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Everything posted by Zzyxzz

  1. Even when they have extinct, its possible, that the institute developed horse synths, that shoots laserbeams from their eyes and have jetpack hooves. And they don't eat carrots, they "eat" fusion cores.
  2. i'm running Fallout 4 with the creation kit @8GB Ram and its totally fine. 16GB is not necessary.
  3. Because you have a Playstation 4 and those mods like Place Everywhere dont work there.
  4. "For instance; A melee attacker is going to try to work around to your blind side or dodge gunfire until they are close enough to attack." Companions do not act different from other A.Is, you 'expect' them to act different, in certain situations. Other A.Is would act the same way. There are combat behavior settings, where you can set the defense and offensive behavior but in general its equally tweaked. The AIs is not intelligent and can't use tactics in certain situations, they will just randomly use defined routines, like flanking and fallback. They don't do that because its a good situation for that. Companions behave different from raiders and such, because they stay at your side and don't walk away. Otherwise you have to search your companion all the time. "Where did he now go!? *sigh*", moments would happen a lot. They run and reposition sometimes, like other AIs do, but they won't use super intelligent tactics.
  5. When i started modding, "offcially", which means, actually releasing mods to the public, that was with the release of Fallout 4, before the creation kit was out. I didn't do it for the "fame" or such. I did it, because i was unhappy with the game itself and wanted make it BETTER! You'll never get happy, when you do it only for endorsements or donations. They are a nice side-effect but not something you should focus on. When someone would ask me, how i would rate the success of my mod, i would say for me 9/10, as it makes me happy, what i've done, when i play / test new features that haven't been in the game and i always find things which i can improve. Its a real passion. I didn't care that my mods had little to no attention in the beginning, i just did what i love. Meh. I mean, I respect you and your work, and I agree with you wholeheartedly on gamer equality and all, but still: meh. My wife is pretty much a dedicated console girl. I don't knock her tastes, she doesn't knock mine, but we both know they aren't the same. But I can tell you for an absolute fact that console players and PC players are very, very different animals. Not saying that there isn't a certain degree of crossover between the worlds, of course. I could care less about Beth.net. They lost me when they and Valve tried and failed to turn modding into a monetized social media platform, and if Nexus shut down tomorrow, I'd move on to modding a different game. I have no interest in jumping through the Beth (and MS, and Sony) hoops just to help Bethesda gain console market share. That's their problem. Call that a separate but equal position if you want, but until console players have the same power to write and release their own mods without going through the PC platform first (basically defeating the whole purpose of console gaming), that's how it's going to play out. Off topic + rant: I played a lot with consoles. I grew up with them. Many console gamers unmatured. I really don't know why... there is a lot of hate to and also from PC gamers to console players. Its not possible, that there will be a creation kit for consoles. This will probably never happen. Yes, PC and Console gamers are very different indeed. Its for them acceptable to play Fallout with 15 FPS. For a gamer like me its unthinkable. I love to play with consoles, but the consoles nowadays suck, really hard. Many games can't even run at 30 FPS. Thats why i didnt buy an Xbox One or Playstation 4. I played at a friend of mine with his Playstation 4, Bloodborne. Really good game, BUT seriously... you fight a boss and you hit the 5 frames and die, because you cant do anything. Fallout 4 runs really bad on consoles, it's really not a console game. Even without mods it struggles a lot. Bethesda screwed this up, big time. It's the console gamers fault, that they get so shitty consoles, because they buy them. I would never support that. But i still have an Xbox One controller for windows, because they are awesome. I love to switch to my controller, when i start building in my settlement, as its very cool to play with controller.
  6. Hello and welcome to Fallout 4 modding! Fallout is "very" different from Skyrim. Yes, there are pre-combined meshes and they are pain. Real pain. It's easy to break them and may create a huge FPS loss. But don't worry, it's not that hard. You can also check with FO4Edit if you broke the pre-combined meshes and restore them. When you get started, you really shouldn't touch the Boston city. It's very easy to break this town, as there are a lot of pre combined meshes. What are pre-combined meshes? As the name says, it combines meshes. Example: You have a tree, a barrel and a concrete block. 3 objects. Now they have been turned into a pre-combined mesh, which means, they are one. If you now create a new tree mesh and add it to the game. The tree will still have the same old tree mesh, as the old mesh is precombined with the other two items. You can break that, behavior by moving one of the 3 objects. If you move the barrel a little bit(or any other object of the 3 objects that are combined), precombined meshes are disabled and the tree will show the new model, BUT precombined meshes are now disabled, for the whole cell! Not only for the 3 objects. This happens, when you move an object that is precombined. When you move a tree that is not precombined, then pre-combined meshes will not be disabled. But you can't see what is pre-combined in the creation kit, its not marked. As a rule of thumb: 1. Touching Boston city is always bad. You really should avoid that. 2. Moving and deleting existing objects have a risk to disable precombined-meshes. Ask yourself: Do i really need to move/delete a specific object? 3. "Trash" items are nearly always precombined, as Bethesda placed a ton of them, specially in Boston and will cause major FPS drop, when precombined is disabled. 4. Modifying places, outside of cities are most of the time fine, even when you disable precombined meshes, you won't have any drops in FPS. As they don't have many objects. 5. Adding / placing objects is fine and won't cause issues. 6. After wrapping up your mod, check with FO4Edit, if the precombined meshes were hurt and when you did so, restore them with FO4Edit, by simply dragging them into your ESP.
  7. You can also try this mod to reduce that effect by a lot. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23389/?
  8. Buy an SSD, the only solution, of you are using a lot of textures.
  9. Are you using Scrap Everything? Or in general, post your mod list.
  10. you already know where to start your search Congratulations, you are no help whatsoever. I'm having exactly the same problem. I am 100% sure it's related to some mod I just recently downloaded. I'll report back to this thread if I figure out what mod(s) are causing this problem. His answer is fine. No informations are given. No mod list / mods that are installed. This is mod related, as it works in the vanilla game, flawless. No information, no help. Edit: This is also the wrong forum. This belongs to Mod troubleshooting, not tech issues.
  11. I stored my Fallout4 on my SSD+Mod, except for the Downloads, they are saved on my HDD. Check on a reguarly base your SSD health and its fine. Reading does not damage yor SSD, only write operations. If you are playing games only and ur saves get saved on your HDD it should last forever. And most important, it will resolve the low texture, weapon change delay and greatly reduce loadscreens. I only bought an SSD because of Fallout4 lol. But it works.
  12. No, you can't change it. You can tweak it, but thats all. Formulas are hardcoded, only their variables can be tweaked. Same goes for health calcs
  13. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_Resistance To make things clear, this is used for Projectiles. There are a lot of things that influence the formula, like perks and such... but in general its this: ((Damage/DamageResistance)^0.365)*0,5 Edit: Corrected Forumula and added some more words
  14. If you dont want your Companions to be healed fully to 100%, you have to alter the stimpack magic effect that heals them.
  15. You probably want to check out my mod series, which is all about realism and so far offers, probably, the best realistic combat experience.
  16. How do i add something to the work with a script? Does someone can give a small example for that? Like placing a 10mm weapon onto the road after the sanctuary bridge or on a desk / under the desk
  17. Got the same "issue". But i think its normal/ related to vanilla
  18. Try adaptive vsync, pre rendered frames 2 and borderless Window
  19. This is interessting, do you have a link for that? Where people tested it? I've looked it up and couldnt find anything related. I'm using this option also and suffer from microstutters. i "fixed" them with pre rendered frames 2 and adaptive vsync. It runs very smooth now, but still interessted.
  20. Using and running tools, does not solve problems. They help but you still need to know what you install and what it does edit. If you run so many mods and only use loot to verfiy everything is "correct" you can expect such problems. Installing many mods at the same time is never a good idea. Install 2-3 mods test them see if they make problems and then continue. Normally you find out while what latest mods you installed cause issues. If you have deleted mods from your save, this could be also the issue. Start a new game, check again. When the problem still exists, reinstall everything one by one and test it ingame. Edit: Fallout 4's engine is a bug itself. Skyrim was way more stable than this. Fallout 4 is known to slaugther beast Rigs
  21. wornhaskeyword is the way to go when you check for object modification keywords. It will not work with haskeyword. Remember that when you try that, saves a lot of pain
  22. It could be possible with a script. Its not possible to prevent damage before it. But with a script you could check what hit the target and let it regen that amount of damage. When the script gets applied to an enemy check how much health he has and save that value. Subscribe to the onHit event and check the projectile. If its .38 compare saved health and current health and add the missing amount to current health. This is the only way i can think of
  23. You have may a mod that adds or needs bUseCombineObjects=0 this can cause such issues.
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