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Everything posted by lonewolfkai

  1. Nope, not a hoax. It was really announced. I still remember when I played the first Wing Commander and all of its pixelated glory. Ahhhh, good times.... good times. I never played Freelancer though. ALways wanted to try it but never had the time since other games were taking up my time.
  2. That's pretty interesting. They have some of the best open world-ness in a game. Perhaps it was the bland landscapes or dungeons/ruins or something. Mods helped me with that though. :biggrin: The Witcher2 is semi-open world. I tried it but just couldn't get into it when the new one came in. When my HDD crashed, I just didn't even bother re-installing it. although, I did keep my save file... just in case.
  3. Have you tried any of the Elder Scroll series?
  4. I don't understand why it's not installing. That's really weird. I'll be in a similar boat in a few days myself, but hopefully, I'll have working paddles. I've got to install WinXP on a laptop that has Win7 and really shouldn't have it installed on it.
  5. like a month. why? Definately shouldn't be the drive then. Have you tried making a separate partition before trying to install XP?
  6. Um, what's WoT? :blush: I have a couple games myself that no longer run.
  7. Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen those forums. I wonder if the old mods will work for the new update, but I'm guessing not. I don't know if I can take that tutorial dungeon again. I've ran the dungeon so many times that I know it like the back of my hand.
  8. it wasn't "snuck in", because From never said they were ditching it. They said the game would be available on Steam, and it is. However, the Steam version still uses GFWL drm, which caused some confusion originally. So yes, it still uses GFWL. If you're worried about save deletion, a widely used mod called DSfix fixes many aspects of the port and also can be used to back up your saves automatically. No its not just the save deletion, it's GFWL period.
  9. Sounds pretty cool. Does this game still have Games for Windows Live still tied in. I heard it was snuck in despite From saying they won't use it.
  10. you got further then i did lol! my main toon only got to 22. i got every other class to level 5 and a couple a little past that. honestly what was slowing me down is that lack of customization. if you dont like the moveset the weapons give you, your kinda screwed. and you get all these abilities but you cant use most of them. there really is no customization in what moves and abilities you use. which is kind of a bummer to me. ill go back eventually, thats the great thing about it not being Subscription based. but for now, ill be playing Borderlands 2. gimme a few weeks to a month and ill slowly jump back into some GW2 LoL actually prepared me for being stuck with the movesets, which btw, I'm back to playing that some again. Yeah, I'm going to drop out of GW2 for a bit and jump back into Oblivion. Those daedras are starting to fester up the world again and my dragon has been starving for awhile. i havent played since i hit lvl 30 about a month ago, maybe a little less. LoL is different youre only stuck with the moveset for 45 minutes not having to play days on end with them :P as i said, ill take a break for a bit. play me some borderland 2, and eventually some Torchlight 2 and whatever else. i got a bunch of Ps3 games laying around i bought on sale and havent touched them yet. Yep, I know what you mean there. I've got several titles sitting in my drawer I have yet to play. Maybe I'll load one of those up tonight or tomorrow. :thumbsup: If you played Guild Wars 1 then you'll realize why they locked the moves to which weapon you're using. It was impossible to balance all of the moves with eachother and make sure you couldn't make some sort of super build. This way is easier to balance, maybe they'll add some alternate moves later. :) My assassin had a pretty nice 4-chain set up. Or maybe it was 5. Don't remember, but I really enjoyed that.
  11. you got further then i did lol! my main toon only got to 22. i got every other class to level 5 and a couple a little past that. honestly what was slowing me down is that lack of customization. if you dont like the moveset the weapons give you, your kinda screwed. and you get all these abilities but you cant use most of them. there really is no customization in what moves and abilities you use. which is kind of a bummer to me. ill go back eventually, thats the great thing about it not being Subscription based. but for now, ill be playing Borderlands 2. gimme a few weeks to a month and ill slowly jump back into some GW2 LoL actually prepared me for being stuck with the movesets, which btw, I'm back to playing that some again. Yeah, I'm going to drop out of GW2 for a bit and jump back into Oblivion. Those daedras are starting to fester up the world again and my dragon has been starving for awhile. i havent played since i hit lvl 30 about a month ago, maybe a little less. LoL is different youre only stuck with the moveset for 45 minutes not having to play days on end with them :P as i said, ill take a break for a bit. play me some borderland 2, and eventually some Torchlight 2 and whatever else. i got a bunch of Ps3 games laying around i bought on sale and havent touched them yet. Yep, I know what you mean there. I've got several titles sitting in my drawer I have yet to play. Maybe I'll load one of those up tonight or tomorrow. :thumbsup:
  12. Are there any flamey weapons in it?! :dance:
  13. you got further then i did lol! my main toon only got to 22. i got every other class to level 5 and a couple a little past that. honestly what was slowing me down is that lack of customization. if you dont like the moveset the weapons give you, your kinda screwed. and you get all these abilities but you cant use most of them. there really is no customization in what moves and abilities you use. which is kind of a bummer to me. ill go back eventually, thats the great thing about it not being Subscription based. but for now, ill be playing Borderlands 2. gimme a few weeks to a month and ill slowly jump back into some GW2 LoL actually prepared me for being stuck with the movesets, which btw, I'm back to playing that some again. Yeah, I'm going to drop out of GW2 for a bit and jump back into Oblivion. Those daedras are starting to fester up the world again and my dragon has been starving for awhile.
  14. Well I'm like my friend Hoofhearted, I think I've burnt myself out of the game. I played it too much I think, even though I'm only lvl 44 with 29% world completed. I think finding out the requirements for those Legendaries put a damper on it too.
  15. Holy crap HM! HOw in the world did you do that!? I'm 44, and only have about 29% of the world explored. You must have a LOT of time on your hands. It'll take me a loooong time to do what you did and I'm not really sure I have that time to spare. :sad: And that really stinks for me because I want one of those Sunrise Legendary Greatswords.
  16. Sometimes a single, tiny point is left unweighted. When you get to the point that it highlights it for you, try moving it away from the main mesh. Just use a specific # so that you can fix it back to the same point you started. Then you can check it or redo that weight.
  17. If you're having trouble finding testers too btw, or you just want a couple more in addition, check out TESAlliance. They have a testing guild there.
  18. I'm finally over at Sea of Sorrows too, but I've noticed a lot of people are offline while I'm online. Hellsmaster, you look awesome! Love that sword too! The game has been very fun so far, but one thing I'm disappointed about is that there's not very many particle/flamey weapons (I've only seen two so far), and I'm a flamey fanatic. I thought they were going to put in such effects on weapons to show their attributes, but I guess they took that out during development.
  19. So stuff like this: GW2 Junk and GW2 Salvage needs to be saved? Or do you mean that these just need to be saved and not those above?
  20. whoa, wait a minute. So even though the trophies say salvage, I should be saving them?
  21. I dunno Vag. I disagree somewhat with you on that second part. Nearly all the pirates I've talked to online say the only reason they pirate the game is to avoid the DRM junk put in with them. In fact, most of them have actually bought a legit copy first. As you stated, DRM avoidance is not the only reason for piracy, typically money is the issue, but it would be hard to flat out deny that as one of the reasons for doing it. I also don't think ignoring a game or company will help this problem. If people were to flat out ignore the game, the company might think that the market just does not like the game or games the company produces, completely unaware that people are ignoring it because of their DRM. People will have to write the companies and tell them why they are boycotting.
  22. Wow, Vagrant0 is like reading my mind or something. He has hit the nail on the head so many times and on so many nails that it's not even funny. It's cause his meme post.... erm, I mean... his post count is so high. Yeah, Steam is more the lesser of evils than accepted. I still don't do Steam myself. I am one of those that do not like things being put into my computer without me knowing what it is first. Call it what you will, but to me, when something is put into your files and registry without you knowing, that's malware. For DRM, I'd even go as far as to say because of it piracy has actually multipled dramatically just to avoid the issues already being discussed here. In Diablo3's case, I'd also like to add that a lot of people hated on the game because it just wasn't as good as it was being made out to be and was a game that should have been made 10 years ago. It wasn't a game that took 10 years to develop with today's gaming environment/expectations in mind. It was made with the era of D2 in mind and that just doesn't work anymore.
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