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Everything posted by Novem99

  1. Tamriel Reloaded has a lot of bad textures.
  2. Could be textures\architecture\whiterun\WRSlate01.dds Skyland Whiterun has a good retexture of this.
  3. You can do this easily by yourself for yourself: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13286
  4. I have a GTX 1070ti and use tons of 4k/2k texture mods along with True Vision ENB and I usually get something between 40 and 60 fps. But notice this only work as long as you don't plan on playing on a 4k monitor.
  5. ...in einem englischsprachigen Forum Anfragen auf englisch stellen.
  6. If YOU have the modeling/texturing skills...sure!
  7. Did you convert the meshes manually or via SSE Nif Optimizer?
  8. You can do this pretty easily by yourself. Convert the meshes with this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089 Open the .esp with the old Creation Kit, save it and it should work.
  9. You also have to do set it up properly in the .nif file of the weapon. If you do a little research on the internet and here on the forum you get lots of results how to do this.
  10. You might have more luck in the proper section of this forum.
  11. Maybe the INV record in the mesh is missing. If you upload it I can take a look at it.
  12. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60001
  13. Maybe a Batman game is the better solution for you.
  14. Converting meshes back to Oldrim works with the aforementioned CAO or with SSE Nif Optimizer. Mostly you don't even have to convert the textures back. Only if they are saved with BC7 compression you have to do this with tools like CAO. I also converted a lot of weapons and armor mods that come with an .esp. All you have to do is open the .esp with the Creation Kit and save it. But as far as I know this will only work with .esps that don't contain any scripts. This Dracula "armor" can be converted within 5 minutes.
  15. How many threads do you plan to start for the same request (that by the way never will be made)? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8682038-new-weapon/&do=findComment&comment=80535678
  16. Exactly. A big 2hand sword like the Ice Blade of the Monarch is the last thing that would fit on a necromancer.
  17. I'm sorry for your loss. It would be a nightmare for me. Is professional data recovering something you can consider? I know it can be expensive but I would do it.
  18. Offering money for making mods is forbidden here on Nexus.
  19. If you're playing the Special Edition then you might better look for help in the forum for the Special Edition. This here is the Oldrim section.
  20. That's indeed strange. Every other setting seems default. Sorry I can't help you with that. I would have guessed that it might be some mod that messed this up. What mods do you load into the Creation Kit (not your load order)?
  21. I just tried it in the Creation Kit and I can edit the sound as usual. Can you post a screenshot?
  22. That depends on the type of mods but is generally not recommendable. You can do this with most weapon, armor, NPC mods but you shouldn't do this with all the bigger quest mods or mods that changes cells and the worldspace.
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