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Posts posted by Yoshh

  1. It's sad to see that many people are disliking Steam for the same reasons you've exposed in your thread. In my case, I have never had any problems whatsoever with Steam games, and my downloading speeds are usually around 3 MB/s. Instead of blaming Steam, try to think outside the box and see that there are a lot more factors contributing to your problem. Not trying to sound like a zealot or something, but the Steam platform is really quite good! Portability, seamless integration with an increasing ammount of games, and heck... Mid Week Madness. You can get awesome deals for a lot of games :thumbsup:
  2. Who isn't going to be wearing helmets though? Very, very small minority...why work on something that hardly matters.


    Mages? :facepalm: **add some random text here so it isn't considered spam**

  3. It's probably a tie between Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire and Syndicate: American Revolt.


    I second that. Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire was just stuppidly difficult. It was surely an amazing feat to beat it without heavy casualties. :ohdear:

  4. Wouldn't be that hard to make underwear out of some random cloth.


    The History of Underwear


    And a random excerpt:


    "... its earliest form was simply a loincloth, the first ever worn by humans. Infact, in most of the ancient civilizations, the loin cloth was the only undergarment worn (...) The first was simply a long strip of clot, which was passed between the legs and then tied around the waist (...) Such loincloths were made of leather are even proved to have been prevalent 7000 years back..."

  5. I voted no.


    To be honest, I don't really understand why this poll was made, or more precisely, the path this conversation has taken. You'd suppose they had all of the modeling work done 6 months before releasing the game, so asking if it should, or should not have instead of perma-underwear won't really matter. Don't misunderstand my statement though, I don't mind at all about the presence of nakedness, but I'm more worried about gameplay itself. As Vindekarr said, and I totally agree, most people here seem to be having a "battle of taste". Our awesome modding community exists because of that, but not only, so that they can provide us with that they enjoy creating, and we love making use of :dance:

  6. Having them as DLCs would still be the same. Just because someone decided to spend more money, doesn't mean they should have the edge.


    But its not an 'edge' really. Its not exactly a smartgun from AvP that just locks onto you as long as you are pointing in their vague direction (unless you are playing on a console).

    The gun is only as good as the player behind it.


    It can turn the tide of a whole game. 'nuff said.

  7. @jim_uk It didn't resize your iPad's screenshot either, so yeah... :P



    I had read about the "Back to Karkand" thing, and was thinking about Pre-Ordering the game. I'm pretty sure they said they'd be releasing that later, as a DLC.

    But having seen your thread, I searched the webs with trusty ol' Google and found about the issue too. I too, have the same opinion as you, regarding the access to the content. I was kinda meh with the Karkand part, but now they have items too? It's outrageous :down:


    Not sure about the boycott happening though. The game seems to good not to buy it, and people will eventually do it... If EA keep screwing up games like this, I hope it'll be their demise.

  8. Seeing as Oblivion uses the same engine its possible


    Not really. The base engine was modified for each game. Even though Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas spawned from the same engine, they have differences. Check this link

    Now... If you check the titles that were developed with the Gameryo engine, you'll notice they obviously span quite a big game genre. And they do not look alike at all. There are some hardcoded functions that cannot be accessed with SDKs. So, to answer your question... It *might* be possible, but unlikely. Havok can also be a bit quirky when it comes to collision detection. While the mods showcasing vehicles are indeed a piece of marvelous work, they're far from perfect.

  9. first off: not a forced steam game (tends to laag games, restrict)

    Since when? I never had problems with Steam. Surely there's something else comming into play there.




    As for this BC2 vs. MW2 battle. Having played both, I'd say they're both pretty nice games. I wouldn't compare them, because gameplay is clearly different. Depending on how you enjoy playing, you'll like one better than the other. Having said that, you'll probably notice their communities are somewhat different. That should also be taken into account.


    PS: Fanboys are NEVER, ever the kind of person you should ask an opinion from. They'll probably say that the other game should have never existed :ohdear:

  10. The Ads won't play for me, and I'm not even using ad-blockers. (Actually, I have no idea why this happens :ohdear:) Even if I had to, one should just bear with them. The Nexus staff managed to create and manage such a useful network of websites, so, in my own honest opinion, the ads are a pretty low price to pay. If you can't stand them, don't download :)



    PS: The lifetime premium package sure sounds nice :3

  11. Thought about making a thread so you can add people from the Nexus as friends on BC2 . Post your nicknames, and I'll update the list as frequently as I can :3 (As for which version, just say which. And I'll make the 3 lists .


    • Yoshio
    • antonkr
    • DreamKrusher

  12. After installing my mod list again, there's this weird thing happening. Any NPC with a semi-auto weapon shoots it crazy fast, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that in Vanilla. Here goes my load order:



    Advanced Recon Tech.esm

    New Vegas Redesigned.esm

    Weapon Mod Expansion.esm


    Primary Needs HUD.esm

    Compiled Patch.esp



    Kobu's New Game Quick Start and Better Rebuild.esp

    Lore version.esp



    XFO - 7a - UnMSG - Empty.esp

    XFO - 7b - UnMSG - Karma (Incl Sounds).esp

    XFO - 7c - UnMSG - Sneak Status.esp

    XFO - 8a - Cripple & Body Part Revamp.esp

    XFO - 8d - Gore Changes.esp

    Improved Sound FX.esp

    Improved Sound FX - Gunshot Distance Tweak.esp

    Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp

    Better Casinos.esp



    Advanced Recon Gear.esp

    Advanced Recon Tech.esp

    better that gun 223.esp

    Shotgun Commando.esp

    Brotherhood Armor.esp



    Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

    ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esp

    LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp

    ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp

    ELECTRO-CITY - Emittance.esp

    ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esp

    Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

    WME - 00 Commando.esp

    WME - that gun 223.esp


    WME - RH Ironsights.esp

    Receding Hairstyle.esp

    NCR - New Uniforms.esp

    MGS enemy found.esp

    Raul Concept art (looloo request).esp

    Silus (Vcat request).esp

    Red Lucy cold personality version.esp

    Red Lucy Aesthetics (Knobody13 request).esp






    Any ideas on what could be doing this? I've been told before it had to do with a mod altering weapon stats

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