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Everything posted by Frodric

  1. The maker of Spearmens Delight ( https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/404 ) has been thinking about this but its likely very hard to do.
  2. Try checking to see if an updated version is out for it, there was a new mod directory added.
  3. Disregard. I just got tired of it and dropped WSE entirely.
  4. So having returned to FO4 after a year or so away I have found that WSE has swelled a great deal. And frankly has incorporated some things into its base I don't want in my game, not a big deal if I don't craft them but I don't want them everywhere in the commonwealth either. Can I just edit the levelled list to remove them entirely from the drops or will thats cause the mod to become unstable?
  5. Anyone have any idea if it's even possible?
  6. Folks I'm having a bear of a time with this version of Nighteye in Skyrim. First it gives me a serious sense of nausea after moving thru a n area in stealth mode. Second, using it for any length of time triggers some light sensitive migraines I'm prone to and according to my doctor is a possibly a pre-Petite Mal seizure warning. I really need the light in it turned down but most of all the motion blur/tunnel vision has to go away. Any hope for this outside of the Creation Kit?
  7. It's real, it's a side quest in solitude.
  8. I have yet to test "moveto" "setav" and "modav" But "tcl" "Kill" "Resurrect" "additem" and "Removeitem" do forsure work. Although Huge Warning! Don't Resurrect a Dragon thinking you can kill it to absorb it's soul twice. The Dragon becomes invincible and You will have to re-load Your last save. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I also still have no clue whether or not coc works or not, I don't know if it's just my computer or what. has anyone heard anything? I tried SetAV to increase my carry capacity at at the next Level Up it was reset to original specs..... :wallbash: Try player.modav carryweight xxxxx as it is simply added to whatever the game calculates is the carryweight
  9. Dark0ne, The bright yellow bar and round buttons really could use a change. To just about anything else really, they are eye scarification bad. The rest looks pretty good.
  10. Uncheck the mod in question, enter game, move indoors, make a new save. Logout and restart the game using the new save, check firing rate.
  11. Magazine is too large drop it to 25, this should curb DPS a bit. Will also reduce weapon decay a bit as well.
  12. Its not on Nexus but you can find it here Skrees BF2142 V0.19a
  13. Ok this is a classic issue of not going 1 extra step, something the software doesn't do during an uninstall. Uninstall everything 1 more time. Go to the steamapps/common/fallout 3 Dir (may differ on your system.) and delete Fallout3 and all sub folders. You will have to reinstall FOMM and Wrye etc this way. Go to your user files and delete any Fallout folders and saves you have(Check My Documents or My Games depending on OS). Restart your PC, reinstall. You may need to uninstall FOMM Wrye etc first then Fallout 3 then remove the remaining folders.
  14. Forums ok I have it set to white already. Issue comes in if I check NVnexus or TESnexus for updates. The sites themselves are a bit of a pain via mobile due to setup.
  15. So you are saying that you are unable to browse to the proper directory, select the launcher and double click same? It seems that you should be able to do so if FOMM can run the game.
  16. Does the Nexus have a mobile app for browsing its sites via Android phones? While I can use the forums fairly well on Android without using Tapatalk or similar software, the sites themselves can be kind of brutal to check via Mobile. Is there a Mobile alt site with less pics and other bandwidth crushers or an app that presents a simpler format?
  17. Mine conflicted so bad I had to purge FNV and start over from scratch. Waiting for the new test materials.
  18. Use WryeFlash and build a merge patch, then let it auto deactivate mods that its merged.
  19. Ok I guess you posted without reading through, NVSE is patching to teh new Fallout NV version, thus until patched by the team which develops NVSE you have to wait. Should be late tonight or tomorrow if we are lucky.
  20. Steam patched Fallout today, NVSE out of date till it patches to new version.
  21. Ok People be aware that FALLOUT PATCHED TODAY. Thus NVSE is no longer current and won't work reliably until they ptach to the new fallout version.
  22. For a fun change of pace I'm running an energy and explosives based game with the I am Robot mod. Might grab a plasma sword or such for melee. Though the ripper chain saw and autoaxes might be mechanical enough.
  23. I just sent in a report on 4GB Fallout New Vegas that is totally wrong. Well, not all of it but blown out of proportion due to issues with the new patch and false impressions. Kindly trash cab the report.
  24. @brigand Yeah I was testing an Ahztec replacer for a bit and had a weapon in inventory from it and didn't pull it when I uninstalled. Crash city. @rhystel It works just fine.
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