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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. I think the Valenwood mod lets you be the ruler there.
  2. Are they planning on adding combat pets in?
  3. I haven't seen anything about Hawken until I saw a preview of it on Gamespot the other day. I thought at first it was the new Mechwarrior game with a different title. The game does look a bit fast paced, but its too fast imo. Still, I might have to give it a whirl. Ziitch, EVE is a pretty good space combat sim. Check it out.
  4. So what's your thoughts on the upcoming Hawken game with regards to the developing Mechwarrior Online game?
  5. Well that was always a prevalent feature in all of the Diablo games. I can't count the number of times I'd get a set of keys in a special chest or dropped off a boss in hell difficulty. Is Dragons Dogma coming to the PC?
  6. Shoot, I remember back in the day when all you had was a disk and didn't need a cd key. :tongue:
  7. What's so hard not to understand why? If you're not going to play it anymore, why have it on your computer?
  8. DMC Stylish has a dual wield addon http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/16459 err, that's only the animation (after reading the description CMIIW) need the the system though, so I could dual wield vanilla weapon :D This is an actual working dw system: Unnecessary Violence II and its predecessor: UV1. I personally found UV2 a bit buggy and use UV1 myself. Both mods are a little buggy on some features, but I usually just use the DW part of it. I may give UV2 a try again soon. But anyways, look into those for a very nice dual wield system.
  9. That was my favorite classes too. Necromancer (summoner in my case) was the one I ended up playing the most. Paladin and Werewolf Druid were the next.
  10. Well, I'm actually okay with the server instability because that won't last forever. I pre-ordered D2 and when it went live server instability was seen with that game as well. It eventually got worked out. No, my biggest concern is the gameplay itself, and you've pretty much got that covered. And honestly, I don't see a class that really appeals to me all that much. Oh well.
  11. I thought Dragon's Dogma was console only.... For D3, that's too bad. I've been tempted several times to buy the game since I really liked D1 and D2. In fact, I still have my account as active for D2.
  12. I'd also suggest taking a look at TESA and in particular, the BTA guild where they do extensive testing for you.
  13. ....except that once you're done with it, there's no real reason to go back. However, it is a good one to have.
  14. Um... you do realize that Bioware didn't make SWG, right? Also, this looks interesting. I really wanted to move some characters over. I stopped subscribing partially because my roommate unsubscribed (we would play together a lot), and I just got too busy with school. Uh, yeah, both of which were partnered/licensed with Lucas, LTD., also who pretty much claims ownship on everything related to Star Wars.
  15. I'm still not signing up until they give me my spined rancor pet from SWG! >:(
  16. You could do an OnDeath block script to trigger the disable/enable. Nice idea, I actually had something like this in mind for a quest mod I've wanted to make for awhile. :thumbsup:
  17. The UI (the bars,etc) looks like it might be Darnified UI There are a lot of options you can use for it. Someone else will have to figure out the attire. I have no clue there.
  18. “Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!!” Minsc, Baldur's Gate2. "The true war is waged in the hearts of all living things, against our own natures.... You are the battleground...and if you fail...that shall herald the darkness to come." - KOTOR2 (some parts within the quote are left out).
  19. Not really lame considering that the assassins way is to keep everything neutral and since the british were a very strong power back then, helping the colonies would have been a step to bringing balance to world powers again. So really, to answer your topic question, the assassins fight for balance, not for one particular party or the other. On a side note, take my opinion with a grain of salt; I've been out of the AC loop for awhile now having only played AC1. Never got a chance to play 2 or the subsequent others.
  20. Or you can just use a Disenchanter mod such as: this one
  21. But you also have to realize that Oblivion was probably much the same way when it first came out too. I wasn't here when it happened since I bought the game and joined the modding scene in '08, but I know there was a LOT of legwork completed before a lot of the good mods even came out. Perhaps Skyrim is the same way, no?
  22. or: "Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!!"
  23. QTP3, bomrets high res normals. If you want overkill then get lush and gaudy flora or what was that mod called XD Insanitysorrows high Res armor & weapon compilation from tesalliance. For PC and npc graphics: hgec/uff, Roberts male / amb (these have underwear versions too so not a nude mod really) My examples. Don't forget the creature packs from the same author as QTP3
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