samurai Champloo Trigun Neon Genesis Evangelion Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
  15. If I recall, Ground Zeroes was stated to be console, while Phantom Pain was said to include a PC release. What to make of that discrepancy I do not know.
  16. I actually really enjoy it, mostly because of the MASSIVE amount of random stuff you can distract yourself with in cities and the wilderness. I like the combat system as well, you say it is tedious, and I would agree if not for another of your issues, the varying guards who need different strategies to take down which, in my opinion keeps it interesting, and me engaged. I'm also an Australian, and most of the characters, situations and whatnot would fly completely over my head if not for the helpful database, which is actually quite fun to read. Also; those ship-battles... as CommanderCrazy said, epic.
  17. Oh boy, as a young kid playing games as complete escapism, in my games I looked primarily for interesting characters, awesome story and set-pieces and more than anything, a journey to strange and diversified locations. To me, 'Super Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door' was literally everything I wanted, combined with a sort of quirky humour and charm I really dug back then. In fact, I'm pretty sure if I dusted it off and played it again, I could enjoy it as much as I did back then. Other mentions for back then would be Animal Crossing, Zelda: the Wind waker (and all the Zeldas since then), and Mario Kart. But as I got older and migrated to PC gaming, Morrowind definitely took over it's place for me, and I certainly sunk many an hour into it haha, and then Oblivion, and then, albeit to a lesser extent, Skyrim. These days it's all Metal Gear Solid, and Grand Theft Auro haha, hardly as colourful as the games of my childhood.
  18. As an Australian taking a trip into America, in the name of science one day, I decided it was my duty to try one of these Twinkies I had heard so much about. In short, I don't mourn their demise, they were some next level state of sugary horribleness.
  19. It always amuses me that all the imitation lego sets (usually called Blockgo, or something similar haha) always advertise incredibly proudly - "Compatible with other brands!". So yeah... Lego dominates.
  20. I can see it happening, other studios are putting there stuff on it, such as Assassins Creed 3, don't see why Beth can't follow suit.
  21. I think the more likely explanation is that Logan was chosen simply as it is a relatively popular name, Albion was a coincidence, and the Border Collie was chosen because it's a genuinely lovable sort of dog haha.
  22. Invasion... of the body snatchers!
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