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Everything posted by Zzyxzz

  1. You were inside your power armor, when you were updating. It said on the description page: Exit your power armor before updating. You have to install the version you used before and revert back to the save, where you used it(it may work on the existing save). I did several tests on that. It only happens when you don't follow the instructions
  2. Hello, i worked my way through a lot of game settings, but i can't find any variables like fAimProjectileRandomOffset(from Skyrim). Is there a way to modify the accuracy of all NPC in the game without modifying perks? There is a entrypoint to modify the Cone-of-Fire Mult, as there are perks that improve the aim for specific NPCs. But that would be too much work and may break other mods.
  3. I read: 8200 People have insulted the last build im lying on my table laughing.
  4. I know this thread is more than old. But for everyone out there, who also got this problem. This is caused by: too much Frames Per Second(FPS)! Yes, you read right! You have too much frames.That's also why it works with fraps. because fraps reduces the frames to 30 i guess while capturing. Its a problem with the engine. I had the same problem. When running with more than 80 frames you get those little glitches. So what to do now? Answer: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6143/? Had this problem now for some days... and this night it jumped into my face. No Fraps = Bugs; Fraps = No Bugs. So dont play Skyrim with more than 80 frames, otherwise Tamriel will go wild A nice video showing skyrim with 250 frames:
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