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Everything posted by Zzyxzz

  1. Something you can try, go to a load door and open your console and type pcb Then go through the door and see how long it takes.
  2. true. Its totally not worth it. Its better to use http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3747/? Quality is much better. the HighResDLC is an overkill
  3. Bethesda explicitly forbids mod authors from using Patreon or Kickstarter (source). That being said, it's not the point. The point is that the percentage of downloads to donations is absolutely terrible and always has been. Well... i think there is a grey area with that. Its the same with donations. As long as your patreon is "unrelated" to your projects, its fine. Example would be with Patreon: AwesomeModder5001's Patreon Page: Hey guys! Its me! AwesomeModder5001! Support my mod development and get the following extras: Pay $1 you get: Beta mod access Pay $5 you get: Alpha mod access Pay $10 you get: Add your own ideas to the mod ----------------------------------------------- This would bring you definitely problems. _______________________________________ But if you have a Patreon page like: JonnyImba's Patreon Page: Hey my name is JonnyImba. I'm the most beautiful person you have ever met and a mod-maker. I also have a youtube channel, where i tell you the what the reason of life is (Spoiler: There is none.) Pay $1 you get: Get a shirt with my name! (I also wear it for some hours if you want.) Pay $5 you get: Get an awesome signed salt bucket, with salt for your whole life! Pay $50 you get: Get a Skype-Call with Me and tell me what makes you cry! -------------------------------------------------------- Should be totally fine.
  4. I've been a mod author for over a decade and in that time I've received probably 5 donations total, for a grand total of $20 USD. My mods have been downloaded roughly 249,730 times over that 10 year period or 24,973 downloads per year. Now, donations have only been available on the Nexus for 5 years, so let's divide that download total in half, for 124,865 total downloads. In that time I've still gotten only 5 donations. So, if we do the math, that's a donation to download ratio of 0.00004004324 or 0.004%. Now, tell me again how donations work well? It depends on how successful you are as a modder. For example my favorite house modder, the one and only Elianora: https://www.patreon.com/Elianora I'm a unknown modder and i started public modding with Fallout 4 and i struggled a lot with buying the DLCs. As a student, i'm always broke. There are nice people out there who gifted me the DLCs to mod them. Also when my graphic card was broken, i also got some donations to get a new one. Since then, a lot of time has passed and donations are rare, but they happen from time to time and i'm happy about that. Its a good feel, that people love my work and support it. Yes, it also does motivate me to push things even further but i don't do it for the money. It's a nice side effect and helps to survive and pay the bills.
  5. Thread author. Hitting 17 FPS is very low. I have an i5 with 3.2 ghz boosted and the lowest i hit is probably ~30 (and they feel like 20 FPS) Also it depends on the shadow settings. Getting shadowboost helps a lot. I can hit 15 FPS, but only when precombined and previs are disabled.
  6. The issue is not truestorm. To fix that, set bScreenSpaceReflections to 1. Can be easily done with Bilagos Fallout4 tweak tool Its probably an Nvidia thing. Related to the newest driver
  7. "Dirty" edits do not cause harm, they only take some space, which is very very little. (at least in the DLCs, cleaning mods is a different topic.) Deleted Refs can be a problem, but its very unlikely that you run into issues with those. It happens, when a mod user does something with a tree for example, that bethesda deletes with a DLC. The engine tries to do something with the tree and runs into a hole. As many people use DLCs those issues are detected by mod authors and they are fixed. So in the end, there is no need for that.
  8. Are your freezes predictible or random? Do they always happen after a specific amount of time? Are your freezes only in interiors/ever had a freeze outdoor? (Diamondcity is outdoor too) How do your freezes occure? Lets take the Railroad HQ. Your freeze will happen when you are doing something? What happens when you walk into the HQ and stand still? Do you use any tweaks that enable multicore or hyperthreading? or any other ini settings that you have read somewhere and tested them. Another thing you can try, as you are using NAC. This mod comes with an INI File. It should be in your fallout data folder, if you are using NMM. its called: NAC.ini rename it to: NAC.ini.bak or remove it from the folder to a different one and test again.
  9. I haven't read everything in this thread so to make it short: Global Variables are accessed with functions MyGlobal.GetValue() and thus cause more stress on the scripting system. Properties are accessed directly with no function call. Another example of saving papyrus time: (MyGlobal.GetValue() as int) vs MyGlobal.GetValueInt() Casting a float to an int is faster than calling the GetValueInt function, as it causes more function calls. How much does this make a difference? More than you expect. My latest update for Better Locational Damage, adds scripted headshots and dismemberment. Time is very important as you can imagine. You don't want to shoot someone and see him fall over after a short time. When i started with scripting i made many of those "mistakes" and at some point it was noticeable. Especially with dismemberment i had issues. When you cut a bodypart off, the script has to process very fast and mine wasn't that fast. You could see as soon as you hit the target, how the script processed the hit and the bodypart got dismembered after a split second. I've changed many variables to properties and global values are cast to int, if needed. Now the delay between a headshot and dismemberment is nearly zero. You don't notice it. Papyrus is tied to frames, that is also something you need to know. Papyrus does not cripple frames but low frames cripple papyrus. So even a script that works perfectly fine at 60 FPS, may have small delays when at 40 FPS. It also depends on what the script is used for. Most of my GlobalValues get called onInit and are then handed to other properties to be processed. I've spent a lot of time to optimize my scripts and testing different approaches and how many time they need to process. You can also analyze your code with papyrus, how long it needs to process.
  10. I have no problem, that Bethesda would hire modders to create DLC sized mods. Like Far Harbor, Nuka World. The modding community has a lot of talented people for that. Also small quest mods or interesting NPC mods. Bethesda hires voice actors and stuff for your ideas etc. that would be a dream for many modders. I have also no problem to pay money for those mods/DLCs. Totally fine with that. But there is a huge doubt, that it will be only such mods. Paid mods already have a very bad reputation. Lets have a view at the Creation Club video. What do we see? Oh yes, crab armor... new weapons... if they want to make new DLCs and quest mods, or in general mods that add new content you can actually play. It would have been better to show their Far Harbor and Nuka World DLCs with the message: "You are already nostalgic about Far Harbor and miss the salty air? You want to take another ride in Nuka-World? We at Bethesda love new content and we want to give you more! With your help! Create that new content with us! Create your own DLCs with our support. Realize your ideas and thoughts!"
  11. Those random frame drop are related to super mutant overhaul and raider overhaul. I've made a replacement esp for Raider Overhaul, its in the installer of my Better Locational Damage mod. It fixes the frame drops. I haven't fixed Super Mutant Overhaul yet. Probably doing it some day....
  12. Well, if you want to be pedantic, Bethesda uses Bethesda's framework. Not all of the people there are likely able to make engine-level changes. And they use software frameworks made by others, and so on and so forth. Exactly. People who create Addons/Mods for Sim Settlement are also modders.
  13. I don't want to know, what Bethesda wants to try here. All i know, it's not for the community. It's all about THEIR money. They want more. They want to lure mod makers with comments like: "Work together with us! Get access to new tools and knodwledge!" They can't even deliver an "okay" game. From the technical side, Fallout 4 is a mess. Its a patchwork game. All their new techniques, they used... Its f***ing horriable. The problems that exist, can't be solved. Mods that modfiy cell, are a huge pain. The issues can't be resolved, without a major rework of the engine. So when they say, they will ensure that it will work with your savegame. Oh hey, i just bought a mod that was verified by Bethesda and adds new quests to the commonwealth. Now i just lost 30 fps in most areas. Game is nearly unplayable. But hey, "it works with your savegame" Fallout 4 has still soooo many bugs and issues. They want to "help" the community? Then fix your s*** and optimize it! I'm a mod author myself and i spend a lot of my free time for modding. Its my second job. But why do i spend so much time and without getting payed? Because i like what i do, I enjoy my work. Never did for money. Never did it for fame. Of course it nice, when you receive some donations, etc. But money should never be the reason to be in the modding community. It was always about making the game better, that we all love. Bringing your ideas to life. Creating a community that helps each other. I have no respect for money greedy mod authors. If you think, people should pay you for your "valueable" time. Spend it somewhere else and don't toxic the community. Everyone is replaceable. The institute already proved that. Edit: CC will make piracy great again.
  14. There is no reason to "clean". It doesnt bring any benefits.
  15. ^ This. Fallout 4 modding is still a huge pain. Its less about compatibility, its more about bugs & performance. The games engine struggles on all ends. Precombined meshes are a big issue for many good mod authors. Best example is ELFX. Great mod, but has huge problems with performance in interiors. But not only that, there are still other issues and also engine issues, which can't be easily fixed by mod authors. Like one issue i've found, that sometimes NPC templates do not get applied correctly. I messaged Bethesda about that issue, not even one response. They dont really care about their game. They only fix very important issues, medium to minor issues are not worth the effort. It's still a huge construction site. We are lucky that we have Arthmoor and his unofficial patch. So they talk about "new stuff" from Bethesda itself. So they add new stuff and leave it again to mod authors to fix their stuff? If i had one wish for Fallout 4. Optimize the shadows and the incredible amount of objects(and their crappy meshes) sticking in the ground of boston, which cripple performance by a lot!
  16. Interesting topic. There are a lot of trolls out there. My favorite ones are the professional idiots. "MOD NOT WORK. DON'T DOWNLOAD. NO UPDATE SINCE 1 WEEK, MOD DEAD." ...and have installed 3 different weapon overhauls. 5 sluty piper overhauls and wonder why she looks like Mama Murphy with boobs, that add 500 damage resistance. But guess what... they "uninstall" your mod, but when you release a new version they download it again. Yes, really saw that, as i tracked one troll. Yes, there are mod authors who can't stand that and vanish. It's sad but they are also naive. I mean, its the internet, what do you expect? That everyone will praise your work? You need to be strong to survive. Especially youtubers can sing you a song about that, about offensive comments, death threats etc. But there are/were mod authors i also didnt like, for example DDproductions. Never seen such a offensive mod author. Specially his extreme rant about Bethesda / Todd Howard. And in the end, ranting about ranting mod users/mod authors doesn't solve anything, as it will only provoke more rant/hate. There are options on the nexus to report, delete posts, ban users from your files etc. Its a good way to keep them away, if you feel the need for that.
  17. Ive played Fallout4 with a 2gb card and no issues. Are you using an ENB?
  18. Nightstrikers, even better than Nightstalkers ;)
  19. Its easy to find cells. Just click an object and note down the ID shown. Open FO4Edit and load the Fallout.esm and or DLCs. Search for the ID and you'll find the cell where the object is in.
  20. The "high resolution DLC" shouldnt be used. Its better to use Textures from Hein84 and get everything from FlaconOil Best textures you can find out there. Even the 1k versions of those mods, look 100 times better than from Bethesda.
  21. Fullscreen gets loaded when windowed and borderless is not ticked
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