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Everything posted by angelwraith

  1. he's already using iskeypressed.. soo thats a given.
  2. thats because its not in the gammode block, it need to be updating constantly to check for keypresses. but... the showmessage and variables may not register properly if theyr running on the same frame.. soo test it. if it acts buggy but is initializing you are going to need to put a timer in there to interrupt the frame. you can use this to interrupt the script if needed, test it first you may not need to: float fTimer ShowMessage OmniToolMenuMessage set fTimer to .5 label 1 if fTimer > 0 set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed goto 1 endif set on to 1 set iMenuLevel to 0
  3. hopefully this works for you, its designed to make there be only 1 holly and deal with summoning and dismissing her: oh and dont worry about scaling. more than likely the player is going to want to outfit the npc themselves, and seeing how only certain items are available at certain levels the npc will end up scaling naturally with the player as the better equipment is available and they decide to outfit her with it. if you really really want that control over her equipment yourself and want to deny the player that control you can pretty easily set up a few different equipment lists in formlists and then substitute the formlist name for the objectID with hollyREF.additem formlistID 1 which will add 1 of everything in that list. right before you do that though use hollyREF.removeallitems to clear out her inventory so that the new equipment is all she has to equip.
  4. in geck its under effect shader: fxSpotterShader change the colors there to what you need also the alpha numbers will help in making it subtle this is all on the left side, you dont need to mess with any of the other settings in there though
  5. well then, here ya go: HiVE - Continuous laser prototype
  6. just be careful, the more custom stuff you add the bigger the file size get. mods that deal completely in vanilla models generally have the smallest file sizes.. and vice versa. if you do find someone to pit models together for you make sure they understand the importance of a low poly count on those items.
  7. i mean neither of the examples i am referring to are really super detailed as far as the zombie population goes they still may have valuable resources and ideas.
  8. Sorry, I should have quoted this part before when replying. For me, refwalking has worked like a breeze since I read what Cipscis calls the 'apple bug'. I've not had to resort to creating quests to manage that part at all. I wasn't knocking your proposed solution to the OP's problem if that's what you thought BTW, listclear is not yet implemented for NV. You refer to the apple bug as being involved in formlists, yep I know there are some caveats there too. For all I know one of those is refered to as the 'apple bug' too... before my time :) oh gotcha see i misunderstood then see the real reason i like using quest scripts when dealing with refwalking is stopquest for some reason whenever i tried using refwalking with object quests there was issues with actually getting it to stop once its doing its thing stopquest doesnt care if its in a loop.. it just stops it. and yeah that script has actually been significantly revamped since that last post but for what was needed the old one i had on the laptop sufficed. Im sorry if i mislead you about listclear working.. here is the current script that addressed that problem: and this should work for what you need. make a new quest. save it. open the quest back up and in the script dropdown select the script above priority 55 allow repeated stages allow repeated conversation topics. to start your remover use this in a script : startquest yourquestnamehere to stop it use : stopquest yourquestnamehere
  9. actually there is NO need for the apple. that is ONLY if you are removing the forms from the formlist. the script provided removes nothing but a 1 off the count variable... no bugs no need for apple. when i was using refwalking in FO3 to move items from a container to the world this is a bug i saw because i actually DID remove the items themselves. if you are working from a container for some reason or decide that the method using variables like in this script isn't for you, i can provide the answer to your problems.. but to be clear no apple is needed for the method i provided here.. as long as you dont actually remove the items from the list. and because after your actors are disabled and markfordelete they will not show up in the count anymore so no room for game bloat.
  10. this model is what i used for my poster activators, use it as you please. if you like to see its implementation check out HiVE
  11. in every case ive tried the continuous laser projectile caused a crash.. and without documentation anywhere as to its syntax i am assuming im either doing something wrong or it just plain doesn't work.
  12. there was a zombie mod in FO3, dont know if it was ported or not, but i even had zombies in my mod HiVE for FO3... wonder why nothing came up about that mod in your searches... may be a good place to start to get an idea of whats in store for you.
  13. requires NVSE. what your looking for is called refwalking and needs to be used with 200 (actors for refwalking) couple of sources for you: NVSE GetFirstRef GetNextRef use those to grab your references, as i said before the "type" you need is 200 see the syntax for how to use. and finally, in the following spoiler i will provide an example script for you that has these functions being used and actuall doing something with the dead bodies (highlighting them black) so all you need to do is delete what you dont need and make changes to the function part for the dead actors. and 1 more VERY important thing refwalking for me is notoriously buggy when not used in a quest script and controlled with startquest and stopquest so i suggest using this in a quest script and setting up a quest to handle it. if you still have any questions ill try to help
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itUymWMsa6s available NOW! HERE
  15. got to thinking on this. got a video of what i came up with will upload in a few hours. will upload mod tonight when i get home and have a little time to tweak it.. but its pretty nice as is.
  16. Nothing wrong with it at all. It looks to be the most straight forward way. The more ways we know how to do things, the better off we all are ;) A lot of people, for various reasons, prefer not to use NVSE, so I provided a possible non-NVSE way to do it. ooooh ok. i was wondering why there was a need to provide a longer route to a simple problem but if you were avoiding NVSE i get it. personally i cant mod without nvse.. there are just waaay to many reasons for someone like me who focuses on function to require it for the fans of my mods. like refwalking and loops. 2 reasons every scripter should be familiarized with NVSE. hell i required FOSE in fo3 and never got a single complaint.. but then again, that mod is known for all the UNIQUE features it offered.
  17. the dictionary (geck wiki) pretty much tells you syntax (how to use) and the function: BUT as far as the description goes.. it doesn't reflect what they say quite exactly... i tested it through console and here is the result: set on NCR ranger ranger did NOT sneak with me or follow me. companion wheel DID come up however.. but the only thing that worked was open inventory.. this is probably because there is nothing needed for that option but likely the other options have settings and variables that need to exist for the other functions to work. now this part is interesting: set it on a fiend no longer tried to fight me but did not follow or fight with me or sneak companion wheel did come up did allow inventory access nothing other functions again. this may help. sorry it took so long.. been sitting on my screen for half an hour at least i keep getting sidetracked.
  18. so thats it.. haha i though that was the way it came.. just an oversight in code or something.. bwaahaha mine been this way since day 1 (unpacked the bsa's and installed geck n such FAR before i fired up the game for the first time. i gotta be honest i AVOIDED playing this game for a while because i was afraid of what i would become if i started modding again... and as mentioned.. i failed.. hell at least my girl still loves me... i think..
  19. are you suuuuure im pretty sure officially the bird is still the word. ..yep just asked my buddy peter griffin and he said that.... well... lets just say the bird is still the word.
  20. drag the audio from the object window to the render window. the sound will show up in the render as a green speaker but you wont be able to see it in game. double click the green speaker once in the render window to edit its reference info.
  21. @ rickerhk & davidlallen & FloatsUP umm whats wrong with my way? if anything at all is the crosshair ref a return will prevent the chair from activating.. if you're not looking at an activator.. up you stand.. and you dont have to tell anyone anything special they will sit as normal and as far as they are concerned they will stand as normal as you dont usually look at an activator when you are attempting to stand up. just use: SCN AAAChairDoNotActivateScript ref meREF begin onActivate set meREF to getSelf if player.getCrosshairRef == meREF || player.getCrosshairRef == 0 ACTIVATE else return endif END *EDIT* simplified script again so you dont evern have to set the chair to persistent or name it or anything like that. if you attach this script to a chair ALL copies of that chair will work as well now. no need to set names. attach to the chair you want this to be on and YOU ARE DONE. JUST TESTED IN GAME, this script works EXACTLY as prescribed i tested it activating containers as well so i know it does what you need.
  22. I think this should work for you here.... WOW that is a truely beautiful sphere.. its almost a shame you cant see the vertices as that in itself is a work of art. however i am worried there may be too many polygons because this thing has to update almost every frame in a new location... and i feel really guilty about this but someone already put together a great nif for me and its actually in the current release of the mod and looks pretty much perfect.. im really sorry i didnt post that here. but i do actually need one more sphere.. with almost the same exact specs but this time i need it to have a collision layer on it but be hollow so that the player can stand inside it without being pushed out. this is for a pushbutton shield so it must have a collision this time. (this is going to work physically like a real shield and not just block damage through script. is it possible for there to be a inner radius and an outter radius to a sphere so that this work like a shell? thanks for your help.. ill likely still use that texture in place of my current solution (manually editing vertex color in nifscope, suuucks)
  23. ambient sounds use playsound. locational sounds use playsound3d if you mess this part up it wont work in game. however, to get out of this; easiest way to deal with sounds in my experience is to actually add them as references in the game. that way you dont have to code them thus closing opportunities for them to not work as expected. remember if you need the reference to be enabled to play to set the reference to disabled on start and if you need control over whether or not they're playing use enable and disable to control the reference.. still really simple code. and no worrying about how to stop a looping sound ;)
  24. it affects all actors in cell or however many cells you specify with the getfirstref and getnextref commands. and yes that is including dead ones. if you need the script to ignore them use ActorREF.GetDead != 1 i actually have a pretty awesome example script thatll distinguish between actors and their current states, i tried to make it as legible as possible as i pass this script on to help people often: this should have everything you need to deduce how to use ref-walking on actors. this is not a cut and paste script thatll have you up an running, just a guideline so you can read it and try things based on the methods there.
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