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Everything posted by angelwraith

  1. HAHA i guess i just dont care enough.. my backups are on nexus.. int he form of previous versions sooo i could care less what geck is trying to do.. i just hit the close "x" about 5-10 times and windows is like "soo i guess you want to close that" and does so accordingly.. :) never had a problem due to this.. unloading esp's or not geck is buggy as hell and i decided a long tome ago to not worry about it.. no problems yet. cipscis's plan is the best.. force a error in geck and say you dont wanna continue.. BOOM=OFF!
  2. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1516
  3. try HiVE w/ MMM hive offers MANY unique features.. look here. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11493 some of the things available: -teleport device -remote storage -MF cell dependant NV and Stealth device -Unique weapon functions such as self destruction weapons when handled by anyone other than player (IAS module) -weapons display shelf that automatically lays out all your guns neatly -item replicators -functioning facility reactors -ADAPTIVE item sorters.. can sort any item from any mod, you choose what goes where.
  4. just tried this: ...Didn't work.. I don't know what to do!!!!?! set DUMMYITEMref to DUMMYITEM if (DUMMYITEMref.IsInList SUBsortAdvancedWeapList) ; DO NOTHING (cause "== 0" caused syntax error) else ListAddForm SUBsortAdvancedWeapList DUMMYITEM 0 endif any other ideas? *EDIT* oook now this is really weird.. i copied the commands from the OnClose block and put them in the GAMEMODE block being activated by 0 and then changing to 1.... DOES NOT WORK!!! how is this possible?? doesnt make sense cause the only thing that actually makes it work is activating the container either manually or through console (with the same exact line onclose uses: set ACTIVATEDF to 0).. i realize BTW the code isnt very tidy.. ive tried about 8 million different things to get this to fire and this is the hacked up remains.. Video'ed the bug maybe it helps IDK... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyLfJm3_SJM
  5. yeah im not sure the list saves at all.. is why i have that container with all the objects that need to be added to the list that rebuilds the list.. but thats not my problem.. like i said it works fine if the variables are set by actually walking up to it and activating the container or setting the variables through the console, but NOT through script?? i mean its not a hard thing, in fact i have it set up to run the activation script that that variable controls on a "0" and changes to 1 so that it runs on load.. and IT DOES RUN ON LOAD SV always returns a "1" for that variable... but the sort doesnt work ... unless you manually activate it than all is fine.... all i can say is whatthe!@#$%lesauce!!! *EDIT* hmmm.. what you said at first didnt make any sense about searching for the missing form seeing how the missing forms will always be different per user.. BUT then it was like being hit in the side of the head with a baseball bat: add a DUMMY item to the add container that doesnt ever show up in the game and therefore will not ever actually be sorted.. than i can do what you said and search for the dummyitem per list. ill see if it helps THANKS!!!
  6. yeah im not sure the list saves at all.. is why i have that container with all the objects that need to be added to the list that rebuilds the list.. but thats not my problem.. like i said it works fine if the variables are set by actually walking up to it and activating the container or setting the variables through the console, but NOT through script?? i mean its not a hard thing, in fact i have it set up to run the activation script that that variable controls on a "0" and changes to 1 so that it runs on load.. and IT DOES RUN ON LOAD SV always returns a "1" for that variable... but the sort doesnt work ... unless you manually activate it than all is fine.... all i can say is whatthe!@#$%lesauce!!!
  7. i have forms that are added to a formlist through script.. pretty much everything works with the script i am using except for one thing.. the formlist does not load properly when loading the game. im not sure if it loads at all actually because the list is rebuilt every time the container the script is attached to is closed. if when loading the game i go to the terminal that uses the formlist and attempt its operation it does not work.. BUT if i open (and close obviously) the container the formlist works as it is supposed to for the rest of the time you are there.. until the next load. but if i set the variables manually through console that do the same EXACT thing as activating the container manually, it does not work. i dont get how walking up to the container and activating it is any different than activating it through the console.. maybe having to do with the calling ref or something?? idk.. im really lost anyone know what the hell im talking about?
  8. last entry = entry at the end of the list, NOT a single remaining entry. Again, the problem in the scripts you posted is that you're doing all your formlist operations (adding and removing) at the end of the lists. If you instead add and remove only at the head of the lists (index 0), your scripts will both be more efficient and avoid the bug. yeah i gots it now thanks soo much for your help!! always workin at index 0 from now on!
  9. look i get it he is happy.. and i am for him.. BUT every post is as valuable as its details.. maybe i could've worded it better but he needs to say WHAT we have to look forward to.. that way i know weather or not to follow his work... the simple ugly truth with these things is even when they seem like they're near completion you get "one more minute" syndrome.. if its here tomm. awesome.. but i honestly want to know ABOUT what he is working on so that if it is not done, i have enough interest to go find his work when it is. all im saying is provide details.
  10. please dont take this the wrong way.. but unless you're planning on posting some details as to what makes your mod special/different from the rest of our home mods.. i just have to wonder. what was the point of this post??
  11. WOW thats really quite helpful.. what i think this means for me is i need to flesh out the idea to replace forms from a copy.. that way i never hit 0 and also that way vanilla and masterfile items will always be sorted.. thank you very much!!!!
  12. omg DUH!!! thank you soo much how in the hell did i miss that??!??!
  13. i need to clear a formlist of all its contents.. this is what i tried.. freeze every time.. i get that the labels are causing a loop but no idea why the conditionals arent working to bypass them at the right time??!! label 1 set myCount to (ListGetCount SUBsortAdvancedWeapList) if (myCount > -1) ListRemoveNthForm SUBsortAdvancedWeapList myCount set myCount to (myCount - 1) goto 1 endif
  14. in script is there a function that calls the number of items in a container list? im trying to cycle through an inventory to add its items to a form list and move the item.. this is what i have.. all i need is a way to figure out how many unique forms are in the list. SCN SUBsorterSETTER ref rBaseInvObj int ACTIVATEDF int iInvPos int myCount Begin OnActivate set ACTIVATEDF to 1 ACTIVATE END BEGIN GAMEMODE if ACTIVATEDF == 1 set iInvPos to MyContainerREF.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WHAT I NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Label 1 if (iInvPos) set iInvPos to (iInvPos - 1) set rBaseInvObj to (SUBmedsorterADD.GetInventoryObject iInvPos) ListAddForm SUBsortmedslist rBaseInvObj set myCount to SUBmedsorterADD.getItemCount rBaseInvObj SUBmedsorterADD.removeItem rBaseInvObj myCount SUBsafe03REF.addItem rBaseInvObj myCount goto 1 endif set ACTIVATEDF to 0 endif END
  15. thank you yet again for your help! i found another way to manage what i was after though.. i used a preassembled form list and then checked the contents of a container against it. if the item is there it checks the count. so backwards from what i asked for but effective.
  16. I do something similar with ammo - but here it is adapted to rifles. You need to have the very latest version of FOSE for the GetInventoryObject function to work. I have it as a spell, but it doesn't have to be that way. short iInvPos;Position in container short iItemType;form type short iItemCount short iFlagRemove ref rBaseInvObj;Current Base object in container short iWeaponType BEGIN ScriptEffectStart ;Search from bottom to top and remove unwanted rifles set iInvPos to MyContainerREF.GetNumItems Label 1 if (iInvPos) set iInvPos to (iInvPos - 1) set rBaseInvObj to (MyContainerREF.GetInventoryObject iInvPos) set iItemType to GetType rBaseInvObj if (iItemType == 40) ;weapon Form set iWeaponType to GetWeaponType rBaseInvObj if ((iweaponType == 5) || (weaponType == 6));two hand rifles and automatics set iflagRemove to 1 endif endif if (iFlagRemove) ;Do stuff with the rifles set iItemCount to MyContainerREF.GetItemCount rBaseInvObj MyContainerREF.RemoveItem rBaseInvObj iItemCount set iFlagRemove to 0 endif Goto 1 endif RHKNPCREF.RemoveSpell MoveMyRiflesEffect END thank you for teh effort nut that doesnt quite fit what i need... i did get what i wanted working.. after hours of tinkering and failed attempts but its fine now.. if you would like to see the result i would be glad to share otherwise just wanna say thanks again
  17. dont know if anyone has posted this or anything like this but i have seen the methods others use to sort items and thought it was waaay too complicated and thought of an easier way select all the items you want sorted into said container and drag them onto a form list (make one, they're in misc.). make sure the container is persistant and name it whatever you want (for here its myContainer) make a terminal and use this script replacing "myContainer" with w/e name you decided on. also you must replace "myListName" with whatever you called your list THATS IT YOURE DONE, yeah you heard me no more bs hardcoding refrence names over and over and over.. its drag and drop baby!!! oh 1 more VERY IMPORTANT NOTE this script requires FOSE to be loaded in both the editor and the game if you dont know how go here http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Fallout...E_with_the_GECK int listnumF int myCount int formrefnumF ref formref set formrefnumF to ListGetCount myListName Label 1 if listnumF <= formrefnumF set formref to listgetnthform myListNamelistnumF set myCount to player.getitemcount formref player.removeitem formref myCount myContainer.additem formref myCount set listnumF to listnumF + 1 goto 1 endif set listnumF to 0
  18. ok so this is what i need.. i have this container.. inside will be weapons. what i want to happen is onactivate a variable is set to sort the weapons on gamemode,, what i need is for the twohanded rifles to be removed and set in in the game with a set pos in z and x to be constant and for the Ypos to start with the first weapon at a certain y pos and add 13 to that position and place the next 2handed rifle there. i have a feeling this could be pretty easy with form lists and a loop.. im just not sure how to implement it i think if i could add all the contents of a container to a form i could then do something like getnthform to go through the list and then a set pos with all the variables (of course "set y to y + 13") and then enable them ... and then loop to do all the contents all as long as they satisfy the weapon type == two handed rifle test idk its all REALLY confusing to me and i have a hunch 5 or 6 lines could fix my dilemma.. HELP PLEASE?!?! this would be a really nice addition to my mod.. would allow users to add all their suitable weapons to the gunrack in yjeir armory
  19. code now working... script was right a long time ago.. just didnt understand how the game worked but all is well and working properly now!! ScriptName WeaponsMenu0Script int iButton0 int iButton1 int iMenuLevel int weapACTF int runmenu float fTimer Begin OnActivate player set iMenuLevel to 5 set iButton0 to -1 set iButton1 to -1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 End Begin GameMode if iMenuLevel == 5 ; Level 0 set iButton0 to GetButtonPressed if iButton0 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton0 == 0 ; >>NONE<< set iMenuLevel to -1 elseif (iButton0 > 0) ; FirstLevel1Message set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iMenuLevel == 1 ; Level 1 set iButton1 to GetButtonPressed ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iButton0 == 1 ; Firstchoice >>>CRICKET(tweeter)<<< if iButton1 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton1 == 0 ; BACK set iButton1 to -1 set iButton0 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 5 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 elseif iButton1 == 1 ; Option 0-1 >>AIS<< set weapACTF to 1 set iButton0 to 1 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 elseif iButton1 == 2 ; Option 0-2 >>IFR<< set weapACTF to 2 set iButton0 to 1 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iButton0 == 2 ; Secondchoice>>>BIGSTICK<<< if iButton1 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton1 == 0 ; BACK set iButton1 to -1 set iButton0 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 5 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 elseif iButton1 == 1 ; Option 1-1 >>AIS<< set weapACTF to 3 set iButton0 to 2 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 elseif iButton1 == 2 ; Option 1-2 >>IFR<< set weapACTF to 4 set iButton0 to 2 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iButton0 == 3 ; Thirdchoice>>>NEWJACK<<< if iButton1 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton1 == 0 ; BACK set iButton1 to -1 set iButton0 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 5 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 elseif iButton1 == 1 ; Option 1-1 >>AIS<< set weapACTF to 5 set iButton0 to 3 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 elseif iButton1 == 2 ; Option 1-2 >>IFR<< set weapACTF to 6 set iButton0 to 3 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX endif if weapACTF <= 0 ; DO NOTHING ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 1 if (SUBTweeterREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBTweeterREF.disable SUBTweeterREF1.enable elseif (subtweeterref2.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBTweeterREF2.disable SUBTweeterREF3.enable endif set runmenu to 1 set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 2 if (subtweeterref.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 subtweeterref.disable subtweeterref2.enable elseif (subtweeterref1.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 subtweeterref1.disable subtweeterref3.enable endif set runmenu to 1 set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 3 if (SUBBigStickREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBBigStickREF.disable SUBBigStickREF1.enable elseif (SUBBigStickREF2.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBBigStickREF2.disable SUBBigStickREF3.enable endif set runmenu to 1 set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 4 if (SUBBigStickREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBBigStickREF.disable SUBBigStickREF2.enable elseif (SUBBigStickREF1.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBBigStickREF1.disable SUBBigStickREF3.enable endif set runmenu to 1 set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 5 if (SUBNewJackREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBNewJackREF.disable SUBNewJackREF1.enable elseif (SUBNewJackREF2.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBNewJackREF2.disable SUBNewJackREF3.enable endif Set runmenu to 1 set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 6 if (SUBNewJackREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBNewJackREF.disable SUBNewJackREF2.enable elseif (SUBNewJackREF1.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBNewJackREF1.disable SUBNewJackREF3.enable endif set runmenu to 1 set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> endif if runmenu == 1 set fTimer to fTimer + getSecondsPassed if fTimer >= .1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 set fTimer to 0 set runmenu to 0 endif endif END
  20. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11493
  21. ok so a new problem now.. this is a different script on a activator ONLY the first option works.. the second click always closes the window like you clicked "none" outside of the second click not doing what it is supposed to the script runs like i need it to. ScriptName WeaponsMenu0Script int iButton0 int iButton1 int iMenuLevel int weapACTF Begin OnActivate player set iMenuLevel to 5 set iButton0 to -1 set iButton1 to -1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 End Begin GameMode if iMenuLevel == 5 ; Level 0 set iButton0 to GetButtonPressed if iButton0 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton0 == 0 ; >>NONE<< set iMenuLevel to -1 elseif (iButton0 > 0) ; FirstLevel1Message set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iMenuLevel == 1 ; Level 1 set iButton1 to GetButtonPressed ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iButton0 == 1 ; Firstchoice >>>CRICKET(tweeter)<<< if iButton1 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton1 == 0 ; BACK set iButton1 to -1 set iButton0 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 5 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 elseif iButton1 == 1 ; Option 0-1 >>AIS<< set weapACTF to 1 set iButton0 to 1 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 elseif iButton1 == 2 ; Option 0-2 >>IFR<< set weapACTF to 2 set iButton0 to 1 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iButton0 == 2 ; Secondchoice>>>BIGSTICK<<< if iButton1 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton1 == 0 ; BACK set iButton1 to -1 set iButton0 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 5 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 elseif iButton1 == 1 ; Option 1-1 >>AIS<< set weapACTF to 3 set iButton0 to 2 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 elseif iButton1 == 2 ; Option 1-2 >>IFR<< set weapACTF to 4 set iButton0 to 2 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX if iButton0 == 3 ; Thirdchoice>>>NEWJACK<<< if iButton1 == -1 ; No button has been pressed yet elseif iButton1 == 0 ; BACK set iButton1 to -1 set iButton0 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 5 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU0 elseif iButton1 == 1 ; Option 1-1 >>AIS<< set weapACTF to 5 set iButton0 to 3 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 elseif iButton1 == 2 ; Option 1-2 >>IFR<< set weapACTF to 6 set iButton0 to 3 set iButton1 to -1 set iMenuLevel to 1 ShowMessage SUBweapmodMENU1 endif endif ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX endif End Begin MENUMODE if weapACTF <= 0 ; DO NOTHING ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 1 if (SUBTweeterREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBTweeterREF.disable SUBTweeterREF1.enable elseif (subtweeterref2.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBTweeterREF2.disable SUBTweeterREF3.enable endif set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 2 if (subtweeterref.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 subtweeterref.disable subtweeterref2.enable elseif (subtweeterref1.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 subtweeterref1.disable subtweeterref3.enable endif set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 3 if (SUBBigStickREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBBigStickREF.disable SUBBigStickREF1.enable elseif (SUBBigStickREF2.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBBigStickREF2.disable SUBBigStickREF3.enable endif set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 4 if (SUBBigStickREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBBigStickREF.disable SUBBigStickREF2.enable elseif (SUBBigStickREF1.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBBigStickREF1.disable SUBBigStickREF3.enable endif set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 5 if (SUBNewJackREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBNewJackREF.disable SUBNewJackREF1.enable elseif (SUBNewJackREF2.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 200 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 200 SUBNewJackREF2.disable SUBNewJackREF3.enable endif set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> elseif weapACTF == 6 if (SUBNewJackREF.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBNewJackREF.disable SUBNewJackREF2.enable elseif (SUBNewJackREF1.getdisabled == 0) && (SUBreactorstorageREF.getItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCell >= 400 ) SUBreactorstorageREF.removeItem AmmoMicroFusionCell 400 SUBNewJackREF1.disable SUBNewJackREF3.enable endif set weapACTF to -1 ; <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> <=> endif END
  22. ok so the idea is then to 1. disable the ref 2. move it to current cell 3. activate it 4. reset original container location 5. re-enable the ref im tired.. its almost 3 am so trying to put this together in meh head isnt working too well (beeerr is no help either) in the morning ill try to put together something to do this see if it works seems like a failsafe way to approach the problem though although to be honest.. if its really just the animation issue it seems like it would be easier to make a animation-less container like the other 3 i am using.. and if im really really bothered by the lack of animation while looking at the safe, i think i could bury the actual reference and put up a fake one in its place that gets activated by teh burried containers activation and vice versa of course the fake could activate the burried one when activated by touch rather than by the item actually it just hit me.. i can test if removing the animation would help and try your idea about activating a disabled ref all at the same time next time i get the error ill just disable the container from console and try again.. thatll answer both questions cause if it starts to work then it confirms the animation culprit and allows me a way to activate the container without moving anything
  23. ok so the idea is then to 1. disable the ref 2. move it to current cell 3. activate it 4. reset original container location 5. re-enable the ref im tired.. its almost 3 am so trying to put this together in meh head isnt working too well (beeerr is no help either) in the morning ill try to put together something to do this see if it works seems like a failsafe way to approach the problem though although to be honest.. if its really just the animation issue it seems like it would be easier to make a animation-less container like the other 3 i am using.. and if im really really bothered by the lack of animation while looking at the safe, i think i could bury the actual reference and put up a fake one in its place that gets activated by teh burried containers activation and vice versa of course the fake could activate the burried one when activated by touch rather than by the item
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