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Everything posted by Kestrellius

  1. I like where this is going. I was unsure, as I'm really not fond of the entire "Nintendo-hard" mentality, but this seems focused more on realism than fake difficulty, like Req seems to be. (I also found Requiem more than a little pretentious, which along with compatibility is why I went with Skyre in the end.) Hm...I've never done any actual Skyrim modding, but I do have some knowledge of how programming works. I'm not sure why a system for injuries would be buggy; it seems like it should be fairly easy to apply status effects upon being hit...
  2. Well, yeah. I doubt you could remove the concept of health entirely. I'm thinking the trick would basically be to create the illusion of no HP, probably primarily by making locational damage differences so extreme that it becomes one of the biggest factors. Actually, your arrow link makes me think of something. Before the advent of modern medicine, most war-related deaths were from disease, rather than actual wounds, right? Now, this might be rather irrelevant on Nirn, because of the existence of Restoration magic, but it still might be interesting if being wounded had a high chance of infection, or something. Basically, treat wounds as diseases, that you have to do something significant to get rid of. Not like "go into town" significant, but more like bandages or somesuch. Just so you can't let it regenerate like your basic health. And then wounds have a chance to become infected if you don't take certain measures, which makes them worse. I dunno.
  3. Ah. Thanks! And, yeah. Septim Critical Mass (the point at which you're making so much money that you'll never be able to run out) does arrive pretty quickly, but I don't think just raising prices changes that. It just breaks immersion and makes things harder in the early game... Yeah it might have been a different mod that had the MCM menu I'm thinking of.
  4. Key features I'd like to see: Get as far away from HP as possible. The entire idea of health is, and always has been, absurd. You can't kill someone by hitting them two hundred times in the pinky. That's not how it works. Precision should be rewarded; it doesn't matter whether you're using a bronze nail or a legendary ebony dagger if you can reach the heart through a chink in the armor. Similarly, instadeath should be a pretty rare thing. Both for the PC and NPCs. Especially with arrows; AFAIK arrows aren't actually very effective in real life. You should be able to semi-permanently incapacitate someone without actually killing them, and you should be able to crawl away from a lost battle and regroup if you can avoid getting put down by a bandit. (Basically, at the end of every fight, you'd go around finishing off all the people you hadn't actually killed.) Granted, if your head is smashed by a mace, or you fall a huge distance...yeah, you're going to die. But in most situations, the body can last for quite a while. Varied combat techniques and animations. A player with a skill of fifteen in one-handed using an iron broadsword should look very, very different from a master swordsman wielding a scimitar. There should be ways to use different techniques in combat (mainly slashing versus stabbing, but it would depend on the weapon), and the animations should get progressively flashier as skill increases, so that by high skill levels you're twirling swords around and such. Also, the animations shouldn't be purely cosmetic; the animations would become faster, and thus the player would land more hits. Small request: remove the smithing modifier from the item name, and instead have it in the information panel like the "stolen" marker. It just gets absurd to look at your inventory and see a whole list of stuff that's all marked "legendary". It's just redundant after a while. An MCM with modifiers for damage dealt and taken. That way, you can have slower combat, or if you're like me, have it so that everyone deals huge amounts of damage and it's mainly a matter of landing the first clean blow. I think I'm missing something, but anyway.
  5. So, I finally got around to installing Skyre. Overall, I quite like it, to say the least. But there are a few issues. The main one is that the price differential was already insane in vanilla, and Skyre just makes it even worse. Seriously, I can only sell an item for a twentieth of what the vendor charges? I mean...really? So, I'd like to change that, which leads into my other question. Isn't it supposed to have an MCM, where you can change things like weapon damage, arrow speed, and such? I thought I saw one like that in Sorcererdave's Skyrim LP videos (which were a large part of the reason I went with Skyre in the first place). But I'm not seeing any Skyre-related mod config menus. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
  6. I actually just joined the Stormcloaks on my new Redguard character. (I'd done that once before, but I generally go Imperial.) I'm starting to revise my opinion of Ulfric, a bit. Not in his favor, just...I think he's nuts, basically. I mean, one second he's going on about how he's not sure if the people are with him, and the next he up and starts ranting about how he's fighting for all the people he's seen die. If I had to guess, I'd say Galmar is slightly crazy too, or is just power-hungry. I'd speculate that he's the Thalmor agent who's almost certainly in Ulfric's inner circle, but he apparently can show up in Sovngarde.
  7. There's really only one PC: the Shezarrine. He was responsible for the events of all the games. He's the last of the Dwemer, and he doesn't have a name. He takes different faces, and different names, across time. You see, the Thalmor aren't just present here and now. They've been around since the beginning of time, or their philosophy has. The Dwemer fought them, in a war spanning all of the Aurbis. The fight spawned terrible weapons, and in the end, the Numidium was created, in an effort to end the struggle once and for all. But the Shezarrine sabatoged the Dwemer attempt to destroy Mundus and become gods just like the Thalmor, and the Dwemer were wiped from existence, as well as the Thalmor -- or so it was thought. And so the Shezarrine wanders, alone or with a companion, never staying in one place for long. (The Shezarrine is the Doctor, the Dwemer are the Time Lords, and the Altmer are the Daleks, and the Numidium is the Moment/whatever Rassilon was planning to use to end time.)
  8. There have been five TES games, not three. Well, five plus all the little side-games like Battlespire and Redguard. I hate it when people act like the series began with Morrowind. And...yeah. I have no idea specifically what's being talked about here, but they could probably justify almost anything. As TLS says, it's waaaaay before the events of the main series.
  9. Yeah, precisely. It's like...oh, snap! The Imperials are about to execute me! Ulfric is rebelling against them! He's awesome! ...and then you realize that he's a slightly crazy despot with a cult of personality...
  10. No, not his Voice. Just his voice. You know his first line in the game? Besides "mgghrrhrhhm", that is. "Legends don't burn down villages." That line makes me wish I was a Stormcloak supporter.
  11. What, being in charge of every reasonably important organization in the province save the actual government isn't enough? I'll grant that the PC is never given the respect he deserves, but I feel like giving them the actual position of High King or anything would be a bit much, and cause complications down the line.
  12. Okay. Since posting previously, I've run across things saying that C0DA is some sort of in-universe project to document every possible instance of the TES universe? That would explain quite a bit, I guess. As an aside, I love the way Bethesda has decided to just run with the pluralism of events here, simply because it fits so well with an open-world game. Every playthrough is canon, because every one of them happened in some universe.
  13. Yeah that's...that's supposed to happen. Not the getting stuck part, but the water ride. There should be a way out, just further into the cave. Don't remember exactly how it goes. But if I recall, it'll...take you into the Glacial Crevice, maybe? Yeah I think the next area is the Glacial Crevice.
  14. Hm. Okay. Well, I guess that messes with my theory that Herma-Mora and Akatosh are closely related. (They both have to do with time/fate, and both have an apparently specific interest in Dragonborn.) Yeah, so Landfall is the thing from C0DA, right? I haven't been able to figure out C0DA yet. I guess it's supposed to be a visual novel, or something, but it's basically a script for a visual novel, and combining that with MK's bizarre writing...well, it's a bit difficult to read. As I understand it, C0DA takes place after Landfall, an event that destroys Nirn proper, but leaves the moons intact, I guess? So...As far as I know, C0DA is basically "potential" canon, right? It's something that could happen, but not necessarily?
  15. Oh, okay. So the Numdium is a TARDIS. That makes sense, what with Septimus's bigger-on-the-inside lockbox and all. Wait so...shouldn't the Thalmor just be working on taking control of Numidium, and using it to erase everything? Wouldn't that be easier than their current plan? As for Ancano, if he wasn't aware of the Thalmor endgame, then what was he trying to do with the Eye? I mean, he specifically mentioned "the power to unmake the world", so... And...certain Daedra were created by Lorkhan's death? ...how? I thought the Daedra were just the et'Ada who didn't participate in creation. And how could it have created Sheogorath, when Sheogorath didn't really exist until after the Oblivion Crisis?
  16. Wait what? What components? The use of the Numidium? (Sorry. My knowledge of TES lore is...limited. Speaking of which, what exactly does the Numidium do, anyway? A glorified giant robot wouldn't be capable of destroying empires if that was all it was.) Anyway, isn't it fairly likely that the Thalmor don't actually have any idea what they're doing, and would just wind up killing everyone, regardless of their intentions? Oh and concerning the Psijics...I got the impression that they're basically the anti-Thalmor. That they're fully aware of what Ancano was trying to do, and are working behind the scenes to stop it. And, yeah. Obviously, they're power-hungry and such, and their methods are cruel. It's just...I almost can't help liking them in spite of it, because of their impeccable sense of style and their ultimate goals. Oh, also. I'm reasonably sure the Thalmor are quite aware that Talos is a god. At least, the ones at the top. They're just trying to undermine him.
  17. In general, I've loved-to-hate the Thalmor throughout my time playing Skyrim, but recently...I'm finding that harder to do. Part of it is just how polite and agreeable they are during the Embassy infiltration. There's just something cute about the guards apologizing and saying that they're on duty, for example. But there's more to it. I think most dedicated players are aware of the Thalmor's eventual goals, correct? They intend to "unmake" the world, as indicated by Ancano during the Eye of Magnus incident. Now the thing is...I agree with them. At least in real life. I don't know if I'd want them to destroy the TES universe, but if such a group existed here? Yeah, I'd join them. Granted, I don't appreciate their lack of any apparent intent to extend their godhood to non-mer races, but nonetheless, I can appreciate their desire to escape reality. Of course, there's probably a lot more to the Thalmor than we've seen, given MK's remarks on the subject. As far as we know, they're a cult that wants to destroy the world and become gods. That's a pretty significant threat, but it's hardly "utterly unknowable" and "without a doubt the most powerful threat Tamriel has ever faced". (Not perfect quotes, but that's the jist of it.) So I would guess that there's something really weird going on in the upper levels of the faction. Possibly something to do with Sithis. He is, after all, basically who would benefit most from their plans succeeding. Anyway, I just thought I'd mention this little dilemma of mine. I want to hate them, but I almost can't at this point. Still, they don't show any respect to the Dragonborn, so I can at least hate them for that.
  18. ^The two farms thing can be chalked up to space compression. Basically, Whiterun is actually the size you'd expect, with probably hundreds of thousands of people. You just don't see all of them in-game. It's an abstraction. Same with the farms; there are probably dozens or hundreds in-universe.
  19. Wait. Are you...you're not. Are you Spyrocks, from TESwiki? Yeah TES canon is messed up. Basically, there's a lot of ambiguity, and multiple outcomes happening simultaneously. Kirkbride (the guy NMH mentioned) made a comment about canon being abolished, so it's whatever you want it to be. Of course, a lot of people think Kirkbride is nuts, so there's that.
  20. Once I slaughtered (almost) the entire population of Markarth, because MARKARTH MUST BE PURGED. Seriously though, that city. It's...people focus on Riften, but Markarth is way worse.
  21. Yeah my impression is that you could probably pull that off just with a follower mod or two and Frostfall. FF lets you build tents and such, so you could make a rudimentary settlment, and then as long as you found a way to get the people you wanted in the guild to stay there...Granted, proper guildery with hierarchies and orders and such might be a tad more difficult, but I'm sure it could be done.
  22. Things that should be mentioned: The main questline doesn't really involve doing anything evil that I can recall, except briefly associating with Brynjolf. (And honestly the evil-ness of the TG is debatable, save for its relation to Nocturnal.) Other than dealing with the Blades, that is. (I hate you, Delphine, I hate you. Do your job or get out of my temple.) It also should be noted that you can serve Aedra, in certain capacities. There are no Aedric quests because Aedra don't work like Daedra; they tend to associate less with mortals. However, the dragons are Aedra, so working for Paarthurnax or helping Durnehviir in Dawnguard would count. And of course just by doing most anything, you're serving Akatosh, as he's the reason you're Dragonborn.
  23. I like this idea. A lot. Especially anti-Shadowmere. Because glowy white unicorns, yes. Another concept I think I've seen batted around (as in, Bethesda was planning to do this but it was cut) was to have the player actually join the Penitus Oculatus. So maybe...do your detective thing, take out about half the DB members, but meanwhile, they're plotting the assassination of the Emperor behind the scenes. At the end of the questline (perhaps with variations depending on how quickly you tracked down the other members? And multiple permutations of agent locations, so you can't just go to where they are immediately during later playthroughs/with a walkthrough), the remaining Brotherhood basically does what it does if you're there: they set up the plot, get tricked, and make a desperate last stand at the Katariah. Except they lose, this time. I don't know.
  24. Alright. So, to start off, I'm pretty new to these forums and to Skyrim modding in general, so if I run headlong afoul of some sort of horrid modding gaffe, that would be why. Anyway, I've been doing a lot of research on what I'll want to install as my...er...for lack of a better term, base overhaul setup. Things like gameplay changes, graphics improvements, immersion, roleplaying, and the like. Maybe some new armors, and such, but no real added content proper. And since I find vanilla combat dreadfully slow, and vanilla Destruction magic utterly, hilariously useless unless you like staggerlocking everything you come across for several minutes, I'm looking for something to change that, and add some depth to the system as a whole. As such, I came across SkyRe and Requiem early on. Requiem leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth; while I like a lot of its ideas, it strikes me as overly punishing. SkyRe is closer to what I'm looking for, but it seems rather inflexible, and incompatible with many other mods. The other option I'm looking into is the ACE system. It's nice and modular, but it doesn't seem to change certain aspects, specifically perk trees, as significantly as I'd like. At any rate. Hopefully that made sense, and I'll appreciate any advice the community has to give. Thanks!
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