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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. Yes, it did go a bit off topic >_> I was going to post on those forums but posted here instead xD


    In my opinion parents have all the fault that their kids "get their litte minds twisted by the wrath of Satan" ... Oblivion, as many others games are MATURE rated... By that, I do think they are meant to be played by mature people, who are less likely to become influenced by games... So what if a games promotes those kinds of things, explicitly or not? It's the person's mind that has a problem, not the game =p

    Maybe we should start brining proof that we are mentaly healthy when buying a violent game of some sort :3

  2. If I had patience for it... XD


    I do have a few mods for roleplaying ready to install... And I'd love to do some sort of graphical story, but it's a bit of time consuming and I just can't play the game without having fun xD (And my english writting skills suck... D: )


    But usually I camp when I need to sleep, bring a sack with food for those eating and drinking needs mods :P. I write on my player's diary... I might get that bathing mod o_O

  3. "Game don't kill people, guns do..." And even when you can buy a gun just right around the corner, people still fail to see why they have so much killing in america... There are a lot of videos on youtube that show little kids shooting huting rifles, or other weapons, with their parents or relatives. Killing for fun? Animals are living being just like us ugh... D:

    Why in hell would you let kids play with guns?

  4. You missed an "r" in there :P


    Anyways, I did google for it, and it turned out that emporer is wrongly spelled. (At least from what I researched :P). I have no idea why I hate to see emperor spelled that way -_-"

  5. Seriously... I'd surelly love to know why a lot of people spell EmpOrer instead of Emperor! :wallbash:


    Any kind soul* can tell me if it's correct? :3



    Edit*: Caught me :D Or perhaps not... I meant soul in the first place >_>

  6. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear. But what I wanted was just what you said. Of course I will leave existing metro stations untouched xD Maybe in a late phase of the mod the stations would be replaced after you cleaned up the station yourself (in-game)
  7. Uh... Now someone might answer my question :3


    I've downloaded this mod a while ago, but I had to clean up my HDD and couldn't make a backup of the mods.

    I know it uses echo's scope textures, and you can change between them in-game through a menu (using FOSE), and it had the C key binded to stop the wobbling for a few seconds. Does anyone know the name of the mod? I've searched it with all the keywords I could remember that could fit, but it didnt turn out with what I wanted :/

    It also adds the option of chaging between several ammo types, and you have to clean the scope from time to time, otherwise it gets dusty and makes it hard to aim



    Thanks in advance thumbsup.gif


    And no, It wasen't a dream... It seems the mod simply ceased to exist >:(

  8. Well, I don't think we can use Cloverfield due to legal issues... (Yes, it was a nice movie :P )


    You do realize that making a new metro sation from scratch would be hard as hell... D: The more we can use from the game, the better :P And about the deletion of npcs, if you check out the GECK, it's really easy to do that. You such select every NPC and monster in the area (there is a list with and the static objects, lights and npcs) and press delete! And voilá, you've got a tidy metro station :P

  9. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in modding a railway system on Fallout 3 as a mean of transportation. Now isn't that a wonderfull idea? *cough**cough*. I've seen GTS, and that motorcicle mod from valhalla and it wouldn't hurt much to have diferent transports :happy:

    The wasteland geography might make the job a little hard, but heck... It would be awesome to travel around the wasteland in real time and fend off any raider attacks on the trains 8D


    be careful, GTS doesn't like competition. they are german, and they do everything perfect.


    That was never my intention :D And of course, I cannot compare myself to their greatness XD



    Now that BS is out, couldn't something be done with that train from the quest? the one that takes you to Adams AF base? i'm gonna mess around with this i think. Great idea.


    Well, I've been thinking of that... But since BS is not availiable to anyone (I bought it though) that wouln'd be wise, right? At least from what I see from the comments about the DLC not many people are going to buy it until all those patch related problems are solved :/ Why not make a poll? :D


    Underground trains vs. BS Trains :P



    for the videos, why not use underground train tunnels, then we wouldn't have to worry about the day/ night cycle, huh?rite? whos with me? ^^


    I'm with you! And I can even do the video myself... Or... Not >_> Well, I used the underground everyday to go to university, but classes are over now, so... :pinch:

  10. For the movies it's just the trouble of googling for something that fits :D


    @ twilightblade:

    There is no need to make doors connected to the exterior cells to have opening/closing animations. There won't be moving animations...



    The things we'll be needing are:


    - Event scripts

    - Train Interiors (maybe several compartiments?)

    - Re-use, or if really needed, the creation of new textures.

    - Videos to give the player the feeling that he really is inside a moving train

    - Sounds! (Yes... More immersion? D: )



    As for the stations... Surface platforms or underground ones? If they were underground we should only need the remodeling of some metro stations. Taking out all the rubble, adding NPCs, etc...

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