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Everything posted by Novem99

  1. You can do this easily by yourself: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2572
  2. 1. Skywind and Skyblivion are far away from being released. 2. There will be no chance that these mods will work on consoles.
  3. Offering payment for making mods is generally forbidden according to the Nexus rules. So you better edit this before a moderator comes in.
  4. The texture you are looking for is wrwoodplanks01. And if you change this you also change some other places in Whiterun (i.e. the counter of the market stalls). Retextures of this item can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21423 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/607 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26269 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87417
  5. You obviously don't have a proper ground model. I'm not sure if you can adjust the position just with the NiTriShapes in Nifskope without a real ground model. If you send me the file I could take a look at it.
  6. Not that hard to port most mods from Oldrim to Skyrim SE yourself. Just need the SSE CK & SSE NIF Optimizer... Good luck with all kind of mods that use scripts!
  7. Yes it works as well for Oldrim.
  8. It's already in the making: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/2531318?tab=user+images
  9. But we do all agree that lightsabers aren't that lore friendly?
  10. Regarding that it only came to your mind to directly contact the mod author AFTER my pointless bullshit I gladly accept your expression of gratitude.
  11. I'm starting to understand why you don't get any response...good luck and bye!
  12. The armor looks nice. Could you tell me please where it is from?
  13. To give you the advice you want I would have to do exactly the kind of time-consuming and troublesome work by myself that you said you won't waste your time for. Unless Pfuscher himself won't give an advice it would take countless hours to compare all these mods with each other and and arrange a proper install order. I cannot give you any other advice so I'm out.
  14. It's nearly impossible to answer your question because when it comes to texture mods there simply doesn't exist something like "do this for the best results". Textures are always a matter of taste. So you won't come around to test them by yourself and decide what textures you prefer. Pretty laborious thing by the way. I know this modder and I really appreciate his work. But yes his work flow can be a little bit "volatile". He often retexures the same thing more than once. Most of his older mods for LE will work for SE and vice versa. BUT his newer textures that were released for the SE have a compression format that only works for the SE. Good luck!
  15. You can try to port this by yourself: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089
  16. Also meine Glückwünsche! Das sieht wirklich von mal zu mal besser aus. Hast du ne Vorstellung, wieviele Stunden du insgesamt daran gesessen hast?
  17. There's no point in adding new requests when your old requests didn't get a single response.
  18. Yes it is possible. High Poly Project is pretty easy to backport since the SSE Nif Optimizer has a feature to convert meshes that were made for the Special Edition back to Oldrim. So weapons/armor/graphic mods should make no problem. It doesn't matter if these mods com with an .esp or .esl as long as they don't contain any scripts. Special Edition mods with scripts cannot be backported without much effort. That's why we probably won't see any Oldrim port of SE quest mods. This someone obviously has nothing but superficial knowledge.
  19. No you are not the only one. But unfortunately we are outnumbered.
  20. Da die meisten Modder hier jedoch kein Deutsch können, werden deine Danksagungen leider ungehört bleiben.
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