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Everything posted by NDDragor

  1. Thank you. I thought that its the default water height but I had no idea that I can change it in every cell.
  2. There is this small stream that goes through the camp and I was wondering how they made it because when I checked the cell in the Geck I wasn't able to find any placeable water like the HooverDamBaseWater01 or the NVCleanWater1x402 in the cell view. So i thought that its the normal water height but that cant be because the camp is above the wastelandNV default water height. I would really like to know how they got that water in that camp because I have a similar place in my mod and Its above the default water height of my worldspace and all placeable waters just don't look good but the water that is in Camp Forlorn Hope looks really fitting.
  3. Thnx it was the aggro radius fault. It was ticked and set to 1350 because I copied the stats from another turret so I tried unticked it and now it works like it should.
  4. I have placed a ceiling turret in my interior and next to him an NPC. Both of them are in the same faction and that faction is neutral towards the player. It works for the NPC but the turret is hostile towards me and as soon as I enter the interior its attacking me and turns the whole faction hostile towards me. The interior belongs to nobody, the turrets aggression is set to unaggressive and the only faction the turrets in is the faction of the NPC. I cant think of anything else that could turn this turret hostile towards me. Any ideas whats wrong?
  5. Thanks a lot! This worked perfectly and was really easy.
  6. I have made a checkpoint in my mod and it has many big searchlights which are lighting up the area around. It looks really good at night but during the day the lights make the place too bright and it looks really bad. So what I wanna know is if there is a way to make the lights in that area turn themselves on each evening and turn off each morning so that they would lighten up the place only at night when its dark. I think it could be done with a script like at some interiors where all lights turn on after you use a lever.
  7. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079, #24752334, #24752454, #24753799, #24754219, #24754259, #24754609, #24754739, #24754979, #24755419, #24755704, #24755774, #24755999, #24756039, #24756394, #24756489, #24756599, #24756669, #24756944, #24757404, #24757709, #24757794 are all replies on the same post. In my opinion its laziness or just not understanding what the endorsement button means. Many people think that it wont change anything if the endorse or leave a comment but I recently uploaded my first mod and for me each endorsment or feedback which my mod gets is a signal that people are liking my mod and that I should keep up my work. Plus all feedbacks (negative and positive) are helping me to work on my mod. I wont say that I am always leaving a comment or endorsing a file but I really try to make the authors understand that their mods are good if I enjoyed them or point out bugs and issues if there were some. I have played 34 mods until now and endorsed 26 of them. And I have to agree with others about not endorsing downloaded mods because I haven't tried them. Right now I have 45 mods on my list which I have to play. Well... to make it short. You wont overstrain yourself by clicking on the endorsement button or writing a small comment and the author will most likely appreciate your feedback.
  8. In response to post #24566064. #24566309, #24566609 are all replies on the same post. I am shocked like most of us here and I know that nobody can know how this will end but I hope that it wont affect older games like Fallout New Vegas or Oblivion or the whole Nexus community.
  9. I don't know much about the agreements and conditions but there shouldn't be an problems with free mods staying on Nexus or is it not that simple?
  10. There are many great mods for Skyrim but I would never pay for them because I have already payed for the Main game and the DLCs and free mods were a part of it. The ones responsible for this just saw that some mods are really popular and smelled the money which they could get from them so they made this. I don't know how this will end but I hope that most mods will remain free and that it wont destroy the modding community.
  11. Crap just checked another guide and it said that the minimum land height must be 13000 to avoid the invisible water bug. The guide I used earlier said something about 10000. Now I have spent more then 3 months on my mod and have heavily edited the landscape so changing the land height will most likely result in errors... So new problem --> Does somebody know if its even possible to change the land height from 10k to 13k with a heavily edited landscape and many placed objects, markers and triggers?
  12. I have the common problem that water in my worldspace (drylands) is showing up in Geck however in the game it is invisible, but its there because I can hear the noise and get radiation. Everything with my water level height and the waternoise textures is ok because I checked it several times, so it must be something else I have done wrong. I know that there was a good guide about fixing this but I cant find it so If somebody knows what to do or has a useful link I would be grateful.
  13. Alright thanks for the information. I think I just take the Lakelurks that are from Fallout New Vegas instead.
  14. Okey, but the creatures are already in the fallout NV Geck with everything they need to work properly, except the correct textures. So is there another way to give them the missing textures without importing from Fallout 3?
  15. Hi, whenever I place Mirelurks or Troggs in my Fallout NV Geck they have random textures , same in game. I searched for the textures in the Fallout 3 folder and extracted them in my FNV directory but that didn't worked. I have imported static objects from Fallout 3 into NV and that worked, but I haven't done it with creatures. Does somebody knows how to properly make Mirelurks or Troggs work, with correct textures in Fallout NV?
  16. He already has the package and is lying on the bed but only after i use the "wait" option in my game, but I want him to lie on the bed as soon as I enter the worldspace.
  17. So I made an injured NPC who is supposed to sleep on his bed. But whenever I enter my worldspace he is just standing next to it. You cant speak to him and interact with him so the coma is working but he isn't lying on his bed. However when I wait somewhere in my worldspace and go back to him, then he is lying on his bed. Thats my script: Scriptname 999NCRfeComascript begin onactivate end begin onload setunconscious 1 end Anything wrong in the script or why wont he lie on his bed when I enter the worldspace for the first time?
  18. Thnx this helped. Found something in the original cell that was connected to a script that enables a Fiend ambush. Deleted it and now they dont show up.
  19. This happens when you forget to give a name to your interior I just checked this. The interior has a name. And the autosave which is made when I first enter the interior is working. Only the second one is always broken. Thats the one when the fiends spawn.
  20. I have tried everything. deleted the NPC and all markers and furniture. Set the Room Owner to Player and other NPCs and deleted all items. But the Fiends still spawn each time when I enter the interior for the second time. If I wait in the interior they wont spawn. And the save autosave that is beeing made when i enter the interior for the second time always is broken. If I load it again the game crashes. So now the interior is completely empty but they still spawn...
  21. I have a really weird problem in my mod. I made an NPC and placed it into my interior. When I enter the interior for the first time I can talk to him and nothing happens but when I leave the interior and reenter 11 Fiends have spawned next to him and attack him. I just cant find the cause for this. There is one floorsit marker and one makeshift bad in that interior. I didnt copied both of them I placed them like every normal marker in my interior. My NPC wasnt copied as well I created a new one so I there isnt anything in that interior that is somehow linked to the fiends or fiend packages. That NPC is taking part in one of my quests and that quest isnt connected to anything Fiend like aswell. Anyone know what could cause this?
  22. I have a quest stage in my quest that requires the player to find 2 exact the same unique items. I have made a working Quest where the player has to get only one unique item. But now that I want him to get 2 items I am having problems. I added this script to the unique item and placed it twice in my interior. SCN AAQuest1s3Script Begin OnAdd Player If GetStage AAQuest1 ==30 SetStage AAQuest1 40Endif END And I targeted both items in target ref at my quests objective but when I start this quest stage in game it only shows one of the items as my goal. And when I pick up the item it still shows me the same spot in the map where the first item was. I also added GetItemCount myuniqueitem ==2 but that did nothing. I think that I have to add something to my script. So that it tells the player that he has to pick up 2 items at 2 different places. Anyone know what I should add to my script?
  23. Reinstall the Mod Manager and then make him search again for games. And you have to make sure that the Fallout New Vegas folder is not set to read only. If its read only the Mod Manager wont recognize it. Thats the only possibility I can think of why it cant find your Falloutnv.esm
  24. Thnx for the information. I wasnt aware of this. But will everything work again if I undo the changes that I made in these lists?
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