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Everything posted by drithius

  1. When I see someone with No DLC, No GRA, & All DLC esps all loaded at once, I don't bother wasting my time trying to help; it's apparent you lack reading comprehension.
  2. Have you installed the assets for the WRP-WMX patch? You need everything from that patch except the .esp in order to run WMXUE with WRP.
  3. Did you try this on a clean save or a brand new install? A clean save is a save file made when you have none of the mods you're reinstalling loaded. If you just reinstall/reactivate mods outside of the game and then load up your old (corrupt) save, you won't get anywhere. Failing that, you could always try installing mods a couple at a time until you encounter a problem...
  4. Your menu files are screwed up. No amount of new new drivers and load order tinkering is going to fix them. Without knowing your installation order, I can only advise you uninstall any mods that alter your menus (darn, MCM, PN, Recon, oHUD, uHUD, etc), delete your menus subfolder, redownload it from Steam, then reinstall your mods in the following order: Darn->PN->MCM->Director's Chair Stuff->oHUD->uHUD I'm not sure where Advanced Recon falls into that, but certainly prior to uHUD.
  5. Load order looks mostly ok as far as I see. One key point, however, is that Rockwell Descent is very buggy and even the author acknowledges this. Recommend you disable it until you're read to play through it.
  6. Your childhood hero was Matt LeBlanc? ugh.
  7. AWOP adds higher DT armor to those powder gangers, as well as increasing their respective levels. You simply need to level up more and/or make use of headshots. And, if it were me, I would definitely not be using either Monster Wars or AWOP for a first playthrough of FNV; you're completely changing game balance.
  8. Nothing messed up in that picture. If you use WRP, be sure to use the "re-retextured 357" mod from Millenia.
  9. So, I've been slowly (ever so slowly) going through AWOP and cleaning it up in a great deal of ways. One thing that bothered me is that DJMystro generally made all NPCs use the default 01 adult male and female voice templates... so, I've been changing that up a bit, randomizing them. But I got to thinking, there is no point in generic, non-quest npcs initiating a "What do you need? Later..." dialog in the first place. How can I disable an npc's conversation, making them more like other NPCs that only speak up when idling or saying something generic when you click on them (but no zooming in for conversation)?
  10. Forgetful is one thing. Only 2% of unique downloaders actually making the effort to endorse is another. Whole lot of self-entitled people out there; sometimes, it's just not worth the extra work involved to debug/release something for public download.
  11. Why do people install a bunch of mods and then come on here and expect others to pick a needle out of a haystack for them? 1. Get BOSS working. 2. uninstall all mods. 3. Make an updated save. 4. Begin reinstalling mods a couple at a time and loading your save to detect problems. READ WHAT YOU'RE INSTALLING! It doesn't do much good to install an OWB IWS mod if you don't have OWB. Also, see that green check mark? Look under it for something to help us all.
  12. Uh, what? His load order is anything but fine. It's just about the worst load order I've ever seen, given how little he's adding. I don't know how the game is even loading. OP, after you've used BOSS, it's redirecting you to a log page because it's done running. If you subsequently reinstall your mod manager, it will list your updated load order. And, fyi, your saves might be irrevocably botched now with that prior load order. So, if you're still crashing, a new game is in order.
  13. But they're in hiding... If you want skirmishes, DFB-Random Encounters has an option for that.
  14. Put the dirty edits thing out of your mind. The base game files are like that. To find your problem, go to a point where you always crash, save, exit the game... and un-tick mods, one by one. until you find a lead. I would start with ElectroCity and Strip Entrance. Also, what do you mean by "cannot get the game to load"? Does it crash on startup? If so, that's likely a load order error, traceable by starting up FNVEdit and taking a look at the error message it gives you.
  15. Just go into FNVEdit, scroll down to the weapons tab of WME, and you'll be able to see all weapons that it affects. In the respective weapon entry, you'll see a section called 'Model with mods' - it should be straight-forward from there on out. Bear in mind if you change the model to a mesh that doesn't exist, you'll see a giant red exclamation mark when you equip that version of the weapon in-game. Remember to back up your original esp in case you accidentally give everything pony textures.
  16. You run boss and then restart your mod manager to see the updated load order. If you mess with the order in the manager before restarting it, you will undo BOSS's changes. Regarding your esp loadout, do you think it makes much sense to have plugins labeled NO DLC & ALL DLC active at the same time? Or something labeled (No Cyberware) when you have Cyberware loaded? :blush: Reading is gud.
  17. Then try posting your load order because very few of us are psychics.
  18. BOSS. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999//?
  19. Use both: a manually-edited FNVEdit patch for precise changes, merged into a bash patch handling macro-level merging.
  20. If you're referring to this: Then there's no fix, at least as far as I know.
  21. You're likely referring to an old vanilla bug; is it more pronounced while sneaking?
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